How to Grow a Podcast in 2021 (5 Questions to Consider)
what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on family jonathan jones here your podcast mentor and today i wanted to dive in right and i wanted to talk to you about how to grow your podcast in 2021 okay and if you’re somebody out there and you’re like but wait a minute john i don’t have a podcast just yet well that’s perfectly fine but i want to give you some questions and i want to give you just some insight that you’ll know and be able to reflect on all right so that’s what we’re going to dive into today making sure that you understand how you can grow your podcast in 2021 but before we get there if you’re not subscribed to the youtube channel i would encourage you to make sure that you subscribe uh to the channel which is just jonathan jones speaks and if you’re somebody who enjoys podcasting or you’re wanting to learn more about podcasting in addition to somebody who appreciates self-help strategies for success i would encourage you to subscribe to our channel so as jonathan jones speaks on youtube so now without further ado i want to dive in today and i want to talk about this topic first because i think so often it’s easy to say i want to grow right i want i want to grow my business i want to scale my business i want to do all of these different things and i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that right because that’s an area that i mean i would say that i i’m in as well wanting to grow and scale the business but then i had to get to the point and to the place to where i had to ask myself but john you want to grow you want to get more opportunities you want to do more things but the fact of the matter is the first question i want you to consider am i consistent right and the reason that i want to share this out is because um based on the book that i read it says if you’re faithful over few then i’ll make you ruler over many right and for me for some time currently i’ve told my wife that i want to start working out again i want to put on a little bit of muscle mass right this is something that ultimately i want to make sure that i’m being in a position and being in a place to where i can grow however i don’t consistently work out i work out for a day and then i’ll stop i work out for a day and then i won’t so i can expect me to build muscle mass just as well as we can expect the podcast to grow if we’re not consistent so the first thing i would ask you or just encourage you to ask yourself is am i consistent am i putting out content every monday like i told people i would am i doing three episodes a month or four episodes a month like i told people that i would so that would be the first thing i would encourage you just to ask yourself and begin to reflect on are you consistent right and i think that’s the that is the biggest key that i’ve seen in um growing my podcast with speaker success which i had a few years ago and then now with beyond the ball i’ve shown the level of consistency so now i’ve seen a slight uptick in uh engagement as even as well as listenership so ask yourself am i consistent all right then the the second thing i would ask you is because we’re in a time of social media right there’s so many different platforms we have youtube we have facebook we have instagram we have twitter we can go down the lines for all the different platforms that exist when we talk about social media then the question that i want to ask you is based on the followers that you have if you’re somebody who has a podcast right if you’re somebody who has a podcast do your followers know that you have a podcast it’s just something to consider do your followers if they see your username will they say oh that person is the host of blank and blank podcast if they see you post content or would they follow you because they can appreciate the podcast content that you’re going to share right this is another area to where if we’re looking to grow a podcast on top of being consistent being number one then the second one would be do the followers even know that you have a podcast platform do they know what you talk about and discuss on your show because if they know what you talk about and discuss then they’ll be in the point and be in the position to where they’ll want to share it with other people who need the content that you’re offering right so thinking about that right there we have to make sure that our followers know we have a podcast and with that being said i’m just going to put in the shameless plug here if you have not checked out my podcast entitled beyond the ball you can see it’s scrolling on the bottom if you subscribe to the youtube channel you’ll get at least two episodes a week right two episodes a week and my content like i said is ultimately about tangible self-help strategies for success in addition to assisting student athletes to succeed beyond their degree so that’s beyond the ball had to do the plug there just made sense so we have to make sure that our followers know that we have a podcast platform if we’re wanting to grow our podcast all right that’s only if you want to grow your podcast if you don’t want to grow then hey i mean continue to post continue to post the way that you post right just do what if you want to get the same results that you’ve always gotten then do what you’ve always done okay so that’s the second question we need to make sure that our followers know that we have a podcast all right now the the third point i want to share with you is if they know that we have a podcast or they don’t know right maybe it’s a fact because we’re not posting enough right would you agree maybe it’s the fact that you’re posting once a week maybe you’re posting once every two weeks right i’m not sure what what your uh schedule is or how often you decide to post about your podcast content however this is something that you might want to consider is how often do i post and i know what the immediate thought is you might think john but i don’t want my followers to think i’m trying to just force feed them my content but john wait i don’t know if i should be posting about this but john this is my personal page i don’t want to put my podcast on my personal page well do you do you want to grow the podcast i mean because for me personally and what i teach in my program get paid with podcasting i teach that we have to identify the purpose of our podcast right and if the purpose of a podcast is to get out a message right the purpose of a podcast is to inspire the people the purpose of a podcast is to be positioned in a way to where you can be seen as an authority and generate revenue and income then you need to let people know about your podcast right i would have to say that and i’m gonna go dramatic here i’m gonna go dramatic all right i’m just gonna go wide left and you know if you’re watching this video on youtube i would encourage you to give it a like a thumbs up or or share this with a friend that you know has a podcast but they’re playing with it right or you have a friend who has a podcast they have great content but they’re not getting it out to the masses i want you to think about the podcast like this imagine the podcast is a medication right let’s like let’s think let’s think about it let’s think about it the podcast is a certain medication and based on the content that you’re giving out on your podcast based on the information that you’re sharing with the people your medication can will be the difference in somebody living or somebody dying really really reflect on that like do you believe in the content that you’re giving people or as i’ve heard it said before uh you know we eat our own cooking i eat my own cooking there’s nothing that i will tell a student athlete on the podcast that i don’t believe in there might be a guest i bring on they might have an alternate belief however i’m not force-feeding them to do anything that i say or that the guest says but i want to bring and introduce them to opportunity for more information okay so we want to make sure that we’re posting about our podcast we want to make sure that people know post two times three times however many times a week that you can be consistent post right post post and uh with that being said i’m just gonna i’m gonna keep i’m gonna stay on social media for a second i’m gonna stay on social media because i was looking at um somebody’s post the other day they just launched a podcast i was like oh that’s what’s up that’s awesome they just launched the podcast i was like man i’m excited for you and they’re not somebody who’s in the program and then as i saw the content that they were posting out uh i started going through their feed on twitter and i was like man i’m not i’m not seeing your podcast con i’m not seeing no podcast content in here i was like okay well maybe it’s a little bit further down i went all the way down like man okay i’m not gonna work that hard to find your podcast i was like nah i’m good on that and then it hit me number four is my podcast listed in my bio like somewhere okay somewhere somewhere anywhere pick a pair please if you have a podcast i’m going back to the analogy i use for point number three in your podcast has the ability to change somebody’s life based on the content that you’re sharing i think it’s in our best interest to at least post it in our bio somewhere somewhere just post it in the bio somewhere right because if it’s not in the bio and you tell people you have a podcast people are only going to look so long before they give up they’re like bruh nah i’m not wasting no this no i’m not looking for your podcast because you’re making this really difficult for me to give you this listen i had to work that hard for nothing in my life nope i’m good sorry bye so number four put the podcast in your bio somewhere anywhere okay and um now now you all i got you all rocking with me now i want to just um is i’m curious if anybody listens to audio books right if you listen to audio books you listen to audible i would love for you to share with me like shoot me a d and be like yeah john i listen to audible i i rock with the audio books because i know we’re in 2021 and this is the time to where it just makes things easy it makes things really really easy and i was listening to an audiobook the other day about david goggins uh it’s called you can’t hurt me right it’s the best self-help and personal development book tangibly that i’ve ever heard in my life that in addition to uh the magic of thinking big and just i wanted to just share that with you all just as a resource um but in addition to that being a resource i wanted to um i wanted to also let you all know that if if you don’t have an audible account you can just tap in right here you can just shoot you can text me uh hashtag audiobooks uh hashtag audiobook to 67865 just text me audiobook to of 678-658-3627 so for you all rocking with with me today on this episode i wanted to make sure to give you all um that uh that that freebie right there once again just text the hashtag right the actual hashtag the symbol and then put in the word audiobook and then send it to 678-658-3627 and you can get that free audiobook right there okay okay lindsey said i want to get on that yeah yeah can’t hurt me is flames yes it is and the audiobook is actually actually better than the original book because he actually puts in some additional content in the audiobook i’m gonna go back and listen to it um again um so i’ve told you if you want to grow your podcast i gave you four questions to consider so far and i’m gonna give you number five and then i’m gonna review them all but number five is how easy is it for people to find your show how easy is it for people to find your show if you’re saying john my show is super easy to find man i in the title i got the emoji of the moneybags and i mean i have all these cool fonts and all that other stuff and i mean i think that’s great i think that’s dope you know if you’re somebody who’s like artsy i think that’s super dope and more power to you however however just like i shared with you all in that explanation earlier i was trying to find the episode of this this person’s podcast to listen to right i was trying to find it but i couldn’t and then after i couldn’t find it on twitter and since i’m the podcast mentor i did a little bit more dig and i was like okay oh it’s on the website oh okay it’s on the website cool cool it’s on the website but it’s not on the social media and if i ask you all if i said dm me if you go searching for people’s websites right i’ll be curious how many people just go searching for people websites probably not many you’re probably going to find them on instagram and then click on the insta the link in their instagram bio and then from there from there then you’re gonna make the decision oh somebody somebody taking notes with the heads up in the ass oh man from there then you’re gonna make the decision oh i to find out and i want to go to this person’s website but people aren’t going to just go look for your website just off the street looking for your website like i’ll i’ll tell you that out the like off off rip that’s not gonna like that that’s not just gonna happen i’m i’m sorry but it’s not okay so really quick i want to recap i want to recap and just like i said before if you’re just tuning in or if you’ve been asleep this episode uh i’m jonathan jones speaks i’m your your your podcast mentor right so you can connect with me on on instagram i’m jonathan jones speaks okay i’m gonna do it across the bottom i’m jonathan jones speaks so really quick we’re gonna we’re gonna recap because today we were talking about five questions to consider because the topic is how to grow your podcast in 2021 but the focus that i had today is what are five questions that you can ask yourself to make sure that you’re doing these things to grow your podcast so now i’m gonna go back through them and i’m gonna answer i’m gonna answer each question that i laid out just to make this thing clear make it smooth and make sure it makes sense for everybody okay so here we go taking it from the top the first question i said you have to ask yourself is am i consistent john i struggle with consistency how can i be consistent first things first you want to create a schedule okay a schedule a schedule of some kind all right for me personally my schedule looks like this all right looks like that and on this schedule every day i have some items listed out that i need to get accomplished if you’re looking to grow a podcast approach it like that what are two things i need to do today that will help me grow my podcasts okay i need to post about it that’s one second thing oh i need to change the link in my bio and make sure that it gives people a place to click all right so am i consistent am i consistent we want to create a schedule of tasks two three however many items you can commit to i would say start with one y’all see the list that i just showed you i got there because i started with one item the next day i did two and then eventually it grew over time so that’s the first thing the second thing is do my followers know that i have a podcast i can’t say that without making sure that you all know i’m jonathan jones i’m the host of the beyond the ball podcast all right i would encourage you to check it out it’s on apple it’s on spotify wherever you listen we have the beyond the ball podcast all right check it out we interviewed some guests like from last chance you we had coach john mosley we had coach rob from last chance you uh i’ve had nick swisher on my podcast if you like baseball and i’ve even had james starks on my podcast as well all right so that’s beyond the ball that’s my plug there but if your followers don’t know that you have a podcast here’s the tip gem drop alert gem drop alert then today i want you to introduce yourself or reintroduce yourself to your audience your followers and let them know that you have a podcast in addition to letting them know that you have a podcast let them know where they can listen okay so that’s the tangible for step number two i like tangible takeaways all right like tangible takeaways number three how often do i post about my podcast that ties into two and that ties into one am i consistent i want you just to decide today i’m gonna post if i drop a podcast on mondays i’m gonna post every monday about it i’m gonna post every wednesday about the episode that i dropped on monday all right so identify what you can commit to and then post accordingly all right boom number four please jesus help us please post your podcast in your bio somewhere like use a hashtag for it uh tell people i’m the host of blank podcat like do something do something so that people know and then you can make a post hey i’m jonathan jones the host of the beyond the ball podcast if you want to check out the latest episode where we talked about struggling with mental health disorders click the link in my bio and boom that easy all right want to put in the bio some where and then how easy is for people to find your show make it easy for people make it easy if you’re on linkedin or if you’re on twitter post a link to where people can click it and go straight to spotify straight to apple or straight to google or wherever but post a link to make it easy for people to listen to your show if it’s not easy for people to listen to your show then you’re making it too hard you’re making it too hard all right so i would love if you all um just took the time and you know if you felt that there was value in this uh in this episode then shoot me a dm let me know you can shoot me a dm at jonathanjonesspeaks uh on instagram jonathanjonesspeak shoot me a dm let me know or leave a comment down down below uh what was your biggest takeaway from this video if you’re listening on youtube while you’re watching on youtube uh but other than that family uh i’m jonathan jones i’m your podcast mentor and if you have questions or if you even have a podcast up and running you’re like john i don’t know what to do with this thing uh and i’m not sure where to go next uh i even have a link in my bio right now instagram where you can click and i’m doing podcast consultations right i’m doing podcast consultations so hit me up there and i would definitely definitely definitely make sure that i i get to your i get to your get to your question great points my brother i missed tuesday so i needed this coach coach ken man that’s coach ken right there man coach ken is in coach ken is in our our our community to get paid with podcasts and community and coach ken is getting ready to launch his podcast coming up i’m gonna be excited uh to to share about that when coach ken uh releases that out to the world so shout out to coach ken um right there with with coach kenny coach kenny coach kenny okay coach kenny my bad coach kenny my bad okay okay um but family we’re gonna go ahead and get out of here like i said jonathan jones i’m your podcast mentor if you have questions shoot me a dm on instagram jonathanjonesspeaks and then in addition to that if you’re like john i want to do a podcast consultation click that link in my bio on instagram we can get you scheduled up we get you ready to rock and we can get you ready to roll um but until next time family i want you all to make sure that you get positioned you ultimately are sharing your purpose and then last but not least then there comes the opportunity to profit that’s what we are all about to get paid with podcasts and community but first it’s about positioning then it’s about operating in purpose and then that’s when the opportunity comes to profit jonathan jones your podcast mentor until next time continue to be great.
Milkmaid Dress Tutorial - etailed Sew With Me - Cottage Core Dress using a free pattern
Hello everyone, I’d like to share with you how I made my new, Milkmaid inspired dress.
00:06 - I’ve been wanting to make a Milkmaid dress for quite a while and when I saw that lydia Noami posted a free pattern I took that as a sign for me to go for it. It’s my first time making a dress with boning, but I figured it was good practice for the victorian corset I want to make one day.
ClicBot- STEM Education Robot, Unboxing and Review
Hey everyone! As you all know I’m very interested in STEM education but I’m also pretty skeptical about STEM education products.
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How To Experience Baptism of The Holy Spirit? @Vlad Savchuk
I wanna share with you today concerning the Holy Spirit.
00:03 - I just recently released a short e-book called Spirit-Filled Jesus.
00:08 - Which simply goes into the topic of how Jesus is dependent on the Holy Spirit.
00:13 - And so you can download it free of charge on my website.
00:17 - There’s also audio version of it, there’s a physical book and as well as electronic one.
Tuning Up Your Nonprofit Team!
now as we launch into the non-profit show so grateful to have juan kingsbury here founder and talent strategist with career blind spot and he’s gonna tell us a little bit more about that in particular when it comes to performance harmony and why good teams might get out of tune so stay with us we want to start every episode and we do start every episode by saying thank you thank you to our presenting sponsors each and every one of these companies are here for your greater good so lean into them because they have poured into you they are in your corner and they exist across the globe to help you do more good thanks to julia patrick who is not here today because she has a another commitment with another presentation but julia patrick ceo of the american nonprofit academy i’m your non-profit nerd jared ransom and really excited again to have one with us first of all welcome from the bottom of my heart so excited um so welcome so to the show thanks so much for being here tell us a little bit about yourself career blind spot and uh what we can expect for today’s conversation yeah the the micro version uh if anyone’s ever taken a personality assessment and i use that term loosely that’s where i got my background using the disk assessment and many others emotional intelligence and then about nine years ago i set out on my own um if you if i do another one of these i’ll maybe tell more of the raw story but angrily because i was like hey it’s one thing to use these another thing to apply them regularly and a lot of it’s one and done it’s a nice nice to have but also i didn’t know what i was doing in terms of business so i i was a subject matter expert in these tools but i um angrily left and started my own business now i still have good relationship with the past jobs they sell their product but um what i started to find was you know it’s one thing to get results and a lot of jerks and mean people bad bosses sometimes don’t get the credit where they still get results they move the widget you know abusing people or whatever but i was like it still counts it’s another thing to care about people to do both it’s really hard and like that’s what i was really excited and when you reached out because i was like i think nonprofits we tend to focus on the caring but one of the reasons i liked you from our coffee conversation we first met was well results still insert whatever expletive you like really matter you know and so to do both i was like i want to work with more leaders like that and now you know there’s a mixed bag there but that’s what career blind spots sometimes people think it’s career coaching which i can do some i have but really it’s more about a leader who like you have a blind spot if you’re hiring this person and the job’s going to change even if you had the best job ever even if your nonprofit was fantastic last year some things may have changed since then and so you know just like in our car we have these mirrors it’s not a one and done hey i checked my passenger and i’m done it’s an ongoing thing so that’s what career blind spots about i use those same tools team building leadership development coaching development um and that’s that’s the gist of it wow i love it so here’s uh juan’s website careerblind stop blindspot pardon me dot com i’m very active on linkedin as well so let’s get into what is performance harmony so i’ve never actually heard these two words performance harmony put together so i’m curious to learn myself uh okay that’s good i think that i talked with the branding friend and we kind of made it up but i also realized it’s what i realize everyone wants it’s a little squishy touchy feely but here’s the other side of it it’s you know if you’ve been a leader or you’ve worked somewhere or you’ve been a consumer and a customer you’ve been disappointed and you’ve ever verbally out loud uttered the words or in your head why can’t they just do their damn job performance harmony is the is what you really want you want i was just rodney king years ago said can we all just get along you know context stuff matters but that’s what happens when when people are doing their role what you expect of them there’s a level of trust but like we don’t have to be friends but the performance move the needle etc needs to happen and usually things are out of whack not terrible but like i don’t know how old our audience is but we have a record player and yeah i play with it sometimes because what is that exactly we’re we’re young and hip but you know you can sometimes hear songs off because the record’s spinning too fast but it could be slightly off and so you know harmony is hitting that flow state from from a team which i think is a lofty goal but anyway performance army would is what i realized that’s what every leader altruistic brene brown vulnerable person really is striving for but really what every bad boss also wants to why can’t they just do their damn job and what i realized is that’s the goal that’s the real summit that we’re trying to hit but what it takes to get there not too complicated but easier said than done so that’s a that’s if we’re playing candyland that’s the major milestone that i’m trying to get any leader to to realize this is what you really want but here’s what it’s going to take one i think you’re a badass i mean that’s that’s what you said after you first met me and i think maybe that’s why we we really got along and so talk to us here you know as we talk about role objectivity um what does that mean yeah and you know i just had this i broke down this on my own podcast for blindspot.
LOVING A MONSTER (Fredrick Leonard, Ruth Kadiri Movie) | 2021 MOVIES | NIGERIAN MOVIES 2021
so hey don’t me at that girl with the comment again tomorrow again what happened what did you do again nope you go there right there would you like what’s going on with that one you got a clear eye from your house go there you know i come back now we carry you from house i say from house wait now you walk out by yourself from house money but now we carry you from house you wanna go there again where’d you give me that one forget that thing leave nothing where they talk you see that one when i go that time nine bit test do’s not go for you see me i don’t cook myself i don’t prepare myself against any just any kind of just when she says she wants to come i don’t cook myself against them so no weapon where she take home any kind of weapon will go fashion against me if you not know what did they worry you chance that’s what just happened they used that tick tick tick tick insult to me tomorrow night tomorrow make a warning you yeah and no one see any of funeral near that place where cannot be said you forget anything for that and no one see you near there you they hear me and they talk to you and no one see a new ofuna near that place last time when i did that they thought they should be shy because you know that baby are pleasing nothing do anything no no no bad luck but believe it or not because my friends are no no it’s not doing well on a day if i finish let me go by myself call you too often give another report come on oh when she don’t finish the ghoul i you know beat me before what’s impossibility for this thing where you do me what am i going to do now see now now if you stop this you’ll cry cry eh then we go put this together know where to be what you guys supposed to do so that’s too good before not pregnant so i will need to see doctor face to face make you use him out and tell me whether i’d be pregnant is that what you’re saying which can be that what you’re saying oh nami can’t be devil now oh yeah see just just just calm down you really beat me now come here you say uh none of us caused this thing to get down now two of us caused them together can they beat me or not i impossibility for this thing where you do me what am i going to do now see now now if you stop this you’ll cry cry then put this together know where to be what you’re okay you you give me paper i agree people nobody doctor now i’m gonna need to sit down face to face make you use your mouth and tell me whether you be pregnant is that what you’re saying which can you tell what you’re saying oh nami can be devil now oh yeah see just just just come down wait they beat me now come here you see not of us cause this thing together not two of us caused them together when they beat me on our sister i fussy i i trust you if you are full other he never is like that oh yeah that wait now wait this is so my head at least if i let me make i tell you what’s my problem now okay let us see it i want to bring another person don’t bring anybody it’s me yeah you should speaking i don’t understand like that um dinner shoot nobody is in case of what you want think yeah i just make you not say that demonstration i do not see this i’ve always told you boys to stay away from these stuffs that entire to their mouth and go straight to the brain to cause separate madness but none of you would listen to me now listen i advise you to stay away from the market otherwise they mistake you for a serious madman yeah is tell me what can i do during my own and i mean get madness let me get demonstration though they look like bad man okay how to demonstrate again okay you know why you are just looking worried like this you don’t even understand what not to think for years every day you’re made shut your smelly mouth okay you never wish to marry for your reach of climb woman sleep you help me give me one reason why i will not call the police now to come and carry you for violence against women i beg not just face eh face and you say you get better mindy hey now you want to do police for this matter 50 000 within a dollar foreign remember foreign come here yes they say dead male does not vp i could go plug one better when i go flop gun i’ll go pcc body with that king any opportunity anything you say i wanted to punish you eh fall like that for 10 and wait for me you forget the american return with my weapon of mass destruction my weapon of warfare but you will kesha you’ll be cared so if you say i know wake up stand up from here now so you go you just didn’t trash me why not it’s not as you as you did so you don’t come up with your ass call my ass i ain’t want that i’ll talk how much fifty thousand dollars you care sir anyone will not be a fault it is better for me to die with my rope than for me to die say i’ll die for woman and honor woman like you let me me and you i don’t go hey wait wait you do they give up i don’t want you to die my god fury come back like like how much you get 20 thousand error if you know the cam you lift up after all if i keep myself a group here the republicans go by if i buy fish i would still get small change on top i don’t move confessions you got chicken no my chicken don’t finish do you want white gets now they want way to know other hey give us drinks all your games why you doing so did you love what i did for you what’d it be like you were not able to consider for marrying now they talk about life consider no i mean i i love you past any other thing the only god where they disciples okay so prove to me when we reach my monday please all the love when i get for this inaudible don’t worry everybody and i agree show me from here hi okay what do you want ahead hey just tell me when you see where you want let me take a parry think about it carry me carry me back don’t you love me again i love you i mean fried meat and they fried meat sweets wow they’re going when you’re here you are follow you i send you okay because you don’t want your friends to see that you carried me down here me i’m going i’m okay so you told your friends me that you are taking me out today right my yes let me think about it please stand up and carry me on your back or see i tell you otherwise immediately at the moment enter this bag you see anything even though say one day here chop the food for this my back no problem no baby that’s this one now they finished demonic are you are you getting me wet yes see the only problem where i could get with you now this is your cry christ time before before that laugh laugh eh now these days nah could i cry i they commit you from laughing to crying now no now you people send me make a go do this thing no be meeting you you quite agree yeah i heard they cry no they cried wait i’m not destroying now okay okay see i get good news for you okay good news i don’t see who could help help you for this matter if you should be talkita not then she know foster b how to help you for this baby mata i even thought i say i want to keep myself with rope okay then she can’t stop me say we cannot make a presence more money they should go help us for so you don’t plan to go kill yourself and leave only me to suffer no plan to go kill yourself and leave only me to suffer eh okay before you die i go first kill myself you go there i take care of the baby by yourself which baby the one inside my stomach hey hey this guy you bee hey wait how you they expect me to take care of speaking when you’re never born no wonder you cash you catch the ball no subject look all the things where you like thinking myself what do you want to what do you do with now because of this and when i talk man i make you come on i want to conquer yourself you won’t die but you won’t kill yourself commit suicide why no go die so you don’t plan to kill yourself just tell me why no good day me okay so now because of your performance you won’t come kill yourself yes i want to die see just keep that you’re dying after face then if we see that and cooper with the teach permission if you don’t feed her post for this time of time then two of us go drink this your poison go drink together continue our marriage for the other side yes christian now relax i clear isis tomorrow trying very hard to keep to time no they cry are you back when he did on your back look at my back my own babe did my back you concern you hey no do i do your business i beg you if you don’t go home person calling this course now okay see what he had paid for now for meat drink and the chicken now remember she can’t carry him for his side huh see this sticky way the chopper you never ever drop half of what’s here before hey i said they’re talking to you i feel like i really play at the beginning like this they beg you i found you go where you did can you come back one part of peter and give me money i’ll pack out of here now i’ll get a new place if you give me money you’ve not said anything about what i told you wait did you say she’s helping you with italian visas and passports yes and i want to be very interested in traveling soon and that depends on how much i have by the time she’s ready to you know give us the visas she’ll study the processes and people have been given advance have you paid yes 100 so you have that kind of money i got it from my dad now okay now i’ll wait for yours to come out before i do mine i see what do you see uh what of course but not if not as you can see your friend is comatose and i’m bored with my mission here today let me shift to mars to want to be taxes goodbye this girl singing um let us go to the house and finish our out a foreign i don’t you go shut up you got shot up because you’re the vest if you’re not shut up i go take one button design your head for you you need a crest in april outcome shut up baby if you finish come and meet me in the room i’ll finish you it’s not like i don’t want to follow you but the thing is how do we get money for two of us don’t worry i’ll talk to my dad and i’m sure you oblige me you talk to your dad to oblige you as what as your boyfriend your husband or your toaster what do you want don’t even go there okay oh i was like you should get money from this company this is this is um this is black don’t use use bar soap yeah if they cut a face like this man hey they do feel like they say we don’t lose boyfriend it’s a rematch to loose for this one now don’t lose unfinish tell us within one year waiting for the result of the test what are you carrying a go to that time what is um pregnant my father will kill me you roast me like fish okay so you do not remember you did with your privacy he did not tamper with my privacy he sleep with me you know go help me wrong why not why not if not that’s why i’m here that’s why tattoo is in town eh what did you say this your boyfriend your accomplice with dj oh it might they make one day boyfriend today this one this thing with me they price me the money it’s only enough to you know graffiti deletes the picking it’s enough only to don’t say shifts if you can’t go one side what they picking you go sleep or not hey bobo why now i i talk i’m [ __ ] make a good kill myself with triple now you can’t stop me now you’re going to tell me the money when i give you no no go do anything you are a foolish man okay i know what to do i will go and look for our father i’ll report you on myself point of corrections why do you call me just now see for your full life not trying to get a betrayal see i’ve seen your shoe nobody replacing my man no sense you won’t bring this money i’ll be no africa okay how much will go give you how much i could put on top the one when i don’t give you before well because i’m a god theory what meaning what you see this mugu i don’t change your name from bentinduchu you know why because this mugu now of the highest order let me tell you facebook i tell you they use less than me useless let me get everything what are you concerned for inside see me said i even try i’m not trying i try me i go meet the girl i tell her babe i like you i can’t i come out even though i use less gold house useless for everything but at the end i try you just say you call me penta to make i believe this i like your name because you’re better too you to my phone disgraced you you carrying and going the second time you think they’re good again you’re not gonna get sense they’re not the guy i’m not free this sense use your kidney for what’s this man i don’t hear nami gets the outing you watch sorry hey this one now master medicine is preparing specially for this miracle take pour inside this cup drinker huh i’m not going to reach out before i go take care what do you mean by saying you know shy for your ticker i reach i’ll fight before i give her the money i reached out for a giveaway thank you when i give her doing this thing here my friend take care of your mom know that is from italy very effective you know they taste like medicinal what are you giving me eh no direct my capability so this guy hey this thing what you want for your answer i don’t blame you it’s because you don’t travel this thing is called night attack no body you will drink it three times a day after three days so do i one sleep okay this problem eh as if he said you are the two face of this village layla oh but this zanga where we did plus this one huh this business on my bed this business is too good hey i swear yeah yeah people i don’t know anything what people i don’t foreign i told you that tattoo has come to our lives to bless us but you don’t understand first it was visa secondly we are assured that we are going to italy in the next nine months it’s one of lessons and to top it all tattoo has introduced a business that will help us generate the money that we used to travel to italy and we won’t get changed on top of now hey slugsy you and you call my house now go bring spoon give me follow me chop you don’t respond i’m gonna fight i’ll go bring this to myself i hear you foreign take now and you keep that spoon first i want to activate these accounts i want to make money the food can wait when i make money i can buy anything i want food plenty of sushi they chop yourself make i follow flowers open this thing you don’t do your own i know thank you thank you you have my phone need off your back chest businesses are removing according to a plan hmm to find me you see tattoo tattoo then me i’m not replacing my [ __ ] my children i have heard your complaints and that’s why i decided to run it to the nearest italian bush there we go my children why are you looking for the living i’m of the dead dead bodies and i would just allow them to be sending money to these accounts the center center they may may be laid off only me i will crush everything yes because they don’t even know that i’m the owner of this site it’s what is this course um i am here because of the text message i received concerning the investment that pays hundred percent in return okay you make quick pay exactly not so i’ve been receiving receiving i love a lot a lot i don’t shop like four times now for the end and that’s a good feeling i decided to share the information with my friends you know in no good maybe they shop just to avoid that yoga brother when they fall off back what do they call dialogue it’s very good of you to think of others so all i have to do now is to set my details to that number as i was instructed yes and we also specify how much you want to start with then they will now match you to which we pay after they will now match two people told you to pay you double off your investments okay how much do you suggest for me to invest but normally i will advise you to start with a minimal amount at least to test the sites then later you cannot decide to increase your budget okay i think we’ll start with ten thousand error and then we time our summer so two hundred thousand error something like that okay um i have to send my details now to that number okay so i will not be do i hold my own payment exactly that is a good investment don’t worry very soon unfortunately we then we match you to somebody that you’re supposed to pay it’s all right okay this investment pick i will do it here and now i um two times put hundred in the second one they’ll put like maybe suzy angie they don’t match me already because they don’t mention me they don’t mention oh my way so that you can end quickly now that you can say that again i made up my mind i’m going to pay hundred thousand error hmm to give me twenty thousand hundred thousand it’s not twenty thousand that is something hey person the person contacts some persons who are the persons who are near the persons who are near me say you get waiting tattoos they do they give money like central bank money go come on which kind of dream will you dream for night what does it mean central bank in this city see here yeah see this way they talk tell me anything for this life should that girl do i will believe you yeah if you say anything you see this one you see this one person’s person’s person’s waiter person’s where near me tell me sir if you give money they will pay you two times on that money will give wait first if you give 10k they will pay you 20.
កូនគ្មានខាន់ស្លា២ (កូនអ្នកណា) ភាគទី៩ - Illegitimate Child 2 (Whose Child) Ep9 [Life Series]
I have to go now What’s wrong with you? Are you hurt? See! You’re worried about me this bad how can you take a shower alone I want to take a shower with you No, I’m not used to it! You have to adapt to it from now on Let’s go! Where is my gentleman? I just follow your heart that you want you that SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV Sponsored by Present Illegitimate Child- Whose Child Mom!
EP 209 | Daily Global Insights | Jul 22, 2021 | US News | India News | Global News | Markets
Namaskar, Today is the 22nd of July, Thursday, and welcome to Daily Global Insights with Sri and Sree, Episode 209. We begin with Global News as always. Mike Pompeo speaks out against the deal, cut by Russians and Germans with tacit US Support. He speaks of the consequences and potential threats. Here is the video clip of his conversation with Maria Bartiromo. Your thoughts Sridharji? Good morning to everybody and you know, looking forward to another great session and we wish you all a wonderful Thursday and those who have finished Thursday, a great evening.
What I Learned Advising Anabaptist Businesses – Verlon Miller – Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 138
Welcome everyone back to another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives. Today I’m here with Verlon Miller who’s my father-in-law, and good to be here with you. You’re a pastor here at our church and also do business advising in your daytime job, and I want to talk to you about that a little bit today.
00:27 - Sure. Good to be here. Good to have you here. So the last number of years you’ve worked with a business advising team, and primarily you’re working with Anabaptist businesses, and so that gives you an interesting view into kind of a cross-section of our Anabaptist circles.
INTERVIEW WITH MY STUDENT. A German guy speaks Russian. Walking around Vyborg. Vlog with subtitles
Yandex goes there. Whatever. Oh, this is not Yandex.
00:06 - Hello everyone! Russian with Dasha with you, today Kevin is my guest.
00:13 - Hey! Hi, Kevin. Kevin came from Germany, he travels around Russia, today we will go to Vyborg with him.
00:26 - Is that all? Yes. These are the roads in Vyborg.
00:32 - Kevin is a little shocked, well, that’s alright.
00:37 - Kevin and I are now heading towards Mon Repos Park, passing by such destroyed or dilapidated houses, unfortunately, a very large part of Vyborg has not been restored, many houses are even more destroyed over time.