Parent Roundtable: How To Support The Leadership of Black and Latinx Girls
This important conversation today. I’m Simone Moran I’m the CO CEO and the co founder of girls leadership and thrilled to be with you for this conversation here today.
00:30 - Girls leadership is a national educational nonprofit, with a mission to teach girls to exercise the power of their voice.
00:38 - We are based in Oakland, California, and we run our programs nationally. We have programs for girls workshops for parents and run professional development training for teachers guidance counselors and nonprofit staff, our work centers racial and gender equity to address both the internal and the external barriers to girls leadership development.
NISPPAC Meeting 4/14/2021
- [Producer] Welcome and thank you for joining today’s NISPPAC meeting.
00:03 - To receive all pertinent information about upcoming NISPPAC meetings, please subscribe to ISOO Overview at isoo-overview. blog. archives. gov or by going to the Federal Register.
00:19 - All available meeting materials including today’s agenda, slides and biographies for NISPPAC members and speakers have been posted to the ISOO website at archives. gov/isoo/oversight-groups/nisppac/committee. html and have also been emailed to all registrants.
A Culture of Christian Growth – Ernest Eby – Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 126
Welcome everybody to another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives. I’m your host Myron Eby, and I’m here again in State College with Ernest Eby, and we’re not related that we know of, but it’s good to have you here, and today we’re going to be talking a bit about an article you wrote a few years ago entitled Nurturing a Culture that Inspires Christian Growth. One of the questions I have before we get started that I think is important to just define a little bit is what is Christian growth as you are defining it?
Divine Vengeance - How God Burns Devils in Month of Ramadan
InshaAllah Haji Shahid we can recite Surahtul Takwir … and that’s from 19 to 21 inshaAllah.
00:29 - Surah Takwir, surah (chapter) 81 and alhamdulillah the holy month of Ramadan inshaAllah “Fi Atiullaha wa atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum. ” And always a reminder for myself that ana abdukal ‘ajeezu, dayeeufu, miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the Grace of Allah (AJ) that we are in existence.
108. Idea - Content Marketing, Engineered
So welcome to EECO Asks Why. Today we have an idea episode and we’ll be unpacking content marketing engineered.
00:17 - What is that? Exactly. So we brought with us the author of Content Marketing Engineered, Wendy Covey, and she’s the CEO and co-founder at Trew Marketing.
00:26 - So welcome Wendy. Thank you. I’m so happy to be here.
00:29 - Oh, I’m excited. This book right here.
Pharaohs Servant | Yu-Gi-Oh Progression Series #4 - STAGE ZERO
now let’s get up to speed with yu-gi-oh 5d and our very special business today is the enchanting phenomena associated with things that roll rolling things hoops and spheres and discs and the like consider the following and what am i getting at i’m getting at a most astonishing discovery god let this last card in my deck be something merciful okay i’ll take i’ll grab a thousand it was people kill me in one turn john hell no 2 500.
Fighting Evil Jinn / Djinn? Difficult Spiritual Training Requirements To Achieve It
As Salaamu Alaykum wa rehmatuhu Ya Sayyidi Walaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuh How do we survive toxicity coming from ourselves and from people around us.
00:21 - I mean how to deal with toxicity at home with family, parents? Yeah I think this is the same person asks this every time we are on live zikr, or same question keeps coming up [shaykh laughs].
00:35 - This is like we described last week inshaAllah that this is not about being scared of people, it’s not about running away and… this is about facing our fate.
Interview with Greenfield Garden Cinemas Owners: Angela and Isaac Mass-Voices USABrazil Talk Show
So how how that started? Like how you guys talk about this for the first time? So like oh So maybe Isaac came home okay… I think I’m going to do something crazy. I want to share with you… I don’t know… It was definitely Isaac’s idea uh We spoke a lot about it on our early morning walks together, but you can you can speak to that.
Governing the Social Media City
- Hello, everyone, welcome. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you all are joining us today for the governing of the social media city, integrity design, approaches to challenging digital community problems.
00:25 - Sahar is here with us and he will be doing a quick introduction but I wanted to first come in to say hello and to let y’all know that I will be here to be the respondent to Sahar’s presentation and we’ll also be doing Q&A.
Beta diversity metrics
Now, as we move in to talk specifically about beta diversity, what we’re looking at is a comparison between the between two samples. How do the microbes in those samples overlap? So we do this by plotting the beta diversity in distance metrics. So when I’m talking about distance what I mean is how similar or different two samples are from each other. Do they share many of the same microorganisms or do they not overlap at all?