whoops i dyed my hair again (vlogmas #3)
Dec 6, 2020 18:00 · 4924 words · 24 minute read
♪ I’m kinda old true ♪ ♪ My life’s kind of boring also true ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway ♪ ♪ No one asked for this ♪ ♪ Hope you’re ready for it ♪ ♪ ‘Cause I’m vlogging till Christmas Day ♪ ♪ Oh my God please never let me do that again ♪ - Hello, welcome to Vlogmas number three, welcome back, happy to have you, I have basically come to the point where, I’m just ready to (beep) my hair again. So, I thought I would take you along, on a journey with me of, dying my hair, but not dying my hair, it’s basically… Okay, here’s the thing, I’ve been so inspired by warmer tones lately, like reds, and coppers, and strawberry blondes, and all different kinds of like warm reddish tones for hair. And that’s the one color I’ve never dyed my hair before. so no, I’m not dying my hair red, I just wanna make that clear, but I thought a more fun option would be, sort of like a semi-permanent type of thing, and so I’ve arrived at the decision, that I wanna do Kind of like a strawberry blond ish tone.
01:00 - Just like something a little more, butterscotchy, like I had a really pretty toner, when I got my hair done, what like two, three months ago, but it’s obviously washed out, ‘cause again semi-permanent, so, I did some research online, and I saw the overtone was a really popular one, and then I also found this one, which is called dpHUE. And it just looked very interesting, so this is called the dpHUE Gloss+, Semi-Permanent Hair Color and Deep Conditioner, so I got this one, there was a copper one to choose from, and a strawberry blonde. And I thought the strawberry blonde might be fun, I don’t know. Is this gonna turn my hair orange, possibly. Basically it says, to evenly distribute it, through clean, damp hair, I have neither of those, but we’re just going to try it, also, I’m not like super blonde, I have like blonde highlights throughout my hair, but obviously like my natural color, is like a very dark blonde, so I don’t feel like it’s gonna grab on, like super tight, and be crazy or anything like that, so I think I’m just gonna go for it.
01:56 - Should I just go for it? I think I should go for it. - [Announce] The next day. - All right, so, change of plans, it’s actually, the next day. I clearly have not done anything with myself, except, take a body shower, change my clothes, I decided I didn’t wanna do that yesterday, I was just doing a bunch of different stuff, and had like a bunch of editing to do, and I was like, you know what, this can wait until another day. So here we are, I’m also in our guest bathroom, because Drew is watching “The Mandalorian” in our room, we just woke up. It’s like eight in the morning, I have a really busy day ahead of me, I have like a bunch of filming to do, just, you know, like I said, in the previous vlog like, pretty much the same thing every day. It’s “Groundhog Day” here, in 2020.
02:40 - But I did place an Amazon Fresh, delivery this morning, so our groceries are going to be coming, so that’s good, we’ll have new food, maybe I’ll show you some of that later, I decided to like try, some things that I’ve been seeing people talk about on Instagram, so, we’ll see if it’s like actually good, got my coffee made, delicious, I’ve been trying a new oat milk, because, I don’t know if any of you heard, but Oatly has recently been canceled, unfortunately they are, literally the best oat milk in the entire world, I’ll link some stuff down below, but anyways, I saw a bunch of people talk about the Chobani, extra creamy, oat milk, and it’s pretty good. I have to say like, it’s pretty close, we tried the Planet Oat, oat milk, trash. Just not good, really watery, gross, but this one is like really creamy, and really good. All right, so first thing, like I said yesterday, I do not have damp hair, it’s not like, the most dirty, but like, I think it’ll be fine. I’m just gonna spray it, a little bit, and get it a little damp, why is it like always when you’re about to watch your hair, that you’re like, but wait, it looks so good, I don’t wanna wash it.
03:46 - Should probably take off this sweatshirt in case it stains. But my other… My shirt underneath is black so I don’t think it’ll matter. But, turn it inside out, to avoid any potential staining, ‘cause I literally love the shirt. It’s a vintage Mickey shirt, like actually vintage. So I don’t it up, okay. So, it literally says, “Is evenly distributed.” So, let’s see what this looks like. I guess we’re for going for it, it says to leave it for three to 20 minutes. So I’m thinking something like 10, I wonder if it’s even gonna make a difference. Because like I said, I don’t really have like super blonde hair anymore, I wonder if like, you’re even gonna be able to tell. I feel scared though because it’s like, I’m gonna get both sides at once. There’s just no way this is gonna be even. There’s absolutely no way.
04:35 - Anyway, I just wanted to also while I’m here, say thank you so much to everyone who has shown love, on Vlogmas so far, it makes me so excited that you all are excited, and I was getting tweets, and DMs, and videos, from people, saying that they were so… they felt like a hit of nostalgia or dopamine when they heard the theme song, which by the way, if you’re new, that theme song, of my Vlogmas jingle, actually is me, I recorded that in my car in like 2016, or 2017, or something like that, it was really fun but also, definitely not meant to be, taken seriously. This is fun I don’t wanna stop. I just wanna keep adding more. All right, so let’s set a timer, for, let’s go like seven minutes. Sure, let’s try that. This is kind of fun. Oh my God, what a fun way to spice up this morning. Also, my outfit, is just honestly, sorry, like level 10, fashion queen over here.
05:32 - People are like, “Oh my gosh, I love your style, you’re so fashionable.” And I’m like, “This is what I wear most of the time.” Very kind compliment though. Okay, gonna take one last look, gonna jump in the shower, wash my hair, do my thing, and then hopefully this will look really cute, by the time we’re done. We’ll find out together. (spinback effect plays) Okay, so, here’s the tea, in the camera, it looks super different, in person, it looks really no different at all. And I think, I messed up (laughs). I think what you’re supposed to do, is put it on your hair, and then like simply rinse it out of your hair, whereas I put it on my hair, and then I washed my hair, so I think a lot of the color ended up coming out, it’s crazy.
06:13 - I wish it looked like it did in the camera. But in person, it doesn’t look any different, I partially dried it, I ran a blow dry through it, just to see if it would be like any different, and it’s really not. So I think I’m gonna do it again, leave it for the full 20 minutes. And then attempt to just rinse it out in my kitchen sink, So, here we go again. (soft melodious music) Okay, 20 minute timer, I’ll probably do like 15, and then we will rinse this off, in the kitchen sink.
06:43 - (soft melodious music) Gonna take a quick intermission, I’m wearing my slides and my socks, because it’s time to take this one. (gasps) Wanna go for a walk? Do you wanna go for a walk? Okay, relax. For those of you that are like, how’s her leg doing? Yeah, she’s literally fine, she did fall going up the stairs the other day, but she was clumsy, scared the shit out of both of us, by both of us I mean me and Drew but… - [Drew] Jeez! - [Woman] Yeah we’re going, we gotta get your thingy, your necklace! So you don’t run away. Okay, she said, I’ll show you where to go bitch let’s go. She needs a bath so bad.
07:28 - - [Drew] I went down and I went like this to her, this morning, and it was just like. - you’ve been laying out in the dirt outside. What do you smell, a bunch of dead grass? (woman laughs) It’s called fashion sweetie, look it up. Oh my gosh, okay, wait. I wish it was the color, that it is in the camera, it’s so much more subtle in person, I really wish it was like this, in real life. Let me get to some better lighting. But yes, here it is, very subtle, all I wanted to do was a little tint, so it’s totally fine, but, actually it’s like a couple of hours later, after we walked Layla, Drew out in the shower, so, I didn’t want to film, while he was, literally right there in the shower, so I did my nails, did my toes, talked on the phone with my dad, and now I’ll show you a little bit better lighting, here, is what it looks like.
08:18 - Honestly in love with the way it looks in the camera, in person, it’s much more pink, it’s kind of this, dusty pink color, but in the camera, it looks so much more, kind of coppery, but either way it’s super subtle in person, I’m glad it looks like more accentuated on camera, ‘cause it looks really pretty, but in person it doesn’t really look any different, and Drew’s colorblind, so he couldn’t even tell the difference, he was like, “I don’t notice a difference.” But it’s really cute! I’m really happy with it. It feels nice and fresh, just something different. like something different for the next little while, it’s only gonna last, a few washes, ‘cause it’s semi-permanent, so, I had fun with it. How much fun. So now I’m gonna go film, I have two videos to film today, I’m trying to get ahead of schedule, ‘cause I’m like as per usual, taking a little break, after the holidays, ‘cause I go really hard usually for Christmas time, and just December is really hard because it’s only me, I actually do have someone who helps rough cut, my videos now, which is really helpful, she basically goes through and kind of like puts the shell, of the video together, and then I end up doing, like the fancy-schmancies, and I still end up doing quite a bit of editing but, it’s been very helpful for main channel stuff, and then if you haven’t been able to tell yet, by, like this upload schedule on this channel, I did decide to have Vlogmas this year, just to… I mean 2020 is enough.
09:40 - Can we all agree? As much as I would love to be daily vlogging every single day, with, you know, this being a heavy time of year, for brand deals, and having main channel stuff, Instagram stuff, personal life stuff, et cetera, I really just didn’t wanna push myself too far this year, so, I did decide to do “12 Days Of Vlogmas”, So this should be the third, right, yeah. The third installation of “12 Days Of Vlogmas”, and it’s still gonna be really fun. Actually it’s not, I’ve never promised this exciting. Like I said in my intro, my life’s kind of boring. But, you know, here I am vlogging it anyway. so anyways, yeah, okay.
10:15 - I need to film two videos, one of them has a brand deal in it, so I need to like review all that, the other one is gonna be a fun little thrift haul, I’ve been doing so much thrifting content lately, and I’m loving it, I just really miss thrifting in stores so much, so online thrifting is gonna have to do it for the time being, but yeah. Gonna get everything together, and then I’ll show you guys… I’ve shown you how I film many times you don’t need to see that. So I’ll show you my, cool groceries, whenever they get here, yeih. - [Announcer] 12 seconds later. - And just like that, two moments later, we have food. (soft melodious music) Okay, coming to you– - It’s ya boy. (both laughing) (indistinct) - So, I just decided to like, try some new things, I was getting really bored, with everything we’d been eating in quarantine, we make the same grocery order every week, so I was like, let’s try some new things. So I sort of like, wanted to get some things, that I’ve seen people talk about on Instagram, like some trendy things, and also just like regulars. So, got some of these TERRA Chips, which are like– - we’ve had them. - But these are garlic and herb. - Oh. - So these are TERRA Chips, I really love these, and so does Drew, but I’ve never had a garlic and herb flavor before, so I thought– - I’m sure they’re good.
11:34 - - Yeah, bought some maple almond butter granola. - Sure. - I’ve been doing like yogurt and granola so that’s– (indistinct) - Nuts hurt my butt. - Yeah can’t have these. Got some cashews, because I just genuinely like love cashews, I love raw cashews, salted, roasted. Okay, here’s our first trendy item. The first one is Nut-Thins. I see everybody talking about Nut-Thins. I think they’re similar to Wheat-Thins, but I’m like can they be that good? I don’t know. I think some of it is like, “Cause you’re down here” or whatever, and we’re not dieting, I just genuinely wanna try this stuff, this is like the one that I’m the most curious about.
12:10 - It’s called SmartSweets, and it’s like, I think it’s diets candy, yeah but it’s with like fake sugar. - It frigging tastes like shit. - Probably, I really wanna try it, because everybody talks about it, and there wasn’t a one pack available, so I think I got like six pack. - It’s women owned. - women owned we love that, Yeah, it doesn’t have sugar, alcohols, they’re plant-based, gluten-free, all that kind of stuff, I don’t know. - What is this sweetened with? - Free from artificial sweeteners. Oh, so it’s not artificial. - No, so there’s not like aspartame or anything or you know, (indistinct) - Allulose, is a non artificial sweetener that is found in foods like raisins and figs.
12:46 - It tastes like sugar, but doesn’t act like sugar in your body. - I’ve had other food that’s sweetened with, fig and like date. - And you hated it. - It tastes like… Remember I had that coffee that was sweetened with dates? - Yeah, and you were like so excited. - I was so excited, I like dates, but it was like I was drinking, dates. - date-coffee. - Yes. - Bought me some body wash, don’t mind that, Dove is cruelty-free now by the Way. - Oh my God, we struck gold. - This is a flex.
13:11 - (laughs) Back in line, this is an absolute flex. I could not believe they have these available. - We have Chlorox wipe, and we got paper towel? - Yeah, got some, just regular sugar, ‘cause we’re going to be doing some baking, in a future video, possibly tonight, but you won’t see that till later, what else we got here? Oh, Rice Krispies, again another sneak peek, at some baking we’re gonna do, and it’s not what you think. It’s not Rice Krispies treats. I got some… Since I knew you might not like, the garlic and herb, I got some pita chips. - I mean I love garlic. - Stacy’s are the best pita chips ever, got some white chocolate chips for baking, do you know what? - Guess, you guys could guess. - Guess in the comments below.
13:52 - Got some baking soda, while I get that they’re wrapping all this up, and we’ll use this for dog poop, but like, it’s annoying. Bought some powdered sugar, again for baking, I don’t know if we’re gonna need this, but I just thought it’d be good to have. (paper ruffling) Got some peanut butter, bought these dark chocolate covered pretzels. - Mm-hmm. - Sometimes I’m just craving like dark chocolate. And nothing we have dark. Bought this for you. - I’m gonna eat it right now. - Drew loves his block of cheese, he will literally eat this.
14:21 - This will probably be out in like, two weeks? - Less. - Less, but I got the medium cheddar, I actually went to this… I don’t even know what it’s called, factory? When I was in Oregon a couple of years ago, I went with my cousin, and we went through you can get like do a taste test, of all the cheese? And we went through, and then we pulled up our hoods, and we went through again. They literally knew it was us. - Oh yeah! - Tempeh bacon, our favorite. We love making like, tempeh, lettuce ,tomato, avocado sandwiches, with this tempeh bacon, its by the brand Lightlife, got a couple of these, I wanted you to try it.
14:56 - I know you’re not crazy about dark chocolate, but these are, so good, they’re so expensive, it’s a little extra, but I thought we could treat ourselves, last one in here, Artichoke Parmesan dip, couldn’t find (paper ruffling) spinach, so I got that, got some (indistinct) lettuce, just ‘cause for my sandwich, yeah, we’ve been eating lots of salads, some Roma tomatoes, ‘cause we’re gonna do that… - Oh, bruschetta? - Bruschetta chicken, this week, some basil, hopefully that doesn’t go bad. (indistinct) what’s this Rosie? - Oh, it might be. Remember last time we did this, we thought that it was just a regular ice pack, but there was something inside? - You threw it away? - Yeah, I threw it away, and then we were like, “Wait, we ordered something else.” - And then you were like, I threw it away. - We got it out, it was, you know…
15:41 - - what did I get? Oh yeah, I got some other fudge bars. Either, either made with Greek yogurt. - Okay. - I don’t know, I was just going through. I was literally just scrolling through, and I was like, that looks good. And I like Greek yogurt, got some spicy chicken patties. These give Drew heartburn, but I honestly thought you would think it was worth it. I don’t know if we’ve had these Boca ones before, but these have 11 grams of protein. Which is really good.
16:03 - in the Morningstar Farm ones are good, but one time we both ate them, and got like really sick, so I don’t know, I’m just kind of scared. Another thing I got, that is so trendy, and I feel like this is gonna be so gross. But like we have to test it, but this is a Cauliflower Crust Pizza. And it’s just like, how could this ever be good? Made with cauliflower mozzarella and cage-free egg whites. - That looks too healthy. - I don’t understand it, but we’re gonna try it nonetheless because honestly, I’m just dying to know what all this hype is about.
16:33 - People are like, “Cauliflower rice, cauliflower mashed potatoes.” And I’m like, that’s cauliflower Beebee. It’s not rice. - If you add enough butter, to cauliflower mashed potatoes, it tastes like, butter so it’s like mushed potatoes. - So, just butter. I have to test this out, and see what it’s like. Because it’s gotta be disgusting. Like there’s no way. Next, because we’re 12 at heart, We’ve got this multi pack, this family fun mix. 18 different bags of potato chips. - They’re like the non-typical (paper ruffling drowns out Drew) - Yeah, that’s why I got, cheddar sour cream, crunchy Cheetos, puffy Cheetos, Fritos, flavored twist, the honey barbecue.
17:09 - I saw Morgan Gates talk about these the other day, in her vlog, and I was like, oh my God, I haven’t had those in forever they look so good, so I’m really excited, got some Funyuns, and some sour cream and onion Ruffles. Next, we have some molasses. I’ve actually never bought molasses before, but we’re gonna need it for baking, and maybe you all can let me know in the comments, but there was a full flavor, and a mild flavor. And I got scared, of the full flavor, because I was like, I don’t know. Is that like too flavorful, is it gonna ruin it? So we got the mild flavor, so hopefully it’s still good. Got some ground cloves, for our baking, and I also thought we could (paper ruffling) in like mulled wine, another trendy item.
17:50 - I told my mom was like, “You have to tell me if it’s good.” It has like flour on it. - Oops. - There is flour in there. This is called Boom Chicka Pop. I don’t know, it’s popcorn. Like could it possibly be good? But this is the caramel and cheddar mix, I don’t really know what the hype is about it, but again, I have to know. I have to know if any of it is good. By the way again, I just wanna reiterate, I am not promoting any type of diet, I’m simply just trying like trending products, that I wanna see, if they’re good or not, but yeah, I just wanna make that clear, like I’m not trying to promote like a diet, what? (both laughing) Why is that so funny? - I don’t know, well it says Brer Rabbit. (woman laughing) (indistinct) Got some hamburger buns for chicken patties, and a big ass bag of flour that we’re gonna have to, put into some container or something, but there it is flour, so yeah, that’s the haul, that’s what we got, we’re gonna make some lunch, the oven is heating up, and our pizza, oh. (oven beeping) I mean it looks like a cheese pizza, it looks pretty normal, it’s extremely thin.
18:55 - Like it’s like, literally like tortilla thin, so, I very curious. - [Drew] Very fragile as well. - [Woman] 14 to 19 minutes, have fun. - [Drew] Enjoy - I’m opening Nut-Thins. It smells, healthy. - It smells like a dog treat. (woman laughs) (indistinct) Yeah. (both munching Nut-Thins) - You know what it tastes like? - How’s the texture of the pot mix, the rice. - It’s fine, it’s not as bad as I thought. - No, it’s very plain. It’s like a neutral… - mm-hmm.
19:29 - (woman munching Krispies) It looks good. - Is that cream cheese? - I don’t know. - It has like a very cream-cheesy taste. - I think was a great alternative, especially if you’re gluten-free, they’re fine. They do taste like Chex Mix, or Pub Mix, good call. - It taste like a rice… It’s like a sembei cracker, like a rice cracker. - Yeah, it’s good. All right, now we’re doing, we’re calling in the big guns. We’re calling in the Stacy’s. Best pita chips ever. (both munching chips) - Yep. Very Parmesany. - I like it. I know you’re not as big on the Parmesan. - I am. - But if you like Drew, and are kind of grossed out by Parmesan, or are you like me, and you could literally eat Parmesan, and do eat Parmesan cheese by itself. - Are you gonna need it by itself. It has to be with something. - Nom nom now. - Okay. - Its looks like, the holiday popcorn that we all know and love, (paper crunching) you see that? The cheddar and the Caramel mixed together? I just don’t see what the difference is. (both munching popcorn) Yeah, delicious. - What’s the difference? Is this better than another brand? - Tastes Exactly the same, as like normal. - Oh, really good.
20:39 - So from Mankato, Minnesota, says that they are, kosher dairy certified gluten free full grain, no high fructose corn syrup, so maybe that’s the difference, it’s like better ingredients, I’d give this like 10 out of 10. There’s nothing wrong with it. - I really like this dip, I really like it. - You’re still on the dip. - I don’t want anything sweet, I want savory. - You dot wanna try the candy? (indistinct) We can save that for another time if you want. - Yeah okay. - You wanna try it? So, I think these are supposed to be similar to the Sour Patch Watermelons. - We’ll see about that.
21:12 - - I know that’s why I picked these, they’re plant based, free from sugar alcohols. I just don’t like the branding how it says, “Kick Sugar, Keep Candy”. So it’s like, it’s definitely branded, and it’s like a diet thing but, I just need to know what it tastes like. Oh, very… Oh my God, smells incredible. - Oh yeah, here’s for you. - I feel like it’s gonna taste like artificial sweetener, and you’re gonna hate it. - I’ll be the judge of that. - Very chewy. Oh, it’s sour, I don’t hate that. - I’m trying to get past the sourness, to see what the sweetener… - Mm-hmm. - I think it tastes fine. - It tastes fine. - It’s very chewy.
21:55 - - Yeah, I’ll say it’s nothing like, a Sour Patch Watermelon like, but it’s a good watermelon candy. - It’s different chew, different mouthfeel. - Love those words, love those descriptive words. If I was in the mood for Sour Patch Watermelons, I would just eat Sour Patch Watermelons, but like, if I was in the mood for like… These are way more sour. - The flavor does linger in your mouth for awhile, (clears throat) - I like it though.
22:19 - - Artificial sweetener, it has like a distinct taste, and I don’t know if I can taste it because of the sourness. (clears throat) - It was probably smarter than to do the… They have Swedish fish version I almost got, but they only had a huge pack. So maybe like the next time, if they have like a smaller pack or something. I know you love your Swedish fetish. - I have a box in the pantry. - You have real Swedish fish. So yeah, I mean, they’re fine, we’ll eat them, like again, I would never if I was in the mood for candy, be like, I need to find a healthy option.
22:45 - And if you do that, there’s no shame whatsoever, but, if I’m in the mood for candy, I’m gonna eat candy, but like these tastes good, and it’s good, especially if you’re vegan, ‘cause I know a lot of like candy, Starbursts, et cetera, like they’re not vegan, so good vegan option. - Well I mean the bone, gelatin. - Successful haul. Okay, last thing is the pizza, and then this vlog is long enough. We gotta go. All right here it is, it is very well done, we put it for the minimum time, it actually called for 14 to 19 minutes, and we did it for 14, and it’s this done. But I actually liked my pizza this done so, all right. You wanna test it? - Cheers. Hot. - Oh God. - So hot, there’s not much crust. - Did you say it’s like pizza, I think that the cheese is like– - Masking the flavor? I will say, it’s literally about the width. Or the stickiness of a tortilla.
23:40 - It’s a little chewier than I thought, but I kind of like it. - Its not bad, again I feel like, you can’t have gluten. I mean, this is… - This tastes like a really thin crust pizza. I would just rather buy like a DiGiorno. - Honestly, I would eat a Tortino’s pizza right now. Like the party pizzas. - It kind of does remind me of that though. It’s very reminiscent of like a 3:00 AM post, clubs, pizza. - I mean, yeah, sure I’m gonna eat it, of course I will. - That’s gonna do it for us today, I probably have pizza in my teeth, hopefully, you can notice, my new hair, Drew can’t, but that’s okay. But I like it, it’s fun. It’s gonna wash out soon anyways, so, thank you so much for watching, and we will see you next time, bye. - Right. (soft music) .