[Origin] #86 얼음 vs 불 표현 승자는?

Oct 29, 2020 11:00 · 268 words · 2 minute read act fall sports day ...

Wait. No, that’s not it. Was I Team Ice? What? Really? Am I Team Fire? [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] I’m going to be the judge and MC. [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] Okay. [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] And you guys can split into two teams. And you guys can split into two teams. In threes. And we’re going to decide it with this thing that brought relentlessly. - Relentlessly! - And turn it relentlessly! So we split in threes. And Team Ice is going to wear the red (?) uniform.

00:23 - (Oh) Well? Wait, Team ICE is wearing red? No. Didn’t bring it. Fire, fire, fire. What? Let’s all take turns and choose. [Taking turns and picking] - Let’s act it out on three. - Okay. [Acting out which team they’re in] On three, all of you act it out. One, two, three! Ohh! Hot! Hot! Ice? Ice? One, two, three. Brr… What about us? - Make one up for us. - We won this one. - I used to wear this in school. It’s been such a long time. - Okay, since I’m the judge… I’m putting on the referee vest. Are you the president? - Hey, this is…! - Yellow card! Wait, didn’t you wear this during the “sage” season? Wasn’t this on the album jacket? And please send lots of love to OnlyOneOf’s Fall Sports Day… - Lots of love. - Lots and love and support. - The results would be in by the time this goes up. - Yes! We won! Yes! Ice! Brr… .