Taxonomic assignment
Hi, I’m Ben Kaehler. I’m going to talk to you about taxonomic classification. I will cover what taxonomic classification is, how to do it in QIIME 2, and a few ways that you might make your taxonomic classification more accurate.
00:22 - So - what is taxonomic classification? We will assume that, at this point in the pipeline, you have obtained a set of denoised sequences. So these sequences are probably the output of dada 2 or deblur, and so you might be calling them ASVs or sOTUs, I’ll just call them sequences.
PD Mice: Taxonomic classification
Hello, my name is Anthony Simard, and in this video we will be discussing the taxonomic classification portion of the QIIME2 Parkinson’s mouse tutorial. This video will generally assume you’ve been following the tutorial videos up to this point, and also you’ve watched Ben Kaehler’s lecture video on taxonomic assignment, because in this tutorial video we will be discussing how to implement some of those concepts in QIIME2.
[ENG/INDO SUB] Happy Eunwoo Day 🐰🎉 | Vlive
Why is it not working? Okay, it’s on.
00:32 - It’s on now. Hi, this is Eunwoo. It’s my birthday today. In the back it says, happy birthday face genius Cha Eunwoo. And this photo is from an interview. It’s a selfie. And when was this? Where did you get this? I think I was 20, 21. So they prepared this for me…
01:41 - Oh, right. Cute.
Azure Unblogged - Pricing Up Azure Files
>> Hey everybody. Stay tuned for this Azure unblogged episode where I’m joined by Will from the Azure Files team.
00:06 - He’s going to be talking about the cost of Azure Files.
00:09 - Talking about the tiers that are available, how to pick the right tier for your organization, how to compare the Azure Files to other File services on the market and also how to optimize your cost once you do deploy Azure Files.
094. Idea - Taking Action to Support Industry
welcome to EECO Asks Why, today we have an idea episode and we’re going to be talking about taking action to support industry.
00:16 - And I’m so excited to have with us, Mr. Tim Wilborne.
00:19 - And he is at TW controls and actually we call them the Industrial Sourcer.
00:23 - So we’ll talk to Tim about that title here in a minute, but welcome Tim.
so hello there and today we’re gonna have a look at the super retrocade by retro bit and as you can see it’s a tiny little box and it comes with a whole load of games a whole load of retro games so i get quite the nostalgia buzz when it comes to retro games brings back all those memories from when i was a kid in the arcade and there’s a whole load of arcade games on the retro bit and there’s the box there as you can see so we’ve got the super retro cage the ultimate home arcade as it says here by retro bit packed with over 90 games so you’ve got a whole load of arcade games plus some nes games and some snes games or snares i call it snares i used to have a snazz as well by the way so we’ve got double the nostalgia value in my head so if you had an nes you will have triple the nostalgia value so some of the games include final fight mega man 2 burger time double dragon loads more so you’ve got capcom games data east games irem games and tecmos games i used to love the old capcom data east and irem games it’s a whole load of other games arcade games we’ve got 1942 super cools and ghosts ghosts and goblins double dragon bionic commando so that’s some of the arcade games we got on here this is the uk version so it may differ from the us version high resolution 7020p graphics on hdmi two classic wired controllers included so there’s one of the controllers they’re wired with a whole load of lead so you can obviously be quite far away from your little console and enjoy the gaming experience i bought this mainly for the arcade games because i used to love arcade games although they were very difficult that’s my only complaint about them too difficult of course that was a mechanism to get people to spend more money i think i said already one of my favorites is ghost goblins but i’m absolutely rubbish at that game but it’s great to have a look at that commando that was a great game sidearms i loved that game i used to go into an arcade in shepton mallet in somerset united kingdom with a friend years ago we used to play that and spend a lot of time on them it’s a lovely game great graphics at the time 1942 of course a classic and 1943 i think i had either 1942 or 1943 on the zx spectrum i don’t know if the zx spectrum was uh very popular in the us but any us viewers let us know if it was and if you had any experience with it or actually own one as well so i had one great fun 48k spectrum with the rubber keys so of course the computers back in the day used to try and replicate the uh arcade games in the best way that the computer system could handle at the time double dragon that was always a popular game r type of course and r type 2.
Heba Abd el Gawad | Egypts Dispersed Heritage
Hi everyone! This is Heba Abd Gawad, and I’m an Egyptian egyptologist, which means that I specialize in the history and archaeology of Egypt. Today I’ll share with you some of my own frustrations with how ancient Egypt is presented, or perhaps “mis-presented”, in museums all over the world and some of the new ways that I myself – together with my colleague Alice Stevenson at the University College of London’s Institute of Archaeology, with a collaboration with too many partners from Egypt, artists as well as community activists and cultural organizations, in addition to six institutions in the UK – working our way around how can we change the way Egypt is presented and displayed in museums in the UK, and perhaps, in the future all over the world.
Exercise One: Think about God!
Hello everyone i greet you from poland all of you from saint dominic parish and everyone who attends masses there our lantern retreats the theme of our lantern retreats this year is how can you find peace peace of god in troubled times how can we find peace of god in our troubled times so how to keep god’s peace in traumatic situations or just in difficult everyday events during our retreat this year we go to saint paul who writes to us in his letters that each of us can learn peace can learn peace of heart it is not something inherent or meant for the special group any christian can learn it any christian can learn the peace of god this is the nature actually of christian peace that we can learn it that inner heart balance awareness of god’s presence and a sense of his all-encompassing protection how then can you learn god’s peace or how to find god’s peace saint paul gives us three exercises first training to think practicing thanksgiving and exercising in love today is the first exercise training your thoughts training in thinking exercise to think so to keep god’s peace especially in difficult situations we need to think differently in order to keep peace of god we need to think differently we have to change every day in small steps our old ways of thinking it means thinking about something big important that is thinking about god his words and his works this will allow us to remain calm in any situation that’s what saint paul teaches us and the psalmist in psalm 78 teaches us let us not forget the great works of god for israelites the memory remembering great works of god was very important part of their faith it is the same with us to remember to recall to allow to enter into our minds the great works and words that god said and done in the history of humankind and in my own history of life recall what has god done in your life since your birth there is an interesting story about a certain gathering of devils so the devils get together and they talked about how to deceive people so that as many of them as possible will go to hell one devil said i have a good idea i am going to tell people there is no hell with that idea i will not deceive many people replied the other’s devils unfortunately many people already know that there is hell so the other said i have a good idea i’ll tell people there is no god the second devil replied to him it is too late for such a procedure many people in the world know that god is and they believe in him the third devil thought for a long time and then said i will tell people that they don’t have to worry about heaven or hell that they don’t need to think about god let them play do whatever they want let them think about whatsoever accept god i will tell them that they will still have time to think about god well dear friends of barbados we do not have much time for this the devils have figured out a good way to lie to to men to deceive us the fact that man has a lot of time on earth and still has time to think about god it’s a lie we don’t have much time thinking about god’s things about god is a powerful source of god’s peace imagine a time when we were in love or we just love someone how much thinking about that person silencing our thoughts make us peaceful thinking about that particular person time spent together with him or her or even about love this kind of thinking gives us more peace then there is a situation where other more unpleasant thoughts have less access to us because we are strong with the thoughts about love it is similar with god we can if we don’t have it now learn to think about him and about god’s things for example we can learn to care for god’s interests for his business and affairs when zeal for his house and his affairs consumers we always feel peace other things then some more mundane difficulties reach us yes but do not kill us they only sting like a pin but it is a prick through the thick clothes and not directly into our skin because we have a sense of the meaning of our lives in god in his letter to the philippians paul encourages us whatever things are true whatever things have honor whatever things are upright whatever things are holy whatever things are beautiful whatever things are of value if there is any virtue and if there is any praise give thought to these things and the god of peace will be with you thoughts about god give us peace internal balance because they are like a warm safe cozy home we feel good in these thoughts and in god’s matters thinking about god and his matters it’s a rescue even tangible physical in various difficulties and situations when you literally live in some prison thoughts of god may be just such a home for you a springboard from the prison situation rest breath peace freedom which is the opposite of your prism many people who survived auschwitz for example they were people who thought about god about their relatives about hope hope when you are sick then think about god it can be relief and health for you think about god’s words and about god deeds in the history of humankind and in your history when you were just betrayed abundant come to live in god cuddle up to him thinking about him and his matters you may then ask yourself how did he experience the betrayals rejection in such a situation you can think about him thoughts about god can comfort you forgetting betrayal for a moment some saints say that the best therapy for our troubled lives for our sufferings and difficulties is to meditate the passion of christ the passion of christ jesus in that passion you can find similar experiences to yours and moreover jesus in his passion is carrying your troubles your sufferings and sins you can reunite with him in your sufferings when you are broke you have lost everything home estate maybe your loved ones thoughts about god can be your wealth can be your everything can be your peace thoughts about god great things god’s things what are these thoughts every man has a different way of thinking about god and this is beautiful you each one of you has a different way of thinking about god for one man thinking about god will be praising god thanking him expressing love to him in thought and receiving love from god savoring the thought of his love unconditionally always present the one that isaiah describes beautifully in chapter 49 he wrote but zion said the lord has abandoned me and the lord has forgotten me can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb even these may forget but i will not forget you behold i have inscribed you on the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me isn’t that thought comforting isaiah chapter 49 verses 14 16.
Kenny Taylor - WOCM-Make It Plain - The Anatomy of Faith - Pt E-2 - 07 Mar 21 -Giving God the Glory
this is the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah hallelujah to god be the glory for all the great things he’s done in our lives hallelujah praise the lord love you hey everybody god bless you i’m glad you’re back hey don’t forget the just shall live by faith and if we’re going to live by faith then we need to understand what faith is let us pray father thank you for this opportunity to come to worship and praise your holy name as father to move us out of the way that hold us for heaven’s way speak to our hearts heavenly father make it plain for us to understand where you’re coming from so that we can hear your voice and understand your word in jesus name man amen amen you know the point is you know division of ministry is all about teaching the word of god in a practical and effective manner we ain’t talking about trying to get deep because it ain’t time for being deep and i mean if you want to be strong you’ll go spiritually you can get into more in depth and acknowledge the word of god but you know most of us we’re doing good if we can sit there and study the word of god and apply that word of god in our life daily understanding hey this is what’s written as the new testament i’ma walk with that you know and we talk about the fact is and uh in our center theme of the thing we use the first scripture as a hebrews 11 1 their faith what is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen but without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a reward of those who diligently seek him have faith in god and mark 11 24 is the the what we desire is is is in that desire i said before is the blueprint even hope is a blueprint is in here i said is a mind game it’s a mind warfare it’s a spiritual warfare in the mind and what we operate is and use the weapons that he’s given us the weapons of our warfare are not cardinal but mighty through god for the pulling down the strongholds casting down imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against what the knowledge of god we want to have a source we we talked about last time your faith could you have faith in many different things some people have faith in themselves some people have faith in ministry some people have faith in money some people have faith in a person and and then the problem is that god when we talk about his believers is have faith in god and those people who don’t believe in god they one of the biggest things is is they’ve been turned off because of what they see in other people’s life that call themselves christians sit their ended have this audacity to sit then judge somebody else and not recognize they got their own faults too and the bible talks about that but some people can’t see that there’s people one of our friends and in the ministry saying we got a preacher standard when it says you know what you can’t preach to stand unless you live the standard and see it’s so easy if you pinpoint an area and sit there and say no i’m gonna preach against this because this i know this is going against the standard i know i’m not doing that but you’re doing something else and the bible said you’re saying at one point you sent it all so it’s very hard for us to sit there and preach a standard that we’re not even doing ourselves and we think we’re fooling somebody come on man i’m just saying this very well humble and be me and sit there and say look i ain’t arrived all sinner comes short of the glory of god so so i’m not going to sit there and try to preach the standard that i can’t even keep myself and that’s why it’s so important for us when we talk about the just to live by faith is to teach one another to live by faith walk by faith not by sight what’s going on your mind i’m telling you what’s going on in your mind is critical as a believer walking by faith so we have to remember that faith hebrews 11 1 is the substance of things hoped for what is hope is an imagination it is a is a visualization expectation of something good happening we don’t hope negative we hold some positives right so the just shall live by faith faith in what faith in god not faith in other people where we get we let we fall and our expectations fall because we’re focusing on the wrong thing that’s why we got to make sure our faith is in god’s word spoken and written and we want to hear from god because god is always talking and he it is not well i have brought himself before i say look at let me make sure you get this you don’t have hearing god voice is not a gift what i’m trying to say everybody can hear from god even in the bible there’s people that were saved not saved heard from god they heard them we can talk with you in israel they won’t born again but they were delivered from bondage we won’t say they were born again but they heard the voice of god speaking on mount sinai to them and they said Moses you talk to him we talk to god if talk to him we’re going to die we we we even read an event in the scripture where the donkey actually spoke for god He used a donkey to speak to a man that was going to try to prophesize against god’s people um this there’s many uh incidents in the bible in the new testament as well where a person was not saving her from god matter of fact hey there’s a good one paul we call saul his first name was saw it first and then he changed his name to paul paul’s on the road to demarcus paul was not saying paul was wasting the church he was crucifying the people that were believers of christ jesus he won’t say on the road of demarcus god spoke to him and that boy got saved because he heard from god and and so many of us we come to come to making that confession because we heard from god we’re at that action that tells us it’s time to turn our life over to christ it’s time to recognize we need salvation that’s what people who are not saying they don’t come to christ because they rejected what they heard from god because they i i i can tell you right now every last one of us have heard from the inner ear not this physical year because that’s not how god talks he’s a spirit right god is a spirit and those who worship him must worship in the spirit and truth so when god talks to you believers and non-believers he talks to you through your spirit and when we listen to the voice of god take heed to what he says is what matters and you know in revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 the bible say he has an ear let him hear what the spirit’s saying to the churches and then those letters dealing with two and three of the different churches all those churches have issues so for people don’t believe just understand the bible is very clear that we we can be the church but it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be perfect we’re not you’re not perfect and i don’t i hope you’re not sitting there espousing that you think the people in the church won’t be perfect but i do understand when you sit there and say i got issues with people in the church because they sit there and try to hear that word i think earlier preach a standard that they’re not even living themselves children of israel when they’re going by the law they’re preaching the law but they’re not fulfilling the law themselves only christ could have done that and then that’s why we’re with we’re people to come into the body of christ we come as we are and we grow through the body through the spirit through the study and the fellowship with one another trusting god to change us individually and not trying to impose our will of somebody else so just watch out for that so we want to have faith in god and and faith is always as from a biblical perspective is aiming toward getting god to move on our behalf and we need to understand we got to trust in him and we got to understand that you petition until you receive it meaning what i mean petition if you pray every day for something you’re asking and believing god for it then you do that until you receive it in your spirit and you hear that voice of god saying got it you got it because sometimes it’ll be a situation where we’re praying for god to move and it’s not his will one of the one of the believers said to say no i i i think if i think it’s a lack of faith you pray more than once about a situation well that’s not what’s in the bible saying paul when he had infirmities right he prayed to god many times to remove that from that infirmity that thorn in the flesh even jesus and the god of the sentiment he said father this cup can pass let it pass but nevertheless let your will be done but he’s competition to god to say if this can pass i don’t want to go through this if i’ll have to but i do because of your will so he did that three times in the garden so it’s not on you for you to continue to pray and and ask god and have faith in god for him to move and understand sometimes if it’s outside his will that what christ demonstrated nevertheless let thy will be done because that’s what’s important for us as we live by the faith of god and trust in him amen because we can have faith in something else we know that we talk about it earlier we have faith and money we have faith in people we can have faith in things right those people you know oh rabbit foots and stuff like that people have faith and trying to to bring something to pass and things that does not have any light it becomes like dead work you know favorite works is dead faith without work faith without work is dead when we don’t have faith in god it has to be faith in god and doing his will not i will because we do i will that’s when we lack or we call it dead works we’ve got to make sure that we don’t focus on dead works we got to focus on the will of god and and and walk by the will of god we talked about in mark 11 uh 22 and 24.
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh my god i’m so tired thank you [Music] i just got a call from the village oh [Music] that’s so sad sorry [Music] sorry how old was he hear crying for an eighteen-year-old man if he something self oh maybe you should have died in instead god died for him so you come back to life you’re going to begin i never saw that we’re going to live up to it i will never live up to the people of his life [Music] steal my sorry [Music] sorry oh my god he finally left you love a girl please he’s different anyway i have a solution on how to end this whole matter tell me [Music] [Music] you see that transformer at the beginning of the street the transformer go there hug the transformer so tight until you die i’m tired of him appearing and disappearing from nowhere i’m tired i’ve gotten it up to you i’m tired see babe i know how you feel but if i don’t work hard how do i provide those little things i do for you by stealing i mean by feelings that’s how you want to provide for me okay i was still again after this last hit i promise i will steal again yeah i promise you can’t say peace okay okay see look at the stuff i got for you shoes good things you like the money if you can’t do this you can’t just leave me i promise i will steal again okay okay okay so now i’m work i will stay again if you leave me how do i how do you expect me to survive you know how much i love you please please you don’t expect me to follow her to the hospital when i know the truth trisha loves you a lot telling her the truth will not make her love you less rather she would she would help you to find a solution to this problem how do you expect her to react when she gets to find out that my sperm is not strong enough to make babies of course i don’t expect her to be happy she desperately needs children that is it who wouldn’t it’s the dream of every married woman to have a child to give back but here your mother is not helping matters at all i know i know don’t ever call this line again you spawn of the devil [Music] i am your best friend and i’m doing this for your own good gallivanting the wrong town man [Music] so what is he saying about it he keeps saying that he’s not ready yet [Music] and when will he be ready my dear i don’t know we have lived as lovers for the past 10 years and yet he’s not ready this this issue weighs me it’s it’s it weighs me down it it eats me up i’ve i’ve gone a long way now and i can’t go back and besides how do i start all of my game [Music] it’s not funny at all i think it’s time to let his friend my husband want to start it i mean ben and mark are best of friends so it only makes sense that ben knows how you feel about this whole thing yes i will do that i will do it also i think this time it stops with your potions how about you keep this particular pregnancy yes keep it perhaps with time he will come around we will insist on keeping this one eventually he’s going to make up his mind and marry you my idea don’t even go there he doesn’t want to hear of it and besides i’m the first daughter in my family so if they didn’t pay my bright price it’s going to affect my siblings their breakfast will be paid too wow but it is drink that’s it okay okay cheers i know right yeah oh and by the way baby there’s something very important i’d like to discuss with you and it has to do with your best friend yes what about him why hasn’t he picked brenda’s daughter how is that your business brother is my friend in fact she’s like a sister to me and they have lived together for years now as a couple yes they are not even a couple he hasn’t married her yet why i think i should talk to you although brenda did say she’ll be about okay then i won’t discuss it with mac until i’ve heard from brenda [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey lucy hope you’re good you should stop missing me please i can’t continue with this the game is over i am telling you that we’re doing this wrong i do not wish to continue please stop and stop disturbing me please [Music] [Music] wow did it it’s close to celebration what happened what are we celebrating the contractors finally are they just got the mobilization which of the contracts the one for the extension and renovation of all government schools and inno states wow that is big big indeed you know good things have been coming lately from right left center everywhere that is what we have been praying for we are going to celebrate this oh for sure you don’t want it right away right here hello lucy i guess you’re looking for a bed [Music] everything all right i need to discuss something very important with him [Music] well then i happen to be his best friend and manager so would you mind sharing with me no it’s it’s confidential please don’t leave it on i wouldn’t know but it took me long [Music] okay please when he comes back telling i checked on him [Music] i will thank you [Music] [Music] brenda ah i see so you sneaked out [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right let me go tell you mm-hmm [Music] how is that possible what is that i understood how you went abroad on a business trip she was so disappointed she was oh yes she was just pretend you didn’t see the text message just pretend didn’t see it she just wants to use the pregnancy to pay you down it’s obvious i don’t know but the last time i went for a test i was told i had a little spent and except i treated it i might not be able to follow my child so how could i have gotten her pregnant wonderful question that girl is not pregnant yes you might be right she wants to tie me down if she was no she’s not pregnant even if she wasn’t obviously not mine that’s the gospel truth it is not yours [Music] [Music] hopefully it’s on this particular page [Applause] yes i look at them hey oh wait there’s another one this one [Music] indians [Music] [Music] exactly yeah the best thing is do you like this i think this is kind of sexy daring do yeah i like it i can’t believe you can see that no honestly i do like the cleavage would you let your wife worry um i don’t think i’d have a problem with you wearing this no why doesn’t that look like what i wear though this is 2016.