അധ്യായം 2 പശു, വൈകാരിക ഖുറാൻ പാരായണം, 90+ ഭാഷാ സബ്ടൈറ്റിലുകൾ
Alif Lam Mim This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of God who believe in the unseen, and are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided them with those who believe in the revelation sent down to you and in what was sent before you, and firmly believe in the life to come they are the people who are rightly following their Lord and it is they who shall be successful As for those who are bent on denying the truth, it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes there is a covering.
Total Body Pilates Flow Workout: 30 minutes of Advanced Pilates Exercises
Hi i’m Mira, from Flow with Mira today it’s an advanced total body mat workout so if you are at an advanced level and experienced pilates practitioner come and join me it’s a fast pace so you make sure that you are in the right level.
00:15 - We’re going to start the class with standing roll down so let’s find our parallel feet position lifting the spine as tall take an in-breath now as we exhale let’s go ahead and roll the head down and softening at the knees here and continue rolling the spine down to the floor all the way just warming up a body.
អណ្តាតម្តាយក្មេក - Truth of Mother-In-Law (ភាពយន្តជីវិត) - (Life Film)-[Sastra Film]
Omg! I will have a heart attack soon You only know how to spend What are you talking about? Do you feel pity for your husband? he works so hard everyday Did I do anything wrong? Why do you blame me? What are all of these stuffs? You don’t earn money and you spent it without thinking Is it beautiful? Why did you buy it? Don’t you think before spending money?
History of the World Part 1 (1981) Movie Reaction - WHAT DID I JUST WATCH!!! LMAO
oh jehovah has given unto you these fifteen oh snap that’s probably what’s wrong with us now we’re missing five commandments what’s up everybody this is your boy movie man great coming at you guys with another movie reaction and today we’re doing mel brooks history of the world part one i don’t think there’s a part two but anyways that’s what it says in the title i’m sure this movie is going to be extremely funny because i just watched blazing saddles for the first time and man it was hilarious so i’m excited to see this but if you can smash on that like button really quick it costs you nothing but it means everything to me and the the youtube analytic uh algorithm guides you know it means so much to them as well and if you like my content also please consider subscribing and clicking that bell to get notified but without further ado let’s get to the reaction gregory hines i’m that’s i know gregory hines that he’s a tap dancer he pass i know his name because when i was little everybody called me gregory heinz because of my name so yeah that’s fun but now i really like gregory hines that was my guy and the apes stood and became man is that what happened is that exactly how it happened they just stood up one day all right so our forefathers saw that one on the left look like he’s doing something rather disgusting okay they are all ready ladies and gentlemen our forefathers that’s where we come from the stone age the greatest calamity that could befall early man is the loss of fire wow wow okay this need this talent clearly separated early man from animals who would never know this gift the artist came the inevitable afterbirth the critics oh yeah we fighting we fighting bro i just sat there and painted all that and then you gonna piss them nah you got to die in marriage homosexual marriage one of the first oh he just got murdered that’s going to get infected real badly if he lived oh yeah he’s dead in ancient times man was ignorant as to the cause and nature of death so death was greeted with a certain degree they about to throw them over the cliff i knew it i knew it that’s what i would have done oh [ __ ] oh jurassic park and they enjoyed that before it was formalized into notes and phrases for mankind it began with an accident google heard the sound had liked in thought and finally he found the answer oh music was born okay i shall give you my laws and you shall take them unto the people yes lord rome fountainhead of culture rome yes you sir are going to rome but i am in rome i want my money back yo annual orgy and buffet first served first come wow like man we don’t care about no plumbing no pipes listen this is your last week of unemployment insurance either you kill somebody next week or we’re gonna have to change your status you got it oh man somebody got to die yo logical comprehension oh a [ __ ] artist sounds about right did you [ __ ] last week good news i just got you a job now that you’re working you won’t be needing this wait a minute oh damn this is mine i’m sorry i’m on my wine break ah damn now the main room the main room the main room 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 running thirty thirty thirty thirty third and forty fourteen forty forty point dryer fifty fifty flow to the line oh no because i have gregory hahn only eat christians christians and i am a jew jewish person he missed i i jumped and he missed it was his first day on the job he was very nervous i’m gonna start oh there you go pulling this tap dancing man what part 125th street i’m going to sign him up get up you’re causing me good money ah damn flipping the horse oh wait a minute i know this horse he used to be the fastest is him do you know the punishment for a slave who strikes a roman citizen they shove a living snake up your ass ah no but that’s very creative are you oh he liked that idea you’re a vestal virgin you know that babies are not allowed outside the palace without an escort the color the slave the slaves i beg you perhaps you can use him at the palace he’s truly gifted gifted well we could use another wine steward i got a great corkscrew this is oh that was gross this guy’s nasty he just looked nasty there we go yeah man mortal remember thou art not a dude but the servant waits while the masturbates yeah wow okay he’s disgusting he about to eat that oh watch this that was a cookie say when 8 30.
water constitutes two-thirds of our planet it is responsible for all life-forms and our own existence but with all this abundance only 1% is available to us rivers form majority of this sauce you Oh danke potable it a pour que porra Miguel Ipoh Drakkar hey Alma pataka ohanga Nanoha Tardelli Passover so delicious and ER Vita a GTI Tata no Dada auntie dollie Moonen attaboy Vita Motown Kareena dejection dear pooja karoon Monica Monica : Shastra be strata : so Lorraine yamandu Marietta gay Jonin and his 100 year old grandmother are on a journey to the source of the river that feeds a little hamlet partically it’s a journey to the root of their life line the karlie Colleen and the little girl Oh ah ha ha ha ha me done chinnu neva neva neva toggle under the table but I would No Carly placebo tara kannada district of karnataka in india she rose from breathtaking landscapes before joining the Arabian Sea the landscape Carly cut through is a mosaic of peculiar geology and for the most part she cuts through dark volcanic rocks making the water appear black and hence the name Carly or the black river like most rivers in India Carly too is born in the mountains a little mountain stream in the heart of the Western Ghats is her birthplace as she flows she nourishes the land with life partically a hamlet of ten houses is among those whose sustenance solely depends on this river Janaki and her grandson are Kuna bees a local tribe that survives mostly on agriculture Kuna bees and galleys are among the main tribes found in these regions these tribes though vary in their traditions are very similar in their way of life almost every aspect of their life here is shaped by water kai later Panama the Piave vajrapani caolan80 panel choppa beg or Levin Chabert pure an inch apart bend a panelist on a day Lanka nowhere else is the impact of water on life more evident than here the river provides not just water to drink but also for paddy and my slop Janaki and her family survived mostly on agriculture the river rain and the nutrient-rich soil makes the valley ideal for rice cultivation gray soda Dukla silence elusive letter Shikata llama foetus Otakon people jungle motive and opossum and Tina Shepard porta logic the soulless how daddy daddy can’t we put a comma because nanny piranha Pauline astonish at DePauw party goody sits nestled between the bridge Ferris abdon Bailey and she tiger reserve Reserve spreads over an area of 815 square kilometers and is located amidst the Western Ghats mountain ranges it is one of the top hot spots for biodiversity in the world in recent years thanks to the dedication of the State Forest Department the forest and Wildlife have flourished the Tiger Reserve is a remarkable habitat a mosaic of dry deciduous jungles rich evergreen forests and high-altitude grasslands it is rich with biodiversity and is home to some of the planet’s most rare and beautiful species this is among those rare places on earth where Tigers roam the evergreen jungles the reserve is also a haven for spectacular birds while the birders are in search of that rare endemic Warbler to add to the checklist the flagship species here is the hornbill the Indian grey hornbill the Malabar grey hornbill the Malabar pied and the great pied hornbill are all found here a hornbills main diet is fruits and figs are at the top of the list a single hornbill can feed on fruits from up to 40 trees a day making them excellency disperses and rightfully earning them the title farmers of the forest the Don Daly area is abundant with fig trees and is one reason they are found here in large numbers the birds are so crucial to this forest that the area has been declared a hornbill conservation reserve while the hornbills contribution to the forest is remarkable their own life story is nothing short of a wonder the hornbills made for life and with it comes great responsibility once the female is ready to lay her eggs she finds a suitable tree hollow and settles inside with the help of soil seeds and her own droppings she seals a nest allowing only for a beak to come out this provides safety from other hornbills and predators but comes at a cost the female would be locked inside here for about three months she sheds all her feathers and turns flightless her only source of food is the male which comes several times a day to feed her and the chicks a threat to this mail means death to the entire family it is only when the chicks are old enough to leave the nest and fly that the female breaks open the nest a great sacrifice that usually pays off well while the place offers so much for the avian lovers there’s something remarkable and rare that attracts the big cat enthusiasts the done daily unchi tiger reserve is probably one’s best bed for spotting a black leopard a melanistic color variant of the more common Indian leopard while sightings are quite rare dark evenings offer the best chance to glimpse this elusive mythical animal the camera traps though reveal their relative abundance in the area tigers leopards and other small cats also pose for these cameras the camera traps reveal the unseen side of the jungle a secret door into the mystical world Macallan is a gender bootable WETA and the said amber with an Avant Rosetta passport award by La Rochelle Amerika Amerika the small Hamlet’s in these remote regions have very limited road connectivity most have to walk at least half a day to get to the nearest motorable Road since the villages fool in core areas of the tiger reserve the government has offered to relocate them to areas with better access to health care and education most of the villages have now relocated and only a handful remain in these areas Kali is one of the shortest rivers in India she flows only 184 kilometers before she reaches the sea and in this short distance there are 70 dams built across her her unobstructed natural flow is only 8 kilometres the dams have submerged past patches of forest and displaced the wildlife there but the dams do provide electricity and also help in storing water for the dry months the reservoirs are teeming with fish life it’s not just the birds that take advantage of this but also the fishermen each morning as they set out to receive Carly’s bounty they almost never ever return empty-handed Carly also has a fun side to her the gushing Rapids make for one of the best rafting experiences down south ecotourism here provides a clean green employment alternative to traditional methods the forest department in association with the local communities has started many ecotourism activities Wildlife safaris trekking camping and rafting as some of them camping in the serene settings of Kogi unchi or Castle Rock camps and going for a hike in the jungle is also a way of inducting awareness among the urban travelers frequent nature camps are conducted here for children by several organizations a beautiful way to capture the imagination create awareness and set the right culture for future generations two streams converge at Minari to form Kali and as she flows along car neti Varkey Sark Lee under II and other true beauties join her the true source of a river is often mystery and long maybe that way Janicki and her grandson have traveled almost a day now but the journey has taken a toll on Janaki and she decides not to travel further gage Arlen has to make the journey alone now with each passing generation the tradition must go on Oh geodon will cubes and aluminum umka pour ahead which overlay I mean total kinda dizzy yonder geppu geppu roon I’m meeting a guy ferrochrome a toccata in Harasta kali ends her journey in the arabian sea a car war she nurtures land and life through her journey and she’ll continue to do so the German reaches one of the sources the mythical birthplace of the river to offer his prayers to Carly a true mother who gives and nurtures without bounds you you you.
អ្នកឈ្នះ២ - Winner The Couple II ភាគទី១ - (Life Series Ep1) - [Sastra Film]
As I thought, you are sleeping here again Honey! Why are you sleeping here? Wake up! I’m so tired. I want to rest for an hour No! I’ve been waiting for today to come Wake up! Wake up! Wow! You look stunning today I love it Lin is beautiful Come! Come! Our child might be awake and we couldn’t be romantic Don’t you want? I want. I really want When I first met you, you were so gentle.
Chapter 2 The Cow, Emotional Quran Recitation, 90+ Language Subtitles | Ganda
Alif Lam Mim This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of God who believe in the unseen, and are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided them with those who believe in the revelation sent down to you and in what was sent before you, and firmly believe in the life to come they are the people who are rightly following their Lord and it is they who shall be successful As for those who are bent on denying the truth, it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes there is a covering.
Code4Lib 2021 Monday Talks Group 2 and Closing
Thank you to our Captioning Sponsors: balsamiq and MIT Libraries hello everyone welcome to session two i hope you had a good break and enjoyed those breakout sessions our first speaker in this session is david pixton he’ll be talking about machine learning apps for non-programmers he is an engineering subject liaison librarian in technology for a brigham young university let’s talk a little bit about machine learning in libraries and more particularly a process called topic modeling i’m david pixton and have been working for the past few years as the engineering and technology librarian at brigham young university though my background is technical from the engineering field i am not a coder and so the perspective that i bring to this discussion is from a librarian’s point of view so what can topic modeling do for libraries well two areas of interest in this technology are found in the cataloging and also the collection development realms in this first area topic modeling can help catalogers efficiently sift through lots of text to provide information relating to the aboutness of many library resources this then makes them more discoverable through subject searching in the second area topic modeling using various data sources can help provide insights into research interests at an institution and thereby help more fully align purchases of library materials with research directions this latter area is where we’ll focus this discussion now in a traditional organization such analysis may be relegated to a very few experts in data science however there is a trend today towards the democratization of machine learning or more broadly data and data science the thinking here is that by pushing this type of analysis deeper into organizations the organization becomes more effective one author of a recent harvard business review article suggests that if the workforce is more data literate a data team can shift its focus from quote doing everybody else’s work to quote building the tools that enable everyone to do their work faster indeed if those with the background to interpret data in a particular context such as in this case a subject librarian if they can also be given the tools to crunch the data that can be quite productive gartner the analyst who is best known for their publishing of the hype cycle in the tech world suggests that a couple of ways democratization can be manifest is in citizen developers and also citizen data scientists gartner adds that low code and no code development tools support these citizen efforts so what might that look like in the library environment specifically relating to topic modeling well as i’ve looked around inside this space it seems that potential librarian developers have some key needs thankfully we also have some key enablers that help fill those needs first of all the data sources that can be of most used to librarians in their topic modeling efforts come in different formats so a librarian that’s not savvy in manipulating data formats needs a simple means of handling these secondly the process of modeling such as including such steps as data collection tokenization and so forth these are not often part of a librarian’s day job so citizen data scientists need to be led through or at least reminded of these processes and thirdly interpretation of the data requires first presenting the data in a format that best helps the interpreter to see important relationships and for many that’s going to be a visual format now for the enablers thankfully there is a robust open source community that shares machine learning and visualization routines that support low code python development this includes some really nice visualization routines as well the jupiter notebook is another enabler because it can walk a citizen data scientist through the data science process in addition the kaggle environment provides a python core that’s complete with stable builds of the necessary python libraries this overcomes a big barrier to entry for python coding which is the issue of version compatibility in a fast-moving open source world so let’s see one fairly simple way of implementing topic modeling and visualization using these tools now here is my jupiter notebook containing an explanation of how to do topic modeling mixed with executable code blocks the user can make changes to any code block and then run the code by clicking the execute button to its left now i’ll note that we are inside the kaggle data environment which facilitates sharing of data and notebooks i’ve ex included an examples data set but the user can actually select their own data set copy it into the correct code line and then read that data now because the librarian may be using data sets that include different field names i print out the field names from the data set that we just read so that the user can select which is of interest the user then inserts the field names of interest into the next code block now in this case you will note that the term author keywords used in the sample data set is named uncontrolled terms in the present data set so we’ll just replace those next the user has walked through some validation and data cleaning processes to ensure that the right fields are selected and that they have meaningful data this is followed by pre-processing routines including identifying stop words punctuation and special characters that will be removed from the analysis now it’s actually time to execute the topic modeling routine first we choose how many topics to identify and then we execute the main code block now you’ll notice when the code is is finished executing that i used an open source visualization tool called pi lda vis to help me understand and refine the results now what we see here is a typical topic model from my analysis the circles on the left represent each identified topic area and visually show how unique some topics are and how much other topics overlap these overlapping topics may indicate we need to revisit our choice of number of topics they also might be candidates for consolidation now the bar chart on the right shows the individual terms that constitute a particular topic and we can see in which topics a particular term appears and where it dominates by simply clicking on that term the red bar shows an estimate of how frequently that particular term would show up in the topic and the blue bar indicates how frequently the term appears in all of the publication documents this helps us to determine determine how good a particular term is at discriminating one topic from all the others so how has this topic modeling code helped me as a librarian well first of all it’s given me the ability to better learn topic information from a variety of recorded evidence so far i’ve looked at journal abstracts and keywords from bibliographic databases which shed light on faculty interests i’ve also analyzed our institutional repository which highlights student research areas from theses and dissertations and also interlibrary loan data which has largely represents undergraduate studies these data sources do differ in scope and quality though i found that looking at publication information from two different databases in this case compendex and scopus that that’s important because it gives me different topics of interest i found that approximately half of the topics from each database were similar to each other and the other half were unique to that particular database and this is due to differences in the journal coverage of each and where different faculty members publish i was a bit disappointed by the interlibrary loan data though it offered the most records of any of my sources information was limited to just titles which proved to be less informative than other sources providing titles abstracts and keywords now secondly because the analysis is a relatively simple and quick process i have autonomy to update this regularly without burdening someone else’s cue this is important because evidence-based decision-making is always looking to some extent in the review rearview mirror so you don’t want to just run the analysis every few years if you want to stay up to date and because the jupiter notebook leads me through the process i can pick it up in six months without a lot of wondering how i did it the last time through this process i’ve come to appreciate how topic modeling can provide a more complete understanding of research directions at my university now this slide lists a few of those directions that i found depending on the number of topics i choose i can get not only broad subject areas but can find some of the nuances that better describe what’s of interest some of the topics in my topic models are quite detailed in fact for example one of the dominant topics that the topic model identified is origami-based compliant mechanisms this is a niche but a key area of research at my institution this niche area is not apparent when i just analyze a list of database indexing terms there’s still more that i wish to explore with this tool certainly i’m interested in determining if there are yet other data sources that provide meaningful understanding i’ve actually done a little work in modeling topics using author supplied natural language versus database supplied index terms and there are some interesting difference differences between these two though both are useful also a lot of this analysis appropriately relies on subject expertise but we need to ask ourselves if there is a way to make some of the process steps more objective one candidate is perhaps the selection of topic numbers based on the size of the data set or other factors so i thank you for your interest in this topic i’ve included a link to the code if anyone is interested in using it or better yet improving on it i also invite you to look for other ways to support librarian data scientists in parting i acknowledge the work by marina zhang and kari kozak which has brought this particular application of machine learning to light in libraries and i also thank andromeda yelton who has provided me excellent training with respect to machine learning and who has encouraged me to share this with you thanks again thank you david i’m not able to turn on my video at the moment so uh i’m sure it’ll be back on in a moment but uh yeah i wanted to thank you for there we go i wanted to thank david for that really interesting talk that got a couple of questions which he’s already answered in the question in a answer section on machining learning apps for non-programmers we had one question asked asking him to share the link which he’s already done and another about what data formats to import and what that process looks like in jupiter notebooks so i’m going to if there are no further questions i’m going to move on to our next speakers who are again clara turp and lucy kiester or kiester from ethics of ai algorithms looking into pubmed’s best match algorithm clara again is the discovery systems librarian at mcgill and her research interests include linked data and ethical implications of algorithms and libraries lucy lucy is the liaison librarian for undergraduate medical education at mcgill i’m looking forward to hearing both of your talks hi everyone uh thank you for being here uh i’m clara turp and i’m a systems librarian and i’m with lucy kiester who’s a medical liaison librarian we both work at mcgill university and we’re here to talk about the ethics of ai algorithms specifically looking into pubmed’s best match algorithm so here’s a quick outline of our presentation but we will dive right in so to introduce we thought we’d make it really simple and talk about what our algorithms because you can define algorithms in a very mathematical way with this is steps in a and b and c but we actually think it makes more sense especially in the context of this talk to see algorithms as institutions because of their power to structure behavior influence preferences guide consumption produce content signal quality and sway commodification so we think that we really like this definition because it looks at algorithms it as a whole environment and you look at it holistically with all their parts instead of specifically looking at the very kind of mathematical steps but looking at how they work within their entire environment and so a good way to look at this specifically is actually through an example so we will now go into what is pubmed so pubmed is actually a great way to look at an environment holistically but a little background information first what is pubmed it is a free access database produced by the ncbi for the national library of medicine or the nlm out of the usa critically what it does is give access to medline and medline is about 50 000 of what are considered to be the core biomedical journals that make up basically the backbone of western medical and biomedical science so it’s kind of a big deal pubmed itself is indexed using something called medical subject headings or mesh but critically because pubmed is free access the full text isn’t necessarily but the database itself is and it is free worldwide which has led to it being one of the most used databases in the medical fields for example in just 2017 which is the most current data that has been released by the nlm pubmed had 3.
Open Access Publishing and Self-Archiving Panel Discussion
OK. OK. Perfect so hello. Those of you who are with us today.
00:16 - Thanks for coming. The libraries are really excited to host today’s session panel discussion with the College of Health Sciences and the profession are file Sciences, professions and the Heritage College of Medicine.
00:29 - On the topic around Open Access publishing and self archiving research, we hope to raise awareness around the topic of spark discussions among yourselves and today some of the panel will be discussing their experience on publishing open.
Trust is the foundation of Cloud [Cloud 2030 Feb 11 2021]
Hello, I’m Rob Hirschfeld, CEO and co founder of RackN. And this was the February 11, clou 2030 discussion. And it was a really goo one, because we dug into what will change th status quo, we really went into what effect are going to drive consumers to have ne choices, make other choices, undermine thei confidence in the way things go. And we di it in a really interesting way.