Sub)🌈20대 게이 마지막 생일파티│남자친구│선물│생일브이로그│V-Log│이벤트_Last Birthday Party in the 20s
Thank you. everyone. He closes his eyes more and more.
00:11 - current time Where is my cell phone…
00:37 - Baby wait a minute Happy birthday baby Happy birthday♥ I set the alarm to be the 1st one to say birthday wishes for you, Let’s be together forever my love. Keep your eyes on me, stay with me.
02:02 - Bad breath!! Didn’t you say you’d be moved if you edited it?
TEI Part 2
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf500 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\tx800\tx2080\tx2400\tx3200\tx4000\tx4800\tx5600\tx6400\tx7200\tx7680\pardeftab720\li961\fi1600\ri-1\sl-297\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ \pard\tx800\tx2080\tx2400\tx3200\tx4000\tx4800\tx5600\tx6400\tx7200\tx7680\pardeftab720\li961\fi2395\ri-1\sl-297\partightenfactor0 \cf0 >> Here we are.
Can you see the picture of the desert that is a metaphor my for campus Ethernet as well. \ \pard\tx800\tx2080\tx2400\tx3200\tx4000\tx4800\tx5600\tx6400\tx7200\tx7680\pardeftab720\li961\fi1600\ri-1\sl-297\partightenfactor0 \cf0 Allison puts Murphy’s law. Absolutely. \ I am pleased to have the opportunity to given straight to you the necessity to have a plan B. Thank you Vorizon hot spot.
TEI Part 1
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf500 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\tx800\tx2080\tx2400\tx3200\tx4000\tx4800\tx5600\tx6400\tx7200\tx7680\pardeftab720\li961\fi2395\ri-1\sl-297\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ \pard\tx800\tx2080\tx2400\tx3200\tx4000\tx4800\tx5600\tx6400\tx7200\tx7680\pardeftab720\li961\fi1600\ri-1\sl-297\partightenfactor0 \cf0 >> Okay.
It is 1\‘a0o’clock so we will be getting started. You can see the tech check on the screen and you can see the microphone icon on the bottom left of the screen. \ It is a toggle button you click on and off and the microphone will go on and off. Please leave your microphones muted during the session when you are not talking.
Taylor Talks Episode 6: Minor Theater at HERE on Tuesday 20 April 2021
♪ I’ve never had any other way ♪ ♪ Nor a collection of the crazy minds ♪ Hi, so I’m just gonna run down the usual spiel, about the HERE art center and art program.
00:18 - My name is Taylor Mac. I am interviewing a bunch of HARP artists from the HERE art center.
00:24 - What HARP is, is just a program where people apply for it, and artists get to work on their ensembles, or individual artists get to work on their projects, for a number of years.
ENG SUB Run BTS! 2021 EP 138
[RUN BTS EP. 138 BTS Table Tennis Class1] [This content is produced with sponsorship of FILA] RUN BTS! [This show is filmed in compliance with COVID 19 quarantine guidelines] [So excited] [Calm done] - j-hope! - Yes.
00:27 - - We’re wearing this FILA’s training wears now. - Wait.
00:30 - [Today’s RUN BTS looks like?] - Yeah. - I feel like we need to work out today.
okay so now I think we can start so hello everyone thank you for joining us today to our virtual open day my name is Mishket Ben Hamida and i’m the marketing project manager at Datum Academy so if you have a bachelor of 4 years, if you are a career changer looking for IT skills especially in big data and artificial intelligence or you are a professional wishing to advance your career let me tell you you are at the right place in this presentation today along with professor Serge Miranda masters BIHAR & eBIHAR scientific director and Dr Evgeniya Ishkina Director of the BIHAR master we will give you all the information you need to know about the master of science BIHAR its online version eBIHAR and our micro credential GRADEO which are both online trainings you could follow while working full time or part time thank you and now professor serge miranda i give you the floor so glad to talk with you today and um i will give a presentation of uh the contents of BIHAR and eBIHAR masters and today we focusing on students we need that knowledge of that information and we hope that after this so open day there will be no question remaining for you and of course we can deliver some and answer any questions regarding higher education in this disrupting world of artificial intelligence in big data so first of all we are this master of science BIHAR is located at ESTIA the school of engineering in Biarritz in bidar close to the airport in the southwest of France historically ESTIA is a school of mechanical engineering industrial engineering and computer engineering represent one dimension of ESTIA and that’s within that area that the BIHAR master of science on big data and artificial intelligence started last october Hello everyone, my name is Patxi Elissalde I’m ESTIA campus Director.
2021 TESLA MODEL Y OWNERs Review. 1000 miles later #Tesla
hey guys, hi how are you? welcome to another under performing video on youtube my name is juan carlos and behind me is a 2021 Tesla Model Y Performance. it’s a vehicle that we’ve had for the last month and we have already put over a thousand miles on it so i thought it was a good time to take a break and give you an update of what it’s been like to own this vehicle for that long.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Melee Damage Guide
There are links to the weapon damage guide and bow and bowgun damage guides in the description.
00:05 - I’ll be covering them a bit later. Well, here we are.
00:08 - I want to first say that I’m not a genius, and I’m sure I wont be able to cover every single thing about every part of this game, regardless of how many videos I make, but I will share what I know, and you can build onto that if you want.
Chapter 39 The Groups, Soul Touching Quran Recitation, 90+ Language Subtitles | Maranao
This Book is sent down by God the Mighty, the Wise It is We who sent down the Book to you [Prophet] with the Truth, so worship God with your total devotion it is to God alone that sincere obedience is due. And those who take other guardians besides Him say, “We serve them only that they may bring us nearer to God. ” Surely, God will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ.
GTN Smörgåsbord - Day 4 - MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of label-free data
Hi everyone! And welcome to the proteomics hands-on training.
00:06 - In this training, we will learn how to use MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of a label-free tissue cohort dataset.
00:16 - The data comes from skin tissue samples of 19 patients, and they have different types of tumors.
00:25 - One group consists of metastasizing cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, and the other one off RDEB cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.