**Étoiles et Cœur De Noël**
Nov 26, 2020 03:44 · 1974 words · 10 minute read
oh hello and welcome to this new video today we will learn how to make these little subjects to put on the tree because it is almost Christmas we are one month of Christmas so here we are going to learn how to make a star is a choir has immediately so here to realize these small subjects so I took a hook number 3 sorry I made the wrong number three hooks a scissor so white cotton that I doubled because it is always small son one therefore of the brand golden sun and I took a cotton so orange from ricoh creative design cotton aran here they will normally be seven years 4.5 and so here it is hard issues of red here we are going to learn how to do that immediately so we are going to start with the star so for that we have to make a knot in a magic circle so I go around my two fingers I cross and I will recover with due I will recover my son and I have just blocked with a stitch in the air I go up with two extra miles which gives us three chain stitches then we make two double crochets so one throw I pass through the circle I recover I pass through two and I pass through two again throw through the century circle through two to through two more mesh in the air here is like this so you will do it and to this one you add four groups of three to separate from mayans the air and we meet at the end to stop the turn so here we are I made my five groups separated each of two chain stitches so to close your work so you make a chain stitch and we will go to the third starting chain link it’s worth it here and we so let’s make a tight stitch that’s why he helped me because we find ourselves in the middle of the space it ’s okay so here I am out of trouble and we come to close his magic circle here it is like this here then I come and get mamaï and have therefore we make an additional mesh in the air are we add within this space of brit one both like this a chain stitch and then here I come to make 3 double crochet of mayans the air including 3 mayans the air pardon and 3 treble so one or two and 3 3 mayans look so a two three and three double crochet so it was not a little cup and mrs aubry to see a little space so win 2 and 3 a stitch in the air and here we do again a group of three breed 3 mayans eire 3 treble and so on we meet at the end of the row so here I am at the end of the row and we are going to close so we make a chain stitch so I do my last group of three prizes of a 2 and 3 1 I position myself a bit everyone and to close here so we make a stitch in the air and we come to make a half double crochet in the third mayans the era of the start so hop we close everyone, that’s how we find ourselves in the middle of the space now we go up with two chain stitches and we come to make three additional breaks donation this a 2 and 3 this makes me my first group of four treble crochet a chain stitch in this space here a single crochet again a chain stitch here we are going to make a group of four treble crochet so one two 3 the four now we are going to form these small pins here so a chain stitch I enter the first chain stitch I just made and I come to make a slip stitch like these we formed a first peak so I start again a chain stitch I go into my first my I come to pick up my son I pass through and I pass through the second jersey like these one chain stitch tune I go through the first my I bring my son and I go through my second my like this then to close the pico there it should be better their best and see you take this son here and you take this one that is on the side of the premium come and get your son and you make a neck stitch 1st then you make your group 2.4 double crochet 3 and 4 a chain stitch and a tight trunk in the space following again a chain stitch here you see we started to form this in fact here is m ‘listened I’ll let you go around here and we’ll meet up here so here it is, listen, I have almost finished so I just closed a pin here with one of the pins and so I simply close with a stitch in our range my starting here eleven years ago cut the film I’m pulling on my son without making a second nine and now I’m taking an Allen needle we’re going to put the son in and I’m going to show you how so we are here so there we go into the back arms like those of the next round a pass in the other next to it and we go back into this one so that it is not visible and so I come behind I come to thread my son through the cotton here I pass through the stitches of the double crochet like this so here it is like these the other I will take re our church with a point it’s this time as it’s quite tight it’s a little difficult with a good bottom here I launch cécile here we have made our little star now what we are going to do c ‘is coming to cut a piece of sky like these and we are going to come and prepare the task so in fact here some picot guys there it makes like a v at the base of the pico the two strands which are below this small v came to get them with the hook and you come pass your son through like this here and there so I come to make a double knot there we find a little the threads of the beyond and so here we have our little star of films on the other hand the task will have it magic yum years other your is going very well m a piece of judo to make it more natural we will say here it is, it looks a little more vintage and we will say here is my second third little star indeed well we meet again for the heart so we’re going to start the heart so I ’m lying I ’m going to use my two white cotton threads we’re going to start with a magic knot that is always the same we surround these two fingers we cross have blocked well and we come wait excuse me I was outside the camera so have blocked well and we come to get the thread I goes up with two additional stitches which gives us a starting double crochet 3 chain stitches a double crochet so afterwards we will do so therefore here we are so we come to make two additional breaks so a good one I speak I throw I go through I recover I spend two and I spend two years my son 1 so after chain stitch and I redo a taste a group of three one two three here to repeat two more times so n 2 groups of three treble separated from the somail in the air and we are back to the woman so here we are going to close together so the work so you tighten your magic a little and we will therefore close in the third my of the start with a half bridle this I come to get my son and I go through all your mouths at this stage we tighten its magic name well like this we recover his stitch and shame with two chain stitches one two in space we add double crochet so one and two not then a chain stitch so a chain stitch and so here I come to make 3 treble crochet in the eire 3 treble crochet one two or three chain stitch and another of three treble crochet one 2 the three chain stitch and I wanted ends we find ourselves here so I just finished my row to close so you make a half double crochet in the third chain stitch as these can emanate here I like the primate badly which is better like that and a half then strap then a trunk in the air and we will work in this space here this one in double grid not only in this space so a double strap so to throw on the hook I go into the space then look for my son I pass through two I go through two but I go back through two we will do 10 throw I goes through 2 2 and 2 so we have two double bridles so the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the 7th could tase a little you double close to losing a space 1 the eighth the 9th and the last one the 10th so here we are we made tankers in this space here there at the top we want to make a chicken stitch like this here then well listen you do ten double brit in this space here and we meet again after so here I just finished my 12 10th double double pardon and we are going to close here with a slip stitch like these then we come to cut the thread we hold on his project and you apply like that we take an allen needle as I showed you earlier we go through the brown back like this same in the back arm but towards choice in the next hand same for this one I am still following and if here we take the opportunity to replace a little if doug reed so here I came to hide this one in the prices who are here and for that I am going to take me our pointed needles which will be easier here I am my son and at the same time I take this opportunity to hide his fines there like this through the soft prices as usual here now I cut myself a piece of sheila that I will come and get in this stitch here in the middle yeah so you equalize 1 here you tie a knot a second 2 there you go and make us a double ne higher so that we can make the pittance to be able to hang in the tree here is organized here so here we have just learned how to make a star a heart of small subjects that can be put on the tree here is free to you to put hormones at the top of the charms or beads here in wood why not replace the cotton as I said earlier with a piece of jute a utla spinning or linen and after allowing yourself to half mast there as you want after celebrating the creative here I hope this tutorial has you pleased and I will retro uve in a beautiful castle go ciao .