Mechanics: Beyond Memorization
Mechanics. They are for cars and you. You are a car now as you must do mechanics if you want to survive a fight. In A Realm Reborn it didn’t feel like mechanics had any sort of pattern to them. A marker to signify damage on one player can next be used to signify a stack mechanic. But once we get into Heavensward things start to be more consistent.
មនុស្សក្រោយខ្នង (ភាគទី៤-បញ្ចប់) - Silent Love Ep4 (End) - [Sastra Film Original Life Series]
It’s time to celebrate Not yet! I have something to tell you and I have video for everyone to see that show about a man sacrificed It’s not easy to capture New Novel book! New Novel book! [People giggle]The person in the video isn’t Ordum Please purchase! How can it be! The man in this video never said how much he sacrificed for me He is a stupid man who always help me silently But I’m a fool who don’t know about it Everything he did, he kept in his mind until I get it wrong What did you say?
Open Sky House Residents in Satsang with Isaac Shapiro
so i’d like to make a little introduction uh first of all welcome it’s wonderful to have this amazing connection from all the way from europe to the other side of the world and we can see that in in your part of the world it must be very sunny and you’ve got a lovely shirt on there we’re all here i think there’s 18 people we’re all sitting here together so this is pretty amazing technical hookup i would say yeah amazing we’ve never done it before so kind of a first time historical moment i experienced a lot of love and also a lot of expansion yeah beautiful and then without doing anything yeah someone asked you how did that happen how can you answer them you know once i uh someone was doing an interview with me and they asked me when did you wake up and i said i never woke up that which was awake was always awake it just you know somehow it wasn’t seen before it just didn’t then at some moment it was seen and there was reckoning recognized that wow that’s my nature it’s always been here it’s always like that and the sense of me yeah was a mirage of fatah magana just it appeared from a certain activity you could say that activity of identification but when i looked nobody did that it was just all these automatic movements that happened but that was which was aware was always there aware of it just you know somehow it wasn’t noticed yeah yeah so the sense of i you know that can never wake up because in truth it doesn’t even really exist it’s just uh mirrors you who we are we always are we’ve always been can’t be anything else here and whatever that is which we can’t really ever put into words everything appears in that every sensation every thought the whole universe time matter energy space it all appears in that yeah that’s why you know it’s like when you when scene you see it you practice to get somewhere and it takes you away from here for what’s already here it’s lovely to see you again and that this love affair has not left you it’s beautiful okay thank you for coming to sit with me thank you so much what do you notice if anything um i would say i noticed that you are very quiet inside is there a boundary between you and me that you can find it can be honest you know it’s totally fine just i mean there’s it’s a boundary in some way with thoughts that come and go but yeah so those goals yeah those thoughts come and go and so and so you know it’s like uh so it’s it like there’s a sense of a boundary that comes and goes or um yeah but when it goes then there’s no boundary yeah then there’s no boundary yeah yeah okay i get it then there’s just flow right this information flowing here so a funny question where where do you begin and end experientially right now not nothing you’ve read anyway or heard anyway just right here sitting just exploring together yeah i don’t know this is good doesn’t really matter it doesn’t really feel like any any beginning or end no yeah no limitations yeah yeah just this this in which everything is appearing it’s just and thoughts are still coming or they’ve slowed down yes less well they just fall away and the funny question but just just to play not nothing serious here and you don’t have to give a right answer or anything like that just some the simple question who are you not to answer with your mind but to answer really from being here and maybe no words come it’s okay just a question just dropping it in and seeing what comes here i’m sure you’ve read enough books you could give the right answer but that’s not what the point of the question is well that’s not really any answer i feel uh some um maybe some movement or some energy in the heart that’s all that that happened yeah beautiful this personality that you used to think of as yours when you look for me oh what is that it’s also something which comes and goes movements habits yeah old information memories yeah how is it for you is it easy to let go of this concept of personality pure it’s just quiet it’s just like just not even needing to let go because it’s just yeah just like again i would say it’s just a seeing you know well that’s just a construction you know it’s just how the system functioned it’s hard to learn to function at some point it’s just very clearly seen it’s just it has nothing to do with who i am nobody’s responsible for it nobody does it it’s just it happens by itself if it happens yeah this yeah maybe inside during uh dinner with the community yesterday that we are all taken care of we’re also just totally taken care of so we can let go of this responsibility for everything yeah i mean you know that that whole idea of responsibility was just an idea that was put on our heads actually who is it that would actually take responsibility i feel very very peaceful very much at home very fantastic yeah beautiful yeah thanks for taking a few moments together i also feel it’s here being part of the community feeling like being at home yeah and being in the right place how beautiful really lucky and someone is just lucky maybe i had some questions but it’s not so important at the moment i can understand okay thank you how would you describe prima i would say on the surface there’s lots of small disturbances but on the inside deep it’s just quiet yeah i love how sweetly your system receives from me it’s lovely and now that meets me is very sweet for me and i have to say this technology is really miraculous yeah i mean it’s so interesting yeah yeah i mean it’s it’s we feel each other we see each other it’s just like no time no space thank you puma thank you so to me when we meet like this it’s like you know when you hook two computers together you can download each other oh it’s very beautiful and what’s beautiful is it’s a two-way street you know the flow of information just goes both ways and so whatever you know has been learned in all the years of exploring is immediately available to you i mean it’s it downloads at such a speed it’s incredible and uh yeah and it seems like you know it’s like the what makes the connection like the fastest speed possible is when we feel safe when we just feel like we can race together then it just downloads into this thing you know one way to speak about this whole story is you know it’s like there’s that recognition of being that our nature is that awareness but you know at the level of the nervous system if our parents didn’t have us ever you know i could say a sense of being able to enjoy the moment and be present at the moment they couldn’t have shown our nervous system that and if you know we also inherit a lot of intergenerational trauma and stuff and it’s it’s beautiful to meet another nervous system that has kind of explored some of that so that that can come to peaceness without having to do in do anything just in the download process here so sometimes i mean like now i am pretty sure you’re feeling tingling in your hands and your feet and that’s a release you could say of trauma it’s uh just without doing anything just by meeting together in the way like this you can sense that your hands and feet are tingling yeah yeah yeah so just your system getting new information it’s great and it’s good to take it slowly not to overdo it because it’s it’s a lot just yeah i’ll see you you’re enjoying and but also now it’s good to not cut too if you want to go quick it’s good to go slow and gentle so and even though we’re not going anywhere it’s it’s it’s just you could say the upgrading updating the the operating system you can relate her beautiful thank you thanks for just technical expertise you know one of one of the things i love to invite us because for those of us that have eyes your english is good enough to understand me yes yes okay for those of us who have eyes the south most powerful sense but our eyes have usually gotten to the habit of seeing objects but when we’re born as a baby our eyes are just holes and the light just comes in so you can imagine that your eyes are just holes and the light of me and the light of this moment is just coming in and so we don’t then project that there’s inside and outside and stuff like that you know when we we you know because language turns everything into nouns so we say a tree or that it’s really treeing and it’s actually you know when we look it’s appearing in us right that’s where we actually see is in in awareness here yeah so the experience of now is in awareness you can’t keep it out even if you wanted to it’s yeah i’m always loved to hear how people described how would you describe you can speak in german if it’s easier but well i i i don’t see you so well but i feel you very strongly yes that’s clear yeah yes it’s a lot of joy yeah joy bubbling bubbling joy yeah beautiful yeah lovely yeah to have joy like that and so the question is how much joy can we stand before we just explode ugh a lot of my energy moving that’s fun and it’s moving everywhere in the whole system in the whole body here that’s beautiful try to find words to speak about this and so it’s like meeting the moment is the beloved you know like if you meet the beloved it’s like this is such joy there’s such beauty here it’s just exquisite so now i’d like to hear how how you can describe this if if it’s possible it’s like a super present everything very alive and juicy can just speaking from the direct experience nothing you’ve heard secondhand nothing just from here what is this intelligence that’s loving us that’s seeing through these eyes it’s breathing ourselves moving every cell that’s moving every atom that’s hard to put in words huh it’s good to meet with you to be in this love affair with love thanks for you thank you how do you like this food it’s yummy y’all very beautiful to have some comments with you i mean to meet like to meet like this is just love loving love huh um this energy that you’re feeling it feels friendly or it feels like i mean i know it’s you not used to it but just feel friendly or feel unsafe or how would you describe leave yeah sometimes uh widely comfortable quite fast yes so is it the energy that’s uncomfortable or is it the resistance to the energy that’s uncomfortable good question i don’t i don’t know it’s you know it’s a good answer because yeah it’s just better just to just to look and see to my perception it feels like your system isn’t used to it and it doesn’t know me and it doesn’t it’s not it’s not sure it’s if it likes it or doesn’t like it because it is uncomfortable so something tries to control not you but some old information and so it’s it’s just this little dance that’s going on not a big deal you’re not doing anything right or wrong or good or bad it’s just interesting to watch yeah yeah it seems uh some months i try to to see if how i uh yes as you said if i resist or not but i don’t think so yeah is to see what if i didn’t if it is i resist against or if it’s not it’s not you that’s doing it yeah yes yeah that there’s just is resistance but it’s not you it’s just you know i could say who knows where it comes from but there’s just something is resisting but it’s not you if it was up to you it would not resist it’s clear and that resistance is just some way your system doesn’t feel safe that’s all and it’s it’s just like it is you can you can’t do anything about it if it feels safe and it can release but yeah nothing you need to do about it just noticing it’s okay it’s all okay you really don’t have to do anything just seeing something is resisting in spite of what you want which is the opposite so it’s automatic it’s unconscious nobody’s doing it it’ll find its way how does it feel to hear what i’m speaking what i’m saying to really hear that that resistance doesn’t mean anything about you if it was up to you it would not be there so just gently let it reveal itself it’ll show you everything okay karen what beautiful ah listen i’m gonna go just for a moment and say good night to the community and i’m getting a little tidier and thanks for organizing this you guys really a deep pleasure to meet you and feel what you guys have very generous offer thank you thank you yeah cool big love have a good sleep thank you.
Open Sky House Residents in Satsang with Vasant Swaha
hello rasam welcome hello a big thank you for this wonderful opportunity so here at the open sky house the residents are waiting in anticipation and um it’s very wonderful you’re making yourself available to them okay let’s go okay the first one is brother radha hey brother hello nice to meet you i just read your question okay in your interview you were talking about that many people had realization and lost it again because they are not mature or they have no foundation i experienced some of these moments very strongly for shorter and longer time and it feels like the door is open but easily slipping from one side of the door to the other side can you speak more about what is needed as a preparation for this realization to get permanent and integrated it’s a mystery no because you cannot when the when the happening is happening or even these moments of very strong insights or silence or bliss or joy it just happens spontaneously no it’s not something you do it just happens you say no so that is that is just the grace so if it happens it must be already a sign that you are very fortunate that it is happening but there’s nothing to do it’s just to be more and more if there is anything to do it’s just to be more aware more and more aware of your habits negative habits no that is taking you down or taking you away from it just become more and more aware of the moment it’s it all comes down to just living in the moment and don’t carrying any garbage with you you know what they all all you can do so slowly slowly but if this is happening then already for me it is like when people have an inside or satori or like this it’s like you the body or the whole system gets starts getting prepared so you can have more more space because it’s strong stuff no i mean how does it happen you cannot prepare it’s a paradox because in one way you have to prepare you have to do an effort yeah from the very beginning people come totally ignorant they don’t know anything and then slowly slowly they get interested then meditation therapy groups self-inquiry whatever is happening no and in this way slowly slowly the negative habits loosen his grip on the person and when the negative loose and disappear then you are more open for some higher energy yeah so when this starts happening it’s just it just agrees it’s not really it’s just to become more more aware there is it is really a strange business the business of isness because there’s nothing you can do and at the same time you have to do something now so you have to do things do do as much as you can but don’t expect anything so just function more and more like innocent empty that you are not in control but the whole is in control no trust that then it will happen but it has to be in my own experience this happens many many times it is like you you existence is preparing this body mind to receive something that is so vast no that is almo is shocking and it can only happen if you disappear out of the way so the more and more you become a hollow bamboo in your daily life not carrying anything not dreaming about anything just being present the more more this can happen so that if anything that is the preparation which is not really a preparation it’s just to be you just be you and be happy anything else right now not i mean for me it feels also like in kind of getting empty or emptying out yeah that’s the whole that’s the whole thing because people are afraid of emptying because who are they if they are empty no so this is where the trust the devotion the surrender that’s where it comes into the picture so because people want it but you you cannot have it you have to disappear to get it yeah so when this is happening more and more then you get prepared in a way to lose yourself and when you lose yourself that means that you lose the false or your identity or your ego then something bigger can come in than the divine or consciousness or call it what one wants can come in and when it happens it’s a relief but the ego is always afraid the personality is always afraid for that no so in these experiences if people haven’t had those experiences then they are still afraid no because they don’t know so when you get those experiences where you evaporate or disappear or get space years that’s what i mean that this is preparation because then you gain trust this is how it is i’m more than what i thought i was so devote yourself to that more to that emptiness to that love okay thank you right jen yes radian you say not so many people know about you in norway and also here in germany there is a limited amount of people we can reach with jd’s teachings it is a shame as true teaching should be more widely available what can be done maybe you are asking the wrong person because this one is doing hardly anything i don’t do much i don’t do effort is not for me at all and that not so many people know about me in norway for me it’s a total blessing because i have more than enough people all the retreats are full i never wanted to be famous they’ve been trying to publish books for 20 years i just said read all your books read papaji books read ramana there’s so many beautiful enlightened people so but this is how it is it is true it is a shame in one way i understand what you are saying and what you are asking because it should be available but where where are the people you know the masses and it’s always been like that the masses is always unconscious they are not interested in the truth and why because it will shake them up to come closer to yourself to know who you are that means you have to drop the false no you have to be willing to look at yourself and that is painful in the beginning because you have to leave the norn and look at the society looks look where you came from yeah look how the society is look how it is in germany look anywhere in the world look in china look in america how the masses is they are all thinking and functioning the same that’s why they crucified jesus poisoning buddha poisoning osho because they can’t stand the truth it’s always been like that so the truth or this self exploration has always been for very few people who want some adventure who has a longing yeah he wants more or they have some old memory in their soul that is more to life than just this society 95 yeah and those people will always find something look you are there no i’m talking to you so don’t think about the order like that because whoever is supposed to find will find when i came to oshu many people or my friends were seekers nature people hippies but when i came back to norway with the good news that you had a live buddha they just laughed they couldn’t relate to it so it’s like that it’s very few people but so i have my people around and whoever should come will come and ma you know things are happening but what can be done i don’t know because i’m not the doer anymore i just live you know why disturb the beauty you know why we disturb the beauty i my as long as i’ve been in this game of a spiritual teacher or a guru or giving satsang i’ve been much more reluctant to giving into you to talk to people because who understand no it has to be some people if i’m going to be interested to talk to somebody there has to be somebody who has some longing or who is already out of the box because otherwise that you don’t understand anyway and who has that longing no who has that consciousness who has that’s seeking for truth and that those are the ones i’m looking for now who are hungry not this wishy-washy people no so it’s like that and john david he’s doing good he’s putting out many movies many films and that is good because you are sharing that is also a beautiful way to share no but that has not been my way everybody has a different expressions of the truth no i’m just a simple lazy guy but very very happy for some reason only god knows no hardly i left when i was 15 years old yeah and yeah no i’m back but everything is functioning in english around me you have any other questions no i just want to share this that you are also i mean from norway uh and when i look at you i don’t i don’t in some way i don’t feel this i mean sometimes when you meet people from your own country you feel this cultural something collective but with you it’s not really it’s not there in your person but i still feel something deep inside which is very nice just about something that was missing uh yeah from when i was younger when i grew up uh why i wise personal wise people who who really knew yes that’s why i had to leave also you know and i didn’t find it before i came to india and met what you say wise people know because this memory was in me but i don’t see myself as norwegian you know i’m it belongs to a different species i’m healed i’m healed of any national or religious or any beliefs or any country or any anything it’s a i’m happy i have that passport because it’s a very good passport but that’s about it it’s like that but you know yourself no with whatever country you are coming from how many people like you how many friends is understanding you no so it’s like that if you really want to find yourself you have to be willing to walk your own way you know you have to really be willing to seek it’s like that no and that that takes some courage that takes some intelligence to do that most people are safe in this boring suicide way of the society you know where everybody knows i know who i am you an [ __ ] son yeah i’m a taxi driver yeah like that it’s very boring so thank god that you escaped a little bit yeah i did the same as you i also went to india and to arunachala because of ramadan and then there i i read some of john david’s books and was very touched by his teachings and his meetings with other teachers too and then some years later i i ended up here so and how long you been there um yeah so i first met john david community uh maybe four years ago but i i moved in uh about uh six months ago now good yeah so i haven’t been back to norway for for some time now so but it’s i’m also not missing it so it’s uh i’m in the right place that that’s the sign that’s the sign follow your heart very good hello hello doria in your interview with john david you said that you feel impersonal and maybe the wording was a bit different that touched me strongly could you please say more about that the the truth is not personal um the true the truth is impersonal and i’m a devotee of the truth and you must be longing for that that’s why you got touched and that’s why truth many times they say truth liberates have you heard that yes i can’t speak i have too test my god that is my problem they have this saying truth liberates yes and they also know that truth hurts and what does it why does it hurt because people live in lies yeah so truth is very shocking for the ordinary people you know the sleepy people it will shake you up yeah so that’s what i mean that when you have found yourself that you are beyond the personal the personal identity the games of the ego then you’re functioning impersonal you’re functioning in the truth you’re functioning as love so this is very beautiful that this you understand something in you you understand that no yes most people are very touchy you know if you if you talk everybody is careful what they say what people think about them you know what other people think how they should behave the more more you become real that will go but you have to help yourself also to become strong in yourself that doesn’t mean that you hurt or go against other it just means that you are truthful to yourself you become uniquely you yourself no you’re reclaiming yourself and that is something that is impersonal because you are not just the person you are much more so the more you’re surrendering to that the more you allow that the more you accept who you are that’s what i mean by accepting who you are it’s not you can never accept the small the personal the ego because it’s always in conflict but you find when you find the real then you accept you surrender you let go you embrace it because it’s so beautiful now and then you have the power the strength to go beyond the personal it becomes impersonal many times when the enlightened man or woman speaks or teaches if they are speaking or teaching people get hurt the ego gets hurt they get misunderstood people misunderstand them no because they are still stuck in the limited view of the personality of the personal that’s why it’s so important to go beyond that no the more you go beyond that the more free you are and that’s who you really are freedom itself can you accept that to ria are you still there well right now i’m just very i’m just very present and quiet and there’s only this moment and hello hi hi hi in the community we watched the talk you had with john david recently i was very touched when both or you shared how your personal plans and desires stopped stepped to the background and a deeper guidance could take over i felt such a longing to go with this deeper guidance as well but felt at the same time how something in me was clinging to stuff i identified with and believe to bring me joy or security could you split please speak about that much love come along this every seeker has to go through exactly this because first everybody lives in this identity and belief systems that we think will bring us joy fulfillment that’s how the society works you grow up you get a nice education then you get a nice job you get a lot of money you get successful or you get beautiful you get famous you get rich then you get married with the handsome prince then you get children and so it goes yeah that is the dream but when you look around and it doesn’t take much intelligence to see that nobody is really happy so what went wrong no and for me what really went wrong in this and we have never been so materialistic as today that means we have never been so lost as today but then is also create a bigger opportunity to wake up so no you can find everything you can find the sacred also if you are a seeker which is your part so now you are split in this the old conditioning or the belief of what will bring me joy like you say you know so then it’s afraid because you are going into the unknown yeah you don’t know what you will get but you know what you had you know what you are having yeah you follow yeah so then you felt the great longing to go with this deeper guidance as well yes so this is your higher self know your true self your heart that is longing to come back i want to come back to that peace i want to come back to myself to the true self i don’t want to get lost in those dreams i can start seeing that they are dreams so you have to trust your heart because everything else is just your mental conditioning you know from society from teacher from parents and you everyone has to be strong enough to go beyond that you have to see things as they are real happiness is in you it’s not somewhere in the future it’s not somewhere outside you and in in the west and in europe in america it’s so unknown and still is the society is very far from it and in the old east than religions in the india in china in japan in thailand in himalayas they appreciated this they even support the children to go meditate to go to the monasteries because they knew the value of it no who is doing that in the west so this has to come from inside and in my own life and including myself i always had that longing and that’s why i was so happy when i met my master no because i found something that i was longing for and we are to find it in the society so as long as one is holding on to these dreams or fantasies in the outside that can bring me joy or security life is not about security not at all you you have to get used to insecurity because who is afraid of insecurity anyway that can come any moment you can have an accident today anything can happen and anything is stopped now for anybody and it doesn’t matter if it happens now if it happens in 50 years what matters is to live totally now and the more totally you live now and coming back to your own reality the more beautiful you will die otherwise the whole life is the waste living believing something to bring me joy and security what is the security a prison isn’t it more beautiful to be free outside in the mountains in the jungle on the path to live is not more exciting to take a risk so do that do you feel insecurity do you feel insecurity no come on not even that much totally totally gone what could it be insecure about what there has to be somebody who’s insecure i don’t find that somebody anymore you say come on no i don’t want to come on i’m free of that i’m free of that disease hmm and that’s why more ordinary people they don’t they cannot afford to listen or trust a mystic or an enlightened one because it is too much it’s not possible like that come on when jesus says come follow me then the ego will think follow you why follow you that is the biggest egoistic thing anybody can say why follow you who are you so it’s only those people who have this flame this longing that you are touching here you i have felt the longing to go with this deeper guidance as well but felt at the same time whole something in me was clinging to stuff i identify with and i believe to bring me joy or security so this is the when you have that longing that means when you have that spark only those who are ready to lose everything can go with the jesus buddha because they have something deeper has been touched it’s like you have dreams about finding some coins in the street and getting rich and every every day the beggars is looking in the street for some maybe they find little coins but if you have found the whole gold mine a whole gold mine you have so much money so much gold that you will never need to think about money then you don’t look for that in the street that is gone that was in the past and when you come home that means becoming one with existence or accepting your true self then where’s the insecurity your home the most secure home there can ever be that is your longing and you know it and that’s beautiful follow that don’t look for those dirty coins in the street look for the real diamond and which is in you you say some days ago after deep meditation i fell in a wonderful emptiness and felt very much at home inside john david said you had definitely found the jewels how can i embrace and save them not to forget them what can i do or let go of my question is a little similar to the questions rather ask you and your answer touched me very much and this there’s a deep yes inside of me yes but that’s all what you need and now you are a stage of your life that don’t do much just let go isn’t it there is nothing to do there there is no there is nothing to do no effort should be finished because yes on this part we have to do but i feel like you are finished with that you have that understanding you have felt that emptiness which is home which i call home which is yourself and how do that happens no it happens spontaneously when you relax when you let go so if anything let go relax you gave me a wonderful sentence some minutes ago do your best as you can but don’t expect anything it’s wonderful and very relaxing but to some people i say they must use all the effort because they are very stuck but for you i feel like it’s just to let go because you have already felt that and it it doesn’t it doesn’t happen through doing it doesn’t happen through effort but then again but then again it does it doesn’t happen through effort either is beyond both no but this comes by living by living here i see and when you if this really if this really becomes you take it into your heart that there is nothing it’s just to relax so then that that relaxation that let go will just settle you more and more in and whenever you have the opportunity it’s like you say how can i embrace and save them not to forget them if you if you have something that you really really adore that you really love that you really appreciate that is so special you don’t forget it yeah i see only people forget it because they don’t embrace it but if you really value if you know the value of it if you know the value of love of truth of this bliss then you embrace it and you don’t forget it because that becomes first on the list that’s what you want and you know that now so rest in that if anything relax let go enjoy be playful like this what a wonderful life thank you so much thank you so much my question is not important your question is not important no it’s more i’m just to sit with you that is good because it was it’s more a mental question yeah and now you have gone beyond that because you already started falling in tune but i like to say something you can just sit inside but i like to say something about it because you ask about the psychedelics or ayahuasca and peyoten awakening and things like this and i’m living in a shamanic country this is this has always been interested for it’s interesting for people no that’s why all drugs in the whole history of humans people have always been attracted to drugs to alcohol to anything to take them away from themselves and these things it can be helpful at one stage of the journey yeah because some of these ayahuasca peorta lsd magic mushrooms they can give you a sense of the universal you lose your ego your ego consciousness you become part of existence i tried it myself so that’s why i’m i’m speaking from my own experience but this was when i was a teenager you know i started very early in this life but you will never find it nobody ever found themselves or enlightenment through drugs so that’s the other side and people now is very in braz in brazil they even have a religion with ayahuasca and you must have heard since you are asking this question that is is very popular in some circles ayahuasca piotr ecstasy yeah because this is mostly also for the young people because one part of life then you are seeking you are still rebellious you want something more and you want to get out of the normal society but these drugs will never give you the truth it can be a wake-up call that it is something more you follow that is something more to life but that more you will only find through meditation and love it will never deliver the goods then people get they get dependent on the alcohol on the drug on the ayahuasca but that is not real no the reel is already there it’s no you don’t need to go any anywhere you don’t need to take anything to find it because it’s there but maybe it’s an effort to come back to it because we have been so identified with the falls with the mind and it’s the mind that is interested in the drugs so leave the mind leave the drugs and be at peace be happy um the strongest the strongest drug you can ever find is in you you don’t need to take anything from the outside you find that and be happy anything you like to ask now no thank you hello hello saswati you asked how can i become the right host for the divine energy well a musician playing music is already a great part because it’s playful you create something no and life for me is pure delight this energy no life is honesty a flow music is a flow also no it has to flow so the more you become a flow not stagnant the more you are available for that divine honesty you just have to get out of your own way more and more you get out of the old no me more creative more open take more chances like this give more space so the more you are as an ego personality identity the more you will hold yourself back the more you open up the more you are in the flow the more alive the more acceptance the more playful the more innocent the more the divine can fill you so this is the difference so many people they live just like this like a tight fist you have to learn everybody should learn how to do this no only when you do this then you can receive then you can do like this also receive no you have to be open so this is the thing that you have to be aware of your negative tendency that pulling you down the lower powers because in life you have lower powers and you have higher powers no and as a seeker you long to go higher to get lifted up yeah to be open for the divine energy yeah so the more you leave the negative it’s the same for everybody the more conscious you become the more you relieve the negative tendency the bad habits then you find new things you’re opening up for the higher so if people are always a slave of the habits of the negative then they can never open up to the divine that’s why it’s so important to leave the past no all the mystics say that no live in the moment leave the past become reborn that is what i mean being in the flow you become one with it so it’s just to be aware what is pulling me down and don’t go there and what helps me to open but to open is also scary because when you open you disappear yeah so get used to disappearing get used to being in the floor and music is a beautiful way music dance meditation making food anybody anything to do we have to find what is beautiful for each one what comes natural and then let that life become more more beautiful no more more creative so how can i become the right host for the divine energy that comes by itself is just to stop the negative tendency and have faith that you are following your heart you are following the good is something bigger than us that is functioning surrender to that the divine is already there cigar hello hello hi you write in the retreats and satsang meetings it’s easy to be in the silent space in daily life and working it’s much more difficult to be in the silent space how can intuition be more invited in to the daily life and how to trust it hmm by living just by living hmm it is steps or levels because in the beginning everybody comes ignorant no when they start the journey they want to learn they want to grow they want to find peace they want to be centered they want to come back to themselves so that is the journey first one has to have a taste of this space which why satsang is so precious why being with a master is so precious because then for the first time you get the taste of that yeah so already you’re very fortunate because we already have that taste of that silence of that balance yes then is also true that that comes from the source yeah from one who has awakened you can feel that and that’s why it’s so important to get more and more in tune with that so you can get established in that silence in that peace and in daily life and working is much more difficult to be in the silent space of course because in the working whatever you do and what you do in your life mostly office work with finances yes so that is very mental no you use very much the mantle and then you are together with many many people who are super mental as many thing that can be can influence one you know but one is that is still very new this space is very fragile no so that has to be taken care of so it’s very important then and it’s a great blessing to have other people who are interested in the same to have a community to have a sangha to have meditation so you get the balance of that and it’s also very helpful if you more and more can maybe find work in a way that you do what you do but work more by yourself so you’re not so much influenced because the more sensitive one gets the more you feel also the other people not only yourself so the the journey has many stages of course everybody is unique but that’s how it is first one is unconscious then you start getting a feeling wow it’s something here no it’s beautiful silence i feel so at ease and then you lose it again so everybody has a responsibility as a seeker of truth to look also can i change my life because for many people they just found themselves in any kind of work it’s not a conscious choice yeah even so that many because of the education because of the family because of your own fantasies whatever it is so now is also a question to ask yourself is this what i really want to do you have to investigate yourself also be very truthful with yourself because it’s not it’s a it demands that you live in a harmonious way no the inner and the outer should really be the same in the beginning is only the outer then you start feeling the inner that’s why everybody say it’s important to come in yeah but when you have a true balance then inner and outer is the same and that’s what are longing for that you go into the world and do whatever work you are doing and you still have that space yeah but that just comes by patience by taking care of that space by meditating by being relaxed by being happy by being true you know then you have that it is there everywhere but still it is fragile so that’s why people lose it it’s not it’s not integrated in you it’s like you you’re carrying a lot of the past of yourself in the back no and the new is very new so it’s important to take care of it but it’s totally possible that’s what the way you are going how can intuition be more invited in daily life and how to trust it this has to do also with just i told you that you have to look at your own life to trust yourself to trust yourself that you are doing the right thing if you feel like wow i’m doing the right thing great then you go deeper into that maybe you can change your workspace maybe you can work from home maybe you can do something else maybe you know anything is available the life is open and growth growth it means change definitely means change and most people are afraid of change most people want security too but life is not about real life is not about that it is about living spontaneously alert moment to moment of course it is an art because everybody has to work everybody has to do things in life no everybody have their own responsibilities but you have to ask yourself what is really true for you you know then you will trust that and use your intuition how can intuition be more invited in daily life and how to trust it by being truthful to yourself by taking chances by asking yourself is is this really what i want is this really true is this really how i feel or am i just reacting in out of habits or out of what people expect from me yeah you have to become more more truthful to yourself and that intuition you have but the on everybody you have all these layers of conditioning on top of it and that’s what the growth means you have to get those away so your true intuition your true trust your true clarity can come up to the surface that only you can do and it’s great are you ready try my best yes yes i mean it’s this what you say this trusting myself and yeah tuned in to myself and stay stay with stay with that this is i think um an important point yeah which is difficult for me yeah or i didn’t do it so much yeah this is um that’s it is the same for everybody and it’s very true what you say is difficult for you because you haven’t done it so much yeah so be patient and be dedicated to it if you want if you start if you remember how it was when you were a little boy and you started bicycling on the first time it was not easy yeah very difficult then you fall and then oh my elbow oh and then very soon you know it then you go so it’s like that if it’s something you want then you can do it and the doors are open and that is what satsang and then the teacher and the guru and the master and the guide is showing you that it’s possible you know i have done it why can’t you you have to trust yourself you have to be courageous you have to be very very truthful to yourself yeah that’s what it comes all down to and then this intuition will become stronger and stronger then you will feel it no i’m not doing that because it’s that i did that out of habit no i’m not the slave of my habit i can feel it i can see it you get more distance to how your habits functions yeah so be patient take care of yourself and don’t take it seriously good luck what what would the commune be without the cook yeah just a lot of hungry people yeah i tell you lunch and dinner i i can imagine they eat a lot they know yes but it’s also nice for a cook if they eat if they don’t eat it’s also not nice yeah it’s not nicer than yeah um you ask which role plays the personality once people get after self-realization has the realization and influence on your personality can you please tell something about that thankfully poverty and the personality ordinary the personality means that you are fake because a persona means in all greek the mask so personality means a mask yeah and when you if that self-realization happens it means that all mosques goes you that that’s with the sense saying that you find your original face yeah your true face you have no more mask you are just here here i am here i am like that so has the realization and influence on your personality definitely you have an influence it wipes it away but still you have a body you have a past so everybody if they are self-realized or enlightened they still have a kind of personality but they are not identified with it yeah that is the difference like like ramana mahasi he would never eat meat no a cow he loved laksmi the cow no the cow even got enlightened in his hands when he died no he would never eat the meat in south india you don’t eat the meat no but a man like gurujif he ate meat no also enlightened being so that was his past his upbringing no so it depends where you come you have some trades and these days so but that is not their personality you know they are not identified with it but they have a kind of they have a form as long as you have a form you have to have a name to call you but they are free of it ordinary that personality for people most people is very limited you are stuck in this personality i’m so so this is my beliefs yeah so people cannot really meet because the personality is all different and not only that but the personality changes in the morning you are like that and in the afternoon you are like this and in the evening you are different no so it’s different kind of personality so people are all mixed up when you have if you become self self-realized then you find that center that never changes it’s it is there so whatever is changing on the outside be that name or body or image or place you are that inside that center is always the same that is the difference on the outside is all the same but on the inner realization everything is different like before before self-realization it was just chaos after self-realization it’s just clarity peace so it’s like that but the personality might carry some things no like papaji he loved these indian sweets sometimes i i was eating so much indian sweet barfi and ladu and things that i got all oh my god i can’t but that was his habit no like i like ice cream and coffee what can i do i understand you understand no it’s like that it’s everything every everything becomes playful no and no ordinary what you are used to in the society and the world is that personality becomes very stuck now that person is like this this person is like that when you are self-realized you can never say that you can never say because you you don’t know yourself how you would be next moment you are flowing so nobody can say that or this one is like this or he is like that no you cannot because you don’t know yourself i don’t know myself and it’s great it’s called security security in the insecurity so so it’s like that thank you separate personality is more like you become a person or and that person that is separated from the whole no or i am separated from you yeah that is a personal but when you realize yourself and you open up to your true essence then this separation is gone because that separation is mental in that person in the heart in love we meet no but the head is very difficult to meet my beliefs and your beliefs but in the heart we become one now we meet like human beings and that’s why it’s so imp that’s why it’s so important to come from the head to the heart hey lily hello do you see yourself as a teacher and how do you deal with it in if your student starts depending on you no i don’t see myself as a teacher when you ask that it’s almost like i’m trying to think how do i see myself i really i don’t i don’t know how i see myself because i feel myself that if anything is just a sharing that is happening and i have no teaching as such because with a master or a guide or a guru is more the intimacy that is is the person himself i am the teaching i don’t have any teaching that i can give or any rules it is like you are you are sure you are sharing something i’m sharing something that i have found no and that something is so beautiful so wonderful so silent so blissful so joyous that it want to share itself i surrender it to death and then that’s how i see it and then people who are attracted to that beauty who are attracted to that love who are attracted to that silence they will come they come around i never said i have anything to teach in fact i try to escape many times but no i surrender if this is what’s happening so be it so you are you are maybe new lily but this is how it is and you say how do you deal with it if your student starts depending on you and this is also something because you are afraid because you think you are free that you become dependent on somebody or become dependent on the teacher or the guru but isn’t it if anything isn’t it much better to do be dependent on the real than to be dependent on the false most people are dependent and attached to the false things to the image to money to country to belief systems to any religions they are dependent to alcohol to drugs papaji said many times there is one is is fine to be dependent if you are dependent on the truth on love on freedom in fact that is the last that is the last attachment and in my own experience you get attached you will get attached you get attached to the master to the guru because it’s so beautiful but that is the last attachment because it’s the beyond everything else it’s so good that you can you are willing to leave everything else for the truth for that love and nothing is more beautiful than to be come back to yourself so of course you will be attached in a way that’s why people love to go to satsang they love the truth they love to be around and enlightened ones because it’s something in the air is some fragrance they don’t find anywhere else but in reality the master just wants to be a mirror he wants to remind you that you have it but to find that in you maybe you have to go through that you cannot listen to your own heart your own soul so you have to have somebody outside you to tell you how it is then when your heart ignites then you become so happy and then you say like this thank you thank you so beautiful thank you thank you master you say then they are so happy then tears are coming then so beautiful because something gets re-ignited in you this longing that always have to happen and then slowly slowly you go deeper and self-realization means that now you have found it in you but it was the master who showed you that without the master you couldn’t see it you couldn’t have found it so that’s why you’re always grateful to the guru and people who are not they have never found that that gratitude never goes away because it goes beyond any words is this is this silent of the heart of gratitude itself then you say oh my god was it worth to be attached so don’t be afraid or be attached to love itself because if you really love you become it did you understand lily you have anything to say i was just feeling all the time your light and your presence and i’m really thankful for that and you’re a wonderful mirror and here in this community there are a lot of wonderful mirrors and yeah so we just see each other so you cannot be really attached and the the guru in india what the guru really means which they never had in the west is one who dispels darkness no who brings light and if you have felt that that your darkness disappear you will always be grateful and you want to come closer to that light it has nothing to do with something it’s your inner is your inner longing is your inner longing that takes you to the teacher to take you to the master to take you to the guru so follow your heart and you will be happy be courageous okay so thank you very much the sand on behalf of all the guys here as you can see i’m very lucky to have a wonderful crowd of guys around me and girls around me and uh i keep i got a strong witch you know probably your place is a bit different as you’re so laid back but in our case we live in germany you know and they appreciate hard work i know i know i can do it you know because i was into martial arts before but it’s not needed so much anymore but whatever is needed now yeah you know we have a great time we have a lot of fun too you know we have a lot of fun too we play hard and we work hard nice to see you again yes thank you thank you have you um thank you you.
Building A FriendSHIP with @GrandLineReview || 1 YEAR SPECIAL
hello my nakamatachi this is joygirl and first of all thank you guys so so much for all of your support earlier this week we reached the one year anniversary of our channel and i cannot believe how quickly a year has flown by i’ve enjoyed discussing one piece with you guys so so much and i hope you guys have too if any of you haven’t subscribed yet please do so now because i will be also hosting a stream sometime in early to mid-june and once i have an exact date i will be posting an announcement so make sure you guys don’t miss out on it so subscribe now so that you can join us on our fun stream as for today i do have a special video like i promised so why don’t you come on board the sunny because i have a special guest waiting for you guys three your source for everything one piece and i’m doing girl hello come on which isn’t you actually isn’t because that’s pluralism yeah i sometimes go like the karma’s and i’m like no wait that’s right that’s why i say okay so you know why you’re here i mean do you know why you’re here i’m a vague idea but if you explain it okay for everyone else so we are almost at the one year anniversary of the joy girl channel thank you and just as a celebratory event i wanted to have a dear friend liam the grandline review invited him onto this channel because i’m sure i would have told you this before but you’re basically one of the only youtubers like one piece content creators that i actually watch and your channel really inspired me in terms of creating and in terms of like starting a channel so yeah i thought you know it would be a nice way to celebrate the one year anniversary and what we’re going to do today we’re gonna prove our level of friendship by building the sunny ship together yeah prove and or destroy yeah we’ll see how we go i mean you’ve said that you’ve had some experience building one yeah so full disclosure i’ve built one of these before not a thousand sunny i built the barrattier i have no experience building this it doesn’t look too difficult but that’s what i said about the barracks okay i mean there’s only one way to find it right yeah yeah all right would you like to do the honors we have pieces more pieces but you’ll notice that there are also stickers here these stickers were probably the most frustrating thing they’re so tiny they’re incredibly tiny and if you don’t have like little tweezers then it’s real difficult i bought pliers but i feel like that might be a bit too heavy duty for they’re very heavy duty for stickers this is more for like ripping cable ties or something uh so it doesn’t look like much and there are instructions however the instructions are all in japanese not english it should be fairly obvious in the end it should look something like that these hands are made for destruction starting at number one we need the um i don’t know what ship terminology is so don’t use those that’s you’re gonna hurt yourself absolutely he likes to look dangerously in the meantime i don’t know oh originally you said that we were going to like meet up and ask each other a bunch of questions right yeah then you said but no let’s not do that let’s just have a casual chat i’ve decided not to go down that route so i while we’re building this i have a list of um interrogation questions interrogation questions to ask i thought we just i thought we were friends we’ll see most of them are one piece related some of them are not are you gonna ask me about why i love mushrooms no because i don’t want to utter that disgusting word to cut that out like very simple first question you know so it’s mother’s day yeah it’s not but it was very recently which is going to date this video i want to ask which one piece character would you most like to wish a happy mother’s day alive or deceit chances are they’re going to be deceased but alive as well i guess to don that was my immediate response to dan good choice thank you i mean okay would the dog be your choice the don would be my choice however it’s um it’s more of a process of elimination because she’s one of the only mothers who is alive yeah so wishing the others a happy mother’s day two nights i mean we could i suppose it’s nice in spirit you know it’s always good to touch on bell man yeah she often gets forgotten about quite a bit the mothers we don’t you don’t want to go down the road of you know we’re going to wish dragon about this day no no we’re going to wish crocodile yeah happy mother’s day croco mom now b ones all right b two there’s a good bananas and pajamas reference so neither of our audiences are going to understand because they’re primarily american i never know about these things was bananas in pyjamas uh australia i don’t think it was australian was it it has to be australia i mean i know it was shown like they had australian accents didn’t they i don’t remember question number two if someone other than luffy were to become the pirate king who would you want that to be this is like one of those questions like do i want to doom the world or is it like it’s sort of like how would you rate luffy and one of those skills like you know like would you say chaotic good i’d say luffy’s chaotic good he probably lands more into chaotic good maybe chaotic neutral at times because he’s he’s not like always the most upstanding of people and if i didn’t want to doom the world into chaotic evil but then i also just want a bit of fun this is a hard one i mean we’re putting the entire world of one piece at risk with this one question if i’m going down a pacifist route i think i might say shakes i think i feel but if you wanted to have fun if i want to have fun because shanks to me he’s kind of like true neutral yeah nothing ever happens right kid maybe kid very violent world what would you say that’s a hard question don’t throw my questions back in here from prepared answers for these um zorro would be tempting zorro it’s mostly from zoro surprises yeah it could be a really fun one hopefully someone like ivankov yeah just as you said that i was about to say bangkok would be fun sex changes for everyone yeah i didn’t actually prepare any questions because i thought we were gonna just hang out but if you were to take a position on the sunny what role would you like to have or what role would you think you’re most suited for probably not going to be the swordsman why not as much as i love zoro it hurts my teeth watching him with those three swords gives me two anxiety i’m gonna go ahead and say i’m also gonna not take responsibility for being the doctor okay or the navigator because that’s very important both very big roles i could probably handle being the chef but the food wouldn’t be as good as sanji is anywhere near as good i don’t know the captain feels like the easiest role really you just tell other people what to do okay we’re going here you make it happen um i can’t maybe the archaeologist something not a life or death matter i mean i feel like a captain captain said provide inspiration and i guess luffy does punch things ah fair enough okay um i can’t be the musician either because i can’t play an instrument you could sing could you be the ship right we’re struggling to build this can’t repair a ship what is he like i could maybe do that with some practice i’m gonna go ahead and try and call chef i think because that feels reasonably achievable and yourself i was gonna say shift well it’s it’s taken think i’ll have to go by like a process of elimination as well so it’s what it is yeah exactly i mean i do have a bandana for it already so i’ve seen yeah you’ve seen my navigation skills i don’t think i could be the navigator although i would like to be like the only one to be able to just leave you around i think i’m just gonna take captain for myself you think you’re that inspirational dude it’s just a process of elimination i don’t think i could do anything else you can’t be the only archaeologist i could be the archaeologist you’d have to go between archaeologists or can you play an instrument i mean oh no we’ve had this discussion right you did used to play the violin should i share this story you can it’s your story so i used to play the violin and my violin teacher told me that my neck was too short so i shouldn’t continue playing and then i also used to play the piano but my hands are too small i have the same problem with my hands i was told that my fingers were too short and sausage-like yes that’s even more brutal than my music is a brutal it is an industry it’s a very brutally it is here you go chef thank you he says begrudgingly oh this is not going to work out well have faith be inspiration that sticker will either make or break it’s not terrible it was my inspiration it’s not terrible very important question who has the better hair shanks or eustace kid battle of the redheads yeah i mean shanks is just so suave that’s the thing they’re opposite shanks is like suave back formal looking kids like scruffy sort of punk look i mean so like which do you prefer well which is objectively better state that objective objectively better i don’t think we could say that there’s no subjectivity okay objectively shanks you heard that objectively shanks’s hair is but i think i would sport the kid hair you would rather the kids i would i would rather sport the kid i would like to see that i don’t think it would work with my hair but maybe that’s why i would like to do it i’ve always been jealous your hair is much more shanks friendly i will say at the moment so what you would want i guess is sort of hair like mine actually yeah like a bit longer much more red much more red from the zebra red i have at the moment i have tried dyeing my hair before your head my hair and don’t try that at home please i used to be a lot more adventurous with my hair than i am now i’ve never been adventurous with hair i think i’ve dyed it green once and that’s about it were you trying to cosplay zoro no actually uh it was to go and see wicked for the first time wow i mean i am a musical theater nerd i just feel like it’s a missed opportunity to not cosplay as or if you had the green hair i also have a couple of his swords they’re both the ones he doesn’t use anymore i’ve got the bashiri which is destroyed and i’ve got the uh the shoe suite which he doesn’t have anymore it’s all right just get new swords we could do an entire reenactment get the animal i could dress up as things you’re going to be taking it who do you think was right luffy russell i’m gonna divide let’s let’s get one piece equivalent of political here okay i think in terms of overall journey you’d have to say luffy would be right is that because he’s the captain i mean for me as someone who’s taken on the captain role i’d like to say that you know well sanji followed luffy says it’s mean that you you’re siding with me then i think they both had valid points of course but that wasn’t the question you’re right you’re right that’s not the question okay i think luffy was right but he was too blunt in his approach oh 100 because what it made it seem like was isoba’s concern but they were just abandoning the going there i think luffy could have gone about it in a better way yeah let’s ask more depressing questions oh okay okay here’s a fun one okay if you had to cut out one of these arcs one of these arcs from the entire story which one would it be dress rosa or whole cake island just cut it out just cut it out you’ve got to there’s a gun to your head you’ve got odor’s manuscripts they’re asking you to eliminate part of one piece the entire they’re both behemoths just it just doesn’t make any sense you can’t sometimes life doesn’t make sense just you don’t have to tell me but just for curiosity do you actually have an answer to this question do you have your answers i don’t have answers to any of these questions can i just cut out bits and pieces of both odds to just no i think in terms of story dressrosa might just come up above in terms of just in terms of how it led on to further developments for one piece but from an enjoyment standpoint i would rather whole cake island okay so with both of those things in mind what are you gonna do cut dress rosa because i said for my enjoyment purposes i would prefer to have whole cake island and i think having chosen luffy as or having chosen role of captain based on luffy i feel like luffy’s a lot more selfish and would just say i want to watch what i want to watch it’s very well reasoned joy girl hates dress rosa confirmed no sticking let’s say that’s holding great in that case we finished the first page based on your personality if you lived in the world of one piece do you think you’d be a pirate i’m part of the marines all part of the revolutionaries i would say it’s definitely not going to be a marine so i’m not the biggest like law and order advocate i don’t like structure rules or being told what to do the revolutionary army kind of stands counter to all of that however it also involves structure and a lot of work so i’m gonna have to say pirate i don’t know if this is just the way that oda biases it in one piece but it seems like the most appealing faction by fox it’s the one that’s most free you can just sort of do whatever you want i mean you’re responsible for like your own life and everything but you know if you just don’t go sailing in the new world i think you’re usually going to be pretty fine true do you think you try to stay out of the new world ah it depends on my navigator now doesn’t it if i don’t have a um an army level navigator yes i am going to stay out of the chipotle because i’ma die i have a very basic question next it’s not too difficult okay it’s the one you’ll probably get asked most commonly that is oh you’ve already answered this sort of thing why did you start making youtube videos why it’s a very difficult thing to do consistently why have you decided to spend such a disgusting amount of your life such an increase in this process enjoy it’s very enjoyable it’s excitingly enjoyable the simple answer is is i binged one piece until i caught up and then i caught up and then was faced with the horror that i could no longer just stuff myself with one piece and decided if i could stuff myself with one piece then i must stuff other people with one piece and just found that discussing one piece was the best way to do so there was just not i just didn’t know many people who you know read or watched one piece so i couldn’t discuss it with anyone you know in my immediate circle so i felt like okay i’ll have to discuss it with people online so that’s a very standard problem in australia i find yeah you’re still one of the only people i actually know in like you know real life do you remember how we met yeah vaguely yeah i believe i saw your avatar and it was like um oh if you were the straw hat yeah like really early like joy gold beta yeah yeah you commented i think on one of my community posts was it i think it might have been a video maybe mine is great but i saw the hat then i did the override click thing turns out you’re like a beginner youtuber not only that you were australian as well that’s a novelty to me australian one piece youtubers yeah yeah we can basically boil that niche down to two yeah i think so this is actually coming along very nicely it is pretty alright if we don’t take into account that those stickers don’t match but you know it’s fine question okay who has the better hair brook or gaimon i think brooke whose head do you think is more firmly rooted you would be inclined to say gaimon but then the fact that brook considering he’s a skeleton has hair very funny must be extremely firmly rooted you wanna go with i’m gonna go with brook i think that’s a safe choice as well i think skeleton guymon might not do quite as well no not what do you think about color though do you prefer a black furrow or a green for all the hard questions i prefer black because if i had green i could not play around with the green screen which is what i found out yesterday playing around with zorro i guess what you would do is you get like a blue screen then but then you’ve got to be aware of like blue things yeah but you couldn’t play around with like namies and things frankie’s and i would like to play around with frankie okay easy question who is your third favorite straw hat a lot has to do with her devil fruit power i really like the devil fruit power it’s probably in terms of devil fruit power that’s my favorite devil fruit power that’s his favorite too it’s so handy i mean it would yeah i mean you just used a pun handy yeah yeah i do it a lot it would it would be really handy for something like this probably we’d be done by now so another problem i had with barratti is that i would rip the stickers sometimes if they were like too circular you’re doing a great job now i think i’m doing acceptably i would not go so far as to use the word great or say exceptionally not acceptable you have a really positive attitude that’s true it would be an incorrect value proposition otherwise wouldn’t it groundline review doesn’t really state a mood you could have a fun adventurous guy or you could get this old complaining australian man which of the following characters do you like best marco the phoenix big news morgans or the south bird i mean that’s an easy question though is it yeah sounds good that’s surprising it’s actually a trick question i don’t like birds is that why this question was made correct would you like to explain your prejudice against birds it’s a lot of prejudice it’s approaching it’s not a prejudice but it’s not a prejudice because one bird did something bad to you that one time not one multiple birds not all birds i’ve gone i like birds from a distance just as long as they’re not within a certain radius maybe what is that radius i’d say metric systems bitching system okay because i wouldn’t be able to okay realistically speaking i’d have to say one meter one meter really so that’s quite close for a bird does it depend on the size of the bird like oh 100 if it’s a if it’s a magpie or a crow i will cross the road to walk onto the other side from personal experience magpies are definitely a species to stay clear of okay well you saw through my clever ruse of a question what is your favorite character actually southpaw though definitely the problem with putting marco into yeah just easy answer who’s your favorite yonko commander a young cook i mean okay it’s katakuri like i guess that’s also an easy question it’s hard to okay let’s say who’s your favorite that’s not katakuri okay yeah because now i’m not sure um i don’t think it’s any of the beast pirates i could see that if so it would be queen yeah i was gonna say queen but at the same time it’s probably not gonna be any of the big one pirates either because you’ve just got smoothie cracker snacks smoothie’s very popular i mean smoothies got legs which i’m assuming contributes greatly so that leaves us with either whitebeard commanders or red hair pirates or blackbeard i guess actually i’m not going to god is it actually marco i’m struggling to think of one that i like better than marco that isn’t cut across how to choose from the redhead pirates i mean ben beckman’s fun apparently because of what he did to kizaru yeah lucky room i can appreciate someone who enjoys food yes going to be honest i have no real attachment to yasuo really what’s he done for me not all ever literally has done nothing he didn’t do anything in the movies in like chapter one he didn’t do anything in marine food on cereal village he did do something which was abandoned his son the reasons that we still don’t quite understand you know what marco marco it’s marco oh here’s a fun question okay if you could create a new color what would it be and why a new color a new color i feel like i’ve heard this sort of question before and it just wrinkles my brain yeah yeah um a new color try and picture one right now a color you’ve never seen before with the i’m going to say a bleak yellow oblique or a blue a bleak yellow what separates that from normal yellow because yellow is bright and happy so a bleak yellow is the antithesis of yellow so if you could bring one thing into this world and call it yours you would want the antithesis of happy well not very joy girl this is not very on brand i mean yellow is my favorite color is it another yellow and red i mean which is funny because i wouldn’t actually necessarily say luffy is my favorite character but yellow and red are my favorite color colors nice what’s your favorite color uh it depends um if you can’t black and white black is pretty up there i usually don’t though because they’re shades if i’m in terms of lighting it’s definitely blue i think blue is an absolute super color what did i just have you done yeah it’s fine it’s fine i’m gonna stop playing with it good enough if you could join a pirate crew whose pirate crew would you join shanks it was pretty fun yeah i think i feel like the classical answer is the straw hats man i think the red hair pirates spend a lot of time just kicking back and just drinking and having fun yeah what is your favorite laugh in one piece and what does it sound like what about um i’m a fan of piranha oh yeah i have difficulty doing cola it’s like i also like um brulee’s life it’s so weird charlie quick no you’re a very black beard well that’s an easy one i think someone’s asked me that before i get asked that i keep getting asked to do like a top 10 list of laughs as well who has the better hair we’re getting a lot of these hair questions cavendish or young white beard yeah i think it’s a battle of the blonde this time i think white beard because i’m inclined to say for someone who i’m just i’m gonna have to assume at this point i’m not i can’t say for sure but for someone who doesn’t seem like he’s putting as much effort into his hair you think those golden locks maintain themselves yeah i think so if you’re if they’re attached to whitebeard’s head i think he puts a lot of effort in i think in his captain’s quarters he spends like an hour getting ready every day thinking my sons will not respect me exactly i might have asked you this before actually who’s your favorite grandfather grandfather like who’s your favorite old man in one piece that’s a tough one there a lot to choose from so hard it’s i think i think one of the hardest questions say really it would probably be pretty up there i mean just it’s so hard to go past just white beard yeah just hold my beard and then there’s garb i really like that i like him he’s probably not my favorite comes down to those three for me white beard golf and rayleigh of course whoopslap is the obvious favorite old man there’s some funny old men in one piece crocus crocus is great yeah crocusism ah his deadpan stared yeah someone’s gonna get hurt oh yeah who me who’s your favorite old lady oh it might be it might be just the recent events just shrouding my train of thought at the moment but i actually really like big mom really i really like big mom i think she’s really misunderstood or the the point of her character is very precise i think it’s greatly misunderstood yes i like her i think she’s great she’s just so terrifying she is actually terrifying also kind of sad oh there’s i i pity big mom very very sad after knowing all of her history yeah so dark okay having brought up big mom and your never-ending love for her if you were one of big mom’s children which food or ingredient would you be the minister of and would you dye your hair pink and if so who would have the better hair you or big one three part question okay well i’d have to answer the last part i think big mom would have better hair than i could i mean she’s got just luscious volume i think i would diet to swear my unwavering loyalty mostly out of fear of what would happen if i didn’t go to such extent and if i had to head my if i had to have my own ingredient this awful long food sometimes are just ministers of meals yeah minister of fries fries nice yeah like potato fries that’s cool with that yeah tiny tiny micro claws just as a reference it’s about the size of my pinky nail just as a reference this is like a normal pinky if you had a zoen devil fruit powder what what animal would you like to be panda that’s nice and quick little panda let’s do it what other than one piece do you uh engage yourself with so i spent the better half of my mid-semester exam period binge watching all four seasons of attack on titan i am currently finishing the anime of hunter hunter he’s just the best isn’t he that’s your good boy not currently reading anything there’s nothing current that i’m keeping up with i usually just wait for the anime for most things to be honest you just don’t have much time and when you make such a commitment to one piece it does get difficult yeah so are you doing that important question nekomamushi or inu discuss i think i lean towards neko more than in inu just has a very um very solemn and very serious air about him whereas necro is just a he’s a bit more fun especially when he’s eating hot food yeah i would agree despite being a dog person in real life for the cats i think nakamura she is just the more full character he’s fun it’s also after i started making videos that i found out i pronounce now usually now now apparently it sounds like meow like meow meow so i get a lot of comparison to neko all right everybody now we’re going to do this yeah now for this chapter now you should start um slipping those in all right this is happening right now and just see how many people notice oh that looks so good if i ignore the parts i’ve done yeah i don’t know if you can see this all right next up uh that white bit and we’ve got some trees triple trees triple trees which thankfully all come in one piece that’s the name of the show you guys missed out on nothing nothing nothing at all it’s just that this ship magically appeared all constructed with only one step to go turns out we didn’t actually need to build it we uh misunderstood yeah completely it’s just it was there all along and these are these instructions which is needed because it’s built and there was actually only one thing that we needed to do so there you go that’s our completed ship almost almost there was only one step and would you like to do the honors no it’s over on it i think i will maybe make it a teamwork effort do you want to we can ruin it together i’m happy with that basically the last thing to happen is the ship needs a jolly roger and whilst i would once we could come up with our own jolly roger that would take more time so so we’re going to go with the tried and tested straw hat you tell me where the middle is pretty good okay and then you help me stick it on maybe no yeah that’s all right i think so you know what good enough that’s good enough good enough what is today’s motto i think that is 1 000 sunny maybe missing a few stickers but no one needs to know about that i hope you guys enjoyed today’s ship building or whatever this was what would you say after you know constructing a ship together have we proven our friendship or have we broken our friendship i think it’s in a very neutral territory it’s just we’ve we’ve overcome this task to um questionable effect would you call me to build a ship again uh i would question whether or not i wanted to build a ship again in this place i think that’s it it was a lot of fun i found out a lot about your particular one-piece preferences that i was not aware of was one that was unexpected just the sheer hatred you have for dressrosa i was not expecting that okay okay the hate on this side of the room okay getting like a jojo aura all right now i am going to keep this for myself but i do actually have something for you and this isn’t one piece related but everyone i’m serious so i’m sure you know that liam also runs the grand line review also has the new world review your source for all things manga and anime it doesn’t actually have a tagline oh it’s the also is for everything anime and manga mostly so this is yours oh thank you so much it’s uh it’s a deal for anyone i don’t know where do you want to unbox that nail as well sure thank you so much you really shouldn’t be getting me presents on your anniversary yeah that’s okay i mean you presented me with five hours of your time building this ship no they don’t need to know how long it took to build this that’s embarrassing not long at all five minutes if that yeah it’s like a minute exactly okay all right then well this has been joy girl and i’ll see you again soon i don’t know if i will we’ll see you again soon you.
The Picture of Christ Unlimited Redemption - Pas W.F. Kumuyi
Subscribe , like and share i am redeemed and jesus has lost the chains of sin and i am redeemed say that now say it aloud and every yoke and every chain of sin of satan of suffering and sickness the lord will break out of your life in jesus name your son your testimony your confession every time every day is that i am redeemed for active service for higher service for profitable service as renewed it has redeemed us it will be so in your life in jesus name father we thank you for this workers retreat thank you for the way you have been present to my chili in our midst and thank you for the love you have shown to us and for reminding us that your affection your love your redemption will never stop in any of our lives in jesus name there is a period there is a time of active service before us and every one of us without exception after this workers retreat you put us into profitable progressive active service in jesus name confirm each in every life and no one will lose their reward in jesus name thank you lord for the answer in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we’re coming to you exodus chapter 12 our reading from verse 5 exonus chapter 12 verse 5 your lamb shall be without blemish email of the first year ye shall take each out of the sheep or from the goats here the lord was talking about the redemption of the children of israel israel out of captivity israel out of slavery israel out of egypt israel out of the evil world and it’s a picture of the church is a picture of the people of god even to them out of sin out of darkness out of evil out of the oppression and the slavery and the domination of the evil one and it’s the picture of the lord jesus christ our redemption our redeemer the lamb of god that takes the sin of the world away that comes to state of spring comes to set you free and liberate you and take you out of where you are being to the glorious redemption of the lord jesus christ look at first however it is impossible for i will pass through the launch of egypt this night for them it was a night of judgment the future night of judgment of reckoning is coming and the lord is saying when that future night of judgment that future night of recompense comes for the world the people who are besieged the people who have been delivered and the people who have been rescued taken out of the captivity of the evil one where will go of the lord we are not going to remain in this civil war forever and ever when that night comes the lord will take all his people out of this place and up above you and i we’re going to be with the and conquering sage in jesus name for i will pass through the land of egypt this night our smite of the firstborn in the large of egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of egypt i will execute judgment i am the lord look at verse 13 verse 13 says and the blood the blood of the lamb and the blood the blood of the paschal lamb the blood the blood of the lord jesus for all sake and for us today the blood shall be to you for a talking upon the houses where ye are and when i see the blood and when i see the blood somebody that’s with me and when i see the blood i will pass over you you didn’t say that one allowed i will pass over you and the plague of judgment shall not be upon you to destroy you when i smite the land of egypt we’re looking at the picture of christ’s unlimited redemption the lord has come and the lord has paid the price it’s been sacrificed for us on the cross of calvary he has given us redemption he has provided redemption for us and we stand on limited edge redemption and what we’re looking at for the children of israel is the picture the pattern the provision of christ’s unlimited redemption three things we’re looking at number one the purpose and plan of a full redemption he did it for them that he might show that this is what is going to do for us the purpose and the plan of our full redemption number two the pop the purchase and purging through his free redemption and you’ll understand you notice that the children of israel did not have to pay any money it’s not by gorge it’s not by silver it’s not by the work of a head it’s not by the activities of religion but by the redemption of the redeemer that’s why it says we’re purchased and we’re approached through his free redemption number three the promise and pursuit of a final redemption let’s go to number one the purpose and plan of a full redemption look at first peter chapter one we’re looking at verse 18 it says for as much as she know that she were not redeemed or silver was a corruptible thing a silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your father’s in verse 19 birch or the precious blood of christ as of islam without blemish without spot then in verse 20 it says who verily was poor ordained before the foundation of the world stop right there and think through it was a deed for a deed to be the lamb to be the redeemer it was for deed to pay the price of a redemption before the foundation of the world before adam and eve fell the lord knew ahead of time the fall was going to come he the christ he the redeemer was four or days before the foundation of the world before the calling of abraham and before isaac and jacob and before the 12 fathers before the settled in the land of egypt and before the night that the paschal lamb was slain christ verily was four or dead before the foundation of the world before christ came up matthew chapter one for those shall bring forth his son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins before that time from the foundation of the world before the foundation of the world he was four or dame that’s in the first peter now chapter one and in verse 20 he was foreordained that he will be the the redeemer but he was now manifest in these last times that shows us that what we’re reading about in exodus is just a picture of what was to come and now there are three things we’re looking at here of the purpose and the plan of our full redemption number one the to our full redemption all inclusive redemption the pre-commitment of the heavenly father of the god of heaven to our full all-inclusive redemption number two the prize for our full all embracing redemption the price that was paid and it’s paid already and it is yours already number three the purpose of a full all-round redemption the pre-commitment the prize and the purpose let’s look at number one number one the pre-commitment to our full all-inclusive redemption the redemption we’re talking about is not a limited redemption it’s not a modified redemption is not and you know a divided redemption is full it’s complete it’s all all-inclusive for your spirit for your soul for your body from the time you are born again until the time you see him face to face it’s an all-inclusive redemption and the lord had already pre-committed himself into that look at genesis chapter 3 and we’re reading from verse 15 and i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy siege and her seed it shall bruise thy hedge and thou shall bruise is heal please wait a moment this is the picture of calvary when christ will come and he the siege of the woman will bruise the hedge of the serpent of the devil and it says and thou shall bruce is healed that’s talking about crucifixion but you know there are people who are saved who are redeemed the children of god and they do not follow all the various terrors from genesis chapter 3 to isaiah chapter 53 and to matthew chapter 20 chapter 27 crucifixion chapter and then to first peter chapter 2 verse 24 they do not follow the line of history and any time they pray the prayers see satan is still all-powerful the prayer seed calvary has not taken place the prayer sieve the head of the serpent has not been bruised but you understand the lord has committed himself to this and he says i will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy siege and her seed it shall bruce thy age now when the head of the serpent is bruised shattered clothed destroyed that serpent is not as powerful as he was when the hedge had not been bruised you know the head of satan the power of satan at the very poison of satan has been nullified for you for me because the feet of the son of god the seed of the woman has now been bruised and he was crucified from that point of crucifixion onwards that’s total victory for you that’s what we read about in first peter chapter 1 verses 18 to 20.
Having it Good in this World and in the Hereafter | Quran & Ahlul Bayt (as) Truth & Knowledge
“A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
00:15 - Atiullah wa atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum. ” And a reminder always for myself ana abdukal ‘ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence.
00:32 - And we took a path in which to be nothing and to be dressed by Allah’s (AJ) immense grace, immense blessings.
Student Awards 2021
- Good evening and welcome to Bristol Community College’s Student Award Ceremony.
00:09 - My name is Emma Montague, I’m the Director of Student and Family Engagement.
00:12 - This evening we are here to recognize students who have demonstrated exceptional academic growth and development as well as those who have made significant contributions in service and leadership.
00:24 - This year has been like no other, and I am beyond impressed with our students’ ability to rise above the significant challenges brought upon by the pandemic.
Sarah Douglas
(upbeat music) - What’s up, everybody.
00:08 - And welcome to episode 20 of the USANA Athlete interview series.
00:13 - I’m your host, Jason Nacey. And today we have an unbelievable guest.
00:18 - She’s going to be attending her first Olympics in a few months for the Canadian sailing team.
00:24 - Please welcome Sarah Douglas. Let’s dive right into it.
00:29 - You’ve got the Olympics coming up.
Cape Wrath Trail: A Rough Bounds Birthday (day 3 & 4)
uh good morning troops it is quarter past nine and we’re back on the trail whoa first plan today is to reach Sourlies which is only 10 kilometers away and we’re going to play by ear barrisdale bay is 25 kilometers away which is less than yesterday’s trip but we’re going into the rough bounds of knoydart today so be less tracks in fact once we get off this track that is it and it will be very rough terrain the villa today is a bit overcast the clouds are touching the peaks and there was some rain overnight last night oh so we shall push on right as we fork in the path here you can follow the track around that way or you can just make a short climb up to the path out so i’m going to follow you in that way all right folks we’re now on the path to surly’s i’ve got three and a half kilometers on the clock since leaving the buffet and that’s just been on the go for an hour on the nose so what i’ll do is i’ll we’ll make some progress on this track first and i’ll bring you back further along alrighty folks what we have here is this path here is for the monroe baggers doing the nakisha ridge for us we want to cross this little stream and this will take us to suli’s which is only about four kilometers away this really is a stunning location there is some opportunities for all the pitch hero there this is beautiful so peaceful very remote and this is the lower down lock which again is rather stunning not bad at all better catch up here we’ve just come to a sort of junction in the path and there’s a lot of cairn and then it’s marking another car over the river and the path goes up to the crag so we’re just checking the map and it seems correct and because there’s also a path that goes that way as well so this does seem right i’ll mark the grid reference in the bottom corner of the screen as always do yeah you can see here why the the path switches across the river because this would be a pig to negotiate so uh yes you definitely crossing over there and now behind me there is loch nevis so now it’s all downhill to surly’s buffy let’s go well we’ve got 10 kilometers on the clock but surely there’s still a bit to go so uh yeah probably 12 13 kilometers all right folks this is it’s very small and dang but it’s got its charm as well yeah she got like sleeping platform there that would sleep what five six four cat push got a little bench here oh that’s just storage a little fireplace you could probably find plenty uh driftwood although that big vanguard bag is something coming back strange sleeping bag right oh it’s a well-earned break that took us four hours and 15 minutes to get here so it’s time for some lunch the time is half one for lunch i’ve got some oat cakes tomato puree some premium cheese i’ve got a couple of baby bells in there as well just to bulk up both cakes is going to be my staple lunch no mackerel wraps this time ian almost forgot to mention you are 50 today indeed i am happy birthday thank you and how does it feel to be here on your 50th magical is there anywhere better you could be well it’s hard to beat this is right up there this is amazing it’s dry maybe not sunny but it’s a good temperature i just listened to all the birds and everything i’ll see it’s wonderful yeah it’s quite special happy enough to me just [ __ ] funny hey folks after an extended lunch at surly’s that’s us back on the go i’ll tell you what i was tempted to stay there but just didn’t have enough distance on the clock i think uh you can do this section to can tell in four days but it might take us five the way it’s looking but we’ll see where we end up tonight let’s say three o’clock at the moment so we’d like to sort of finish about six o’clock and that doesn’t give us enough time to get to barsdale bay we are currently having a bit of a nightmare here we’re trying to get over the marshland to karnick bridge and it’s just so wet on the foot there’s like really deep bits you just can’t make a direct line straight for the bridge so we’re going up down across back really don’t know which is the best way and means just about lost his checking pole there you think you found a of solid ground and then your food just disappears there’s like little lots of islands islands in the stream right oh we’ve made it there’s a new conic bridge i think that went in in the summer of 2019 but this section here if i had any tips i’ll give you one but it’s an email uh particularly if you’re wearing boots and you’re trying to keep your feet dry wasn’t such an issue for me with the trail runners but yeah i think ian’s still got dry feet which isn’t too bad anyway this big scary looking mountain is ben eden is a really fine corbett one i’ve still to do but i’m just going to catch up with ian and i shall bring you back later on right this track is not on the map it looks new you can tell it’s been dug up here so uh that’s river carnick there i don’t know how far this is going to take us but i shall report back if it is useful to us or not right well this new track as you can see just in front of you in there has peered out a bit of mud there and now just back on to the usual terrain a kilometer long roughly yeah about a plumber uh better nothing right let’s let’s roll all right folks we are puggled so we have uh found somebody to pitch right under ben eden so yeah you can just see there i’m just about to pitch aims just in front of me and the mighty ben eden it would be nice to have got a bit more distance in the route but our route takes us in and around there and up over the pass this up here is london or affectionally known as so yeah we’ve stopped a little bit short but burst will be battersdale bay is way overreach tonight it’s just turned five o’clock well it’s amazing what you find in scottish wilderness just collecting water i came across this little bad boy it is a nikon d3200 obviously it’s goosed but i have where is it salvaged the memory card i’m going to stick this in my camera but what i’ll do is when i get home i’ll fire this in the computer and see what senate and i might be able to at least reunite the photos to the owner by the power of social media i’ll stick on twitter and the old instagram and some of the facebook groups good morning campers and welcome to day number four on the cape wrath trail oh it is a bit more breezy than it was last night the tent is born dry it is looking a little bit dark like it could rain though so we’ll see what happens yeah but hi let’s get some breakfast and get on the go it’s actually getting later it is it’s not that bad yeah it definitely knows the difference from the last few days right too it’s just gone eight o’clock and we’re back on the move so i don’t know if i mentioned last night but today we would like to get to kill lokun and maybe set up camp around there and then day five would get us to cantel that is the plan it was looking rather dark and ominous so i wouldn’t be surprised if we got a few dots around but hopefully holds out and i’ve got a nice little message come through in the garment and reach money from the misses so it’s a nice little thing to wake up to this morning i’ll reply later now we’re slowly making our way to the crux of the rough bounds of noidart we go up past lunavin or london as it’s properly known as and once you get past that and drop down to barrysdale bay that’s uh say away from a lot of the more rough terrain well this is definitely a pocket of scottish wilderness it’s so remote where’s in between the mountains tracking camping opportunities here in fact somebody’s left a little fire pit there this is stunning got a big cliff right in front of us here we’ll swivel around private beach private beach hi superboss right folks we’re pioneering a new route here being hardened hill walkers that never dies in you we’re trying to sort of cut an angle from the river so the path sort of sticks to the river and you do a dog leg round here and up and you pick up a path here’s what we’re doing is we’re trying to cut an angle and i’m sorry the side is on the root it’s going to be weaving out these crags and then up here and then we’ll pick up the path so it shaves off about a kilometer and a bit and it also just says a little bit of re-ascent as well so we’ll report back once we pick up the path if it’s worth doing or not look at this in here that’s seriously rugged the pathway join actually does go in that way so you’ve got benedictine still here this here is the monroe garrick i believe down there is where we saw those nice camping spots now we’ve just got this little bit here to go up and it should just there may be another rise behind that that we’re not aware of but the path will be up there somewhere so this does so far seem to be a good option alrighty folks update we’re on the path that is a harvest shortcut no scrambling a couple of crags to be even out of but not major and it just seems to cut an angle perfectly you can see this here we went around to the side of that and we just came right up if you want to sort of copy this you could go to the other side of that and up but it seems to save a lot of attacks down there that’s just bog land so it feels like we’ve saved a bit of time and distance i’m happy with that definitely you happy in most certainly i am right here folks we are at the top of the pass this here will take us all the way down to barista bay well we just had our first glimpse of barrysdale bay just here this hill here is ben screel my friend john he completed on that it’s a good good weekend that but uh yeah we’ve now got far to go we’re gonna have a little bit an extended lunch down there so let’s go all right we’re pushing on from the little buffy camp site there there’s a really nice strip of land here you could camp on nope no clamping they’re asking not to camp here i don’t know if they can stop you though probably a shotgun maybe a bit harsh but hey ho this is a nice stop for a spot of lunch i’ll swing the camera in and show you the views there you go that’s a lockhorn and then if i swiveled in this way you’ve got the mighty larvin which is up here i’ll just zoom in a bit for you there you go there’s larvin cracking look in monroe oh dearly me this path just keeps on going and going i’ll put my big camera awake so i’m not gonna do any more vlogging i’m gonna get this out of the way but i just want to have a moon so here i am having a moon honestly yeah you have to climb up and over there to avoid the cliffs and now we’ve got another 100 meter climb up this one i think when i get up over this i should finally just be a general coast walk to king lakon okay coming up yes i just paid for use of the shower 10 pound best 10 pound of ever spent wash my scans or socks i think i’ve got a suspect tick on one of my bum cheeks i’m not going to show you don’t worry we’ll have to take a photo with my phone just to double check i don’t have a way out if it’s a tick all right folks we have landed on our feet the state i’ve just opened this up for the new season now the cancellation so they’ve given us this little cottage for the same price as our bmb for the night and that’s the living area there and we’ve got the kitchen behind it and i’ll show you upstairs this is my room there’s two twin rooms and there’s a double through the back as well so this is fantastic used to be bathroom so a big shout out to the killer [ __ ] bb in tea room for this and they’ve recently just opened and their aim is to obviously provide food and drink for cape raft trailers uh monroe baggers that come down here or anybody that’s just looking for an escape yeah so definitely recommended but i’m just going to enjoy the evening and i’ll bring you back tomorrow on the trail cheers.