its been a DAY. (vlogmas #2)
Dec 4, 2020 19:00 · 4162 words · 20 minute read
- ♪ I’m kinda old ♪ True ♪ My life’s kind of boring ♪ Also true. ♪ But I’ll film it anyway. ♪ No one asked for this. ♪ Hope your ready for it ♪ ♪ Cause I’m vlogging till Christmas day. ♪ Oh my God. Please never let me do that again. (gentle music) Hello. Welcome back to another vlog. I am doing my usual thing today which is filming that’s all I do with my life. And that is the only reason I get ready or put on clothes ever. So I just listened to the entire live album.
00:58 - The Long pond studios, folklore live album was incredible while I showered, tanned, dried my hair, put on makeup, got ready. I’m exhausted. Getting ready is really insultingly annoying. I have a bunch of videos to film today. I’m super tired. I didn’t feel good last night. I didn’t get good sleep. This angle isn’t great but you know, we’re just rolling with it. Yeah. I got this speaker for when we went camping and also just to like have a portable speaker cause we have one that’s plugged in and this thing is amazing. I think I got it on like, I don’t know half off or something at target a few months ago.
01:31 - It’s the JBL flip five speaker highly recommend looking I’ll link it down below in case you’re curious. Okay Just got a memory card. Put it in my camera. Now it’s time to film. I am using my phone for today’s video because I have like some talking points I want to say I’m doing a, by the way I didn’t address the fact that I was using an exercise bike that I got and I downloaded the Peloton app. I did like a little bit of a hack. That’s going to be a main channel video. If it’s not already up, then it will be up soon. I am doing that video right now. That’s actually what I’m filming. So I’m filming like all of the talking parts that I want to say like pros, cons, et cetera, et cetera. So be on the lookout for that. Think my mic has enough battery. Okay. Now we’re ready to go. I’m so thirsty. Today has been the longest day ever. Oh, that’s what I was going to say. The fact that my phone is at 1% and I have to read some talking points. So we’ll see how that goes. - [Male french Speaker] 12 seconds later. No! My phone just died. Uurgh! Okay. BRB still me just laying here.
02:37 - Oh, I was gonna say waiting for my phone to start up but I think it just did. This angle. Oh my God. Today is honestly such a Monday. Like it is the most Monday-ish, Monday ever. But my phone I believe is starting back up again. Ei, there we are. I wanted to start filming at 3:00 it’s, 3:22. I wanted to get three videos done today. And this vlog it’s looking like it’s going to be two videos in this vlog. So we’ll see.
03:02 - It’s been about four seconds and as soon as I started hitting record again everybody’s landscaper’s decided to show up which that’s part of life but I’m really striking out today. Okay. Get in the zone. auto zone. Let’s do this. (gentle music) All right. Little check-in we survived the first video. Just barely actually I’m joking. It went really well. It was just like, it takes a lot to get started sometimes. But I have my little set on for video number two. I’m so excited about this video because it’s actually a thrift swap with Jessica.
03:43 - I haven’t done a collab with Just Jess yet so I don’t know why we haven’t done that. I think we were supposed to do one last year and we both got busy and then COVID happened. But yeah, I’m so excited. We’re doing a thrift swap. I’m going to open what she got me. I’m super pumped. And then I think maybe we’ll do like a little happy hour downstairs to reward myself. We’ll see. And we’re back. I’m on my what? Like third outfit, change of the day or something but it is now five o’clock. This is actually usually the time that I would turn my camera off unplug for the day.
04:14 - But I thought I would show you what we’re making for dinner. Because honestly, this is something that I feel like we’re going to figure out as vlogmas goes on but you know, all ready vlogging 24 days in a row or 12 days or however many days, I decide that I’m going to do, it’s hard to like do enough things in a normal vlog this year. But obviously this year is incredibly different because drew and I aren’t going anywhere. We’re completely locked down now. So we’re not seeing anybody. We’re not doing anything that is definitely going to be difficult to like I don’t think I could ever, I don’t know. I’m going to have to think of things to film cause I can’t just vlog.
04:47 - This is what everyday looks like basically. It’s what I’m trying to say. Every single day of my life looks like this. - ♪ It’s boring ♪ It’s going to be, - yeah, it’s boring. Obviously, as we know it’s going to be some form of exercise, walking the dog getting the mail, filming and or editing a video and then like, that’s it not doing anything so cooking all the same things for dinner, et cetera. So I thought, you know, I came up with a list of a few ideas for videos like maybe another truth or drink video, maybe like some Q and A’s, you know, I’ve done all of these things in the past, but if you have any more suggestions leave them in the comments below.
05:25 - We have some gingerbread houses that we’re going to build. My boob really itches, sorry. You know, things like that. So we’ll, we’ll play around with it as time goes on and see what format works best. But I don’t think vlogging every single day like vlogging my whole entire day which is what I normally do is feasible for this. So anyway, tonight for dinner, we are making a potato and leek soup. It is so, so tasty and so easy. Basically all you have to do is follow these exact instructions. I’m kidding. As we know, I don’t really follow instructions. - [Drew] Don’t follow her instructions.
05:58 - - We have some leeks cooking in butter right here. You can do any kind of butter we’ve been using the plant-based Country Crock I think. we’ve got those sauteing and they’re going to Brown nicely, not Brown but just like cook through then Drew over here is peeling our- I ordered a pound of potatoes for like grocery delivery, but they gave us three. So I guess three potatoes is a pounds. So maybe I should have done two. I don’t really know, but either way he’s got those peeled and you have to do gold like gold potatoes are just so, so, so much better. So we’re going to chop those up. And then we’re also going to add some chicken broth and yes we keep having to move this baby gate all over the house because of our geriatric dog.
06:39 - She has recently been getting into Mu’s food and trying to eat it but also the Roomba keeps trying to go in there and it gets caught on the rug and stuff. So anyways, okay, we’re going to get some chicken broth. You can obviously use veggie broth or whatever you have on hand but this is what we have. The less sodium, the better. And honestly, I’m a salty bitch. A bitch loves salt, but this is better because then you can add as much salt or as little salt as you want. So we use that. Why is cutting potatoes so satisfying? Good job, bud.
07:10 - - [Drew] How’s the bread? - Good. Mu has to get a pill every day because he’s an old man now. Yeah. Just chop these up into like just a rough chop. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. This is not a lot of potatoes. I’m not going to lie but we’re going to do our best here and use what we have. We can also make a salad to go with it. We also have some really good crusty bread going to be delicious. Also, it is my restaurant. So I’m allowed to have a hair on the cutting board, but wouldn’t recommend it.
07:39 - Are you going to give me zero stars? - [Drew] Yeah zero stars on my Yelp review. - I can’t believe I thought that a pound of potatoes was going to be like massive. - [Drew] The recipe offered two. - Two pounds? - [Drew] Mm-hm. Well that’s okay, we can half it. (soft music) Pro tip, I was recommended this I think on, am I like really zoomed in? A little. I’m pretty sure on Instagram, someone I follow. I can’t remember. I think it might be curvesonabudget13 or Nicole Simone.
08:12 - I’m pretty sure she was the one who recommended this but it’s a little kitchen tool thing for you to put your phone on or put like an iPad. You can do it. I’ll show you. You can do it this way and like do this and then your phone rest perfectly in it and you can read your recipe or if you do it this way, your iPad can sit in it. So I mean pretty awesome tool and we do use it like a lot of times. we’re pulling up recipes on our phone. So here’s the recipe that we’re using we’ll link it down below for you but it’s not an affiliate link or anything like that I just thought I would like hook you up because it’s changed our lives. What’s next here add the broth, dice potatoes bailey from our drum, thyme, and a teaspoon of salt to the broth.
08:55 - Increase the heat to high, bring to a simmer and then lower it to make it a low simmer into the first 20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. Okay. So we’ve got our potatoes and our two cups of broth looks like it’ll be a good ratio - [Drew] And we don’t want it to be, last time it was too - Too liquidity - Too liquid - [Drew] Oh add bailey. - and heat up to high. And then we’re going to add some margarine it said of pinch. Here we go. Since we’re having this recipe it says a half a teaspoon of thyme but we’re going to use a quarter teaspoon of thyme and honestly, we made like a crock pot chicken and vegetable wild rice soup recently and I put way too much thyme and it was disgusting. You think like, Oh more seasoning is a good thing. with herbs that’s not always the case.
09:39 - - the lesson is to measure - Some pepper and salt - your stuff - What? - Measure - What, what’s that? Meiesh - Measure - What do you, how do you, I don’t know what that means. So we did salt and pepp and now a bay leaf. Wait for her to boil, simmer her. She’s ready to eat. Well and then you blend it. I’m now going to be assembling. Well, we have 20 minutes, but I’ll show you. I’ll probably put it back in the fridge. I will show you the perfect salad. Not like a dinner salad. Like this is a variation. Like sometimes I do a dinner salad where it’s like this is what I’m having for dinner. And like, maybe I’ll add some grilled chicken some air fried chickpeas, like something else for protein.
10:20 - But this is just a side salad, but like, so, so good. So first you’re going to take your green of choice. I like kale. I like spring mix. I like romaine. I like pretty much everything. I like arugula. I like it all, but we have some spring mix that’s like on the verge of going bad. So honestly, maybe what I’ll do is like use some of this spring mix and then add in some kale because I just bought some kale too (Drew sneezes) - ♪ Bless you. ♪ So I’m going to just take some kale, rip it up.
10:48 - A lot of people say that if you massage your kale with olive oil, it makes the flavor really good. I honestly like it just on its own but I have done that way and it’s really, really tasty. I’m honestly just like super lazy. Just going to throw that in there. I’m like literally just ripping it instead of chopping it. That’s where I’m at today. We have like carrots and cucumber that we need to use up. So I might use a little bit of that, but honestly like on a normal day, you don’t even need fresh ingredients.
11:14 - Like I’m all about like the sweet and the crunch. That’s my vibe. Bought some Craisins here. We also have some dates in the fridge that sometimes I chop up. It’s like so good. Honestly, my perfect salad like a dinner salad. Like I said before, I would have like quinoa mixed in here. Then I’m going to take some, what are these pecans. Pecans are great walnuts are great. I prefer pecans but a lot of people like walnuts better. So like a little sprinkle, all that, some good protein and healthy fats, as they say, I don’t know. I’m just going off of with whatever people say before I had a fucking clue. I have these garlic pepper crispy onions these are actually really good on salads as well but it’s totally personal preference but we get these to put on like burgers and stuff and were putting it on salads too won’t lie. What else should I add? Proutons Very important step.
12:03 - I bought these on Amazon and it came in a pack of three of them. No, wait, - [Drew] Four. - Four of them. And this is our last one. So we’ve gone through them a lot. We’ve got to have the crunch. I just realized you can’t see anything I was doing and but there it is. I actually think I’m just going to do some feta and then that’s it for my toppings. You can use goat cheese if you like goat cheese I honestly like hated feta up until, I don’t know. A few years ago I just started randomly liking it.
12:33 - You kind of have to break it up sometimes because I don’t like big chunks. So here we have it, my beautiful salad. And then lately I’ve been using, I just like randomly ordered this one time when we were ordering groceries, but it’s pretty good. It’s called Brianna’s Home Style Brent vinaigrette dressing. And it has an artichoke on the front but it doesn’t have artichokes. It literally says does not contain artichokes. I don’t know why. I also just realized that this says no sugar. I don’t give a shit if it has sugar or not. I just ordered this and like, it tastes pretty good. So gonna put this in the fridge until it’s ready and then throw some of this on there. Delish. I think it’s time to light- - I just shut my pants (both laugh) I threw up some man (Drew laughing) - Do you want me to cut that out? - [Drew] No it’s fine.
Do you want to taste this? 13:18 - - Yeah, I would look to. Is it good? - Hot, careful. - Taste good to me. Very tasty. Anyway, I think it’s time to light a holiday candle. We’re doing holiday spruce. This is a 2019 target candle. Tiny sneak peek. We started filming a backyard makeover video. All we have so far is lights. So I feel like I can show you that. And here they are just quick sneak peek. Whoop whoop, got some lights back there going to have some parties, just the two of us. All right. It’s that time? You all know what time it is.
13:51 - It’s wine 30 or beer 30 if you’re Drew. What are you sipping on tonight? - Heine - Hands off my Heine. Wasn’t that like a commercial “hands off my Heine” or something like that. Drew’s having a Heineken. I am having a quarantine fave if you will, if you’ve been around you remember it. This is actually my first time using this glass - festive Christmas process.
Can you even see? 14:13 - - It just says Butts - Well there’s Tina’s face - It’s Tina from Bob’s burgers. Cheers - Cheers. That’s a lot of wine. Not judging. - I opened that like a week ago. So - Yeah it does - I’ve done better. I got these little like vintage wine glasses off of Etsy. They were like $7 for the two of them. Etsy will get you though because it’ll be seven bucks but then it’s 10 bucks for shipping and then it’s 17. - [Drew] And that’s like - Your Etsy shop. what my trick, always look always look to see where it’s shipping from before you start looking. - I do.
I filter it from the United States 14:46 - but sometimes they’ll still charge you like $12 for like shipping - [Drew] for like fragile stuff My stuff’s easy cause all of it is like small stuff so it’s like, $3 - yeah, that’s - Yeah that’s nice. Drew has an Etsy shop by the way for those of you wondering if any of you play Dungeons and Dragons or Warhammer or know anyone in your life who does he can paint you a miniature, a figurine. - A mini - A mini, there you go. I’m getting, I’m getting - I do custom orders. He does do custom order. So if you want something if you have like a certain character in mind, hit him up - For that’s special someone, it’s Christmas time. So - And he can ship in time for the holiday. So let us know.
15:24 - I’ll keep it in the description because I do get some questions about that sometimes. But yeah, we have five minutes left until our soup is ready. Got the bread cut I’ll show you. You’ve got to have French bread. You have to have like good crusty bread, got some pieces sliced up, got our butter, ready to go. And we’re having a time, - [Stereo] Y (rock music) - Yes. - Rock on. - [Drew] Rock on. - what’s better than a Bruce Springsteen Christmas song.
15:51 - What’s more American than that? The best thing is we can play music as loud as we want. And our neighbors can’t hear us and vice versa. We hear their kids screaming in the backyard but that’s like joyful. - [Drew] Yeah, having so much fun. - Yeah. They’re like having a blast - And they’re really polite so - And they’re super nice They throw their ball over the fence sometimes and we throw it back and they say, thank you. One sip of wine had me like, ♪ Who loves some good time ♪ Oh my God. We didn’t even talk about the Happiest Season. Oh. Okay. You got to bring it in for this one. - We watched our first Christmas movie. We did.
16:26 - Our first Christmas movie of the season was the Happiest Season on Hulu. Spoiler alert. If you plan on watching it or haven’t watched it yet I will be discussing the movie. but let’s give you like five seconds to look out. (soft music) Okay? So for those of us who watched it can we all collectively agree that Harper was human trash, - she was the worst. - Yes. I have so many thoughts about it and I posted about it on Instagram.
16:57 - I was like, I’m still thinking about it two days later like that’s how mad I am. And so many people were saying the same thing. They’re like, I’m ready to throw hands. My friend Bruce sent me a tweet that said, like starting a GoFundMe to get Kristen Stewart, her Uber back to the Pittsburgh, - to get Abby Uber oh- - The worst, like absolutely unacceptable behavior and people are like, but she was going through a lot and I agree. Like that’s a hard thing to go through. - But to abandon your girlfriend roommate in a hostile environment with your family alone - Yeah, yeah. to go out drinking with friends and your ex boyfriend - your ex boyfriend and not telling her the true story of - And to leave your girlfriend to fend for herself, with your homophobic family.
17:40 - And then when she tries to like come ask you, what’s going on? you say that she’s suffocating you. And then she outed her first girlfriend but like got off scot-free like never said anything about herself, like trash, - Yeah - trash. We were so team Abby and Riley together we want them to be together so bad. And I honestly wonder if like, because of the response if they’re going to maybe do another one where like Abby and Riley have their chance cause I swear to God, they were perfect. - Jane was great. - Yeah. Jane was the best character - The best sister - And Dan levy was great. - Levy? - Levy.
18:15 - - He’s always like, he, a lot of people have said like he plays the same character in every movie but like it’s okay. Like everything he’s in, he plays the same character but he’s like so lovable that it’s fine. But yeah. Lots of thoughts about that. We really enjoyed it, but just that ending Harper did not deserve that. Okay. (blender whirs) There you have it. You can blend it all the way or you can do it like halfway how we did because last time we did it all the way and it kind of was similar texture to applesauce. So we’re just going to go with this. Got my dressed salad, got my potato leek soup. Drew’s having some saltines.
18:49 - We’ve got our crusty bread, Drew had a salad before. He said its only for a woman. You guys are sitting on my water at the moment. So I have also water, but Do you like it? - Yeah, oh yeah, tasty. - mm All right, that’s going to do it for us. We made it to bed. We’re actually going to watch the documentary. The Sean Mendez it’s called In Wonder.
19:12 - We were both literally just sitting here talking about how objectively Sean Mendez is like a very beautiful man and so talented. He’s much younger than us. So not being creepy, but yeah, we I love his relationship with Camilla Cabello. I think they’re adorable and I’m excited to see more about it. And I’ve seen like previews and stuff and Drew hasn’t listened to like a lot of his music but the music he’s heard, he’s like, “wow he’s really talented.” I’m like, yeah. So I think it’s going to be pretty good. The good old Canadian boy, but yeah, that’s going to do it for today’s vlogmas hopefully you enjoyed it.
19:45 - Nice and low key started off like a pretty crazy day but we were just talking about it when we were doing the dishes, we were like, you know we got out of bed. I don’t even think I talked about that. We got out of bed super late, Mu threw up in the middle of the night, like I had an upset stomach. Like it was just not good. And so we had like a late start to the day we just laid in bed forever. And then we got up, exercised, ate a good lunch got some work done and then cooked a nice dinner together. And now it’s been a great day. So we turned it around. But anyways, love you all. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you tomorrow for day three. Bye. (cheerful music) .