Cat Valentines Entire Dating History 😻 | Victorious and Sam & Cat

Oct 28, 2020 16:00 · 1409 words · 7 minute read kings game yeah even instantly

Cat Valentine, the most cheerful student at Hollywood Arts. [laughing] When Cat isn’t rocking the stage or hanging with her bffs, she’s been known to have a boyfriend or two. Here’s the full story of Cat Valentine’s relationships. First, there was Daniel, a.k.a. Danny. - Daniel! - Hey babe! This is the guy I’ve been telling you about, my boyfriend! Turns out Cat’s new boyfriend, Daniel, was actually Tori’s old boyfriend Danny. Ok, wait, so you and Tori were like… - Girlfriend. - Boyfriend. So… - Please don’t feel weird about this. - You really shouldn’t, -I mean, we broke up a year ago. -Yeah, it’s been a year.

00:52 - It’s only been 11 months! - What difference does it make? - Forget it! The point is I’m totally cool with you guys dating. And I’m totally cool that you two are friends. Well, okay then, it’s all happy! - Yay. - I’m bored now. I apologize for… her. So how did you guys meet? Do you guys wanna go– Yeah… I… okay. With Danny back in the picture, Tori gets a little jealous. [screaming] What the… - You got cheese in our hair! - Tori? Why did you do that? I don’t know… I just– And may have kissed Danny in front of Cat. Are you maybe still into me? No, not at all, and I love Cat, she’s like the sweetest thing ever and I’m psyched you guys are going out. I guess it’s just… [screaming] No, uh… - Cat! - Oh my God, Cat! But Cat and Danny make up and Cat may have gotten a little revenge on Tori. I’m sorry, and I’m not just saying I’m sorry, I’m really, really, seriously sorry.

02:54 - You sprayed cheese on me and then kissed my boyfriend. Yeah. Yeah, I did. Why would you be mean to me? I don’t know, maybe I did still have a few tiny little feelings left for Danny and maybe that’s why I went a little crazy, seeing you two being all mushy together. You could’ve just talked to me about it. I know what I did was terrible and awful and immature, and you have every right to be furious with me. I swear Cat, if I were you, I’d punch me right in the face. Ow! Cat! What? - You just punched me in the face! - You said to.

03:38 - I know, but that’s just something people say– Ow! - Does it hurt? - A lot! I think my nose may be broken. Well now I feel all bad. Don’t. I deserved it. - Feel better? - I think so. I’m sorry. - Will you take me to a hospital now? - Sure. Thank you. Okay, fast forward to Evan. What? You’re just really pretty. Oh, uh… Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have said that. No, it’s okay, I love compliments. Well, you want to sit down with me, maybe talk a little bit? Oh, I don’t know if I should… Okay! Wait, don’t you want to go hit the bathroom first? No, you seem way more fun than a bathroom.

04:45 - Evan and Cat hit it off, but only because he thought she was blonde. You never told him you were wearing a wig? I forgot! What if he hates red headed girls? - He won’t! - You’re being silly. - What’s this boy’s name? - Evan. I forgot his last name, it rhymes with sniff. Uh, could it be Smith? That’s it! God, it’s been killing me! When he sees how I really look, he’s going to be disappointed– That does it! Caterina Valentine, I will not sit here anymore and listen to you talk bad about yourself! You’re adorable, any guy would be lucky as cheese to go out with you. Thanks Robbie, that’s really sweet, but you don’t know how guys think.

05:31 - How– Good day! Jade, tell Cat that when this boy sees her pretty red hair tonight, he’s going to like her even more. - Uh, can’t do that. - Why not? Because I’m looking at Evan’s Splashface page and scrolling through pics of his ex-girlfriends, blonde, blonde, blonde, whoa ugly blonde, blonde, oh and his blue-eyed dog with blond fur. I’m thinking Evan goes for blondes. [gasping] Oh, that doesn’t mean anything. What are his likes and dislikes? Uh, likes sushi, video games, girls with blond hair and blue eyes. Dislikes? People who pretend to be something they’re not.

06:19 - Oh no! Cat comes clean, and while she may lose Evan… [sighing] This is me. Well, you’re beautiful. - I am? - Totally. But I’m really into blondes… later. There’s still someone who sees the real Cat and thinks she’s swell. ♪ The Jagger to your Richards The Kirk to your Picard ♪ ♪ If you’re a molten lava room I’ll be the one inept guard ♪ ♪ We go together Like pastrami on rye ♪ ♪ Like watching Titanic And trying not to cry ♪ ♪ We go together Like a parade to confetti ♪ ♪ And later if you’re hungry I’ll make you some spaghetti ♪ Would there be meatballs? There would. ♪ And I think you’re swell ♪ Hey! What if I just dye my hair blonde? The next guy that entered Cat’s life is Beck’s friend Moose. He’s from Canada. He sure is. But it looks like she may have some competition for Moose’s attention Moose! I didn’t know you were going to be here! I didn’t know you were a hockey fan? Oh, yeah, I’ve been a hockey fan for a long time. See, my name’s on the back.

07:54 - You can’t have a shirt like this made overnight. You can so! You just go to that all night shirt shop on Western– Shut it! Lookie what I got! - Tickets to tonight’s Kings game? - Uh-huh! - Okay, she is not an LA Kings fan. - She’s faking. I am not faking! I love hockey. I’ve been a Kings fan ever since they picked Anze Kopitar in the first round of the 2005 NHL draft! - That totally turned the team around. - Right around! Hey, could you believe that triple overtime game last year against Vancouver? So you like my dress and my scissors from your favorite movie? Oh my gosh, who wants a hamburger? Mmm, hamburger! The one guy Cat doesn’t have to compete for? Robbie Shapiro. Cat and Robbie definitely had a spark at the Cowwow dance. Thanks for petting my head bump. - Can I tell you a secret? - Sure. So Cat up and ran away. Here’s someone she didn’t run away from… Freddie Benson.

09:12 - Cat invites Freddie over to make Sam jealous, and they instantly hit it off. [laughing] I didn’t say anything funny? What the– Is that? [laughing] - No way. - What, Cat? No it’s– Just come with me. Oh, Freddie. Oh, look who’s here! - Sam, there you are, hi! - What are you doing? Who is she? What is happening? I came to L.A. because I thought you got run over by– Freddie, this is my friend Jade, Jade, how cute is my new friend Freddie? Yeah, he’s a pretty little chunk of boy. Heh heh, well this is awkward.

09:56 - Your entire life is awkward, you should be used to it by now. She makes a good point. Until Robbie shows up singing for Sam. Shh! That sounds like… ♪ Swell ♪ ♪ I think you’re swell ♪ - Robbie Shapiro! - Whoa! So not swell, Robbie. - Robbie is in love with me. - So? Freddie’s in love with me. Now wait a second! If you’re so in love with Sam, then why have you been running around Los Angeles fadoodling with Cat? I haven’t fadoodled with Cat. You could’ve if you wanted to! Cat and Sam continue to fight over the guys, but there’s a little accident. Cat, no! Here she comes, she’s gonna– [screaming] [screaming] In the end, Cat and Robbie agree to go on a date.

11:07 - Cat, when my wounds heal maybe you and I can hang out, just the two of us. - Would there be meatballs? - There would. Kay kay. Are you a Cabbie ship fan? Maybe you like Cat with Danny? Maybe Freddie? Who’s your favorite Cat Valentine crush? Let us know in the comments. .