Air Jordan 4 Fire Red vs PSG vs What The 4 Leather Quality Test
Dec 2, 2020 18:00 · 2216 words · 11 minute read
so a lot of people been asking me dj are the fire red fours as good as the psg or the what the force today we’re gonna talk about that and i’ll let you make your decision come on let’s get it welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the bell notification for every time i upload a new video and don’t forget to hit the like button because that helps the algorithm oh so much so if you haven’t seen my previous video of the fire rev4s and the review that i did roughly about a month ago when they did the shock drop a lot of people had terrible pairs and i considered those to be as b grades and i was hoping and praying that the black friday release came with a good quality shoe not a lot of creases no glue stains no major scuffs on the toe or anything like that so if you haven’t seen the previous video with that pair and all the defects that came from that shock drop make sure you go check that video out but today we’re going to be talking about the materials and the leather quality on this shoe right here and we’re going to compare them to the psg4 and the what the four a lot of people have been asking me a question hey is this shoe as good as the what the fours or are they as nice as the psg or some people are saying the psgs are better than the fire reds we’re gonna find out today and see what everybody thinks i did a couple of polls on instagram i’m excited to share the results with you guys because it’s actually gonna be pretty interesting what the results say some are gonna be kind of contradicting themselves but i can understand where they’re coming from i’ll explain all that in a second so let’s go ahead and get into it so the first shoe that i will be comparing today is going to be the psg4 and basically as we can see there’s a white leather on the upper and a white leather on the upper so we’re not going to look at too many things with the cuts and everything we’re just mainly focused on the leather quality of the white leather on this shoe compared to the quality of the leather on this one so starting with the ps g4 as you can see as i move it with my finger you can kind of see it’s pretty tumbled and it’s actually very very soft now when i touch the leather here on the fire red 4 it’s a lot stiffer it’s a more smooth of a leather and it’s not tumbled as much and i wouldn’t say it is as soft the quality of the leather on the fire red 4 is definitely a lot better than previous retros that we have seen maybe over the past 10 years or seven years or something like that so i can say they did a good job and they did way better than the fire red for that released i don’t know what was that five years i don’t even remember what year that was those were just terrible so when you see a picture of these two side by side looking at the toe box of the sneakers as you can see right here typically a lot of people go with tumbled leather or a softer leather being the better quality sneaker and in that aspect i would say that me personally i do think the leather on the psg 4 is just a little bit nicer when it comes to the touch and the look of it so i posted a poll on instagram and i wanted to see simply which shoe do you think is better the fire red or the psg and this is what the people said 68 percent chose the fire red and 32 chose the psg now me personally i’m a hundred percent for the fire red simply because of the nostalgia the color blocking and if it wasn’t for this original right here nobody would even care about this shoe right here but when i posted these side by side and i asked which leather do you like more do you like the psg’s leather more or do you like the fire red leather more 53 of the people chose the psg 47 of the people chose to fire red now when i asked simply earlier which one do you like more it was damn near 70 30. but when you asked about the leather quality it’s actually leaning heavier towards this side on the psg4 but the nostalgia in the colorway from this shoe holds such a dominant stance simply from any sneakerhead’s perspective that it causes them not to worry about the leather simply because they want this colorway of a sneaker and they’re willing to downgrade or whatever you may call it simply to have this exact model this exact colorway this style nike air on the back and all those different things so we talk about quality we talk about all these different things all the time i talk about it in my videos and sometimes as you can see it simply doesn’t matter sometimes people just want a certain shoe that color and whatever it may be and they’re willing to sacrifice the quality of it or say you know what actually these aren’t that bad i’m willing to take this and i ain’t gonna be mad at it because at the end of the day we really can’t even control what the product is right all we can do is purchase it so we can complain and nag and do all those things that we want to do but at the end of the day this is all we got so we gotta either take it or leave it so drop a comment down below and let me know what you think about these two shoes do you like the leather quality better on this one or that one and which colorway do you like more me personally i do like the leather quality better on the psg but no matter what i still got to go with the far red all day so now let’s take a look at the what the four right here now when these first came out i was like bro like you know type thing like i mean i’ll get them but i don’t really like like them like that i don’t know if it’s the color blocking like maybe they could have done better maybe if they would have done like one black shoe and one white shoe i don’t know there was just something that was kind of throwing me off when it came to this shoe but over time as i started to look at it as i had it in my collection as i looked at the leather quality i was like these are actually really really nice now when i say that please take it with a grain of salt and understand that i do not think that this is a top 10 air jordan color colorway to ever be created and they will never fall into that category i do like this shoe a lot but trust me there are a lot more air jordan 4s that are better than these when it comes to simply color blocking and i just can’t say that these are the top of the top or the best of the best but i do appreciate this sneaker i understand where they’re going i get the concept and i like the materials on it that’s why i still have it in my collection so now when i ask the people which one do you like more fire red or what the four huge landslides 73 to 27 fire red air jordan 4 is the choice and i understand it completely makes sense i thought it would honestly be like 90 to 10 or something like that because these came from that and this is just the og i mean yes got some other ogs mixed into it and all that but like i mean it’s the fire f4 bro like this is a classic but here we have another one same exact situation it did slowly slide towards the far red floor but when i asked which one do you like more when it comes to the leather quality this is what the results said 44 percent chose the what the four and 56 percent chose the fire f4 as you see just like the previous one on the ps g4 right those had a higher percentage of people that like the leather these also have a higher percentage of people yes it didn’t teeter over that 50 but as you can see it’s pretty close to a 50 50 battle when it comes to that aspect right so that means a lot of people like the quality of this shoe and that’s what could potentially make them appreciate this shoe just a little bit more simply because of the quality of the leather now i think the leather is better on these and i would have loved if they would have done it on these but they did it and it is what it is that’s a product that we get and we can’t be mad at everything right so again let me ask you guys the same question how do you guys feel about that when it comes to the leather quality the color blocking all those different things if you could choose one or the other would you like these materials on that one would you leave everything the same drop comments down below i would love to hear what you have to say so that was a look at the three different shoes kind of just showing you guys the differences between what everybody else thinks giving you my opinion asking you guys some questions hopefully you guys drop comments down below as well at the end of the day i appreciate this one that one in this one i’m not tripping either way i like all the shoes for what they are and what they is and whatever you want to say but it is what it is right one thing that i do love though that i actually really love and i thought was kind of weird at first but i started to think about the concept of like wearing the shoe and all those different things they made this one a little bit flimsier here on the back so it doesn’t mess up your achilles as much but the rubber tab here on the ps g4 is like actually really really rubbery it moves a lot and it’s actually really flexible and i think this right here is probably the best thing going simply because it has the same exact look but now it’s not going to cut up your achilles if you’re wearing low socks or something like that and you know what i’m saying like you just i don’t know if i’m the only one but i know that when i rock air jordan force and that starts to cut up my achilles in the back as you’re rocking the shoe over time like maybe i’m the only one if you have that same problem drop a comment down below so anyways that was my two cents hopefully that helped answer you some of you guys question give you guys other people’s perspectives please drop a comment down below and make sure that you check out other people’s comments as well give them a little reply start a little dialogue create that community down below in the comment section i appreciate each and every one of you guys bruh i’m trying to drop a video each and every day this month so stay tuned i’m about to go hard we’re about to go crazy all right y’all i’m out yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional 1000 to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace you .