RPC-849 The Simons | Object class Omega Red | Men in Black story
Registered Phenomena Code: 849 Object Class: Omega-Red Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Teleportation Hazard.
00:26 - Containment Protocols: As a result of its anomalous properties, RPC-849 cannot be properly contained.
00:35 - Due to the rare occurrence of its manifestations within the general public, it is yet to be considered a major risk to secrecy.
00:43 - To account for the rare event that instances of RPC-849 are caught on camera or recorded by civilians, extensive disinformation campaigns are to be implanted by Authority-owned media outlets across various platforms as per the “Media Anomalous Disinformation” act of 1939.
DjangoCon Europe 2021 sprints – Accessibility review of Django Postgres Metrics
hello i’m Thibaud here at DjangoCon Europe 2021 sprints um today i’m going to be reviewing the accessibility of a project called Django Postgres Metrics kindly provided to us by Markus Holtermann i’m recording this for the purpose of teaching people how accessibility audits are done and also just as a way to record the issues we might encounter throughout the audience it’s 11 hours so this project Django Postgres Metrics is quite an interesting example for us because it’s kind of a textbook Django third-party app where the code is on github the project itself consists of customizations to the Django admin so adding more views onto the admin and uh the documentation for the project is in read the docs with the default theme um so I would suspect lots of the issues we might come up with we actually come from those learning projects rather than necessarily what happens in this Metrics project um I have done a quick uh scoping of the audit so we look at the html templates in github we look at the actual UI in the Django admin this is what matters but I would quite also always like to look at the templates first if I can when I join audits we look at the docs in read the docs again they use the defaults things rtd theme so any issues might be with that theme rather than the actual docs but more for nonetheless and finally we look at the docs in the readme because people might not think of this but it’s always important for the readme to be accessible methodology our quick personal view we’ll use the browser extension called Accessibility Insights which bundles the Axe checker as well as some semi-automated tests we’ll look at keyboard navigation color contrast dark mode support uh right to left language support and then we’ll spend some time with creator navigation with voiceover in safari and yeah let’s get going um just so you know in the bottom right of the recording we have the gather town UI from the sprints we have visualizer for my keyboard shortcuts and then we have me and yes the templates so I always quite like to get started with this because it’s usually a good indicator of things to look into further I believe most of the UI from this comes from the Django admin itself though okay so I can see there is some some additional styles for right to left language support which is interesting to test for us then you can see there is a table that has a caption so that’s pretty great I see that the strings are marked for translation which is exactly what you’d want title as well it might not be needed to have both the title and the text there but we’ll have a look at that later um table body okay it’s quite nice to see that uh the header cells have been properly marked as th with the scope of row that’s quite important for accessibility and to check that here as well the label is translatable here again probably the title shouldn’t be there but we’ll have a look at this when we actually test the UI um so yeah I quite actually do this just to mark things for further testing essentially and it’s also much nicer for developers if the bug report can involve can can pinpoint which specific line to change okay so looking at this table template breadcrumbs um so this could be something that you mark as a navigation landmark for screening users so that they know right away where to look for those brain cramps and can jump straight to that I will confirm that when testing translatable labels that’s great okay I see that there is a separator between the breadcrumbs items we just want to make sure that this is announced in a way that screen reader users can understand but should be no problem with that um I see there is an h1 with the metric label I don’t see the page this title meta being set but I assume it might match this that’s kind of what we’d expect anyway toolbar with description okay h2 all right that seems okay at least as far as I can tell in the html I see there’s a notion of metrics being selected here would be good to see how that works in practice and whether screen your users can tell what is selected uh here I see the title again on the a tag I it might be done for truncation purposes maybe but again i’m probably not sure why this is needed table caption great t-head with the row with th scope that’s perfect honestly I wish all of the tables I audited were like this I see there is some table sorting going on um this in this case the title attribute probably is correct because you do want this to be visible to screen your users without and and also cited users if they know to hover the thing without getting in the way of the table layout and we want to test that further obviously and then the body so the rose there is some cycling I assume for stylistic purposes and I have no idea what this is okay so so far so good um yeah and I see that this is using the base templates from the admin i’m just checking that I haven’t forgotten anything else have a quick look at the styles potentially so there is a base style sheet so we want to check how this whether this icon has some alternative text for three leader users um want to check the contrast of those colors obviously I see here it’s using floats left and right oh this might just be because it’s following what the admin does but if you want to support right to left languages it’s much nicer if you can do layouts with um flexbox and css grid because then you won’t have to yeah you won’t have to override how you set the floats based on physical properties left and right if you if you use if you do this with flexbox it will automatically pivot your layout without you having to write the styles twice same for this you can use a logical um padding inline start and finding adding inline end properties and that way you only have to write the styles once and browsers will automatically apply them left or right based on the rco direction okay give that a pass at least for now I need to actually look at a report the things that I have found then the UI so we’re in the Django admin i’ll start with my most basic automated tests with the xpt insights extension okay there are some issues um color contrast color contrast color contrast okay all of these are color contrast issues which I think likely come from the Django um css directly not these projects so I won’t spend too much time on them definitely want to report them but they aren’t worth further immediate attention I will disable the colors yeah nothing too too outrageous there it might be quite hard to see this edit icon but um I think since it’s just there as a decoration with next to the table it should be completely completely okay headings h1 h1 h2 h3 that’s all Django landmarks no landmarks that’s quite bad but that’s all Django as well I assume tab stops always worth a quick check in which order we tab through the items on the page whether it’s logical or not logical generally meaning left top to bottom left to right that looks quite good to me would be nice to have a skip link so that I can go straight from here to the content there but again that’s just a Django thing not with this specific extension needs review what is this review oh interesting I haven’t seen this before okay I don’t know what was the thing that needed the review but we’ll leave this there for now um quick check through some of the other pages oh contrast contrast I imagine this is the breadcrumb we had seen earlier might be worth checking how tabbing through this looks this doesn’t look readable enough um I assume this might be the selected oh no this would be selected yes we need to look into this with a screen reader as well see how it announces but this seems like it’s not enough contrast at all um let’s do a quick check of this this specific color because it feels like it’s probably the worst one that I could spot on the page breadcrumbs foreground color contrast isn’t isn’t such a binary thing as as pass fail you know for when people actually uh look at pages um but still this is this is very poor um so you can’t expect people to be able to read this I i assume this is a Django issue though not a post-christ Metrics issue um and I i assume all of the other ones are similar contrast failures I won’t spend too much time on these um this is this is um not a contrast issue but it can be quite problematic for screener users to have full urls like this because it will literally announce all of the text character by character so it will not http column slash slash www dot c r I a I g and so on which which isn’t that pleasant to read um and particularly in lin within link text like this I believe that lots of screen readers won’t allow people to navigate to skip some of the text of the link that easily compared to in copy we’re navigating character by character is very straightforward and you can also skip the whole block um so for links I would strongly suggest not to have them as urs for the label like this um it’s not always too big of a deal you know if the link is quite short and only contains plain plain language words it could be fine but in this case at least removing the beginning here would definitely help and adding a proper label would definitely be better what’s the difference between clicking here and clicking show okay no difference get back to that a bit later I think a quick tab check through this I wouldn’t have expected it to jump there so this is the navigation the same navigation as on the index right yeah i’m a bit surprised my my tab jumps from top left to essentially or right column I feel like I should probably go through the left column first um or if there was some kind of skip link it would be could it could be okay I suppose it’s just a bit bit confusing I i don’t find it particularly helpful because it’s navigation that’s already repeated on the main page anyway so it just gets in the way of you actually reaching the table if you want to type through the table instead so table says something going going weird as well here so i’ll reload this with the tab stops visualization okay so so far apart from this diagonal line this all makes sense to me then here what’s quite weird is that it starts with the ordering feature toggle sorting and then this and then there then that so it should definitely be left to right within the table um header okay and then we jump to the next table with the same thing going on yeah that definitely top left top top bottom sorry and then left right um okay this looks very similar this looks the same but with a slightly different theme and we have the same thing here with the links we’ll have a look at how that’s announced together a bit later okay I think that’s probably as far as we can get with automated checks we did spot oh sorry automated checks that’s here we did spot a few issues but most of them will Django itself keyboard navigation we did as well at least very briefly color contrast dark mode support um I i can spot as well as we talk through this that we did see the h1 being set correctly but I can see in my browser tab here that the title of the page isn’t set correctly so this would be quite problematic for a screen reader user who’d rely on the title being announced when they arrive on the page to tell what the page is um 90 of the time you want this to just match at least as the baseline you always wanted to match the pages h1 so here it should be index size vertical separator Django site admin I suspect this might be due to how this is customizing the base template for Django I mean could be pretty straightforward to fix and would be quite a nice improvement dark mode support so dark mode so the Django admin supports dark mode since a few versions ago it’s always an interesting thing to test people because people do rely on change customizing how pages are displayed with other either user style sheets or browser extensions or dark mode to just accommodate their vision you know based on the time of the day or just how tired you might think you might be um okay so moss yeah um most of these looks completely fine just a reverse light on dark rather than the opposites but those rows have a problem I imagine it must be might be a color that’s customized with one of the hard-coded values which we saw in the style sheets we need to check whether that’s a green or not um so the issue might just be that jungle still still does swap the uh color of the text but doesn’t know how to swipe the color of this row so if people if people want to support dark mode in their extension they would need to make sure to use css variables like Django does so the color swaps here as well yeah I mean you can see this is completely unreadable so at this stage if I could make the connection as a user that this was a dark mode issue I could swipe back to light mode potentially and be a bit annoyed but if I don’t make the connection then I just can’t read this table header not supporting dark mode probably isn’t a failure of any expertise standard but contrast issues definitely are I assume this is the same situation here let’s look do a quick contrast check yes so this is the only thing that’s flagged yeah well yeah I looked I saw this one a bit earlier but here the whole table is basically unreadable um so I i think it’s quite common for developers to use dark mode um hence why Django has support for it so I definitely expect this to look equally as good and at the very least be readable okay I have everything in dark mode myself most of the times except for audits um so yeah I definitely appreciate when people take some time to support it and here since Django does set the expectation that it’s supported I think it’s quite important for Django packages to also support it all right to left support is the exact same situation where Django supports it so I think it’s good as the baseline for extensions to do the same thing um i’ll just test it the quick and dirty way by changing the value of the dr attributes in the page and looking into any issues a quick word of warning that right left support isn’t one of my specialties at all so i’ll be doing this very nicely and I might be missing very basic issues but still worth taking a look what’s this so here recent actions um yeah it’s just it looks a bit odd because the layout is different but it’s not so it’s not a right to left support issue and this is though I think this heading would be meant to be right aligned in here why are you not right aligned text line left is this one of the customizations from the extension I can’t tell doesn’t seem to be I would have expected this to be right aligned um so similarly here this looks like yeah it might be a Django issue similarly here if you do text align start which is a logical value you don’t have to do anything else you can just set it to a logical value always and then whichever direction you’re in it will automatically swap the browser will automatically know to swap so do use those logical properties if you if you don’t have to support legacy browsers essentially um same here it looks like the labels of the header cells are left aligned and the ordering still is on the on the on the right side this should be swapped around content exactly where that issue comes from but yeah and I think I think all of the other pages would have the exact same issues so i’ll keep keep this brief yeah this needs to be right this needs to be left and let’s see how easy that might be to fix with yeah so padding right adding inline end and then we can just change that once don’t have to set it again one way or the other based on the based on the rtl direction here the padding is symmetrical so we don’t necessarily need to change the property that is set text line starts rather than left and it doesn’t seem like we are too far off um there is a clear fix is that a clear fix yeah so don’t don’t don’t use floats layouts in 2021 if you can avoid it of course if if your code is already written like this it’s okay but um it’s just making your job harder later on um so the thing that would be floated would be the sort options yeah so we could do floats and inline and I believe that would that would swap it okay um but yeah that’s something I i would generally recommend against and I would use um flexbox or css grade instead because they are much nicer to work with than floats but there are logical properties for float as well um I will leave this there because I think that’s enough for now and I got stuck and so screen your navigation is probably one of the most useful things to do because it’s a good test of everything else essentially and because for people who rely on readers to navigate Django not having support for it basically usually means they can’t use your site at all um whereas some of the other issues you might have you might have ways to walk around them uh I forgot something from my list that I want to cover very briefly which is uh I guess mobile support might be a good terminology mobile support I don’t think it’s that big of a deal for this not to work on mobile devices but at least the layout should still be usable on smaller screen widths you probably want to test this properly with touch touch input as well but for now we’ll just test the screen with support so this free flows so this isn’t this isn’t ideal um although I appreciate that tables are always hard like this and what I would suggest with something like this is to make sure that the page itself doesn’t reflow but only the table is scrollable left to right so you don’t have to work that hard to just make sure that the table overflows the content and then only the table is scrollable um this isn’t one of my areas of expertise either but generally the idea is that you don’t want people to have to scroll into two directions at the same time to look at your content you want you cannot be visible with scrolling in a single direction so that the movement can be more precise so yeah in this case prevent the page from reflowing still have your table overflow but then just the table is scrollable and nothing else and obviously you could make nicer things if you wanted to make the mobile experience nicer but this isn’t necessarily a problem here um for this not to have stellar mobile support links same one other reason why links like this link labels like this are bad is that they don’t reflow that easily um we could add like um not thin spaces but spaces that zero with spaces to indicate to the browser where to where to cut but it’s just much nicer to use a label that people can read here on the cache hits i’m just noticing this it feels like it’s probably very little contrast for you to notice which of these is active um if I disable the colors yeah I mean if i’m colorblind it’s really hard for me to tell which of these things is the one that’s currently active so i’ll suggest an underline as a style rather than the the text um this is also yeah this this this is also using using the the text color but it’s using the text color of a link for the one that’s active and probably you shouldn’t need to click and the text color of text for the ones that aren’t active so i’ll probably suggest some some other style in here not quite exactly what to suggest but at least there should be enough contrast so that you can distinguish which of these is the active one um even if you’re colorblind and some indication of which one is selected without color I know there is this thing right there but this definitely doesn’t have enough contrast against the background um the color contrast for this would be three to one i’m gonna color contrast ratio and i’m pretty sure this isn’t anywhere near three to one what color are you backgrounds yeah this isn’t three two one contrast ratio so yeah better indicator clearer contrast and indicator that doesn’t rely on contrast um yeah all of all of the other pages are equally will equally have the same issue with tables and the links so I probably would leave it there for now might want to think carefully of how the the numbers reflow as well if that’s a thing um i’m not quite sure whether this is meant to be right by me or not but I wonder if it is well I assume it is just don’t know whether I as a user of this i’d be able to tell what the number is exactly but we might want to think of adding adding numerical assuming this is an integer that is a quantity assuming this is an integer that is a quantity having some separators would make this much easier to read and would um make this more likely to be understandable when it reflows like this all prevents prevent it from reflowing when the text wraps like this all together I think it would be completely fine in this case if the table was gigantic as long as it doesn’t make the whole page reflow when just the table is callable yeah I have a feeling for everything numeric separators would be a nice improvement okay screen readers so i’m on a mac screen that’s built into max is safari is voice over and um voiceover has the best support in safari so we’ll switch over to safari to test this okay we’ll start from here voiceover on safari site administration vertical line Django site admin okay I have enabled safari you should be able to hear this just fine but there’s also a text version of uh the text to speech output of safari in the bottom right and um inside you can see this um two-tone cursor that’s safari’s cursor which is based on keyboard navigation but it’s different than the normal keyboard navigation with the tab keys i’ll just use an fyi and then whenever I arrive on an element um safari sorry voiceover will announce that elements name links menu visited link check links menu you are currently in a UI which I can get open for safari to uh allow me to navigate through the whole page uh I don’t think link change password you are currently on a link voice over off I don’t think this rotor UI shows up on the screen share i’ll see if I can configure this um why don’t you show up on the screen share what are you I that’s because I had my screen set up the wrong way around so you go there and you go there as well yes sorry for them small hiccup just making sure I set this up the correct way again where are you gather town here you are okay so we are back in safari get this back open voiceover on safari site administration vertical line Django site admin window site administration vertical line Django site admin web content has links menu you are currently escape button escape but visit link visited link log out site administration f5 button search button f5 button voice over off all right I think we’re good to go so voice over voice over on safari inside administration welcome visit well visited heading level 1 link Django I have lost my I have lost my cursor for some reason let’s try voice over off close safari and restart it voiceover on safari cite a minute inside administration vertical all right links menu so this allows us to navigate through all of the links on the page this is why it’s important for accessibility that all of the links should have unique labels as we see here and that um the labels make sense with outcome visited link link show so this is a bad example obviously um we have three six seven links that say show not have the same label no idea to tell there’s no way to tell which one shows rights at least the icon doesn’t display in the link text and isn’t announced that’s perfectly that’s exactly what we want but this should say so detailed index huge usage for this specific example um you shouldn’t you shouldn’t have to know where the link is on the page to make sense of what it takes you to headings menu heading left visited heading level one site administration i’m pretty odd to have two h1 like this that probably shouldn’t be visited heading level one link Django administration because the point of the h1 is to be describing the contents of the page which should be unique to each and every page um that’s a Django triangle no item tables menu ah p o s t g r e sql metrics two columns seven rows um so the table is enabled that’s great but p o s t g r e sql metrics two columns seven rows as you can tell um voiceover announces it by spelling out each of the letters I think it might be because of the upper uppercase authentication and authorization p-o-s-t-g-r esql metrics two columns windows links heading visit visited heading level one link Django voice over off because it’s quite I mean it would be quite painful for someone using this reader to have it describe Postgres as p o s d and so on obviously you could you should still be able to make sense of um what this links to if you had to use it but it’s just not that pleasant let’s try it again voice administration authenticate link visited link che end of table heading level two Postgresql metrics table two columns seven yes you can already tell how much nicer it is to hear it like this it might not be the perfect pronunciation but it’s definitely much more pleasant it’s the common misconception that applying uppercasing like this with css that means that it’s not picked up as parameters that’s that’s maybe not completely false but I defend definitely dependent on each and every generator and they definitely understand css and use it so in this case Postgresql metrics table I would argue that this is easier to read for people because you know sql is meant to be uppercased and announced letter by letter and this is also nicer for screaming the users to have it announced with the more correct pronunciation Postgresql metrics table two I also find it a bit uh heading level 10 recent actions and then the other table that doesn’t make that much sense to me it should again be left top bottom none Postgresql match um link available extensions column one of two link show column two of two row two of seven available extensions link cache hits column one of two cache hits you are currently on a link show column two of two um so yeah the show thing doesn’t doesn’t work at all um because because you can’t tell what you’re showing um and the usage of the table like the for this as well um tables are meant to meant to structure data in this case it really is just a navigation menu so I know this is because Django but personally I definitely recommend just having this as a list of links um you have a heading that says maybe heading level two Postgresql Metrics maybe you mark that as a navigation region or not not even that and then within this list of links you might have a ul with each of the links that would be much faster to navigate through row one of set link postgre none of Postgresql metrics table two link available on the road rule-based navigation it’s not it’s not too bad but and you can make sense of the the navigation apart from those show links but it’s definitely not not the best link available link toggle sorting vertical line Django site admin web content you are currently on a link inside a cell to click this link press ctrl option space let’s try that again translation of l link row three of seven available extensions link detailed index usage column one of two visited heading level one link Django administration vertical line Django translate cited link visited heading level one link Django you might just haven’t noticed that I was focusing on this or maybe I had this toggle the last time I came here so that’s why I jumped straight to this specific part of the page um administration visited in vertical line Django site admin web content this yeah so here this is missing the title of the page which should match the h1 visit visited link home so yeah I think it would be nice for this to be announced as a landmark a navigation landmark called breadcrumb then you’d have a much easier time skipping it as a screener user or jumping straight back to it as you navigate the page so heading if it was a landmark it would show up no items table window links headings menu it would show up in the landmarks navigation of the rotor heading level two p o s t g r e sql metrics i’ve seen this before but this should this shouldn’t be uppercased it just makes it harder for people to read the text and fostering us to advance it to the correct pronunciation and we’ve seen it before as well but there shouldn’t be two h ones the only h one should be available extensions no tables menu default user equals some user db nam equals son edb second user equals other user db nan equals o-t-h-e rdb four columns 72 rows so I think this is this is probably fine but just keeping in mind that when you don’t have space like this between between words it makes it harder for screen readers to properly uh intonate the letters so it might be a bit better overall if there was a space between the equal sign and the under and the text but in any case I think this is probably reasonable enough two eye window spots links menu visited considering those things have um have uh the the specific uh label here has a meaning for developers beyond the UI um this area right there to the left to the right with the navigation links I should definitely be a navigation landmark so that I have an easier way to headings menu links menu escape button windows contact tables media you are currently on a text element inside web content this isn’t even announced I don’t think it would trip anywhere user but I would probably suggest making this area hidden just so it’s a bit faster to navigate through the page visited link poster asql metrics you work yeah Postgresql is definitely nicer available extensions you are currently on a text element inside heading level one available extension Postgresql can be extended heading left over like this I believe is slightly nicer if this is marked as a link as well then there is an area current equals page attribute you can add to the link that will make it so screen reader user three leaders announced that this is a link to the current page which makes it easier for people to tell that they are in this specific page of the hierarchy of pages heading level 1 available extension Postgresql can be extended by installing extensions with the create extension command heading level two p-o-s-t-g-r-e yeah i’ve said plenty about this already it should be um landmark for navigate nav landmark and this should uh be um title case not uppercase so it is pronounced and is more readable visited link available extension so here doesn’t seem to be any way for screen users to tell that this is the currently selected page or that you’re in this page um probably like an area current page would solve that as well visited default user equals some user db nam e equals s-o-m-e-d-b one column one of four okay so I believe this is a Django thing because i’ve audited it before but here it should definitely announce the columns name first and then whatever that is link toggle sorting you are cut link name you are currently on a link inside link default version column 2 link link link link link yeah so here my preference will be for you to say first link name and all link toggle sorting for name i’m not quite sure why there is two links to start with but maybe there is a reason and then the one I mean even as a sighted user I have no idea what this is link link default version column two of four let row two of seventy two one in name admin pack column one of four you are current so here you could say it started row row something to say with one and name um that’s because it’s reading the name of the cell because of the header cell because this is this header set is microscope equals color that’s what you want but it does mean that the one shows up in all of the cells here which might be very confusing artists for me I don’t really know what this is meant to be doing and the fact is using one while the navigation through the table also uses numerals to indicate which row and column you’re on is is quite confusing default version two point zero column two of four in com row three of seventy two one and name amp check column one of four you are currently on it so what would be interesting here is to is to navigate through this uh plpg sql row and figure out if there is any kind of announcement of why this is in a different color I can’t really tell at least from default version 1.
Manequinn with hair for UE4 groom plugin(alembic hair) - asset overview and instructions.
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1. Alif Lam Mim. 2. The Romans are vanquished, 3. In a near land, and they, after being vanquished, shall overcome, 4. Within a few years. Allah’s is the command before and after; and on that day the believers shall rejoice, 5. With the help of Allah; He helps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, the Merciful; 6. [This is] Allah’s promise! Allah will not fail His promise, but most people do not know.
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You don’t have to kick me out I will go now. If I left here and your son goes after me, don’t regret it You shameless wrench I won’t let my son go with you You little brat Mom! All I want just like you. You love your son and I love mine too Shameless bitch! Do you know how painful I am How dare you smile at us!
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hmm you should thank me uh that’ll changed you for the better be silent shinnok but you were my amulet finally you embrace the truth the elder gods deny the truth i was cast out for speaking the truth i embrace shinnok is that mercy is wasted on those who defile earth realm i will destroy our enemies before they destroy us starting with you oh brayden not even you can kill an elder god there are fates worse than death i will deliver you to luke and your nether realm minions you will serve as warning and an emblem of my wrath this was not your destination occur once again the thunder god has upset the balance of history but know this the ark of the universe bends to my will it is only a matter of time as you were for 25 years the special forces have been earth realms sword and shield we’ve pushed back shao khan defeated chinook yet none of our victories have come without cost recently commander jackson briggs was honorably discharged his wounds both physical and psychological left him no longer fit to serve we honor jackie’s father and we honor his sacrifice by doing what he would do to tirelessly defend earth realm sergeant cage step forward your leadership and warfighting ability have earned you promotion to commander but there are no family favors here by special forces tradition you still have to pass one last test i need to kick the co’s ass ma’am your ass ma’am all right then sergeant let’s see if you can take me fight no five four i love my toys commander cage reporting for duty oh congratulations commander come on dad you really have to go oh you’ve got your duty commander and i got mine starring in yet another ninja mime sequel isn’t what i’d call duty i need to provide for you in the manner to which you become accustomed then geez guys i’m right here general blade cassandra cage what is it another realm we should open a dialogue maybe there’s an explanation lou kang and katana were friends once they are irreparably polluted by shinnok’s evil they are no longer the champions we once knew we must strike them preemptively it’s about time we brought the fight to them what’s the target buried deep beneath liu kang and katana’s castle is the cathedral of shinnok the seat of their power destroy it and their undead army will fall removing its threat to earth realm aren’t your powers weaker in the nether realm yes but i will have sufficient strength to occupy the undead army that’ll buy us enough time to infiltrate the cathedral destroy it from the inside we get pinned down in there there’s no way out to ensure earth realm survival we must all be willing to sacrifice uh you know it’s been two years too much of your grim and gritty makeover droning on about sacrifice you don’t have a family to lose i no loss johnny cage braden’s right johnny we’re not ready for another war we’ve got to take out another realms army now before lieu kane can bring it here we’re in position hope raiden’s planned one hell of a diversion withdraw or feel the wrath of earth realm’s protector come on this should raiden get this far eliminated that burn victim’s cabal wasn’t he kano’s goon back in the day don’t let the scars fool you he’s fast take out him and jade i’ll go downstairs and set the c4 roger that move charges on every column yes you’re a dead ringer for your mother i’ll kick your ass on her behalf cabal fight i love my toys get real you lose as fast as you run jackie where’s jade she bailed getting help i’m sure general how we doing need ten minutes the support columns are further apart than expected you need help negative just watch our back ten more minutes we need it to be tail lights in five well we’re in the [ __ ] now we have extra c4 yeah yeah why let’s buy ourselves time emperor empress earthworms have captured the he’s the diversion lock and load so what’s going on up there uh katana empress of the dead i’ve not forgotten our last encounter at the sky temple how are your scars healing fight i love my toys yes wow ugh general she’s trapped cassandra cage how the chosen one has fallen raven’s right whatever shinnok did to you you’re a lost cause fight i love my toys [ __ ] you general can you hear me general come on i’m here cass hey we’ll get you guys out they’re gone cass and i’m not gonna make it what i’m not leaving you behind your team home that’s an order your duty minds to finish the mission i love you cass give your dad a kiss for me no no don’t mom mom she started the detonation sequence override it jackie there is no override commander our orders are to leave so your mother died a warrior’s death may we all be so fortunate you did not just say that thank god you’re back how did the mission go without the cathedral’s power we stand alone we are vulnerable who are you one of raiden’s elder gods here to taunt us no katana i am much more beholden keeper of time the sands of time guide the destiny of the realms and every soul they’re in i’ve carefully crafted them to keep the realms in balance but my work’s perfection has been irreversibly tainted by raiden’s actions two of you have felt that pain most acutely what can be done the past is the past is it not it need not be i intend to wind time back to its beginning and restart history but even with my vast power i cannot create this new era alone how will this new era be different in many ways but most importantly there will be no raiden how do we begin um for years.
កូនប្រសាក្រៅភ្នែក (ភាគទី៣) - Daughter-In-Law Ep3 - [Sastra Film Original Life Series]
Because of you! If you marry him with another woman, it will be end You still can’t decide Do you think your brother will agree to do so? If he won’t, you make him will because she isn’t a legitimate wife You can marry him with another girl and kick her out Thank you for minding my business! but I think you should better worry about your family rather than make sins for you Who ask you to give an opinion?
Comic Book Women | Market Report | Jen Bartel
so all right welcome in everybody to comic book women tonight we are going to be spotlighting i think we described her as a powerhouse jen bartel she’s amazing and the girls and i were like let’s let’s do this so uh lucy how was your weekend before we get into it it was good i guess it was nice um spend some time with with my husband’s family so i was okay i worked worked worked and more worked seriously the whole weekend you spent working that’s shitty yep that’s the time so you know yeah with the holiday though it’s like you you feel like you should slow down but then i ended up feeling like the weekend just flew by yeah it goes like this yeah all right before we get into the market report half of it we’re to give people a second to hop in but first let’s talk a bit about the wonderful jen bartel so uh jenna and i were kind of nerding out before the show because her and i both watched an interview of jen at the san diego comic con jen what did you think of her as a person just that she seems super duper nice and she’s just so positive and she is uplifting like she wants to help other people in in the community and like other artists and yeah yeah i i love her hair somebody in the comments of the interviewer watching her like oh she’s getting her full gamora on but it’s it looked really beautiful so guys if you aren’t aware somehow jen bartel is a korean american illustrator and comic book artist she’s best known for her work uh with marvel and image comics she co-created blackbird with sam humphreys and she won the eisner award for her work as a cover artist back in 2019 but how did she get started again so what’s funny is that uh so she went to school for like illustration right she she figured like children’s books like those lines and then she just started doing fan art on instagram and and other like medias just fan art and then from there uh idw picked her up for gemini holograms and it’s like what she started as a fan just drawing and she was even saying that uh like pretty early on she like loved storm but that like she had a hard time drawing her and or like different different ethnicities and that she worked on it and she worked on it like really hard to the point but now if you look at her i’m like damn out of like a lot of artists like look people can be super talented but doing multiple different kind of ethnicities is difficult like when you look at some people’s heart right you’re like getting the right shade of the skin and making sure you get the hair right i mean that that can be difficult yeah so like yeah i think just and it’s also cool to like go back on her on her instagram it starts like on 2011 and then just scroll through because you can literally see not literally like you can see her her style evolve and just get better and it’s i just yeah i’m kind of i i’ve always liked her stuff but i think now learning more about her i’m like now i think i’m actually a fan yeah you you like her even more every time you learn a little bit more and more about her yeah she’s just so down to earth too like she just seems like a really sweet human being and she said once her platform got large enough she thought okay now i have a voice that’s actually being heard i’m going to use that voice to promote other artists in the industry which is amazing because i mean comic books don’t get me wrong it’s a great community but there’s definitely some sharky shark type aspects to it there are so it’s like the fact that she was still willing to kind of go out there and promote others her competition essentially i mean that’s badass and it was cool when she got to do the adidas oh i want those shoes she did she has done uh uh captain marble and she did what else she did another one recently yeah she has done like few of them like yeah it was pretty cool didn’t she they should do wonder woman too or no i think she has she did i think the hard part about this this like putting this together some of these comics to talk to today about was number one i you lucy and i were talking about we know the drunken chat that ultra did a jennifer tell we tried to figure out what what covers he talked about i went back i could not find it lucy you couldn’t figure out like right we couldn’t figure out like yes i asked ultra he’s he’s in the chat right now i asked i was like do you know do you remember which one was uh the the episode that you talked about it because he put a bunch of like book i guess you know if you guys watch uh drunken chat you see that he he does uh either artists or or characters or things like that so and he i remember he did one for bertel and and uh but it was pretty well put together so if anybody remembers that episode yeah ultra let us know because we i talked to ultra a little bit about this too and he’s he’s exactly like jen he’s a team player and he’s like girls go to town did you see frank so he got to [ __ ] and then she was very polite like that’s cool i mean yeah she let him down easy frank’s probably not used to that either he’s like wait you’re saying no excuse me you say no to me well do you know who i am i am the frank goggle anyway uh yeah so guys if you’re just hopping in we are gonna do a quick market report here on jen bartel stuff and if you haven’t please check out frank gogle he does a uh youtube show right after this called comic book food chain with anthony and aaron yee and they are hilarious they are so much fun to watch and i’m just screwing with google he’s a really really cool guy a very talented creator and writer so check them out after this but moving on so before we go on to her covers she was talking about some of the good parts of it or how what she considers the good parts of the cover do you remember this part jen about the coloring and composition yeah well she kind of takes more of a design approach versus a narrative illustration yeah so when she does a piece she wants it to be almost a stand-alone piece not necessarily a narrative to the story itself but something that could be timeless i think she called it evergreen when we were in the interview it’s funny uh when brent was doing these slides she’s like hey you remember those oh man what was her name lisa frank from the 90s the oh my gosh yeah holders and i’m like oh yeah and then we were listening to an interview and then they asked her like what she thought her art style was and she was like oh an evil lisa frank and britt was like boom boom all right so let’s hop into it the first cover as jen was mentioning she started out at fan art with an idw reached out to her for this one and it was so this was a subscription uh cover so you have yeah so it’s not it’s a kid’s kids comic ish and it just i’ve never come across it ever since i found out about this want to say six months ago i’ve been really trying to look for it i can find the later issues but i can never find this number seven i’m feeling her outfit i like it nice okay so so ultra said it he did it for i did one artist every week for women’s history month so you’ll find that during that month on drunken chat if you go if you guys go back and soon one of those weekends perfect so this one right now is selling for roughly 122 for a raw and then if you’re lucky you’re on like 63 if you’re lucky and then i get back issue bins you never know i mean granted it might have to be from a comic shop that was ordering more than like five so that’s how i was gonna say i mean i don’t think you would come across them very often i mean this would definitely be one of those finds that you guys have to message us on because it doesn’t seem like it would be an easy one and thank you rare if you’re gonna try to find that one hi adam but yeah 122 for a raw copy of her first book but i mean that’s that’s a what do you call it when it’s like the an important part of the collection well it’s where she is her first stone yeah yeah like a keystone i think that’s still a good price like i mean i think she’s still in the rye so maybe like later on you know like uh it will be worth a lot more so right now it’s like kind of a good time and i can’t imagine trending so that’s kind of good i can’t imagine like wanting because you know you know there’s one collector or a few collectors out there who are like i’m going to own everything she’s ever done in comics oh whole buddy what was that first published work okay yeah but there weren’t there like so many of this run particularly yeah so when i was uh it starts at seven the next one we’re going to do is her second to second september eight but throughout the whole run it’s just every now and then you’ll see her name pop up he kind of kind of writing a little bit of like rick foster from straight dogs but she had her start in ponies and then like it came through gems and then she ended up getting other stuff like like later so it just yeah there’s a lot of if you try to go back you’re gonna be tracking down a lot of bugs there’s a lot of quantity before you started realizing yeah uh let’s see first publish work is key there you go tough to find high grade without color rub and spine breaks but they press nicely this is from ultra and flicks and comics is in the house hello jojo she said bartel day yes we were excited about this one too so here is her second cover and this one’s october 2015 still with the gem interesting to see bartel without color right isn’t it a little disorienting yeah but i i really like there’s a tmnt cover like this i think issue 50 or 51 that’s very similar with like how the like the border like the oh what what’s it called the border you know so the way you see the cover is like how i picture that they get the page to go ahead and do it on like this is the cover for that so there’s an issue of tmnt 50 or 51 that’s very simple oh i know what you’re talking about yes yes like the original like the original storyboard look to it yeah i love that and you can still tell us bertel by the eyes she’s the same like with uh with jennifer prison you always know like their art because of the way they do their eyes they have that certain way to do it um and like i don’t know they have their special like this specialty i guess that you’re able to recognize when it’s a uh yeah when it’s a certain artist especially when you like you know they have their trademark and you can kind of spot it right away even it doesn’t have color you can tell is bertel and then this is a retail incentive all right so that’s probably why where this price comes in so the highest known value for a raw comic is 94.
Taylor Talks with Maiko Kikuchi and Spencer Lott at HERE on Tuesday 1 June 2021
♪ I never had any alibi ♪ ♪ No recollection of that crazy night ♪ (Maiko laughs) Let’s do it.
00:13 - My name is Taylor Mac. I’m interviewing HARP artists in a series for HowlRound so then we can all get to know them and the amazing projects that they’re doing.
00:24 - If you don’t know, HARP is a program, it’s a residency artist program at HERE Arts Center.