GUARDIAN | Short Film | Shot on Smartphone | INDIA FILM PROJECT
Oct 27, 2020 13:30 · 362 words · 2 minute read
Coco Narrates: Life is a roller coaster. -Sometimes you rise, but sometimes you fall. -Every time you fall, you gain the strength to survive. -I’m Coco Yeah, that’s me! -And I’m waiting for my best friend Jenny. -She hasn’t been home for days. -As long as I can remember, I’ve been with her in every part of her roller coaster ride. -My Jenny is an angel! -Oh! -You might know her better if I say ‘An Angel without Wings’.
- 00:53 - -Nursing for her was not just a profession, but a life full of love and care. -Sometimes, life takes its course. -It might hit you hard with uncertainties, and… and change your world completely in a glimpse. -A tiny virus shook the world, changed our minds, drained our souls, and stole our happiness. -People never shook hands, they never hugged, and not even smile! -It’s hardly a week or two since our lives have turned upside down.
02:41 - -This virus has turned (some of)us so different, that we’re almost inhuman. -And there is nothing they can do to us, other than isolating a nurse who takes care of patients, takes care of the society. -Their words were never a symphony, and the winds never whispered hope. -They’ve made Jenny feel like a vector. -Sometimes, I feel alone too. -Humanity is denied when she needs it the most. -Her beautiful face is now conquered with stains, marks and dark circles. -But for me, my Jenny is pretty on the inside. -I can hear her heart pounding. It’s Sarah, I know. But I’m helpless. -I really wish I could knock down her agonies. -Washing out her sorrows was never an easy task, but I do what I can. -Every mornings are new beginnings. -We wake up with a strong faith, that everything would fall in place eventually.
05:01 - -Although you sleep with a heavy heart, you wake up stronger, and that’s what makes you an unbeatable woman. -A woman who never settles. -Well at least, that’s what my little brain tells me. -Like every other day, I sit here waiting for my Jenny to come back home. -Thanks for watching!- .