Leading International Treatise on Intellectual Property Rights
So, Hi guys my name is Shivam Rai currently I’m studying at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is a presentation which I made for a webinar on intellectual property and intellectual property rights uh what does the role uh wt world trade organization typo trips trade-related intellectual property rights uh play in our daily lives what is the significance uh these these these organization and agreements right so this is something which i wanted to share with everyone uh i am pretty new to this uh world of uh streaming and uploading these presentations on youtube my first youtube channel uh i am becoming familiar with these things and i am also using for the first time the obs studio right so these screen recordings and all these technicalities i’m dealing with and i’m pretty new to this so please bear with me if there is any problem right uh please see this video from start to end right and i hope you will like it and yeah you will you wouldn’t regret this right i am pretty sure about uh so please do listen and yeah subtitles uh most probably i will add the subtitles also uh so that you wouldn’t bother about these things right and i am making this presentation keeping in mind that viewers outside india will also going to see this that’s why i’m making this in totally in english and yeah so this is the thing so please be with me right so i’m going to start the present right okay so now starting with the presentation yeah so this was a club which i was a part of in when i was studying in my university right free radical club so this was a webinar on leading international duties concerning intellectual property right a world trade organization wipo world intellectual property organization and trade related aspects of intellectual property rights okay so starting with the international treaties international treaties are agreements one country is to carry out activities of mutual interest based on certain agreed principles norms and practices and these are binding on all the members countries right source of international law and a means for evolving and developing youthful cooperation among nations of the world but most important thing is this that start with the presentation on intellectual property rights necessary to know the basics right and i am assuming and most probably usually the viewers who are listening to these kind of videos or presentation would be new right i’m assuming this i would start with basics right so what is intellectual work intellectual property is made from two words intellect plus property creativity gives birth to intellectual and creativity is the ability to combine all the existing pieces in our head knowledge memory inspiration into incredible new things new ideas intellectual property is an intangible property when we own our ideas which actually represents a static claim on a dynamic process of product right a static claim dynamic process of production ip is that property which even when taken away still remains in the position of its original owner it can be possessed both by the frightful owner and by a thief as you can in this card right now it is really important to know that intellectual property rights are extremely crucial for businesses by innovation resulting in the delivery of better services and products consumers right the tools where startup or an individual can succeed against larger rivals is by patenting its invention and ideas patents level being filled between startups and incumbents by ensuring those who innovate are adequately rewarded right when a startup patent is ideas its valuation increases and is likely to attract more investors and this is a trend that investors acquire a startup whose ips product right usually so intellectual property rights are extremely important in that okay common types of intellectual property includes patent copyright trademark industrial design and trade sql a patent provide legal protection for an invention which is novel non-obvious an application of a discovery or concept or a new idea that is useful example patent of a stream engine by jim scott copyright provides legal protection from plagiarism of any creative world as well as scientific and business publication computer software and compilations of income example harry potter series by jk rowling as copyrights over books a trademark provides right to use logos particular words symbols or different markings that indicate the source or origin of a product or service example pepsi and mcdonald a further method for benefiting from an invention is simply to keep it as safe rather than to disclose it which is a trade secret and the famous example this is right so it is really important that when we talk about intellectual property uh intellectual property what gives companies and innovators the incentive need to innovate without strong and enforceable intellectual property our world would look very very different than it does as you can see this image now one more important thing and the most important thing is this that it is said right because you have heard this thing that god is omnipotent omniscient and only present and according to me intellectual property as a subject has in common one quality right that is of omnipresence it is present every laptop pc or smartphone which all of you are using right now to access this presentation the internet the application google means zoom which you access which you use to access the classes furniture on which you are sitting right now all are different ibs and are protected by different kind of intellectual property line it is possible that those of you who have interest in the field of business and commerce will disagree with me on the thought that intellectual property actually has two qualities in common not one they are that is and omnipotent because patents and trademarks are the most valuable assets of any company and the importance in increasing exponentially in the capitalistic environment in which we are living because the big corporate giants are actually acting like cards right big foes amazon facebook google and and uh apple right so big four texts are actually acting like ah news all over media is filling stat on and now coming to our intriguing headlines right so i would start to uh with the headline that trump launched a trade war in china right don’t look to biden to reverse it then there was this headline defies a vaccine delivery could start before christmas if all goes fell well this is a very this is news which was in last year right this was the issue which i actually made last year uh in november i think november 15 right been that only and the last one tbc 12 ips mohita sharma to become a second party of east and well those of you who are outside of india right uh i just want to tell you that in british right in britain there was the show called who wants to be millennia in america also so this is the indian version convener pati and this was the 12th season which a lady an ips officer civil event become the second guru pathy of season right so this was a really really big news and well starting with the last headline the thing was this that the coach in which one may have one crew intellectual property and chemistry act i am a student of chemistry so that was really fascinating the quotient was which explosive first used in world war ii was first presented in 1898 by german chemist george mckinney nantha was well you all know right rdx royal demolition explosion and this was the question which one had one croto fascinating no going on the second headline about the u.
Kent Christmass (June 20, 2021) POWERFUL Prophecy: The Dominion and Glory Of God Is Coming Back
God Well one thing I just figured out I need to have Burton Garcia Moore I sing like that in my head There’s something about The anointing of God It’s the intangible Anointing does something It literally exceeds ability Galaxy circumstances Talent And it goes beyond our emotions and gets inside of our spirit Hallelujah Welcome to Our church today I believe that God is here want to welcome those you watching through our website Through Facebook YouTube We traded the word of the Lord will be powerful to you today that it would be life to your bones Merrell to your spirit Hallelujah And Hoping that our Target day tentatively is the last Sunday in May Unless our our officials change that But God is a god of order He said God up of the prophetic And here I’m thinking of us all being quarantine for so many days We’ve not been able to come together our church literally Has almost turned into a TV studio And dad were coming today live from Studio to give you the presence of God but God is in this house And On May 31st Which I believe Upper Room I’m in the Bible And the Bible says that that have Call Sunday Soha In the spirit of his friend yesterday are couple of days ago in the Lord spoke to him and he said The damage that the Knights And make-whole what the enemy has done and so Today we’re going to kind of stick in the same vein we have for the last few Sundays I’m going to be reading first for my text out of the Book of Genesis Chapter one I’m not been able to get away from From this particular portion I believe for us as a people to understand God’s purpose for now We need it We need to understand what God’s purpose was at the beginning Because God’s purpose now Is a continuation of what God instituted at creation And so going back to the law first mentioned We go back to the Book of Genesis chapter 1 And I think we’ll just start with verse 24 and God said let the Earth Bring forth The living creature After his kind Cattle creeping thing beast of the earth after his kind And it was so And God made the Beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and every That creepeth upon the Earth After his kind and God saw That it was good Verse 26 and God said let us now Make man in our image After our likeness And let them have dominion Over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air the cattle over all the Earth Over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth so God created man In his own image In the image of God created he him male and female created Helium It is very apparent from the scriptures Can you cannot debate it but God says this When I make man I want him to be Like me I think that So many times the enemy tricks us When we begin to embrace the concept that we can be like God that we are somehow blaspheming In God or we are being disrespectful for God to God But I think it’s really the opposite when we embrace the idea that we cannot be like God And that we will never be like God that’s when God becomes disappointed All of this is parents when we have children we will look at our children It gives us joy when we think they’re like us And so God makes men In his own image And he gives him Dominion But the only way that Adam can have dominion Is if he is like God Because only God have dominion When God Made You and I he made us to have dominion not to be dominated He made us to have authority that not to be ruled over by spirits And so the Lord gives Man dominion and he makes him look like him I find it very interesting in the scriptures Deptford five days The devil does not come 2 attack Living creatures He did not attack the birds of the air the beasts of the field that would swim Because they had no Dominion He was not threatened by them because they did not have dominion But the day that God put life on the Earth That look like him And had Dominion the enemy showed up and can’t make it to him because he had the Living creatures Court services Philosophy in the Earth today That man is just an animal and that he’s just a higher in the food chain but we’re no different than the animals I disagree with that completely We are different from the animals we have been made in the image of God The animals were made after their kind the scripture says not after the image of God An animal is never like God will never lie like God because God did not put in him himself He put an animals their own ability to recreate into Call Seven selves to go on into creation When God made man he made him to be like himself Start chapter the enemy comes along And he began to dialogue The woman And he said this He said If you eat Arbitrium verse 5 Your eyes shall be opened And you shall be As Gods knowing Good and Evil He looked it already says listen he says God doesn’t want you to be like him But I did not understand once they were already like They were made in His image they were made in his likeness and they had dominion over everything That was in the York So he begins to talk to them and I’ve never really seen this before But he says And the day that you eat their of your eyes shall be opened and you shall be Known as Gods knowing Good and Evil Verse 6720a woman Saw That the tree was good for food It was pleasant to the eyes And a tree to be desired to make one white Somewhere between Verse 5 and verse 6 According to the scriptures Before she ever ate the fruit Her eyes were open Because the Bible said when she saw Her eyes were open and she ate of the fruit It wasn’t eating the fruit Made her mess up It was coming to an agreement with the Enemy when he countered addicted Word of the Lord can I tell you this hour Enemy comes in a begins to speak 2u contrary to the word of the Lord and you come into agreement with that then you see what he That’s the longest date just did not come into agreement with the Enemy she would have not have sauce Call the tree like the enemy soft but the moment she came into an agreement with We are not to be in agreement with Idols in agreement with God you cannot sir God in bed with the enemy comes in Car doesn’t heal you won’t be here Just because you typed doesn’t mean God won’t but will pay your bills that’s some home at your bill I don’t come into agreement with you God will keep your eyes Close up to you will not see the Devourer doctor’s report Avalor Not only In fact it into chapter 2 it says They were both naked and the Man and his wife And they were not O’Shea And I’ve never really understood that I thought If they had natural vision How did they Not understand that they were naked This is why I believe After just I believe the lord gave this to me They did not see their flesh Because they were covered with the glory And when they were covered with the glory of God They could not see flesh And we’re going to talk about Glory here in a minute But the glory of God blinds the natural eye Scripture says that when Moses got in the presence of the Lord of Mount Sinai Got the glory of God So permeated him When it came off of the mountain Israel could not look at his face they had to cover it Because of the glory All the laws Paul was on the road to Damascus and the glory of God shown it blinded his When the glory of God surrounds an individual you no longer see them Could it be that the reason the world has not seen Jesus in the church today if his because we not have the glory of the Lord Talents and flashed an ability I tell you about the spirit of God History Course we know they fell When she ate of the fruit The rise sting now see they know they’re naked The moment that came into agreement with the Enemy the glory of God left We go to Durable chapters in Genesis And God really Never mix A organized effort to redeem man And a very Stringent way Until he gets to Abraham And God raised up Abraham Abraham Is it tight Of Adam Because the Lord says Now instead of Reaching Nations I’m going to raise up one nation Any said you’re going to be the father of the Israelites and in your launch All Nations be blessed Head so he begins to use Abraham Abraham represents faith And the moment that God begins to deal with Abraham who is the type of atom In Genesis chapter 14 the Bible says that when God begins to Institute roster One of the very first things that happens is Abraham Meats Golf Melchizedek Scripture calls in the angel of the Lord And when he meets Mel Kelsey that can fax the original me the royal King of righteousness can God knew that in order for Faith to permeate the Earth In order for men to believe the word of the Lord that have to get God face to face Counter in your house encounter in your life Divine encounter in your marriage of hot come and get Spirits in this earth God and said take you we all knew I Spirit Gearbox I got a gift Money saving himself Use Me For Your Glory And so goddess Using faith To restore men By letting man And God have a Divine meeting Abraham racist AC Obvious Now again God is coming to To release Glory God always intended for his people To be the apple of his eye To be BMV Omniscience To be the head and not the tail Deuteronomy 28 Listen to what God says about them That’s so In Exodus We just called for a little bit farther Exodus chapter 19 and I know I’m throwing a lot at you but there’s a lot of My spirit going on and I don’t have a whole lot of time today To really shirt all but Verse 3 of Exodus 19 assistant Moses Went up unto God and the Lord called him out of the mountains sing This is where Moses is coming to Mount Sinai and the mountain is on fire And the glory of God is literally on top of the mountain Penny says thou shall say to the house of Jacob until the children of Israel You have seen what I did into the Egyptians and how I bear ufone Eagle’s Wings and brought you into my Now therefore This is why God is raised up Israel he says now they’re farts If you will keep my voice indeed and keep my Covenant Then you shall be up to chill your treasure unto me above all people For all the Earth this mine verse 6 And you shall be unto me a kingdom At all So what God is after is precut Adam in the Garden of Eden the Garden of Eden if you study it out the Garden of Eden is a type of Going to heaven It’s where the spirit of God is and there’s no demonic spirits there’s no demons loose Nature of God’s can out of his ministry not say priests unto the Lord in the car Division in worship Now the Lord is coming back to Restoration Penny says I won’t Israel If the Earth is to be blessed I need Israel to be a kingdom of priests can you set the way you are a king A priest is if you obey the voice of the Lord speaking to you from now And then God release the glory of God on Mount Sinai You go back and you study in the scriptures Three words Talk about Glory one is hard One is called Haddad And one is called Cabo Pod And Haddad A lot of times associated with Splendor and Majesty most of the time they’re relegated in To the description of kings and and that type of leadership Kavod Is translated Glory And it literally is used for only God And the only other times it is used Tickets for the new creation of man And God begins to talk about he said I am really see my Kabuto my glory Not just majesty and splendor but he said I’m releasing my very nature into Hallelujah releasing my glory of the spirit of God no one in the Bible says where the spirit of the Lord Liberty The god Didn’t Psalms 106 The Lord begins to Speak Israel And In fact I just think I need to read it because God has shared his given Israel his kvote Remember now We have been made in the image of God that’s what God is bringing back Israel is to be the physical Image of God in the Earth There’s a rule over all nations 106 Inverse 19ss That they made a calf In horror And worship The mountain Image What are the problems that man doesn’t understanding in almost every religion That you find except For Christianity They have any chips Even Catholicism you walk into a Catholic Church they have an image of Mary Batman image of Jesus at image of angels you go to to the Buddhist or to the Hindus And all of them they have all these images Who made thank God it And when they worshipped at inmates are not worse than the image that worshiping the god that represents And so now while the glory of God is on top of the mountain Israel makes golden calf Find the scripture says that begin to worship the image It says in verse 20 They changed Their Glory Delkevic It took a similar to Diamond off Adidas grass You and I And will pick up on this Where the image of God not animal If animals could be the image of God Dunedin ever created on the sixth day because for five days he created the animals Vapor after their kind but they were not like God they didn’t look like God they didn’t think like God God On the six days now I’m going to make an image that reflects the invisible God and he made out That you couldn’t even tell that anymore And Israel then begins to Worship this sing Whenever you Human beings worship song We’re really Worshipping A reflection of who God made us And whenever we worship an image We’re giving that image our identity This is why it’s important that you only worship that’s why God always says Worship the Lord thy God in him I’m only shopped out surf Thou shalt have no graven images before me Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God only And Israel turns the same what happened once they gave the glory when they gave their Glory away God withdrew from them Have they begin to go into bondage Now skipping just Many many years ahead When God decides I am going to redeem man Colossians 1:15 Christ Is the image Puppy invisible God Because man is natural We don’t relate in the unredeemed Horse boss just something that we cannot see who that I’m going to make a image in the Earth That man is going to worship that image have that image is Jesus Christ no wonder There’s so much hatred of Jesus because the devil knows that only Jesus is the image of the invisible God Jesus comes on the scene as the last Adam Hallelujah pain he represents.
Full iCarly Cast Reunion! | Miranda Cosgrove, Jerry Trainor, Nathan Kress, + More Return
Hey, everyone, I’m back. ♪ I know you see ♪ - Rolling? - Ah, rolling.
00:13 - Come look at this! He uploaded us! 37,000! [screaming] I’m Carly Shay and this is a little show we call iCarly.
00:26 - [screaming] [screaming] Whoo! I know it’s been a while, but you guys are in for something really exciting.
00:34 - We’re starting a channel. [cheering] To Carly.
Costa Rica Must See with My Dad! | Manuel Antonio & Monteverde Vanlife
so today is super duper special we’re having my dad fly in from philadelphia to come check out nicaragua to come check out costa rica with us he was actually going to go to nicaragua until costa rica opened are you excited for pop sombrita can’t wait we’re gonna pick him up from the airport soon here we are in manuel antonio national park costa rica we got emily’s dad what’s up what’s up we brought this new camera yes many thanks and up here people are looking at something we’re gonna see something up here he’s like baby yoda results we’re up here at the mirador now beautiful it was quite a hike what do you think bob too hard no it was perfect it was great not too long who’s the real sloth yes a good amount of stairs here but now we’re heading to the beach where we can cool off now we’re down here on jameles beach okay over here there are tons of crabs to see if i can get this coming close we just saw a monkey steal somebody’s cake over there so this is the second beach hey buddy hey buddy so this restaurant here great view and it has an airplane in it this airplane was actually used to smuggle uh it was part of the covert cia operation of the iran contra there pretty crazy story what do you think the food was good the beers are empty we’re gonna go back and check out jaco beach danny made some breakfast here at his uncle’s vacation home that we are so fortunate to be able to stay in and today we’re gonna head to the crocodile tour in tarcoles two puppies here he comes osama bin laden we just saw some really big crocodiles now it’s time to go see some more animals in carara national park we’re out here in the jungle of carara national forest and there are some ticks here but so far we’ve only found six on me three on emily and none on deet king you’re gonna want cold beers it’s hot right here guys on the tree there’s a big iguana danger this is an ant colony they tried to scare us they’re just stoked to be able to see spider monkeys we have one more monkey that we have to see the squirrel monkey that’s the end of our day here with bob day two bob’s trip watching a little sunset with a beer what do you think emily national park the boat tour with crocodiles such a crazy day how you doing bob wonderful the imperial kind of day keeps getting better and better wow cheers bob cheers chilling in the back of the van here with the visitor up front except this road is pretty windy a bit nauseating got to watch the road for sure emily’s got a downshift careful with the brakes things like that up to monteverde 26 more kilometers well ten years ago when i came up here to monteverde the road was completely rocks and it was a sketchy long climb it’s still pretty wild road emily’s driving it great there are still some mega potholes you gotta miss but uh it’s much easier than back then but wow what a road they clearly created this part new by blasting the cliff here and we’re heading way up into these mountains here you can’t see the tops it’s all covered with clouds over there no big deal bob this is awesome man look at this stuff the the amount the drop is unbelievable we made it to monteverde unscathed now it’s time for some coffee and snacks on a coffee cacao and sugarcane tour this is the tree house restaurant monte verde so let’s go find a place to stay well we found a spot here for bob to stay van’s right there got his own little spot so we could hang out here and have some beers not bad 35 dollars here 35 dollars at mariposa we’re heading to the ficus tree bridge wow natural bridge tree we’ll climb a ficus if you like us it’s a big day today we’re going ziplining through on our travels in central america there has been so many zipline or canopy tours but we always thought we’ll just wait until a visitor comes that would be super fun to do with them so we’re finally gonna be able to do it with my dad so where did you get this beautiful outfit from here we go so this is kind of that was fun thank you wow look at that thing that’s the tarzan swing huh wow did he push you up that’s funny lean back all right nice i wasn’t expecting it to go that fast yeah that was great the long cable this is the first long cable oh wow that was the most intense i was trying to do that to see the whole valley and i didn’t believe that it was going to stop me either now we know that was unbelievable so the last one was dope oh my gosh you were going across this whole valley you could see cows and you just wanted to look at the cows right yeah yeah i was like the campsite over there too he’s looking for the campsites yeah there’s lots of jungle over there right hard to see a sloth that quick literally yeah yeah i guess we’re very fast but we’ll see a sloth later yeah cabs are here is that a plane no it’s superman so here we wait for the tarzan swing this is pretty insane right that is crazy that is crazy perfect what’s up yeah there you go ready it’s flat that was crazy what do you think crazy when you watch other people do it that was unbelievable i don’t think i would do it if you can watch oh no only halfway down when i’m like wait a minute get some good free falls it was great man i loved it yeah i would do that one all day couple times and maybe yeah man that that fall is like what yeah i don’t know i was just like so stoked ready to go and then as soon as i stepped off i was like is there actually a rope like what’s going on trust me either that it was there yeah it’s like took too long for it to catch me and pull me over that was pretty scary the first second yeah when you’re in free fall that was the best part and then i started running in the air but then you got more free fall at the end of the other on the other side of the rope yeah now that they seem to let me swing a little bit bro they let you swing twice so we’re here at the where are we the boutique arenal hostels he’s got one dorm there’s seven other people in his room he’s stoked so excited two people one guy keeps walking around naked i don’t know what that’s about and they’ve given us this whole restaurant now they’ve said you know this is all your domain just do as you will so we went in the hot tub here there should be a view of a crazy volcano tomorrow when the clouds clear but uh it’s been a pleasure having bob here all right happy father’s day dad happy father’s day bob we had a great time with you glad this video comes out on father’s day and i want to add of course for my dad happy father’s day dad we love you love you and to all of our uncles cousins and friends happy father’s day happy father’s day everyone thanks for joining us for this lovely time with my dad join us next time when we climb my dad’s first volcano together it’s a volcano episode if you liked our video let us know in the comments like and subscribe see ya.
ម៉ែឪតួឯក - Oscars Parents (ភាពយន្តជីវិត) - (Life Film)-[Sastra Film]
Where are you going, dad? Please take us with you! I will come to visit you when I’m free Enough! Let him go! Your dad has a girlfriend. Don’t cry him! Stay with me! Get out of my house now! Dad! Dad! Come back1 Dad! Please come back! I want to go with you SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV SPONSORED BY PRESENT Oscars Parents Where is he at this hour?
Timothy Dixon (Jun 20, 2021) SHOCKING Prophetic Dream: 3 Leaders Die In The House/ Greatest July 4th
I want to begin with a prayer for get into Dream I asked you to move tonight I asked you y’all too I’ll break all these spirits and he’s forces Lourdes people hear that They don’t listen they don’t they don’t believe They don’t believe the The Bible they don’t believe nothing that they fear they don’t believe dreams they don’t leave Visions they don’t even believe in you But they’re here to discourage and to try to make God’s people down Lord my face in you it ain’t It ain’t nothing else just send you and you alone Ask you to open up everyone’s ears anoint them God Open Up Our Lives let’s go out through the land At the power Hope your spirit Lord go out to this land and Shake us Lord Your spirit is the one that’s doing the shaking in the shower It’s not man it’s not religion it’s not church It’s not a denomination is not a building that we put a name on and call it Church Good lord it’s your spirit in your power Nothing’s going to stop at Lauren Uvula give chance You going to give people chances to repent of their sins Before Before they stand before the judgement Before they stand one day Lord and he’ll give an account for everything they’ve ever done They’ll believe then They’ll believe then hard We thank you in the name of Jesus I want to Talk about a dream.
Mass for 12th Sunday of Ordinary time 2021 - Year B
Welcome to St. Ignatius Chapel. Today we celebrate the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
00:08 - Our celebrant today is Jesuit Fr. Anthony Egan SJ.
00:48 - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:52 - [Amen. ] The Lord be with you. [And with your spirit. ] To prepare ourselves to celebrate this Eucharist we call to mind our sins and ask God for mercy and forgiveness.
Yoga Nidra Meditation Practice with Michele Loew | Tibet House US Menla Online Saturday Night Live
Everybody, the whole Menla family, I’m so grateful. And I’ve, as a student learned so much and feel just overflowing with these teachings, and I hope you do as well. And I think it’s just perfect that we’re going to close this, this week together and enter this new year with the yoga nidra. I’m usually ask if people haven’t ever practiced before. But because there are so many of us, I’m just going to imagine that there are some people here that have not practiced Yoga nidra before.
The Kat Kerr (June 19, 2021) Urgent Prophetic Message: The Table Will Be Turned
Now it’s alright No Hello Here we are I can’t tell yet if we can Without short Outlook we have some people Can you guys hear us For trying the new earbuds Yes I have the earbuds Let me know if y’all can hear okay She gave it to me my Ronnie here so I thought that meant it was for my right But she didn’t give it to me my lap and stuff I’m just winging it okay Can you guys hear give me some zup Say yes We got Familia See here they are The real for real questions that people have sent to us Yay somebody said finally you can hear Does it sound good we have earbuds on so Hopefully it sounds Forgive me if I act like I’ve lost my mind Okay I can hear So yeah it’s a session with cat I mean I’m a Chinaman Every now and then Jen’s really tired today so Professional Q&A sessions You know we just do it do it Hang on a second mother is having an issue with something cheesy She’s our audience in their studio audience right now so Are you okay love Apparently her collard greens have red pepper flakes in it I can’t seem to find Good collard greens anywhere you Color green Carefully we are very careful what we ask for And talk about because Yeah I know the mailman when do they are delivering you know 5 pounds of green beans every day for two weeks in a row they might inspected Start it is our mama’s birthday tomorrow She will be 90 And I know The big 900 Going to have a couple things for her but If you feel like you still want to send her something you can send her a picture of a flower Drama mahnoor Sandberg she loves birds and flowers I think that’s Her big day She loves being outside Waterfalls Fountain So So someone saying cat Earbuds Zalo Reporting down Because I don’t understand I couldn’t hear anything Like I had something Oh my gosh Guys You are witnessing what I have to live with every day How old is Gohan I just took it out of my ear Do you want to switch your can you guys hear talk Can you hear me Just maybe this is Maybe it’s in the wrong year I don’t know if she’s right there my ear This is going to play all over the world you know that right because okay so just make sure you guys I have your devices turned up all the way Cuz some of y’all are saying you can hear fine some of you were saying Cats too low so I don’t know I’ve never been to a try Free traffic Choking on the red pepper It’s okay So You going to be the first you want me to read or you going to read it Kind of about not y’all Talk about it And it’s probably the nest Mini Anytime And many different Somebody wants to know I’m just giving first so if you have a question We’re saying your first name You won’t say your last To this question is from John John wants to know why I can hear again it’s been another minute Earbud We are now escorting the red pepper flakes Green I have no audience SEPTA Studio chat Ignoring John has a question he wanted to know why Sometimes People You know I never charged I never have charged Not in all the years we’ve been doing this so people who say You know they don’t help Where do like everyday I help somebody But we don’t charge because God said we couldn’t Hello if you said you’re not charging for your events Now we can sell products Should we have products Free will offer But as far as Places invited me it’s The people who Creating Hosting the event Needed to charge some Something for very good reasons Having done this for many years and I have events myself Our events That we have Here in Florida cost anywhere between $25,000 Every time we have one You have to pay for the event We have to have materials Princess we have to have camera People who help Do different things maybe get all the Car park whatever you want to call it And if he provides Snacks with stuff that We have an all-day event That means we have Provided them with Cartoon for like lunch And dinner Do a photo of Workshop Workshop We are buying Materials I’m just giving you a An idea why some We don’t repay for this all over pocket As a blessing to help you Arby’s we have we have another speaker we pay that speeding So we have all kinds of Fees as we have to Yourself Some people Can’t afford to do that Such as the Awesome event they just had in Oregon The rise Summit Which was not a conference trust me Went 11 Just so you understand this It would probably cost Between 30 and $40,000 To do this event That they had Oregon And let me tell you what that’s not Easy money Come up with They decided Charger Not only Do they pay people Because they got four Professional To do it You can sometimes use volunteers and some position You can’t do that with The camera people the sound people the lighting Okay they have Security Of course If you’re going to broadcast To the entire World That’s called a bandwidth I know A little bit about that Not so much about the Wi-Fi whatever They do know that if you’re going to have a broader band A people Or how many people are coming on to watch Online No one right now as a network Like these fake news CNN Or the other fake news places that have Studios Huge networks with satellites But most places don’t Have that they have to They have to run Special camera sometimes or they have Hey For a broader bandwidth So that they can’t go to Just Thousand people But if they had people 2000-3000 4000-5000 Expand Whatever Holi Frequency Use of the satellites whatever When you keep adding People Corbin come online to watch Or It will crash It cracks Did you get into it with excellent Hangout meets People to be there Have to be there all day From morning to evening They had 10 and 20 minutes segments and have some They would have the most amazing worship if you want Who paid of a price to watch All of these Play seven Speaking in sharing Very powerful People in this day They wanted you to have The word of the Lord about everything I just lost my little p See it’s right there These cost money to Back in there I hope that I hope you’re not being bored by me because I’m going to be kind of serious right now If people to do something excellent The Rifleman was not about somebody saying this is our church We’re going to have this charge people money so we can stick it all in our pockets that is not what happened They had so many speakers that were part of this okay And they got paid What is due to someone who’s whatever that goes Give honor to whom honor is due And so they honored everybody everybody got In person or online why they took their old-time To do that for everybody As some of these things it will change your life forever Before 11 hours a day These two days Plus on Sunday they let me speak even longer That was a huge event I saw so many people in this place serving summer serving but a lot of them were actually Tired To do it Right And that is why They had to charge a fee No one complained about the sea For $69 I do know this You can watch All of all the speakers were on there all day both days I think you also got Sunday included for free Would you got the key All the content For three years and watch it as many times as you wanted to Most places that charge a fee You watch it for that event and then it’s done They want to make a special but also Head people There they were The word directed to minister directly to all the people online So they didn’t miss getting impartations or pray pray for We even had people in different rooms doing that So this was really one of the best events icing As far as Excellence being done with God requires Do it next one And they were ministering to the whole world that actually have 45 different nations Watching Or present present And they had all the rest of them watching online And they were really happy that they could have 2000 people sign up online It ended up by being sick Thousand Because they’re hungry to know the truth right now what is happening right now what is God going to do and then Near future I know it was kind of reformation God’s reforming or country I’m bringing people in who think like he thinks I’m not dissing everyone else If you’re not on God’s timeline You’ll be reporting things that may be happening 200 years from now or things how they happened in the past When God is doing a new thing you need to know what that is So this was a great event I was really pleased to be a part of that And also what they did on the side Besides that was those who came who traveled to come We’re able to have many teaching videos made that we could then later Used to train you on different Revelations So let me tell you everybody worked hard The whole entire time And I applaud them and thank them all those who served Even those who were just hired they did a great job So you understand is why sometimes there is a fee Because people don’t have maybe they had to hire outside sound more sound System stuff brought in More people to just work in the sanctuary there cell Can I show buddy got seeded or they were serving the leaders in the other rooms It was powerful And so that’s why People sometimes have to Discharge And sometimes they don’t even have a big staff so they have to hire outside people to work But you know what it’s always going to be worth it you are investing in your life In your future To get Revelation that we need right now so that’s the answer to John That’s why they had to charge Because all this excess Cost they had to pay out to make it great And I can tell you everybody was undone and overwhelmed by the presence of the Living God Angels were there I’m telling you I saw the Angels important to that place Especially during the worship So if they have one in your area the planning do you the next time I think is going to be at Nashville I think I might be towards the end of this month I think Is it going to have another rise risc Stomach You can go to Johnny and Lowe’s website and find out about it But let me take these are people with integrity Who known God long time we speak for him And so therefore it’s okay if you have to pay a fee trust me it will come back to you many times over Jensen’s and wind it up Okay I have enough?
Kenenisa Bekele sus inicios Victorias y Derrotas el mejor corredor de la Historia
kenenisa bekele considered by many as the best athlete around the distance of all time but only very few know his story in this video we will know some precedents and a little of the history of the Ethiopian legend as well as some of his achievements and most important careers along throughout his sports career, both his defeats and his great victories and also a piece of advice that comes from the Ethiopian legend for all athletes who seek to improve their marks, stay until the end of the video to find out all the details welcome to your a & e frank channel where we speak running news as well as data from great races and athletics stories in documentary videos so if you don’t want to miss anything, hit the subscribe button and enjoy the following videos bekele once mentioned about how he started in athletics mentioning the following I remember that in school I was very active in sports one day playing soccer, someone happens to me very r uick by the right side and he recommended that I start training was the best advice you could give me that neither knows him as a child where at that time was working on his father ’s farm tending cattle and selling chicken eggs the Kenenisa Bekele’s beginnings of international competitions were in the 90s, where at that time who was the king of the tracks was the emperor Haile Gebrselassie who would be his inspiration and role model, also becoming his successor the first race on record This uncle fish goes back on July 16, 1999 in the country of Poland in the first youth world championship organized by the guide now called world athletics where a 17-year-old Kenenisa Bekele competed in the distance of 3000 meters in where he set a time of 8 minutes and nine seconds winning the silver medal in his first youth world competition in 2000 his best records were 7 minutes 46 se Second point 95 in the 3000 meter dash and the 5000 meter dash 13 minutes and 20 seconds in 2002 began what is known as the old age era since it would do something that no one in history had achieved, which is to win the short instance and long cross country also being undefeated champion from 2002 to 2006 of this world cross country competition moving to the year 2003 bekele focused on the 5000 meter dash in June of that year it would drop for the first time from 13 minutes in that distance with 12 minutes and 52 seconds taking that competition in norway that same year in the world championship that was held in paris kenenisa bekele would participate in the distance of 10,000 meters where he faced the emperor haile gebrselassie both legends making a great race and bekele managing to beat his idol and role model in this world championship setting a time of 26 minutes and 49 seconds the emperor would arrive in second l In third place, another Ethiopian Sileshi Cejil and for the first time in history achieving an Ethiopian triplet in some world championships and in that same world championship in Paris a week later he would also participate in the 5,000 meters he faced against who currently holds the record world of the 1,500 meters the Moroccan hicham el guerrouj and in the same way facing against who holds the world record for the marathon el gran the youtube show and the latter the gene is already taking the competition and being world champion of the 5000 meters flat of that year in an epic closing against the Moroccan who was in second place and the third would come to whoever issued that taking bronze in him in 2004 bekele was crowned as the king of the tracks since in just a period of nine days he would break the marks of the five thousand and ten thousand meters flat of the emperor haile gebrselassie the student surpassing the teacher in addition to that in the Olympic games of that same he year in athens he would win gold in the 10,000 meter sprint and a silver medal in the 5,000 meter where he was left only behind issam the gray and who would arrive after bekele winning the bronze would be a young eliud kipchoge who with only 20 years of experience age is the year 2005 kenenisa bekele had already proclaimed himself the best of all time with the best results in history he was at the top of athletics but this year in particular he would change his life completely and year that to this day this Uncle who remembers in all his careers when celebrating pointing towards the sky since in January 2005, unfortunately, this young woman of barely 18 years of age would lose her fiancée in Chad , with whom the athlete who came from being a champion was about to marry.