[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so tell your boss to leave my television tell that [ __ ] to stay away from my woman i can’t share lucy with anybody how many times do i have to tell you boys to bundle this thing out of this [Music] place oh mark who is that guy and who is it oh he’s just a lot of trouble that doesn’t know his gauge he’s good he doesn’t look dropped he is please so what what what brings you here i actually came to see how you guys are doing that sounds nice but rather like rather what [Music] it’s our business mark and i am also a shareholder in this business so it’s not out of place that i come to see how you imagine this now yeah i know i know it’s just that um you know being your first time of coming here that’s always the first time mark i guess you’re right let’s go inside then [Music] hmm obviously can give him what i cannot hear yourself are you okay they offered 20 000 naira on this [ __ ] and you rejected it did you buy them nobody see you still my friend won’t go get that money from me [Music] let me have your phone can they give you cases here you say that no prize aware [Music] [Applause] when you read the pages read carefully cause in between the lines you can’t find what you’re looking for [Music] you can find what you’re looking for you can your phone thank you i picked it up from our hotel [Music] it fell from your pocket when you were struggling to release yourself from their grasp oh you walk there tell your boss i’m ready for him i don’t walk there my husband owns the place your husband impregnated my girl lucy i heard he got high place to stay has plans of marrying her i don’t care if she’s pregnant for him or not i love that girl so much and i won’t let anybody take her away from me i repeat i won’t let anybody take her away from me i rather kill her kill myself and we lose her [Music] i’m just just missing you really good in that case i’m coming right away yes as soon as i’m dropping the skull i’m on my way there all right [Music] hey do i enjoy anyways anyway you’re right i mean if you have not changed me out of your house i mean i won’t be leaving it oscar heaven [Music] let me ask you if i had not pushed you out of the house set up that’s what i’m supposed to thank you thank you really if you have not chased me out of your house man i don’t believe in this heavyweight oh you’re looking good look at you you’re looking so good good i’m not looking as good as your house you have to take it easy with all those things you’re eating especially the juice ca and that is nothing for pregnancy i don’t want anything to happen please please talking i mean i don’t guess it why would she ask me such a question don’t advise me i don’t need social advice don’t say that that they don’t lose yourself that’s what i’m trying to say don’t let me move it he will not unless you want to tell him don’t swallow my dick let me know out of my house when you were [ __ ] you didn’t know don’t don’t shout anyhow don’t worry don’t worry good people please okay [Music] [Music] it was it was good [Music] you know what um i noticed you’ve been adding a little bit of weight um were able to talk to your friend about the girl who was placed on mother kitchen brenda i told you to stop interfering in other people’s marriages just stop what we’re doing in the mother show brenda brenda you only stammer when you want to lie why are you hiding from me [Music] what are you hiding from me okay baby um i will tell you tell me now what are you hiding from me um [Music] my baby [Music] do you understand dude i’m sorry i’m sorry baby please and i’m sorry maybe i’m sorry please [Music] i’m sorry [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay are you right are you sure you’re fine i bet i am fine now leave me alone thank you [Music] so [Music] my [Music] bye matthew nothing was that somebody said he wants to see is the landlady of the ass the landlady of the house [Music] okay [Music] when you read the pages through it carefully because in between the lines you can find what you’re looking [Music] you want to see me okay any problem my name is patricia i’m ben’s wife and you are lucy the one voice pregnant i bet my husband spent a fortune of our money spicing it up for you i join you are enjoying my heart and money you live like a princess poof anyways that’s not even why i’m here i came to discuss business with you now i sincerely do not care if indeed the pregnancy or the baby you’re carrying belongs to my husband because you will remove that pregnancy i will give you some money and you will go away you will go far far away you will disappear i won’t do that [Music] receptive of course you want us to do [Music] if you don’t terminate this pregnancy i will have no choice but to terminate your life [ __ ] what you thinking that i will sit back and watch you take my husband away from me [Music] i’ll write you a check for five hundred thousand now mother [Music] i will not terminate my baby i will not one million what is this mother i mean what rubbish is this you’re walking here claiming your veins white i gave you a good reception and you’re just telling me to terminate my pregnancy for what i don’t even know who you are not for you not for anyone else i love being you even hear yourself you are in love with another woman’s husband and you have the god to say it loud [Music] clearly you don’t want things done peacefully we prefer the halfway explosion oh my god [Music] feel free to catch it when you change your mind so [Music] stanley what are you doing here i told you it’s over you’re lying lucy you can’t get tired of me you can’t stop loving me you know i’m tired i love your mate i love you you know you’re still here [Music] back [Music] i can go away [Music] is [Music] is the diamond brighter than the sunlight but all you need to do is steal [Applause] [Music] i just say she forget back at him for a newspaper he said forget something where owner of hotels kills his lover for catching her with another man [Music] all these guys ben ande [Music] women women [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank god okay you kind of won’t care now you’re for leaving for man you don’t understand dude okay see your newspaper [Music] smooth [Music] [Applause] when you read the pages read carefully cause in between the lines you can find what you’re looking for [Music] you can find what you’re looking for you can find what you look and see i can’t go away without reminding you that the colors of our clothes can’t define who we truly are welcome thank you um is the only food in the house i’m hungry i didn’t cook your husband is hungry [Music] well let me start eating my food so i stopped cooking if you’re not hungry when physical fashions bubble up in your face love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice it never dies but true dividers of love you can get hurt the pains the hurt makes you think twice everything can look all right smooth on the surface peace all the rounded bodies the shining as the diamond brighter than the sunlight but all you need to do is steal [Music] you’ve been there for me [Music] and the pain that i’ve caused you i’m so sorry for the heart and the pain [Music] oh my beautiful [Music] [Music] boy when he came i refused to enter the house but my mother said i should let him in so i let him in go into the house who else kept to the house no one else my mother sent me to the park to go and get a password for her then from there i should go to the market and buy food stuff then when i came back i met her dead and i have to call her orca benson when i got to the boxer i called the number the man picked and asked me to wait for 45 minutes which i did then after the 45 minutes i called him back but the phone was switched off and i wanted a while before going to the market so [Applause] when you read the pages read carefully because in between the lines you can find what you’re looking for i can’t go away without reminding you that the colors of our clothes can’t define who we truly are can’t find who we truly are pay attention [Music] see love is beautiful such a beautiful thing it colors your soul love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice it never dies but through the battles of love you can get hurt the pains the heart makes you think twice everything can look alright smooth on the surface peace all around it but you’re shining asparagus diamond brighter than the sunlight but all you need to do is steal [Music] i’m so sorry.
OPRAH´S SUPERSOUL CONVERSATIONS (Podcast) - PASTOR A.R. BERNARD - Four Things Women Want from a Man
I’m Oprah Winfrey welcome to super-soul conversations the podcast I believe that one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself is time taking time to be more fully present your journey to become more inspired and connected to the deeper world around us starts right now pastor AR Bernard the founder of the largest church in New York City reveals in his most recent book four things women want from a man why he believes when it comes to creating meaningful relationships there are four things God wants and women should expect from a man the core of his message centers on what he says are the vital qualities every man needs to cultivate a healthy and successful relationship maturity decisiveness consistency and strength I read that your intention as a founder one of the largest congregations in America has remained consistent for the past thirty years and that is to make faith relevant how have you done that relevance means two things for us number one it means practical it has to be something that you can apply the moment you leave the doors of the church service at home second it has to be socially applicable it has to help you make sense of the world around you so I get the chance to shape the lens of people’s thinking their worldview through the eyes of faith and for me all life is spiritual mmm what do you mean well when we look at spirituality we look at the makeup of the human person and because how do you define it how do you define spirituality spirituality is our human capacity to know and experience God we experience God through worship through prayer through fasting through silence silence absolutely only solitudes shallot sellers in solitude is not being alone yeah being away from the noise and with God and with yourself and so you hear a lot of Millennials say today I’m spiritual but I’m not religious and also a lot of people watch this show say oh I’m spiritual but I’m not religious that doesn’t concern you right no because I think it’s their attempt to move away from organized religion what they’ve known traditionally and unfortunately too much of its expression seems irrelevant seems antiquated seems removed from today’s seems about dogma and control yeah and this millennial generation they’ve experienced incredible exposure to information so they are weighing things not just on name recognition or past history but on present-day merits so they think differently so they’ve made this distinction moving away from organized religions its rules its regulations its traditions and they call it spirituality which means I still believe in the divine I still want to connect I believe it’s somehow part of my existence so there’s this constant longing inside of me for that something that I can’t put my finger on don’t we all have that hunger that longing that hunger it’s in all of us and it can only be resolved when we reconnect with him too often people think especially Christianity that God is out to punish the evildoer and get back at humankind some type of revenge but no God is not about punishing us it’s about reconnecting us to Him and to each other and so that hunger is in every human regardless of which path of faith you choose that hunger is or if you choose no path every human being even the atheists even the Atheist let’s talk about your personal spiritual path you were Christian now but as a young man I know you were drawn to the Nation of Islam you say this was part of your search for the truth it began with the resolution of my identity crisis I grew up in the 60s and growing up without a father my mother single mother raising me the best she could and also being of mixed parentage my father was white never knew him he abandoned my mother and I when I was born so we left Panama where I was born and came to the United States to start a new life and I grew up in that 60s revolution so I was looking for strength for order for something to belong to and the Nation of Islam was appealing when I was a kid I used to take the train from Brooklyn up to Harlem and there this young man named Malcolm X was preaching and these guys were giving out newspapers called Muhammad speaks and I was taken by that so taken by that because there was something in there for the identity of the black mayor and it really from me it became sort of a surrogate father because it gave me order structure strength to be part of the nation that was important to me but I didn’t find God because I I didn’t know what I was looking for that longing just her anger yeah I had a hunger yeah so I knew somehow intuitive that truth reality and God were synonymous if I found one I would find the others I found in the Nation of Islam an incredible social protest against the failure of the Christian Church and white America to address the socio economic plight to blacks in this country that’s what I found but I didn’t find God so I was still open I was still searching well you have this spiritual epiphany in 1975 yeah and you told the New York Times you described it this way I felt like someone put a blowtorch to my chest and put it on full blast I started weeping and I was no longer the same person how did God sees your heart as you said he did in that moment I think it’s a process that led me up to that point because I was in banking so I had a secretary who was a little Pentecostal woman very strict dogma and tradition so she would have me little tracts and talk to me about God but what intrigued me was her childlike faith in this person because she caused me to look at the person of Christ apart from the institution of Christianity aha it was implicitly profundity and simplicity that she demonstrated before me and it intrigued me so she told me about a meeting where a former leader of the Mau Mau gang which was a notorious gang in Brooklyn a guy named Nicky Cruz he was sharing his story so I said I got to hear this because he converted to Christianity so my wife and I went that night we were in the church service and he gave his message and what he was saying wasn’t connecting there was something else going on inside of my own heart as you’re listening as I was listening and I somehow knew intuitively that Christ the Christ is what I was looking for because he made an altar call so I walked up and he said you know would you like to receive Jesus in your heart I had no idea what that meant you know he said I want to pray for you I said fine I was vulnerable I was open and then he touched me and that’s when I felt like someone from blow torch to my jet blue hold me and I did something that I would never do and that was crying in public I whipped and I couldn’t stop weeping so I walked away from the altar the service was over my wife and I are leaving my secretary and her husband come down because they were in the balcony and she said did you get it did you get it I had no idea what I was supposed to get I said to her I don’t know what I got but something happened to me and I’m trying to make sense of it so at the time you made the discovery you were married yeah - your wife Karen yeah and you are a banker 10 years is pretty successful how do you say to your wife I’m now being called to preach did you know it was it a feeling voice she saw the transformations are you being truthful she saw the transformation I came home and she tells me that she looked at my eyes and she saw a different person she didn’t understand it this is the night after that yeah the night had happened she said it was like she was looking right through me so we sat down we talked about it I didn’t have the language to explain it so you walk in and you’ve been transformed and you know it you can feel it yeah the problem is you go through such a deep and profound transformation but you don’t understand it it now set you on a journey to understand and try to discover what really happened inside of me that night and that took time but it was a major thing for you that you also said going from you know black radical activism to embrace Christianity was a major big deal yeah but in the beginning I had to go through a process of understanding who this Jesus was why he came why he did what he did I mean the whole idea notion was dying on a cross didn’t register with me well mm-hmm I talked and thought about wisdom about knowledge about understanding but not sacrifice so it introduced me to love at a level that I never imagined and that’s where the whole new journey began when did you feel the call of a call but call I can look back and with the knowledge that I have now understand that the call begins early early in life before you even know God yeah he has his hands on you he has a design for your life and it’s something that you discover within the first year of this newfound Christianity this newfound spirituality I no longer felt the same passion and love for the finance industry I begin to see life through a whole new lens my worldview was changed did it change the way you treated people did it change I was yes it changed the way I behave immediately I was no longer this aggressive individual that only saw the overthrow of the system has the way to resolve the issues in the black community I got touch with love and that was deep and profound because we all suffer from the inability to love and to be loved we don’t know what love really is and it is there that I discovered that love is the ability to extend yourself to others expecting nothing in return you know in this meritocracy system that we live and we’re all expecting it’s a try yet what am I going what do I get yeah so love is a desire to benefit the one love at the expense of self yeah because love desires to give and the contrast is lust which is the desire to benefit self at the expense of others because lust only desire to get so I began to see that people can love you people in lust you and sometimes you can’t tell the difference because it’s disguised but you better be able to discern the difference between the two you mentioned that the calling happens long before you even knew God do you believe that everybody has a calling absolutely and that calling is being designed for you by all of the experiences in your life yeah you know the Prophet Jeremiah began to look at his own deficiencies when he got the calling and he saw his youthfulness he saw his inability to articulate and communicate well and the scripture says that before I formed you in your mother’s womb I knew you and call him to be a prophet to the nation’s Oh so here this man has been called by God he has a whole life designed and laid out before him that he knows nothing about now he has to trust the one who designed that life for him how do we open ourselves to that calling how can we be more open to here and more open to find the path that is our College yes we have to believe that we do have a purpose it goes back to that eternity in their hearts well every person has a purpose every individual has a purpose and when we begin to think that way we will appreciate the sacredness of all life and not be destructive to any aspect of life who respect people better yes you know what I think is so fascinating is that I believe that is true but I think a lot of people get purpose confused with fame or notoriety for purpose yeah yeah you think that’s my purpose then I should know what that is and everybody else should also know what that is and I should be known for whatever that purpose is right I think we’ve lost a bit of that now very much lost in that well that’s well put by you and insightful deep cause too often people think purposes static yeah it’s that one thing for which I was born yeah but what happens if you achieve that at age 27 you have no reason to live beyond correct purpose is not static purpose is dynamic whoo that’s good purpose continues to be applied throughout your life Oh tweetable moment I said yeah what your gifts your talents and abilities that are given to you about God that remains consistent throughout your life but how you apply that changes as you live life from one level to another and you go through stages of life Aristotle said at the intersection where your gift talents and abilities meet a human need therein you discover your purpose how many times how many intersection do we meet in life many many not just one many so a big part of your work at the Christian cultural center involves counseling men in fact I understand at one point more than half of your members were men which is so rare these days what is the message that draws them in the average male church membership is about 15% I was gonna think say in the Uniting 2015 20% we were at 58% male and 42% female wow that’s incredible when people would come to our church service and they would look out on the ground they would see these guys and ties bow ties suited up because some of the disciplines that I learned in the nation all right I didn’t lose when I became a Christian those are things that I continued and I brought that into how I managed and ran the church so men had a very discipline high profile in the church and they were seen as the protectors of women I believe that when a man becomes the man that God designed him to be it has a liberating impact on a woman it frees that woman to be the woman that God designed her to be yeah you said it’s focusing on the man that will liberate the one I believe that how so how so the number-one complaint that women have about men is that men don’t listen yeah so when I finished the manuscript I gave it to my wife I said read it tell me what you think she came back to me with a smile and she said you’ve been listening oh so I’ve learned to listen I’ve learned to observe you said something gosh this was years ago in a show that you were doing and you said men and women speak the same language but they interpret things differently yeah absolutely but if you don’t know that and understand that they even have a child you don’t understand why you’re hearing something different than exactly but I think it’s interesting you start with maturity is the first one because okay tell me why because maturity doesn’t come with age it begins with the acceptance of responsibility so you could have a man who’s 66 66 years old and he’s still an adolescent yeah you could have a man who’s 20 years old and he’s very responsible he’s mature so maternity begins with the acceptance of responsibility for our words our thoughts our motives our actions and our attitudes the women that I interviewed for the book cannot tell you how many of them said well I just wish you would grow up what does she mean by that she means I want him to be responsible for what he says because words build relationships relationships are based on trust so when he gives his word and doesn’t keep it he damages the relationship by damaging the trust I want him to take ownership for what he says be truthful with me this is what she says I want consistency between what he says and what he does I realize he’s human why yeah I want consistent cuz I want to be able to trust exactly exactly and when Trust is broken the relationships is damaged and she becomes insecure in the relationship right and God wants the same thing absolutely yes yeah he wants the same thing from us he wants us to be mature he wants us to be decisive decisiveness is the ability to make decisions confidently and quickly and in order to do that you have to have a set of values and principles that guide your decision-making process you have to be focused and you have to be stable of mine and it’s interesting that you okay so you have maturity decisiveness consistency and then strength it’s interesting to me because to me maturity and decisiveness and consistency equal strength are represent strength that’s how you actually get strong is by doing those things well you hit the nail on the head because strength I’m not talking about physical gradual rap I’m talking about strength of character yeah you say on page 162 it’s the courage I love this the courage to live out your convictions that’s right no matter what the crowd is does right and that’s strength and a woman wants to see that that what he says he’s going to stand behind in fact when a man is strong he can be gentle because he’s strong yes he can be gentle you say why write this book now several reasons the first reason has to do with men being a responsible male in modern America is a full-time job and a tough one at that never before in the history of humankind have distractions been so plentiful and temptations so prevalent even well-intentioned men can become caught up in seemingly harmless behaviors that can quickly turn destructive you know I never thought of it that way before I thought when men had to go out and actually physically hunt and bring back the meat and go out to the horse that life would have been a lot harder but you’re right they’re not there weren’t as many distractions yeah today we’re engaged in a battle that is greater than a physical battle it’s a battle of the mind and there’s so many things to invade our minds and take us away from the right path in life and men have a difficult I know that growing up without a father I picked up images of masculinity from television from movies from the neighborhood I didn’t get it in school there’s no course on how to be a man manhood 101 it was not there you know and even in the churches it was not geared toward you know it without a father how do you figure that out exactly that’s a lot of trial and error and sometimes more trial and more error than you even want to imagine but also the changing culture all right the last several decades we’ve seen women experience unprecedented wealth and education the upward mobility of women in American society is amazing and it’s great 60% of college enrollment today is female only 40 percent male women are taking over jobs and occupying positions of power and influence and I will tell you that has become quite intimidating to a lot of men and I wrote the book because I wanted to give women number one a framework with which to make better decisions and a way in choice understand and I want to give men a standard for manhood that they can measure up to so I don’t want women to have to come down I want men come up thank you for that cuz we don’t want to have to come down we want you to at least meet us right here yes yes yes so in four things that women want from a man you’ve said that your goal for this book is to help men understand the new role of women in their lives I saw one of your interviews that you did you asked the question very important question powerful question and that is what is the lesson that it took longest for you to learn yes right and I have to say in answer to something like that it’s appreciating and understanding my wife’s role and value in my life ah that was a tough one because I I just felt I was the responsible one I had to do it all but God placed her in my life for a reason for purpose and her role was very very valuable it’s not till I understood that and embraced that lesson that she became free to really participate in my life in the way that I needed what enabled you to see that was something she did or something that you righteous crisis and you know as a banker you have a workaholic you a workaholic and then we are ministry yes so I committed the sin of transposition and that’s where you put things that should be second first and the ministry people yes all that became more important than my family and it really hurt her because I’d appreciated her and whatever you depreciate in life decreases in value so her value became lesson in my own creature in his own eyes yes see so I had to make those adjustments yeah the turning point I was in Dallas Texas attending of pastors conference yes and the pastor told his story and I felt oh gosh this guy’s livid my story went back to the hotel room spent the night in deep thought and reflection woke up that morning I just started weeping and I couldn’t stop crying because I felt the weight of responsibility for what I created in the relationship and I ask God’s forgiveness because as a man I’m responsible for the condition state of affairs in my home and in my marriage and I felt to call her and I felt got impress upon my heart don’t expect her to receive what you’re going to say but I didn’t care about that it didn’t matter because this needed change she would benefit from but I needed it more than she did so I called her and I said I apologize for the state of affairs in our relationship and I take full responsibility for the condition of our marriage for the condition of our family and your emotional condition right now I’m sorry and I’m making a change as of this moment she said to me yeah okay but it didn’t matter yeah it did not matter because she was still so hurt she was hurt and I work harder on me and that became a leadership principle for me whatever you want people to become you must become at first so you’ve got to model what you want people to think about you and how you want them to feel about you so I went to work on me I don’t work on my congregation I work on me and try to present someone that they could respect admire and look up to for their state of soul and leadership and guidance but you’ve come to know and understand as you say here and for things what they want from a man that but marriage is it’s an emphatic Union yeah yes where the two there there are many benefits of marriage it could be companionship sex children money you name it but those are benefits there’s only one goal and that is that the two become one that’s a process over time it’s an empathetic union in that you get to the place where you understand that if your spouse hurts you heard so we feel each other’s hurts celebrations pain gladness joy because we become one I discovered it one night on a trip driving down to Washington DC and you know when I Drive I’m on a mission so I’m thinking about getting there not the journey so about two hours into the drive she said to me she says are you hungry and I said no and I just keep driving but I noticed she got quiet there was no more conversation so when we got to DC I said are you okay yeah I’m fine I said are you sure you’re fine she said well actually I was hungry and you wouldn’t even have the decency to pull over and stop so we can get something to eat I said but why didn’t you just say you were hungry she said I did I said no you didn’t she said I did when I asked you if you were hungry I said oh that’s how it works so I got it so now you hungry means do you want to eat exactly music do we want to eat exactly don’t we want to stop and get something I didn’t get it yeah so that’s why I began listening more and focusing on what she said how she said it and I will tell you it was revolutionary in our relationship I learned so much about myself as a man so much about her as a woman so it’s because you’ve been paying attention that you were able to to come and do this yeah where does spirituality fit in in this volatile world of politics how little world religion gives us three things it gives us morality a sense of right and wrong it gives us guidance that we can believe in beyond our selves that somehow there’s a divine hand at work and it also gives us consolation it gives us hope for the future so the place of spirituality is to be the moral arbiter within society it is to look for divine guidance whatever position we serve in society but it also gives us hope when we’re in crisis and when things are volatile and we think that you know the world is going to end no it’s not life will continue is cyclical we go through stages we go through levels and seasons but life will continue can you speak to the painful divide we’re all experiencing right now yeah I think that we’re all talking it no one’s listening so we’re talking at each other trying to get our point across do I need to listen to each other and listening is an art it has to be focused and you’ve got to get out of yourself in order to truly listen to someone else I once read where you said that every personal crisis begins with an identity crisis so is it possible that we all the collective body of the United States are experiencing a collective identity crisis you hit the nail on the head again yeah identity crisis is common to every human being as an individual but remember whatever conflicts we’re having we’re going to express that out into the world around us so that conflict continues to expand as the group expands so when you have a body called a nation that is an entire grouping that can be in crisis right you take when we were trying to figure out how do we respond to the Syrian refugees and you’ll hear well we should take them in because that’s who we are as America and then the other say we should protect ourselves against them because that’s who we are as America so you sit down you ask a question well who are we as America yes that’s an identity crisis and I think that started back in the 60s when we began to embrace change but not know how to work through it together and those who resisted change wanted to maintain the status quo do you think that social media has contributed to the worldwide identity crisis mmm absolutely and let me tell there are benefits to social media it’s it’s good all right but at the same time it allows you to take on several identities you can be whoever you want and you can change identities you know on a whim I think that’s problematic because when do we discover who we are as the individual because every one of us has a unique DNA we are a unique creation of God and until we reconnect with God and discover that identity in God we will continue to look to become someone other than who we’ve truly been made to be do you have a prayer for our country do you pray for our country I pray for wisdom I pray for guidance for all of our leaders at every level and I pray for humility because you cannot embrace wisdom and guidance if you’re not willing to humble yourself how do you keep yourself humble when you have one of the largest congregations and people refer to you as the kingmaker the spiritual power broker I mean you have reached a level that I think a lot of people would aspire to where if you wanted to you have this use of power and influence and all of that so what what is the what is it that keeps you humble power is not for you it’s given to you to serve people and if you think that it’s all about you you’re in trouble and you have to intentionally build into your life those things that will protect you from yourself I don’t underestimate my ego or my ability to make decisions that are detrimental so I try to build into my life the systems and the people that keep me in check and balance what’s the purpose of the soul the soul if we define it as the mind will and emotions that integrated system that make up who we are as a unique person an individual it becomes central to the choices that we make in life it is the very essence of who we are as an innovate and the responsibility that we have to shape and fashion that soul so that it functions in a way that we experience our best life it’s been said that you should know the truth and the truth shall set you free what is the truth well it depends on how you apply it because there is universal truth truth period is eternal like one of the universal truths that I’ve learned that it’s not what you get or achieve in life it’s the person you become in the process but then there’s that personal truth that I subscribe to and that personal truth is who I identify with and how I identify spiritually which is most important to me because when we think about identity we think in terms of culture race religion you know who your parents were social status etc but when I resolved the identity crisis through my relationship with God and that I was made in the image of God and I began to think of myself in that way it changed the game for me wow what is the biggest obstacle to peace as you see it selfishness hmm I think in order to love we’ve got to be unselfish and people are not willing to let go of their own self-interests I think there would be peace my wife and I will be married 45 years this year and in the beginning because love is redemptive it’s sacrificial and it’s unconditional so when we got married 45 years ago we had a list of the things that we loved about each other right and that’s wonderful but after a while we discovered that if you have reasons to love someone you have conditions and when the conditions are not met the relationship is in trouble oh that’s good so today we love each other for no reason that’s unconditional love it takes courage to love like that it takes selflessness to love like that and until we get to that place of society we’re gonna continue to have the conflicts that we have oh that’s one of the best definitions I heard we love each other for no reason and that’s what unconditional unconditional love Wow so what is the root of racism fear yeah fear fear of the unknown fear that drives us to be shaped in our thinking by stereotypes by prejudices by biases by things that we don’t even know about the other person that’s why I love to sit down and have a person tell me your story and I’ve done that with so many people from so many walks of life people with lifestyles totally different from mine diametrically opposed to mine sometimes and I listen to that’s their story and I share my story and all of a sudden a bond of relationship is created and talking about sharing your story what is the most difficult choice or decisions you’ve had to make to ultimately fulfill your destiny Wow so many decisions I had to make along the way yeah but I think the defining moment was accepting God’s love for me in spite of myself well that was important because we can think of all the reasons why we don’t deserve the kind of love that God gives redemptive ly sacrificially and unconditionally and once I accepted my value in God’s eyes that settled everything for me and it didn’t require me to be affirmed or proved by people because now the divine approval is there what are you most proud of yourself for obviously you’ve done accomplished so much I’m most proud that after all of this time after all the years of marriage 40 years of ministry I’m proud that my wife can sit on the front row on Sunday morning hear me preach and genuinely say Amen because she knows the man and she can still respect the man and love the man that’s that’s the best thing I ever heard thank you thank you Paisley thank you sorry that’s great that I just oh that’s the best thing I’ve heard that’s the best I’m Oprah Winfrey and you’ve been listening to super-soul conversations the podcast you can follow supersoul on Instagram Twitter and Facebook if you haven’t yet go to Apple podcasts and subscribe rate and review this podcast join me next week for another super soul conversation thank you for listening [Music].
Exercise Three: Love well!
I greet you very warmly from poland and we are in the process of our lantern retreats and the theme of this year retreat is how can we find peace of god in our troubled times how can we get the peace of god in our troubled times so how to keep god’s peace in traumatic situations or just in difficult everyday events during our retreat this year we go to saint paul who writes to us in his letters that each of us can learn peace of heart it is not something inherent or meant for the special group and a christian can learn it each one of us can learn the peace of god this is the nature of christian peace that inner heart balance awareness of god’s presence and a sense of his all-encompassing protection we can be we can learn it and be aware of it so how can we learn god’s peace or how to find god’s peace in our troubled times saint paul gives us three exercises as we heard the first exercise was to keep god’s peace with yourself it was thinking about god and his things his deeds and words the second exercise was thanking god for everything what we get in our lives thank you for the easy and pleasant moments and also for the difficult ones and the third exercise this one that we are in right now for keeping god’s peace in our hearts in our lives is putting in order all our loves that means this is the exercise in love it is about maintaining a proper hierarchy in love because the answer to this question what and whom we love first and most in our lives is crucial essential for our decisions actions but also well-being and peace of god in our hearts so love it is impossible not to talk about it when we are looking for a way to keep god’s peace for god is love naturally then the peace that comes from god is related to love and especially to his love in his letter to the philippians paul calls us so that we do not just tidy up our thoughts and minds but also took care of our hearts desires it is not always easy to manage your own heart but in order to have god’s peace in the heart it is worth taking this exercise it is very important to love the right things as well to love the right things saint paul in the colossians says let the peace of christ control your hearts the peace into which you are also called in one body and be thankful let’s ask ourselves what is not worth loving too much one should not love success too much because even if it is achieved one will always have the fear of maintaining that success we have the the different situations with the pop stars you know they have to keep the top um all the time so they get distressed how we can keep our peace in our times he will never know peace because he will be afraid to lose it what he achieved those who put achievement as the first in the hierarchy of love so one should not be too related to the body as well his appearance or her appearance although it is good to take care of ourselves but always in the modern way saint paul clearly states for the flesh has desires against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh these are opposed to each other so that you may not do what you want if we devote our full attention to the body during the day and if we first listen to the body and fulfill its needs only we will follow it and in this way we will get into great anxiety great fear because we will quickly find out that the body is getting older it’s changing how then to build something permanent on it how can only the body be the source of human strength and inner peace you can allocate your source of peace in your body but it’s not the good place to to fight an inner peace likewise do not give yourself wholeheartedly to other people even to your family for even having a wonderful family we will always worry about them we will always be afraid that something will happen to them and if something bad happens we will be devastated this is obviously very difficult you should love your loved ones very much but in order to have inner peace we have to have the right hierarchy of our loves that’s why god gave us the greatest commandment and it is to love god but listen to this to love god with all your hearts with all your strengths and with all your souls and your neighbors yourselves yes you should love your loved ones always being aware that somebody or someday being aware that someday they will die or go away we just have them for a certain period of time so no man nor husband no wife no children no man cannot be the first source of our strength of our inner peace a close a loved one is not someone in whom i confirm my life my worth i clothe a close loved one this is not a tap with water from which i pour myself daily life-giving healing water i pull from him or her this water whenever i want because otherwise i won’t survive i’m not giving to have a good day or week no it’s not so you can’t rely fully on your loved ones this is not what a close loved one in our lives is for because one day the life-giving water flies his her words of support good mood are gone or we don’t hear them and this is normal however it is good when we do not expect anything from another person we do not expect anything from my husband wife’s kids but remember it is not at all that we do not require anything from them it’s not just that you don’t ask your husband to take out the rubbish take the kids to school it’s not that but this is about the attitude of the heart you don’t burden your close ones with the heavy expectations because you can’t kill them we set up a relationship with people with husband with wife friend close person in this the way that we want to give them first we want to be servant and not that we stand and wait until he she will fill with love the world for us the day with love for us no when we have god in our hearts when we love god then the first thing that comes to our mind in a relationship is that we want to give this good and love to our loved ones to other people from morning until night and we lose nothing by giving the contrary we gain we gain by giving when we love god first we want to share the beauty that lives within us that lives within us when we love god first we want to share the love that lives within us when we love god first we want to share the good that lives in us there are the philosophers the they call them stoics they said that the source of the problem was love of things love of things over which you have no control if a man loves a thing and something happens to this thing he is devastated and lost therefore they argued one should really love nothing but owns virtue however the stoics were wrong because it is wrong to think that men’s virtue is under his control we also have no control over our character and we cannot be sure that we will always be noble saint augustine rejected this approach of the stoics as unsustainable instead he claimed that only to love what doesn’t change can bring peace only to love what doesn’t change can bring peace what cannot change is unchanging our virtues can and will change just like a professional career family good lag will change things will change we ourselves are changing the reason why we don’t experience peace is because we love too much things that change things which unfavorable circumstances can deprive us of paul teaches us that there is one thing one person which is unchangeable it is god his presence and his love the only love that gives god’s lasting peace is a love that cannot change which cannot be lost which is not based on the ups and downs of life and god is such love even death cannot take god’s love and god from us no life experiences our mistakes flaws can’t stop god’s love and the worst circumstances in life even sudden death make us sometimes experience more of this love god’s love what is in the world and in life so sure and constant that even death cannot move it only can strengthens it god’s love and presence god’s beauty god’s face god’s providence that is love and wisdom this is stable and certain that is why saint augustine could say this there is only a resting place in god that will not be disturbed there love is not abundant if it does not go away on its own only we can cut off ourselves from god god never will cut himself off from us we live in an eternal covenant everlasting love of god for every one of us does this mean that we are to love only god in our lives no absolutely not we are to love god but also as best as possible to love our family loved ones also your work success things in life yes but to have god’s lasting peace within us we need to sort out our loves we need to put in order our loves and constantly on a regular basis putting love in order it could be our prayer putting our loves in proper order our problem is not that we love our family of our career too much but that proportionally compared to them we love god too little this is the ultimate way to find peace peace and balance we must give god the highest love the highest place in our hierarchy of love if you live for something else and love something else more than god your life will always resemble a rough sea and he will feel lost and without peace if we love anything more than god we will always fear about this thing and have a lot of anxiety in us god says the natural consequence of turning your back on me the natural consequence of not focusing your entire life on me is deep anxiety and now we can ask how can we feel bigger love bigger love for god let’s allow dear brothers and sisters our emotions flow naturally from what we are looking at what we are experiencing let’s allow our emotions to flow out what we live with what we focus on if we live intensely with the things of the lord if we thank him our love for him will deepen jesus replied the first commandment is this here for israel the lord our god is lord alone you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with your soul all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength and let us recall the words of saint paul the peace of god that surpasses all understanding it will keep your hearts and your minds in christ jesus many people cultivate this love very beautifully to god as the first and most important in life there was a german writer nicholas zinzendorf he converted to christ seeing in the studio a painting depicting christ being crucified with the caption at the bottom this i have done for you and what have you done for me looking at this picture crucifixion and reading this passage at the bottom he converted he then founded a colony of bohemian brothers and later the widespread mission and spent his entire life in intense spiritual activity saint paul apostle was a convert tool we can say and he so loved the lord that he wrote in his letters for me to live is christ and to die is gain and as we remember king david so much loved god that he was filled with his presence and he felt his closeness day and night he wrote in the psalm when i wake up i am still with you even at night my heart teaches me i have the lord always before me when he is at my right hand i will not falter this is psalm 139 verse 18.
What is Destiny & Day of Promises
“Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum. ” Ana abdukal ‘ajeez, dayeefu, miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the Grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence, alhamdulillah.
00:29 - InshaAllah Haji Shahid we have the Fajr awrad (daily practices) at the beginning, “Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat” and then we give the pillars of faith and the testimony, the pillars of Islam and the testimonies of faith.
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[Music] not so long ago humans and elves fought together during the great war that’s me fisher as a human i was awarded the highest honors for my bravery but what was even more rewarding was the love of leah princess of the elves she calls me little fish even though we had to return to our own separate worlds i’m not worried after all we slayed a dragon a long-distance relationship is nothing compared to a dragon right [Music] it’s so beautiful and you’ll look even prettier in the dress i’m excited aren’t you you know i am i’ve waited centuries for this day leah thank you for choosing my wedding gown oh yeah regarding fish have you you must be aware your brother is very against this but that said how could i not let our human allies attend they helped us win the war i don’t believe it i know it must have been a difficult decision thank you man i mean your highness most elves in the kingdom are like your brother and are prejudiced against humans do your friends a favor and make sure they behave [Music] go take this to my fish really you gotta be kidding me two coins for the weapon of a dragon slayer looks like a plato knee cleaver to me a meat cleaver forged by a dragon slayer huh here we go wait that’s my letter okay come back here you gonna hand it over or not hey get in celebration your presence is requested at wait how do i even read that the royal union of the elf queen to the duke what the human fish and his companions are invited to the wedding huh i can’t believe it ah girl i got to see leah give her this and no detours okay hey yes closing up shop for the day i have work to do in the ruins of a battlefield long forgotten among the forgotten souls of elf kingdom lies the forgotten gem and the forgotten me i couldn’t ask for a more perfect scenario now dark gem um i offer to you a sacrifice let the elven blood that flows through me bind us together let these ruins be our altar and let these forgotten spirits be our witnesses beware atop the throne of elves for soon it shall be mine [Music] be quiet this isn’t easy to do oh [Music] what are you guys doing what is that the guard [Music] stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] flying [Applause] open the furnace hey you want to keep it down i’m not dead yet there was a falling [ __ ] something oh it smells delicious it’s gone a ring i teach you the secrets of forging weapons and you use my furnace to cook pumpkins and make trinkets it’s not what you think it’s uh you know what this is when you pull the bow string you can injure your finger this protects it and what will protect your heart huh love between an elf and a human will only end in tragedy don’t be so dramatic without tragedy you can’t have comedy besides good things can come out of tragedy like me meeting leah right uh come my sisters my forgotten souls come let us give the queen a wedding present she will never forget the fish cat named her after me come on boys let’s go hey hey cat let’s go i’ll request permission to board what’s he doing here i’d rather throw him overboard oh we’re flying don’t feel like a bird up here bro akajima hurts from here [Music] oh no i’ve left the back door open cap look here the rules of medicaid for the elk kingdom rule 250 when meeting someone new one must bow at 10 degrees if their bow is less than 5 degrees or more than 50 it won’t be recognized we’re not gonna learn all those we don’t have elf girlfriends [Music] oh benedict coming up [Music] huh [Music] the finest example of my craftsmanship the best design idea i’ve ever had just add a flying gem of the highest quality you can find and you can experience the joy of soaring among the clouds this will be the fastest flying experience ever thanks birdie it’s the most amazing gift ever you’re the man hey birdie uh have you tested this thing out yet wait you never told me how it worked it’s simple you just make like a bird floppy floppy faster [Music] that’s it i felt like a bird oh the old timer toilet’s the other way and where’s fish well what do you think i’m looking forward yeah i’m guessing he’s that wee black dot over there see wha can you see it ah yeah you’re just above the albatross no no over there are you blind you get them back on the ship right now or you’ll be a little red dot just like a bird am i right master black friend best invention ever arrow come on [Music] and i thought i’ve seen it all am i [Music] whatever impossible um [Music] is that you [Music] little fish it’s you [Music] long time no see huh wow hello stranger you’re just as beautiful [Music] don’t you want to introduce your handsome human to everyone i meant handsome hero i can’t wait but let’s not attract too much attention [Music] sorry excuse us your brother knows i’m here right well he’ll know soon enough watch out then hold me tight should we slow down nah just hold tighter you’re not holding tight enough you asked for it okay all right stop stop no no really i’m really particular stop stop sorry about that okay onwards and upwards watch this queen mayor congratulations huh [Music] hey you should bow [Music] that’s the queen why didn’t you tell me they were invited because i knew you wouldn’t agree to it but the truth is he is your sister’s boyfriend boyfriend human lives are but a blip compared to ours how can a mighty oak fall in love with a tiny flower if we know it’s temporary and won’t last why should it involve you because she is being selfish and immature and this relationship will destroy leah before it’s over leah will grow wiser with time we need to let her learn from her experiences there’s no time there have been reports of strange monsters spotted they say it may have something to do with this dark wind what there is an invisible enemy on the horizon so you see leah must wake up don’t worry she’s not a child you and i have a love that is eternal it is based on respect that is the proper way for ourselves we must protect the gem of life that is the reason for our existence you know this as well as i i’m so happy you’re here i can’t stop smiling from now on you’ll always be smiling the green gem of life the root of life for the elves and our source of energy only ourselves can draw power from it it’s amazing i’ve never been this close before originally there was only one gem but the gods split it in two one dark and one green to represent death and life and the perpetual battle between light and dark that has plagued the human world for millennia no one knows where the dark gem is but this one has always been protected by the elves here the queen wears the gem at her wedding that’s our tradition its magic will bring prosperity to the kingdom leah you should wear it to the wedding though you sure why me because of the dark gem i felt its power it still exists and grows even stronger and nearer the gem of life is no longer safe and i’ll yell in my hands you are who we trust most so you must protect it you won’t be disappointed in me it’s so beautiful i can’t wait to show it to fish leah huh i think you and i should have a talk wow the elf kingdom is awesome yeah people ignoring us turning up their noses what’s there to love no way wait hi excuse me ma’am i’m fish nice to meet you my friend was wondering if you were oh save your breath kid nobody wants to hear your blathering about to put up with a day in day out speak for yourself wait huh stop here uh that’s right i’m human i like to dance and sing sorry about him long journey before entering you must give up your weapons look lady right uh no worries there you go [Music] here you go no way what a weekly what a lean week it’s been it’s what he means hmm all your weapons oh so you want a chitchat well i like walks on the beach candle at dinners and i would love to give you a flower that was all his weapons well that went much better than expected wouldn’t you say don’t forget your mission leah you can do this [Music] [Music] if i don’t get any wedding cake i’m gonna eat one of these elves the gem of life is a sacred elven treasure you cannot let fish nor any human near it i can’t why not because the gem must remain far away from desire or conflict and that means you cannot risk exposing it to any humans how could you possibly say that little fish is a good man he’s loyal i trust him and he loves me how long have you known him a few years i’m afraid that from now on you must stay away from little things oh no please anything but that i actually thought you understood leah it’s not about that it’s our duty and responsibility to protect the kingdom do not risk our lives for something that cannot last leah leah leah i’m sorry bird you need a boost i bet you can’t see anything from way down there it’s beautiful up here this is my favorite place [Music] [Music] cheese [Music] applesauce [Music] oh as the tender chute reaches toward the sky and the roots plant firmly in the ground so has our love bloomed and will only keep flourishing love is life and life is love we are bonded it’s all living clear is something wrong this is for you i had this gift especially made i hope it reminds you of me wow this is great hey leah i got you something too and you’ll never guess what it is you made me this bow and i made you that finger card i love it thank you guess we go together like this bow in that finger guard what leah i don’t ever want to leave you i finished my training with the blacksmiths and i really want to stay here with you what do you say huh let me always be bathed in the light of your spirit and i yours our two beating hearts under this tree of life now with this ring our fates are sealed and continuously that’s free and it will and it will set us free set us free huh no i can’t do this uh why not what’s happening my apologies for arriving so late sister but i had trouble finding my invitation it’s really you she is not welcome here capture them guards protect your queen no wait here stay out of this huh hey leah [Applause] [Music] what else we got around here what do you want from us you know very well why i’m here then you’ll be disappointed why isn’t the gem on you tell me where it is somewhere you’d never think to look [Music] tell me where it is tell me human alvin please my dear alien if you want your bride back then you’ll give me what i want three days from now meet me at the ancient battleground and next time don’t shoot arrows at me you have been warned fire ready the ship we leave immediately yes sir leah you know where the map is go and get it humans you’re not welcome here leave now you have to go i’ll miss you i’m so sorry fish i’ll come with you no this is between us elves i know but it’s too dangerous please let me help you we can all help you you should go just go pack yeah buy fish aaliyah wait we’re gonna follow them look i know you got good-looking hair and all but she doesn’t want you yeah you were dumped kid yeah i should know happens to be a lot she doesn’t mean it and i know she needs my help look kid rescuing the princess sounds fun and all but i’m gonna need a little more motivation the ship look besides you’ve taken my dogs oh no they’re dogs i couldn’t live without those slobbering mutts we’re at full speed we should arrive in two days leah is the gem of life safe protected with your life and trust no one mela isn’t trustworthy how do we know she will keep her end of the bargain even if she doesn’t we have no other choice don’t worry about saving mayor the soldiers and i will do it protect the gem just focus on that little fish come let’s go are you crazy you should be here i have a plan we can save mayor together no what we already have a plan in place so what is the plan let’s open a large ship for a sneak attack hmm but come with me instead i can fly faster and grab her before they notice trust me as long as we’re together there’s nothing we can’t do whoa uh why didn’t you take my gifts earlier don’t you like it leah now’s not the time to discuss that i can feel it getting colder then come here i’ll keep you warm we’re going north why the ancient battlegrounds are south you’re going the wrong way promise feel strange are you wounded it’s nothing i don’t believe it what is myla ship doing here i’ll ask one more time why were you not wearing the chest it’s quite simple i knew you were coming you can’t fight destiny it was always the fate of these two gems to be reunited again you should give up all you can allyon will never allow you to have the other gem i will pardon you for your sins and you can come back home to us how polite of you sister did you think i would just quietly hand over my hard-earned treasure sorry but i have other plans once i get the map to the elf kingdom you won’t mind helping me will you oh come to me over there so oh yeah i found her your highness leah you have to go my child did it not occur to you that you were summoned here for a race [Applause] it’s clear you should go back to notify alliant grab my hands you’re safe now not a chance little fish you saved me well actually we saved each other we should go back to the others he cannot go back where were you we snuck on board bayless ship and she has the queen it’s not what we thought mila is actually human have you forgotten about your mission you played right into their hands i’m so sorry and what were you doing stop it you’ve done enough you don’t belong here leave and don’t come back that’s why we don’t get close to humans you behaved immaturely and after the queen put her trust in you hey don’t talk to her like that hey audience right i shouldn’t have left with you and you shouldn’t be here at all i know it’s hard you have to leave you don’t belong here i belong with you you know that all i know is that you have to leave and never come back are you serious you can’t possibly mean that please just go you’re not an elf goodbye fish leah you’ve changed attention full speed ahead prepare for battle no more mistakes this is [Music] human boy the power of the dark jam courses through my body and my veins i can feel it in my blood pulsing can you feel it as well [Music] i know what you want and don’t give it to you hey welcome back sleepyhead man you look terrible why the long face love is not for the likes of us pal i don’t get it i thought we were in love there’s some realities you got to accept this relationship was doomed from the start stop dreaming they don’t come with instruction manuals and if they did we wouldn’t read them would we kid because reading is hard right i’m proud of you this may be your first heartbreak but it won’t be your last so cheer up listen to an expert fish sometimes loving someone means letting that person go plea and i are different what do you two know anyways i’m not giving up hey where are you going to do what i know is right um uh yes [Music] its light has gone out again do you think that the ice mountain will satisfy its appetite you’ve desecrated the spirits of the ancient battlefield now you’re going to steal the souls of the dragons my dear little mayor don’t be afraid the dark gem has changed you you’ve gone too far see how wrong you can be the elf i’ve become today it is not due to the gem it is due to you what how can you say that i’ve been on your side i’m not blaming i’m thanking you man if it weren’t for the fact that i was better than you and yet constantly shunned if it weren’t for the fact that only you could use the gem of life so i was abandoned if it weren’t for the fact that you my youngest sister became the heir leaving me to become a dark elf then i would have never known the type of power that i have now envy hatred these are not the natural qualities of an elf but they are the qualities of a victor and i will now reclaim what is rightfully mine it was only you two his fish with you do you think you can help me with something darkest of gems i’ve opened up the graveyard of the dragons for you legend says the soul of a powerful dragon has been sealed in this ice for a thousand years i thought you might want a new friend you certainly took your time human boy we’ve been waiting for you who are you anyway and what have you done to me we are kindred spirits we both desire things we cannot have we are not alike oh i beg to differ let’s see we would do anything to get what we want the most like you it longs for another the souls of the dragons have only made it stronger it cannot wait it must be reunited with the gem of life there’s another gem lea didn’t tell you of course she didn’t you’re a human how could she ever trust you with something so beautiful and precious as an elephant gemstone this is an elven matter what’s it got to do with me so you’re giving up then what a pity i could help you nothing makes me happier than watching young love blossom and you deserve it once i’m queen leah will be all yours honestly i’m sure she’s worth so much more all i need is for you to bring me the map of elves fix my hand and we’ll talk you’re in no position to negotiate child then you can find your own map your friends are walking into an ambush as we speak shall we try this again bring me the map of elves or suffer the consequences i’m not your puppet are you sure about that prince allian we found no traces of queen mayor brother what will we do now we can’t give up maintain our cover but keep searching positions [Applause] fire right one side full scale attack [Music] spread out now everyone regroup prepare to counter [Music] attack [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] aim for the chest the ship won’t make it gather the remaining troops [Applause] oh faster what do you think i’m trying to do we humans don’t fight like elves elves dance in the moonlight and play with flowers we eat meat and drink wine flowers i’ll give you quick get on the other side or suffer the consequences look at this damage when this is all over it’s gonna cost you and it won’t be cheap we’ll just buy your ship go ahead human name your price i can’t believe your pointy-eared arrogance this ship is mine and it’s priceless the greeks have dog in the stench of old men a sack of silver should be sufficient silver don’t you mean cold and a sack as large as i can carry while you’re at it consider it done and collect your belongings i want you off my ship as soon as possible well i guess i’m gonna need a new ship huh how could you sell the fish i should have asked for more shouldn’t i how will we help liam now the deal’s off forget it i’m keeping the ship it’s priceless anyway besides i don’t want your stinking elven money if you don’t win the money i’ll take it shut up old man how could you if it weren’t for them we’d all be dead already we are already outnumbered as it is we need their help did you see his hand the dark jam is consuming him he’s a danger to all of us the dark gem what’s going to happen to fish the dark gem will infect his mind and then he will be lost becoming nothing more than the gems puppet just like mela if mela could not resist it what chance does a human have can we save him with the gem of life it’s not some toy you can use for your selfish needs doesn’t this gem naturally repel the dark one why can’t we use it it has never been attempted on a human could make it worse i cannot allow the risk if mela could not resist it what chance does a human have nothing makes me happier than watching young love blossom and you deserve it once i’m queen leah will be all yours master blacksmith do you think i could borrow your board again you can have it what’s the point of an invention if no one uses it just don’t push it too hard yeah i’m serious you you be careful is there really nothing we can do are we giving up just like that once we get back i’ll reach out to our neighboring allies get reinforcements but what about queen mayor protecting the gem he’s protecting the queen you human do you still trust this human hmm sister have a look it’s even more beautiful now that’s why what i desire should never be taken lightly so how does it feel to finally be rejected the dark gem can only be held by those who wield a true power did you really think someone like you could speak my dear little sister i originally wanted you to witness my ascension to the throne however after this your lack of respect for me is giving me second thoughts what’s the point of even keeping you alive stop don’t hurt her i brought you the map the map no stop you can’t give that to her take us safely back and i’ll give it to [Music] you if you want to negotiate you have to have something to negotiate with too bad you don’t have any let’s ask the elf map where the gem of life is your queen is just dying to know leah don’t you dare harm her you hear me said i had plans for harming her but you thought you you have no idea what you’ve done yeah i’ve been infected by the dark gem i need the gem of life how did you know i have the gem of life baylor told me oh yeah will you save me leo don’t listen to him they’re not messing around boy got one you still can’t god give me the gem of life now [Music] uh it’s a shame i guess you figured it out leah hurry do it what are you waiting for leo [Music] uh little fish the gem of life why’d this happen it’s no use hmm gem may be useless to humans but for me that’s not true what are you doing what’s the point of protecting the gem of life leah in order to protect it we’ve sacrificed so much do we have to watch our loved ones die now too if so then what is the point of protecting it but then you’ll get infected too it’s you you’re back there’s no need to cry did the best you could it was my fault i didn’t respect that you had this responsibility i wanted to be the hero and save the day instead i put everyone else in danger my life is short i know and i’ve wasted it you deserve better the queen’s in seventh peak of the dark valley she’s in terrible danger leah we must go back for the queen we can go together will you come with me hey ears make that plus one and me huh how about one and a half what the nerve that settles it then all right let’s go together set a course for the dark valley i see it looks like we’ll be having some guests we’ll be sure to give them a proper welcome let’s make this ship watch out all hands evasive maneuvers [Music] ah [Music] yes leah be a good girl and give me the gem i won’t let you do this yeah whatever he said quick use the ship to ram them come on run she’s over there ugh [Music] master mayor’s at the end of this path we can’t get through [Applause] is there another way if only we had the board then we could fly there wait i have an idea ah come we better get out of here um it’s no use it’s a dead end i’m sick and tired of your meddling since you won’t die you may as well witness my coronation leah it’s time you handed me the gem of life you weren’t too late where is the gem of life whatever you do kid just don’t let it go what is no one going to save leah well you had your chance ugh [Music] why won’t you help me you belonged the gym is not yours anymore and it doesn’t belong to anyone [Music] ah you are mine [Applause] thank you your highness for all your help i told you i would be queen everyone run what are you doing come on [Applause] um oh take a right hurry she’s right behind us no no what do we do that thing is your sister and i thought my sister was bad open the furnace listen up i have an idea but you’re gonna have to trust me you know i do we trust you as well ditto i have what you want right here huh oh hurry up mr blacksmith nice catch hang in there little fish i’m holding on to you and never letting go [Music] look i’m wearing the ring you gave me see then guess what else i’m never taking it off there i love you [Music] little fish yes yes [Music] ah uh the gem is beautiful you’re finally mine now that i have you life can be a part of death the throne of elves the throne of the world is within my grasp did anybody ever tell you you need to learn to let things go okay ugh [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] little fish you’re alive you jerk stop don’t you dare do that again i don’t believe it no human has ever fused with the gem maybe you should look at humans differently he’s proof they’re capable of sacrifice maybe that was what the gem was trying to do to show us what in life is really worth protecting our fish is back he’s really back don’t worry boys i can fix it it’ll fly like a bird again soon this flower sure is prettier uh gift for you a gift for what are you laughing at relax romeo [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music].
Controlled Digital Lending for Libraries and Consortia
All right, I guess I better think about starting to let people in so we’ll go live in a couple of minutes congratulations on that the journey that’s all right going live.
00:30 - Welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us. We’ll get started in about a minute.
01:02 - Thanks for joining us, everyone, and welcome. we’ll be starting in about a half a minute.
01:31 - Alright, let’s go ahead and get started.
Bringing Social Learning to All Educational Texts: Creating a Coalition
All right, I’m gonna go ahead and let people in, and we’ll get started in a couple minutes away we go.
00:35 - Welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us. We’ll get started in a little around a minute or so.
01:18 - Thanks for joining us, we’ll be getting started shortly.
01:41 - All right, why don’t we go ahead and get started so welcome everybody. I’m Cliff Lynch, the director of the Coalition for network information.
Grants Are Temporary but Data Stewardship Is Not: Sustainability of the Data Curation Network
All right, well have a good presentation and I will see you at the q amp a good. Thanks, dan.
00:00 - Why don’t we go ahead and go live and start letting people in.
00:31 - where you need the waiting room music. Yeah, really.
00:35 - Welcome to this session music. Yes. Welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us today we will get started in, probably about minute.
Sustaining Open Infrastructure: Samvera’s JourneyToward a New Model for Fiscal Sponsorship
Alright, I’m going to go ahead and take us live so people can start getting in and getting settled.
00:35 - Welcome everybody and thank you for joining us today. We’ll get started in a little over a minute or so.
01:18 - Welcome. I’m glad you could join us today. We will be starting the event in about a half a minute or so.
01:59 - All right, why don’t we go ahead and get started.
The Virtual Copyright Education Center: An Open Discussion
out but just in case. We are recording this session.
02:53 - It will, as with pretty much everything else be available publicly.
02:59 - After the meeting. There is a live transcript, if you want to avail yourselves of that there is a chat and you are welcome to use that. There’s also q amp a tool will take questions at towards the end of the presentation but please feel free to queue up questions as you go along using either the q amp a tool or the chat.