GTN Training - Galaxy Interface - Rule Based Uploader
Hello! My name is Assunta DeSanto. I am a core developer for Galaxy - um - working at Penn State University - um - I’ve been on the team for a little over a year now. And today I’m going to be stepping you through the Rule Based Uploader Tutorial.
00:22 - So the Rule Based Uploader allows you to upload data sets or collections, depending on what you have, and apply rules to them as you upload them.
OA21: Lightning Talks (5) - Free Choice & Closing
well welcome everyone this is the last of our five lightning talks these have been intense fast and wonderful it’s really been great to have so much information going on in such a short time my name is martin ramsay i’m the managing director of the lamp consortium and i will be your moderator today now we have a little bit more slack in our time to in this particular section but still each of our presenters will have just five minutes to do their presentation so presenters i’ll ask you to be ready as soon as the previous presenter finishes up and i’ll introduce each presenter very briefly so that we don’t take time away from what you have to tell us if you want to know more about the presenters uh the open apereo schedule has a nice biography of each one and i’d encourage you to take a look at that presenters when it’s your turn you can take presenter privileges by clicking on your name and making yourself the presenter if you sent me slides you can step through those at your pace if you want to share your screen you can do that too and i’ll be keeping the time so if you see me hold up my dreaded alarm clock that means time’s about up time to wrap it up um so let’s uh get started and i’ll say that this time we’re we’re rather um north american focused uh in the past uh lightning talks we’ve been all over the place uh but this time at least as far as i know our presenters are all from north america and wilma just added herself so that put a star on florida as well um but we’ll we’re going to start off with um jonathan tran who’s out in california and jonathan are you ready to give it a whirl i i believe i am all right all right just presenter all right there you go you got it all right hi everyone i’m jonathan tran and this lightning talk is going to be an overview of changes to uportal projects uh we had a lot of changes in the the past year or so um and all of the updates to all these projects they all include dependency updates uh via automated tasks and big thanks to christian murphy for wrangling most of those pull requests that come in all right so the first project we’re going to look at is uportal so we’ve had two releases one patch one minor the highlights of those releases are things such as improvements to search and sequel statements and also uh exposing some more uh configuration properties for things like the portlet thread pool and the uportal task executor uh the next project that we’re going to look at is the notification project or notification portlet which had uh four releases one is minor three being patched um and the highlights from that include things like configuration flags for some more stuff like disabling the default redaction uh support for refreshing uh cache services and also internationalization support as well uh the next project we’re gonna quickly go through an overview of the changes is the simple content portlet so this one there’s also three releases as well um there’s things such as um adding a portlet to support web components so it makes it a little bit easier to put web components into uportal and also think um some useful things such as adding support for replacing tokens with properties all right uh the next project we’re going to look at is a pretty big one just because there’s a bunch of um components in this one which is the uportal web components so in this repo we saw uh six releases uh three were minor and three were patch releases um the big highlight from this past year is that there’s a new sidebar nav component and aside from that there have been a bunch of fixes and improvements to all the current um components that exist within this repository um last but not least um we’ve also changed where these repositories live so up until earlier this year we have repositories that we’re living in um in github.
OA21: Breakout (1) OAE: where we are and where we want to be
good morning everyone my name is derek ramsey i am the moderator of this session um my clock shows that it’s uh right at the minute when we should get started so i guess we’ll go ahead and get going um so today’s session is welcome to oae when and where we want to want to be the presenter is miguel for everyone that’s joining this session please leave yourselves muted in your cameras off during the presentation if you would like to ask a question if we can wait to the q a portion after the presentation is over you can also use there’s shared notes that you can see over to the left which is just above the user list you can enter in any questions there as well you’re going to also notice that there is another place that you can type in in the chat area feel free to go ahead and type in any questions there in the chat i’m sorry not questions just just chat don’t use questions in that chat area um if you have any technical issues uh please send them to me my name is derek on the left-hand menu and send me a direct message and i’ll assist in any way that we can this session and all sessions uh here at the apereo conference are recorded and they will be available at a later date on the apereo youtube channel so miguel feel free to get started all right thank you derek uh can you hear me alright yes sounds good okay so i’ll just find a way to share my screen uh not sure exactly how to do that oh there’s i think there is a uh there’s an option at the bottom next to the microphone the phone the share webcam and i think that the fourth option at the bottom is just share your screen except that i don’t have a fourth option option well i used to i i saw it once uh like in the uh in some other uh in the practice room but i don’t think i can find it now let me do this to you let’s see if this gives it to you check now ah perfect sweet thanks yeah okay so let me just do that and hopefully you’ll be able to see what i see yes i see the if i see the launch screen open academic environment all right so okay so let’s start um okay so i’m miguel um i am the project lead for for the open academic environment oae for short and i want to welcome you all to this presentation um this these are the topics that we’ll cover in this uh in this session i’ll quickly go through what oae is what’s new in oae then i’ll start my technical dive uh regarding where we are and where we want to be regarding the front end back end uh i’ll talk about the project momentum uh then i’ll show you the new interface that we’ve been building for oae in the last few months uh then i’ll describe what the goals are uh going forward and finally uh standard stuff like how to contribute to oae and finally i’ll try to make this quick so that there’s time for questions at the end okay so for those of you who don’t know what oae is this is a short overview um in essence oae is a collaborative platform for academia it is a platform that provides features and mechanisms for people to collaborate and work together um it has some unique features though uh one of them being the fact that it’s multi-tenancy uh which means that a single instance can provide different domains for different departments or institutions um it provides collaborative editing for uh documents and spreadsheets uh it integrates with jitsi for virtual meetings in groups uh like this one we’re having uh it is multilingual and it is mobile ready as well so there’s a lot of unique features these are some one of the most important ones but there are plenty others uh that i won’t be able to cover in this session the project goals are mainly these three uh to enhance academic collaboration so uh work on more features and more mechanisms and make every collaboration more seamless and productive uh we also need to and we want to become a friendly integration platform mainly because we know that nowadays uh there is no uh one platform to rule it all uh most of the open source projects uh from apereo and others uh what we can aim at is to become part of some ecosystem and because of that we oae has a built-in api um so the goal is to be adopted but also you know uh being aware that that adoption is a part of something bigger and finally uh to foster an active community because you know at the end of the day we’re still an open source project uh and you know the best way going forward is to have lots of people collaborating and working together for the same cause okay so let me go through um briefly um the project status the project has been active since 2009 so it’s a long-standing project um it is uh deployed in france uh through these initiative uh ian said in the previous meeting it covers around 80 percent of french public university system um and i’ll show you some stats uh on this deployment uh in a few slides and unfortunately we have a very small community as it stands but this is something that we’re constantly trying to uh to change and for the better all right so what’s new with oae i’ll go through i’ll go through some of the features most important changes since last year and the biggest one is that the elasticsearch is finally up to date elasticsearch is a component responsible for search obviously and it has been stale since 2017 i think uh in version one and we have recently upgraded it to version 7.
Exploring Beamish - The Living Museum of the North!
Hello thank you for joining me. I’m at Beamish today, there’s a church over there that’s one of the many different things you can see here that’s the Pockerley Wagonway over there which i had a trip earlier on behind a replica of Puffing Billy which we’ll probably see just up here. So I came here today for the Eastern Bloc Car Rally which if you have a look at the link on screen now that was the video I recently posted.
កូនគ្មានខាន់ស្លា (កូនអ្នកណា) ភាគទី១ - Illegitimate Child (Whose Child) Ep1 [Life Series]
[Knocking the door] I’ll be a dead meat if he find out VID! Why is Nak here? She called me to catch mouse because there are many of them Normally, there is no such thing exist here What a coincidence, huh? I was about to shower but I saw mouse running and I was shock. So, I called him in yeah! She was right Now, you are here.
Meditation with the Mewing Tongue Posture?
As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi. Walaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah Can building energy and making a connection help us in solving our matters with people who aren’t present among us, like they are in a different country harming us with their tongues Yeah, this process of energy and this process of ma’rifah (Gnosticism) and all our teachings you have to put all together.
00:43 - This process of good character that Allah (AJ) has to smash you because you’re a very beautiful vase.
House on Haunted Hill 1959
Los fantasmas se están moviendo esta noche.
00:50 - Están Inquietos, hambrientos. ¿Puedo presentarme? Soy Watson Pritchard.
00:58 - En un minuto les mostraré la única casa embrujada…
01:01 - en el mundo. Desde que fue construida hace ya un siglo, siete personas, incluyendo a mi hermano, han sido asesinadas en ella.
01:11 - Desde entonces, yo soy el dueño de la casa.
01:15 - Sólo pasé una noche ahí, y cuando me encontraron en la mañana…
OA21 Plenary: ALT & Apereo Screenside Chat. Ethics & Learning Technology.
okay welcome to this alt and apereo screenside chat on ethics and learning technology perspectives from the pandemic i’m ian dolphin i’m the current executive director of apereo if you’re not familiar with apereo it’s a membership organization largely of higher education institutions which collaborate to produce open source software this panel as you might have guessed is about global responses to the pandemic and concerns that have been raised not just in our community but across higher education about privacy extending outwards from legal to ethical concerns if you have questions please ask them you can ask them via twitter the hashtag is openapereo21 or in the frame on the pod page that you’re viewing this from and with that i’d like to hand over to marin from alt because this is a partnership uh screenside chat with the association for learning technology and i’m very pleased it is thank you ian for the warm welcome and hello to everybody who is joining us here this is my first open apereo conference and i’m delighted that we are collaborating on this session my name is dr maren deepwell i’m the chief executive of alt the association for learning technology in the uk but we have members all across the world and one of the key pieces of work we’ve been engaging in over the past six months is to develop an ethical framework for professional practice in learning technology thanks maren perhaps a panel could introduce himself starting with bella just say a few words about who you are thank you my name is bella abrams i am the i.
OA21 Plenary: Open Source Program Offices in Higher Education
Choudhury is the associate dean for research data management and head of the open source program office at johns hopkins university jhu took a leaf out of industries book and formed an open source project office you might think of it as a universal interface between an institution and the open source community if you want to make comments or ask questions please use the hashtag openapereo21 on twitter if you want to ask questions via the pod web page you’re viewing through you should find a chat window in that page sayeed thanks for joining us and over to you thank you ian i really appreciate the opportunity to be here and be part of the apereo 21 and it’s nice to catch up with you so i will be talking about the open source programs office at johns hopkins but also more broadly about open source programs offices in higher education and i think ian said it perfectly that in many ways this is an interface between the open source activity within an institution within the university and a way to engage with the broader open source community as well i noticed that deb bryant is a speaker in the next session and she has very rightly and wisely said that it’s ultimately about changing the culture but as you might know any of you who’ve been in universities though that that’s not a small task so i’d like to talk about some of the things we’re going to try to move in that direction uh ian mentioned that this is something we are adapting or if you will borrowing from the industry uh private sector context so there these ospos has been called the research programs offices that existed for some time in corporations and it’s not only tech companies as you might imagine the google’s microsoft’s the red hats but american airlines walmart so on so anyone using open source which i don’t need to tell this audience of course is pervasive at this point uh has thought about how do we manage open source and how do we coordinate the activity how do we think about it from a legal perspective policy perspective and engineering perspective so a lot of the emphasis of these private sector corporate ospos have been on those kinds of operational entities but that’s expanding as well so we did learn a good deal from looking at existing ospos there’s a fairly long history of them at this point there’s a group that’s out of the linux foundation called the to do group which is kind of an affinity group or for birds of a feather so we looked at a lot of their documentation and i’ve often said as we’ve been working on this at hopkins that companies and universities and even municipalities will have a cio or hr office or legal office and there’s a common set of perspectives and functions for those offices but then each have their own unique perspectives in universities we have to think about patient data or student data for example that you might not in a company or a city so taking that common foundation but then adapting it and applying it in the university context is really what we’ve we’ve been doing over the last 18 to 24 months and a lot of that is really out of uh something called the ospo plus plus network so very much a group uh a growing community that’s dedicated to exactly what i just described how do we take the ospo as an entity a corporate entity and start to think about it in these different contexts universities and cities uh and so on so i am saying something about the volume if that’s still an issue let me know i’ll try to speak up i’m using air pods but i can also not use those if they aren’t working well so uh we have created the ospo just to let you know uh there’s a webpage of course something becomes real when there’s a web page associated with it i will share a list of the links at the end of the talk but we put it out there so that our local community can see this and can start to access the services that we’re starting to build and start to build a community around open source so what are some of the things you know that we’ve sort of propagated within the university if you will the first bullet item basically says it’s a new organizational api that was software as a primary research object what do i mean by that so uh from january to june of 2020 and actually a little bit earlier and later than that i was a fellow in our provost office looking at open scholarship and one of the important assertions that i made is open scholarship includes articles data and software and that all three of them should be treated as primary research objects we’ve spent a lot of time and energy around articles a fair amount of time around data but i would say relatively less around open source software as its own primary research object and anytime you’re talking about a research output or a research object in university setting it activates various parts of the university of course that you typically work with when you’re talking about articles data grants and so on and the idea is that it’s not easy for an external entity uh you know a company a city a municipality a community to figure out where to go within a university if you want to engage around open source software we’re basically saying the ospo is a good place to do that ospo is a good first starting point to say i’m interested in what open source software is being produced by the university or potentially partnering or contributing or consuming that the ospo becomes a place that that happens so the way to do that of course is through best practices not having idiosyncratic practices or ad-hoc practices or specific practices but trying to do things in a way that resonate with the community that you’re trying to work with for example and that empowers the kind of collaboration engagement that i think is really critical and again i’m preaching to the choir here around open source software and it builds on these three big pillars of universities around research education and translation by translation i sometimes people immediately think of tech transfer which is one way of doing translation but i’m thinking of it more broadly which is how does the research within a university get used in educational context get used in terms of working with your local city or used uh in terms of student projects and things like that so the ospo has taken a really important role in that and i’ll talk a little bit more about that later in the talk so some of the things that we’ve done uh through the ospo in terms of building this foundation is we have signed and managed the github enterprise account and you may think what’s the big deal about that well big deals we didn’t have one before uh i’m told that it’s not all that common uh we get at least u.
OA21: Lightning Talks (1) - Teaching & Learning
so welcome everyone to the lightning talks this is the first lightning talk of five that we’re going to be doing during the open apereo conference uh this is the place where the the talk is lightning fast and the illumination is intense i’m martin ramsay the managing director of the lamp learning consortium i’m going to be your moderator today so the way this is going to work is each of our presenters will just have five minutes to do their presentations which is why we call it the lightning talks and so presenters um to you particularly i’ll ask you to be ready as soon as the previous presenter finishes up so that uh we do we don’t waste any time in between sessions i’ll introduce each presenter very briefly so that i don’t take time away from what you have to tell us if you want to know more about each of the presenters the open apereo schedule has a nice biography on each one that you can take a look at and presenters when it is your turn you can take the presenter privileges by clicking on your name in the uh in the in the chat not the chat sorry in the in the messages section um and uh then you can step through the slides if you gave me slides in advance at your own pace if you want to share your screen instead you can do that too i encourage you to use your camera so that people can see you it’s nice to put a face with what’s being said and i will be keeping time so as you get close to the end of your five minutes if you see this that means your time’s just about up and so you need to you need to be wrapping it up uh so this is going to be a lot of fun i’m really really looking forward to this one of the things that has happened is that i’ve been been quite impressed by the number of people that we have from all over the world so we’re actually going to start in south africa today and by the time we’re done we’re going to end up in in florida we’ll we’ll make stops in the netherlands and scotland and montreal on this particular um series of lightning talks and there will there be three or four more of these so we’ll have a bunch of lightning talks when it’s all when it’s all said and done so i’m really glad to have that and i think we should just go ahead and get started so let’s see the first one is actually going to be a pre-recorded lightning talk so i’m going to turn it over to to jenn and let her take it away a day in the life of a virtual vula consultant my name is donna lewis and joining me in this video is my colleague Desireé McKie we are learning technology consultants here at the university of cape town south africa also known as uct we work in a department called cilt the center for innovation in teaching and learning we work in training and consulting on pedagogy and the technology that accompanies it we are also known as the vula help team and we focus primarily on technical support of our version of sakai known as vula we advise on the best layout according to discipline specific needs best practices authentic assessments and the technical functionality on vula including the glitches covid 19 resulted in what we refer to as emergency remote teaching that focused on low data and asynchronous teaching and learning strategies present day we have shifted from emergency remote teaching to physically distanced learnings online teaching and learning with selected form of physically distanced face-to-face teaching so what is a day in the life of a now virtual vula consultant entail first thing in the morning we log on to a very full mailbox an unpredictable day we clear our mails and log on to our creating tracking system called jira we also log into teams mainly used for internal meetings and communication as well as skype for business with our telephone line rings once we’re logged in we check our calendar for any meetings of the day over and above this we assign queries to each other depending on weekly roster we label queries to allow for future tracking as well as statistics we pride ourselves to responding to queries within our half a day and keep lines of communication open with the user we have a comprehensive list of email response templates all thanks to my colleague des who spend many hours behind the scenes compiling this for us we use this to ensure that there is clear instruction and minimal error on our part i now stop to hand over to my colleague des thanks for listening thanks donna as mentioned i’m des and i work with donna in the learning technologies team together with our colleagues lobabalo and aaron we formed the vula support team led by sam lee pan as donna has outlined our problem solving skills are key in supporting staff and students at the university sometimes we create little screenshots to show users how to do basic vula tasks other times we find that scheduling ms teams one-on-one sessions are very beneficial especially using the nifty screen share feature to solve problems also we simply sometimes use screenshots because that can also reveal the issue and fix the problem over and above our daily tasks we also do the following as a team we create documentation resources help guides screencasts we also test document and report any learning technology software issues often we present our tools at webinar training sessions and we also assist with vula upgrades and quality assurance testing we also provide priority support for online examinations at the university let’s talk about vula usage so the following graphs have been extracted from our department’s 2020 annual report and we thought the information here would be very useful to share due to remote teaching you’ll notice here the vula usage increased from 2019 to 2020.