Chapter 6 The Cattle, Beautiful Quran Recitation, 90+ Language Subtitles | Kendayan
Praise be to God, who has created the heavens and the earth and brought into being darkness and light. Yet those who deny the truth set up equals to their Lord It is He who has created you out of clay, and then has decreed a term [for you], a term known [only] to Him. Yet you are still in doubt He is God both in the heavens and on earth.
មនុស្សលោក - Humanity ភាគទី៣ - (Life Series Ep3) - [Sastra Film]
Vann said she will have a trip with her family She might be leaving now I have to go now. I don’t know when I come back I want to tell you in person but but I know know how I don’t know where to find you Goodbye my best friend! Have you seen, Sophat? I haven’t seen him too He might be very busy He normally comes to drink coffee every day Sophat loves my dad but why don’t he join his funeral?
💪 Ai Proof Skills
Dr Ed Tse: In this last section, I’m going to talk about the 3R’s of Ai proof skills. How can we thrive in a world of Ai mediated work? Well, schools focus on the fundamentals of the three R’s called Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. We’ve learned that many of these skills are not unique, and they can be easily outsourced. Especially now more than ever. So what would happen?
Being a Science Ambassador (Part Two) - John Mark Kuhns - Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 122
Yeah, you’re right that Christians and Christian business owners ought to have as part of their motivation to take care of creation, but that’s not going to be enough to actually change practices in a sustainable way, and what I mean by sustainable: is it sustainable for you as a person or as a business owner.
00:30 - I’d like to circle back again just a little bit to this maybe self-imposed or often viewed as distinctions between Christianity and science, and I’d like to hear a little bit about your journey going through school, and whether you encountered that where you as a Christian you’re studying medical science, and I’m sure there were secular pressures, and influences there.
RUSSIAN WOMAN BY MANIZHA: the meaning of the song and racist comments. Learn Russian through content
Hello everyone! Russian with Dasha with you. Today I would like to talk about the song with which Russia will perform at the Eurovision-2021 contest. Why this song in Russia caused such a huge resonance, who is its performer and, most importantly, what this song is about. I would also like to clarify that this video is for foreigners who study Russian and are interested in the culture of Russia, so if I see any negative, xenophobic, racist comments from Russians or criticism that is far from constructive, I will just ban this user.
Writers in Conversation: Tracy Chevalier, Nikita Lalwani and Stephanie Scott
good evening everyone i’m liz jolly chief librarian of the british library and i’d like to welcome you on behalf of the library to this evening’s event writers in conversation shortly you’ll be hearing from tonight’s event chair the journalist yvette huddleston and the authors tracy chevalier nikita lalwani and stephanie scott they’ll be reading from their latest works discussing their books and their own experiences and how they chime with the themes and figures featured in the major british library exhibition unfinished business the fight for women’s rights from bodily autonomy and the right to education to self-expression and protest unfinished business explores how feminist activism in the uk has its roots in the complex history of women’s rights unfinished business is a landmark program for the british library including an exhibition at our St Pancras site in london a digital programme of events and podcasts a new book a new learning website and pop-up displays in public libraries across the uk as someone with a lifelong interest in women’s history i’m really excited about this exhibition writers in conversation is part of a wider series of unfinished business online events in november that have been developed in partnership with leeds libraries leeds libraries has long been a partner with the british library through initiatives including the living knowledge network and business and iep center national network and we’re delighted to be working with them on this program we had originally intended tonight’s event to take place in person at leeds central library we’ve had to adapt our plans due to Covid-19 but we’re pleased that we can still welcome these authors and you in the audience this evening both in leeds and around the world our unfinished business events in leeds are part of the british library’s growing culture and learning programme in west yorkshire the leeds region is the location of one of the british library’s two sites which has operated at boston spa near wetherby for more than 50 years and which is now home to around 70 percent of the national collection we’re now also growing our public engagement in this area as part of a wider program of increased investment locally we’re pleased that this event can contribute to leedy’s rich cultural scene during these challenging times i hope you enjoy the event and i look forward to hearing from the speakers i’ll now hand you over to andrea ellison chief librarian of leeds libraries so thank you very much liz and i’d just like to begin by echoing liz’s words of welcome and say how delighted we are that you’re all able to join us for this evening’s event so i’ve been in these libraries now for just over three years and one of the things i love about my job is the opportunity we have in leeds to work in partnership with the british library and we work with the british library on a number of collaborations and the living knowledge network as liz just mentioned is one of those partnerships the living knowledge network really helps us to explore develop and promote our collections and we’re especially pleased to be working on this latest collaboration on finished business leeds has a strong history of women’s activism and we have in the city today a real commitment to ensuring that young girls and women achieve their potential now inevitably um our plans for our program of events has had to change somewhat over the past few months but we have now curated a virtual exhibition which really features stories of inspirational women particularly women from the city as well as showcasing items from our collections that connect to the wider history of women’s rights and then we were thinking about speakers and authors to invite to be part of our program and i immediately thought of tracy chevalier i had recently been to the edinburgh book festival and i had been lucky enough to see tracy talking about her novel a single thread and it was when i was there at that event that i learned that actually the archive which tracy had used to research her novel was in fact based at the university of leeds and so it was this local connection as well as the detail in which tracy explores women’s experiences in her novels that we felt made her an ideal choice of speaker and we’re delighted that the british library has been able to facilitate this for us but tonight not only are we joined by tracy chevalier we’re also joined by nikita lalwani and stephanie scott who will be talking and reading from their novels before joining a panel um discussing how the themes in their novels connect with the wider themes of unfinished business so i’d just like to say thank you once again for joining us this evening i very much hope you enjoy the event and i’m now going to hand over to our chair for the evening yvette hudson thank you hello everyone i’m really happy to be here and to welcome you to this event i’m going to introduce our fantastic panel to start with so first of all we have tracy chevalier who was born in washington dc and has been based in london since 1984.
096. Idea - Manufacturing Recipe for Differentiation
So welcome to EECO Asks Why today we have an idea episode, and we’re going to be talking about a manufacturing a recipe for differentiation, and we have with us Paul Van Metre, he’s the co-founder of ProShop ERP.
00:23 - So welcome Paul. Thank you, Chris. Really appreciate being here.
00:28 - Absolutely, man, looking forward to talking with you.
00:30 - How are things going for you today in Washington?
Day of Promises, Day of Resurrection & Day of Judgment | Day of Nowruz & Lataif al Qalb
As Salaamu Alaykum Walaykum As Salaam Someone is asking Sayyidi: what is the reality of Nowruz? The, what is the reality of Nowruz, inshaAllah.
00:29 - This in the lataif (subtle energy points) of the qalb (heart), we went over that from the lataif of the qalb the yellow was a summer and then from summer becomes red which is the fall.
00:53 - Summer is the height of life and fall is now a phase of death that’s why it’s red, that every tree, the leaves are entering a state of death.
Good evening everyone good evening and welcome to another live inclusion Here we see you again with one easy of course interesting a topic especially for young people not only for young people for windows and that topic a little Unlike these previous ones, we have had enough of these frans and ugly ones topic and so on Let’s go back to love a little bit is that so yes we talk a little about it it is always interesting this very topic that how to is interesting and some words that topic especially on these ours The forest areas where you are still not only actually with us but especially maybe in our country, not counting some Middle East there, I don’t know I what Where is still seen on this topic as a kind of board stools of such a hand in which as it should not be talked about and it’s not something scary or this way and that way or so and many are like that watching now We’ll talk about this topic what is logical is in this case from a masculine point of view We will talk about the experiences of women and not so much the experience from the female mind about experience men because for the simple reason that they are with us it means how he observes and will be now a little rude ate but that’s why when they say about a guy the guy had a lot partner is so many women before you means guy is it so and some Macho Man some guy girl had a lot of partners before him so she is unjustified I say just let’s not be so much uncultured now with that kind of thinking I personally don’t agree at all that’s how we immediately define it and immediately say what my opinion is I don’t agree with cancer at all, I think, and that’s completely complete for me pointless and can’t even make you grow up looking at me but the fact is The fact is that even today it is viewed that way and it definitely is through history, but we have always been so mirrored throughout history and be careful not only is it not always and but it is not in all cultures in some cultures but rare cheap cultures is even the reverse situation of women is in some ways more sexually dominant than a man and she has The prima donna can choose partners and so on you have one of Tibetan tribes where women sabirov if you did not even know about this information for the fact that a woman can have multiple husbands so no not that as in Muslim certain Muslim countries is Arab husband and can have up to four wives no wife can have more husbands what is so fascinating in essence and who can substitute them for what he has the right to blame them if it is absolutely what it still sees that it is and so it will be Now and henceforth in the future we will always be a mod on means you can’t leave more than one in 30 seconds comments and any comment that has any message word what it old ugly stops automatically if it is and it can fall either what word do i mean and what shouldn’t break up type write moron And why is it a medical term but they automatically block it but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, let’s go back to this side, so if there are cultures where it was the other way around and where there is no discussion about it where it is free wars and of course that a woman in such a culture Can she has as many partners as you want and it even seems then she is a guy is that so and she has more husbands Is there another culture where it is in equally and so on but but realistically in most cultures and especially in European throughout history again not the whole of history is so that it is a muse dominant Why not the whole history because in our long ago and Serbian culture, the so-called culture class, is called its center Behold, Vincia has nothing to do with anyone boats in the old Serbian culture before from 7,000 to before 2000 years before the new era it was the woman who was the baby had primacy But she was more at stake and When matriarchy ruled brain in the sense of the rule of rule so that it is the main main but more shadowed a woman than this man was interesting therefore that these are our ancestors only happened over time hung up the transformation is so some other shift came in contact with us then did not return in Irish culture, the Vinca culture did not know war and everyone lived harmoniously more or less but when he came back when they came and so it is koloski that man and man Nada came to the fore because it is he was the one who wields some way that kills people if so then really started Come on now don’t talk monitors but just to know the antip it doesn’t even matter so in that case it’s Jasmine’s comment now stopped Miloš sees but I don’t see anything ugly about him but you see this is what YouTube does on which in that sense when we observe, let’s deal with the present time, but let’s do a little through history What men have done to man through history often forced to control female libido whether it is so to control female sexuality and it seems so today throughout history has been much more much so already now folded were man over woman answer European culture in the last 2000 years I don’t have to do everything else and much more controlled than the worst worst ways of control, which unfortunately is still performed today in certain to African nations and that is circumcision of girls so that is not so much civilizationally you are so idiotic that I am anyone to attack me like Pa well it’s their culture they have a right to do it’s theirs tradition No matter what tradition Jesus tradition good dad tradition no that is not good but is completely idiotic idiotic is not a man on is and above all very very dangerous because a huge percentage of girls very young girls before puberty mostly die because of it the process of how to call it means in 1 is a horrible disgusting thing if not you know what it’s about no i don’t want you to think this this to her I show graphically it will be ugly but do a little research to see what happens sets up is very ugly one horrible practice and i don’t want any girls in the world to go through something like that but that’s why it still happens today So men have so much need they certainly don’t need women that women participate there in their world their culture and it participates in it and they even justify it but I didn’t sure how much they truly justify it from the heart and how much it is conditioned culturally and life about so and arrange and I the same as that justification that women justify these burqas and free them and everything else they close like like a cemetery right religiously so strong and I’m not sure how much indeed the heart thinks it but simply For example, when you read, life is determined by a woman’s system culture then you even start to think that way but that’s not good It it’s not it’s it’s the opposite of liberating a human being all that but come on we do not enter the spa large of that complexion It is awful the practice of circumcision German movement of today through the tunnel accessibility in another this direction Where is the poisonous extreme that is Saturday has nothing to do now it would not be a topic but the essence is that the Government has a certain Stigma towards towards women towards girls who quite naturally express their sexual wanted so and is the fact that they always are throughout history, innocent women have been valued, and today little is being done little by little and somewhere they change but but realistically you don’t always because Come on come on like this to help everyone in their eyes and to say as a man if that’s how he is he says Ma no I like to be with a woman who has an experience like I will now I will harass the innocent, so let me learn something, and yes we have sex then I better have it with someone who has experience is that so yes great except when the day comes to think about a woman PIO so and when I think of a woman and then she thinks Now I would find you some young and innocent so to marry her yes there are 850 others who were not innocent maybe you are watched innocent you record I had fun kidding and enjoyed but all when I need to get married then I’ll find someone innocent, so he can’t master I think he can’t That’s exactly how you can’t have double standards like you’re fine while you play, but when you have to get married, she must be innocent so yes they were those innocent at the price and today they are and today they are you innocent and therefore young and so mostly although I don’t know what he is saying Bora Djordjevic has no innocents over 14 in her song, two or more that it is so is not always so that it is absolutely not so there is and how this no you are not men and women and women and deep at 20:00 and can 30 e even some people who are 50 years old have never had as a partner but it happens but it’s not that much Usually that’s how they were at the price of you girls to marry to be innocent so of course the younger Better is it so why wouldn’t it be 1918 15 14 9 and so Is what there is in today’s world I mean that in that custom giving girls of seven eight nine years 10 11 12 still exists today and today it exists in several countries in the world and that its husband and you are the husband of Tanja men is just a husband and not so much is the term husband implies something completely different but that man who married there a girl and he is 50 years old is that right but he bought her next door village from someone and she is nine 10 11 12 years old he is entitled to to their to whom this people’s general right has the right to consume that marriage is so Imagine Vito so that’s the thing that’s happening today on which is not something from the past, so that’s how it happened history no no no it’s a practice and today died again ugly practice is so but you’re doing well today, now let’s be there a little realistic So to move a little to the other side, namely indisputable is that there is something that is said something important something great Vračevi significant in that when someone gives you their innocence so it is not controversial if you take care of her Of course I’ve had the opportunity in my life to me give innocence a few times I don’t like to talk about that personal things but it’s a topic and I have to help mention the great experiences Yes that really don’t talk more things a little good to definitely be that either because of what there is something that means there is something wrong with that in the sense that there are such men who like to continue to rule I’m going to dominate a woman and a girl is it like that, so they love it or not girls or something like that is her south side but okay if someone Audrey innocence that someone has 18 19 20 five years doesn’t matter And well that someone kept for you and why there is that something so in that fact that someone was guarding for you and that’s it in a way a great honor and a great recognition when someone gives you that something he can never give anything to anyone in his life again sense It just means how much she appreciates you and how much I consider you It is important to me that it is more important to the good or I don’t even know what when it is already did well to understand I can work there to cheat so people men is so very easy I do not know from manipulating girls the girls don’t care, so in quotes from 12:00 you’re crazy of course but in the sense that she will give it to you on her own, but not with her his side and it is not out of respect and women out of love for him girls than him and the desire for sex and then she is it stated that I beat and after maybe we repent women it doesn’t matter so there’s something I’m not saying that I don’t have newspapers is that somehow a great Turk, although now maybe I see it more like that old-fashioned and too romantic Well, that’s still a size for me Is it so when someone gives me their innocence and maybe I’m asking for it today young I don’t know Here I am now asking here is now the young is the garden on dozens of it I’ve already seen how many of you there really are and that’s a super lot you and that statement what to ask all young come on all those who are teenagers don’t you seniors answer only teenagers yes answer this question whether it means to you today in your team today generations Is it you today whether you are a man or female regardless of whether you give innocence or receive innocence from someone else, and whether it is an important thing for you today, whether it is important to you in the sense that it is an expression of respect and love and all other positives emotion Have I ever repeated this I would also feel younger when I was with innocent girls Alas, that doesn’t mean that I can’t be with innocent girls today be literally older this so Do you find it today and so significant as there is no sure it was significant once before or or it is to you it’s insignificant to you, it’s completely irrelevant to you and it’s like what does it matter I am going to give innocence to the first one who comes, call innocence, so I take it off pays Well can I further whether so to answer this question is significant not significant here you see how interesting Nemanja says it is not significant a again Harris Says is significant to a man both so of course that there will be different opinions and Odem is a man again He says he is on what I’m glad that men say yes and Milos says it’s important there are 16 years old video I like this and I just went it out somehow a while ago I was afraid to be the most honest male responder from this guy i would think they would say who cares if this is so this one but I’m glad that Aleksandar here and he says Veljko all men fits in very interesting and bole x and i don’t know i have over 100 so going out is male very interesting give me then we hear girls Come on, you say, and OK, you’re a kamika, he says it’s not important issue Vinko says no to men but to girls Yes but you see how much he is male answered that it is important to them does not significantly say the effect of butterflies in ok so even though most answered yes it means of course it will be those who say it is not true me now in terms of physical life mental health irrelevant Listen to me is a significantly higher number in all that I do passed in life and we each that it was one moment and goodbye Hi We move on provided that that moment was normal that he was with a mutual desire that there was no coercion that it was that there was not some bad physical experience someone stabbed or I don’t even know what it is so what can all say to happen but essentially not physically mentally no significant thing if all is well if it is in any negative way to be able to leave and even permanent consequences of emotional mental lasting consequences if it happened on a way we won’t even mention now if that’s the case if it happened how it should be essentially in such a way is not significant but in a sense emotional life with that other person and connection with that other the person is important and the majority and the majority He says is significant so yes i like it especially the good of most men spoke to me especially men who say it’s significant though it’s money and I said it’s not Well, now, men, let’s understand a few things a few things are these guys or men to them or whatever it is no matter how old you are in the desert you have to realize you shouldn’t and shouldn’t it would be good you don’t have to figure out some things on the name we didn’t Masters of no one’s sexuality Imagine only men but human beings who are not masters anyone’s sexuality you can’t be what you will Maybe I am and surprise and maybe some amaze even you parents are not Masters of your children’s sexuality not even That means not even us parents You are not the mistress in reality of your children this of course does not mean that they do not You need to keep it under control until a certain year is under control under quotation marks in that said under control honey and hold in cage him than to just Be on them whether David counts what is happens to teach them to explain to them things related to people and so on in that sense under control not what you can’t forbid you go out by chance you can’t meet any guys like when move out of this house then meet guys until then you can’t do anything she it’s been 25 years You understand you can’t do it It’s Saturday on which we we are not Masters of anyone sexually we have no right to control so I’m talking about fathers and mothers and husbands and wives but especially about the male side since the male side is prone to it to want to control female sexuality we have no right to we control that woman sexually 100% know worry you keep it up of course like this video follow my youtube channel if you already you haven’t done it, you’ll have something smart to hear and see, and you have 900 through those videos you really have something smart to learn to share on social media of course and even though you like my work donate the performance need those super four you have this dollar sign I guess he so shows below the company and you can come to work live like should namely when we look now you are let’s say like a man fucks We are both talking from a male point of view, and Zeljko may be the same apply or or under quotation marks the harder variant is whether so when it was when the girl had more partners E now and you boy or man so take it that you came in situation to wonder you are still not a girl but you wonder if you would you should be with her knowing she had an xy partner before you how old is 333 what you don’t have incomplete no matter whether you should be with her so you know what master take or leave take or leave but don’t buy you have no right to criticize her you have the right to express your opinion, for example, if someone is like that a prostitute in the sense of doing that job So you have your own opinion about that’s fine so you even have my opinion about promiscuity as such, that’s fine too, but you don’t have the right to tell him about her choices for her life and how many partners she had before you masters take it or leave it you like it you don’t like it you don’t like it you leave it look no further There is someone who will like her and what do you care if she is I’ll tell you right away You have nothing to cunt and you are ashamed of how many of them you had, but come Give it to me, don’t watch out, rich man, you would like to get a little, but it will you criticize and push it on her head, it costs a lot of money, yes you have no right to do that but come on what should we do people yes we would just turn this world around on this topic Maybe it is the rest on the table you know maybe someone paused we’ll do some banal video we’ll talk a little bit about falling in love with you mom, is it like that, that’s it na for the kid and what i know no no even close that’s not the point of this video this video is very important in terms of sociological social approaches another phenomenon and of course the psychological one in terms of the individual how he looks at all these things and all in all looking at the issue transformation of consciousness chest look at looking at these things and i think you should already Finally to transform the world and repeat the valves means to let people go to live as if you weren’t already with you, you made me wrong The bread What is it necessary to do to begin with we all need to know a little more about human beings that literally human beings do not speak in one in one person one a woman or a man and a woman than Turkish beings as a species animal as a whole as homosapiens drunk means human beings what This means that human beings have their needs and have their own needs their desires their aspirations their natural structured Where is nature a you can say god whatever you say she organized that there is something called sexual urge or sexual desire or sexual need Call whenever you want nature or God are there machine or just like men and that sexual urge that I don’t want women to have that sexual message and who I am and I or you or anyone to a woman says no you must not have a sexual urge and that is why I will mutilate you by circumcision when you are nine or 10 years old that girl no matter what you may die And my daughter is so cheap you may express what sexual Pori when nature would not make sense and when God would not want a woman to have sexual urge naturally nose god woman would not give if one organ who is called Uncle Gorio directly and openly to you young men who do not know so much about it and for your graduation loved men who didn’t aware of whether this is the purpose of what that organ is, do you know what it is used for that organ that organ in a woman only and exclusively in one thing providing physical pleasure which is of course reflected in the mental pleasure she emotionally that it doesn’t matter solely that thing no there is no other because I have a different role of organs in the female organism Do you know what you do not know here known therefore to worry that she did not want or that God did not want that woman has a sexual urge to have sexual na you last longer to have sexual the need to enjoy sex would not give her that organ briefly and clearly if it is already anthropologically natural in that sense, however physical it may be when we look at things there is no doubt that we have no right to I criticize a woman who expresses her natural urge or nature human being does What we have no right to do Where it is from it is necessary to get to know good human beings.
ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell (Audiobook) - [AUDIOBOOKS & PODCASTS ]
Animal Farm by George Orwell read by Timothy West mr. Jones of the man of thumb had locked the hen houses for the night that was too drunk to remember to shut the pop holes with the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side he lurched across the yard kicked off his boots at the backdoor Joe himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery and made his way up to bed where mrs.