Dec 12, 2020 21:53 · 1374 words · 7 minute read case never meant waste watching

-You’re gonna shake my hand? -Well i think….. You think you’re in a position now where you can be brave enough to shake greatness hands like this? Asalamu alaikum guys and welcome to another special, vibrant, energetic and beneficial episode… they probably clicked off the video by now. -Hijab had cornrows. -Indeed I did -Yes -We were supposed to record a video with the cornrows but it’s unfortunate that the cornrows… -…have been uh eliminated -No I sent you a video I was a nutter. Original, ma-mad, ma-mad nuttah. Original man-a-man-a-man-a-man-a- man-a-man-a-man-a-man-a nuttah So you grew it for the sunnah isn’t it? You just wanted to grow it. -To be honest I just grew it. I didn’t have any worship intentions. Okay that’s that’s brilliant.

01:03 - The video is already going down, we’re gonna try and bring it up and let’s start with a bit of trivia. -If you were to pick from Optimus Prime or Megatron who would you pick? -I don’t know who those 2 are? Did you forget who I am? Right that’s uh that’s uh… so we’re gonna be reacting to a clip from Transformers yeah. These are in essence cars that turn into robots. I’ve heard of that before. I’ve seen some clips of that. So the graphics and everything are just crazy.

But there was a scene in there and we’re gonna 01:46 - react to this scene. Who sent you here? Where do you think you came from? You think you were born? No, you were built and your creators want you back. We all work for someone. There are mysteries to the universe we were never meant to solve, but who we are and why we are here are not among them. Those answers we carry inside. That’s pretty profound for a a Hollywood movie (to be honest) whose job it is to pass on all sorts of messages I was a bit surprised to see something like this and i thought why not, bring the big dog. Why not bring the heavyweight. Why not bring the main guy of speaker’s corner. -I’m here. -(Laughing) It’s one of the elementary discussions isn’t it? That we look at ourselves and we realize you know what… there has to be a creator.

02:57 - We look at a car we think there has to be a mechanic. We look at a painting we think there has to be a painter. Well Aristotle said something really interesting he said, “if the art of ship building were in the wood, we would have ships by nature” Now the point here is that when we look at a ship, although it’s made from planks of wood, no one’s going to look at it and say, well that’s has been contrived if you like from natural forces. Likewise no one’s going to look at a car and think well that’s actually just… all these things: the metal and the plastic and the all these silicone, all these materials natural materials have been made so um just by a random event. No one thinks like that.

03:38 - Then what’s the problem with people not doing the same when it comes to us? What do you think is the difference? Well the new atheist argument is that the evolutionary mechanism makes any theistic explanation superfluous right, so they say that we don’t need any theistic explanation. That’s not good, it’s not a good argument because really and truly first and foremost it doesn’t answer anything about the cosmos. Well Big Bang surely. We got the Big Bang. How does it explain complexity and harmonious complexity? How does it explain the fact that things are moving in the system of complexity and harmonious complexity, that is moving -By chance. Millions of years of trial and error isn’t it? -So chances is a label we put on things we don’t understand, because that’s the reality of the situation- you know randomness is something which is which itself needs an explanation, because really randomness is the God of the new atheists or the God of people who don’t believe in an intelligent force. Some people even use the word or terms Mother Nature yeah. That’s very popular. It’s kind of like personifying the universe. Right if you think about…

04:53 - People like Jim Carrey actually say “oh I got this from the universe” or “the universe” called out to him. I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it. So this this kind of personifying the universe is in effect really deifying the universe, is making a God of the universe -Yeah 100 percent. -Yeah so what we say is that the universe can’t be God. And the reason why the universe can’t be God is because it’s made up of so many complex different parts and anything made up of complex parts is generated, it’s made itself and is contingent is dependent.

And we can’t have an infinite 05:27 - regress of dependent and contingent things. We will have to have a necessary being which brings everything into existence. And so, the universe can’t be God. But when people use or speak of the universe in personified terms they are speaking to a kind of natural yearning yeah, to find an explanation which makes sense of the variables that we have around us, which is our complex variables. And so yeah you’re right to say that no one’s going to look at Transformer like that and think- well that it just came about you know from from natural processes coming together. You mean Optimus Prime don’t you? I mean that slip, it was a Freudian slip isn’t it? -I don’t know what that is? -I am Optimus Prime Some people might be watching and they’re like okay- Hijab’s…

although he doesn’t have 06:15 - his cornrows, let’s take what he’s saying on board. But what about this God that he’s saying? How comes he doesn’t have to fulfil the criteria of a complex being needing a creator? Well because that’s what we’re saying, look. God is the break of the infinite regress. Okay, it’s the break of the infinite regress, because if you keep going back infinitely regressing, How does he become the break though, I mean what’s the evidence? Just because we say… The evidence is we say that it’s an absurdity to have an infinite regress of causes or dependent things, because if you had such infinite regress of dependent things and/or causes then we would never get to a position where we have what we have now. In other words you can’t, it’s impossible, it’s an absurdity to have things which depend upon things Ad Infinitum, you need a base. Let me give you an analogy or an example.

07:21 - If you look into the ocean or to the sea right. Now you haven’t seen the ocean floor, you haven’t seen the sea floor right, but you know that there’s an ocean floor, you know, you infer that there must be an ocean floor/ a sea floor right? Yeah, and that is because ‘water’ in this analogy it depends upon the container or the sea floor in order to be held up. Likewise dependent things- which the universe is- and all the things within the universe are dependent, depend upon other dependent things and if that went on, it’s the equivalent of saying- you can have see water without sea floor, you have to have a foundation for everything and that foundation is something, which all things depend upon and it depends upon nothing. And that has to be the case to break the infinite regress of dependent things and it has to be the the case to break the infinite regress of the causes that could occur. There you go for all you doubters out there/ for all you haters out there.

08:26 - Will the cornrows be coming back? I don’t know we’ll see. It’s time-consuming and a waste of time. So that’s a yes then yeah? -Any word to the haters Hijab? -Yeah (silence) All right guys let’s leave it there until next time… I was a nutta. Original mad-ma-mad-ma-mad nutta Asalaamu Alaikum. .