Aquavolta Exquisite mit Elégance Untertisch Bedienhahn | Kundenreferenzen
Oct 10, 2020 22:04 · 817 words · 4 minute read
Servas and welcome to the Aquacentrum. My name is Michi and I will show you from our series customer references, some Aquavolta Exquisite 2.0 with the optional Elégance control tap in kitchens and a yoga studio. The Aquavolta Exquisite is a water ionizer that can be used on or under the table. You have probably already read detailed information on our website, so we go straight to the first kitchen.
00:35 - Here the Aquavola Exquisite was installed in the adjacent kitchen base cabinet, because there was not enough space under the sink. The hoses could still be shortened. Mei, it’s chic, go! By the way, I took the trouble to enter the chapters of the video in the description, if you want to see something specific, you can just jump there. This Elégance control tap of the Aquavolta Exquisite was installed by the customers in a modern stainless steel sink. The appliance itself is located under the sink in the cabinet. The special feature here is the Aquaphor K7B prefilter.
01:16 - This is helpful for particularly contaminated tap water or e.g. with old rusted house pipes. This exquisite under-table ionizer has found its place in Paraguay. The previous water tap was removed and the Elégance control tap was installed instead. Only cold water is used here. The Elégance control tap as a cat toy. Such stainless steel sinks are easiest to install for the installation of control taps. We also rent out tools such as Fostner drills or hole punches to make a perfect hole for the installation.
01:56 - The water from the Aquavolta Exquisite seems to be especially popular with cats, here is one in a pressboard kitchen worktop. This client, a yoga studio, has made a real effort and for the Aquavolta Exquisite with table top operation tap built its own filling table. Respect! Hahaha, you got thirsty from all the work! The video of the next customer shows the exquisite lying on his face in a drawer. The customer changes the filter and then makes a filter reset at the Elégance control tap. To change the Filter i just turn up the right side, then press down and up.
02:57 - Careful because it has some water there we can clean a little bit water dropped and then do the same thing but the opposite way, with the new filter making sure it goes into the right place and then turn down. then i press the purified button for 5 seconds, so it resets the filter and then i let it run for 5 minutes or so. so it is ready for use. water starts to come then after 5 minutes or so stopped and ready to use The following video shows a professional installation of the Aquavolta Exquisite whereby the connection to the Elégance control tap had to be made through an adjacent base cabinet. Exactly, so this is how it looks in any case, we did a clean job So we have placed on the worktop, left of the wash basin and what had to be considered here, here here we have made another drilling because the device we have hidden in the right base cabinet and the water tap, operating tap we have made left, so the device is now in the right cabinet still we had, here we also have a drilling such a piece (John Guest T-piece) First we wanted to drill here but from behind, there is a rear, back wall of the base cabinet and here very little space, this is the optimal place. All right, After several months of use he has a video sent from the first decalcification.
06:41 - This is what the beam looks like before descaling. The descaling process. The water jet after descaling. Uhh, I’m not allowed to show you the next two videos. Yasin, in my opinion, they did not decalcify cleverly. This is the customer who is picking up tonight.
07:34 - and the DARC lamp is on all the time, it is blinking all the time, so it does not switch Wooha look how overgrown that is! Look at the hole, it used to be much bigger. Yeah and this is a real old building, you won’t believe what you get to see there. Okay, that’s enough. Now something nice again. Good possibility to use the washbasin. Ah, and I like the tiles! The next customer, you already notice, the Aquavolta Exquisite sells well and when a customer sends us a video of the ionizer he bought from us, he gets a discount with the next filter purchase! This customer now switches through the basic, acidic and filtered stage of the Exquisite. Now it gets really boring, you can switch. I have two suggestions for you and you can watch this video make the artificial intelligence happy and press a few buttons Stay healthy! .