Why FAST CHARGERS Destroys your PHONE?
Oct 15, 2020 09:57 · 385 words · 2 minute read
many companies have made fast charges which charges your mobile in just some seconds or minutes and people thought that is an advantage for them but there is a disadvantage which which mobile companies don’t let you know let us discuss them a mobile battery have two poles one is minus and the other one is plus the minus one has much electrons while the plus one have less the minus electrons just want to flow to the plus pole along the way they can power among any components you put in the path once all the electrons flow to the plus pole your battery is dead a charger push the electrons back to the negative pole to full up the battery in a fast charger to this process faster but the problem to this is of starters it means you actually gets less battery capacity in every battery a separator is putted between the negative and the positive pole to make sure that they pass through the circuit and don’t move more freely the faster you want to charge your battery the thicker you made a separator to make the battery more stable but it make your battery density fall if you want to charge ultra fast like a lot of new phones started to do take a step further and split those battery in two separate battery but it will waste the space that’s why you haven’t seen this except big phones fast charging means fast movement of electrons which creates more heat and heat is our enemy of battery it slowly changes its physical structure which will make its ability to hold charge fall over time as a rough estimate if you put your battery on 30 degrees celsius you will lose around 20 that’s why when you put your phone on charge try not to use it some gaming phones are launching charges which you can put on your mobile while playing but it doesn’t make your battery rise but it also doesn’t make it fall if you have two option of choosing between a wireless charger and a wire charger you should choose the wire charger because wireless charger use up more energy and much of that ends up by heat so it’s fine for today see you soon .