Canadian House of Commons Question Period - 1 April 2020
Mr. Speaker, new information revealed in the tapes last week prove that the Prime Minister has not been telling the truth.
00:16 - The Prime Minister not only had knowledge of the pressure being applied to the former attorney general but he and his office were, in fact, orchestrating it.
00:24 - As the clerk said, the Prime Minister wanted his way, and he was going to get it.
Code4Lib 2021 Wednesday Lightning Talks and Closing
Thank you to our Captioning Sponsors: balsamiq and MIT Libraries hello everyone welcome back from breakouts and break to today’s lightning talks section lightning talks just as a quick recap or a segment where if you have an idea a project or a practice that you would like to share with the community this is your chance to do so all of the lightning talk chat and q&a will be in the same session listing within whova all uh eight of them that we have today a little different from the talk blocks that we’ve had previously where we moved from session to session if you’ve got a question for one of the presenters please enter their first or last name and then your question they’ll all be presenting live so they likely won’t get to address questions until their presentation is over and that will let them find the questions that are for them our first talk is going to be from hardy titled load testing with locust.
Code4Lib 2021 Tuesday Welcome and Lightning Talks
Thank you to our Captioning Sponsors: MIT Libraries and balsamiq uh i have a uh a few announcements before we do dive into the talks we have six of them um a reminder that our official conference hashtag on social media is hashtag c4l21 and if you would like to join our code4lib slack community please go to code4lib. org slack after filling out the form if you didn’t receive an invite immediately please check your spam folder have you hit information overload have you hit that wall during the conference uh even on day two remember if you need to take a break from the talks the virtual quiet room on Whova has a variety of quieter meditative and restorative activities to help you rest up for the next batch of talks and these talks are recorded so you can catch up on anything you might have missed during your break you can find the virtual quiet room page under the logistics menu option in Whova we have our community support squad or css here to assist the attendees you can find their schedules and photos beneath the conduct and safety section of the website the community support volunteers for the first half of today are eric phetteplace that’s p-h-e-t-t-e-23 on slack and louisa kwasigroch and sorry if i messed up that uh pronunciation and the slack is l-o-u-i-s-a so without further ado um we’re going to enter right into our lightning talks um each presenter has about six minutes um if you haven’t already signed up for a lightning talk and are interested in participating um i think that the the fact that we have this opportunity to to share our knowledge um without having to prepare much for a presentation is one of the nice features of the code4lib community after today’s session we also have slots available tomorrow wednesday at uh 3 p.
O que Operações Especiais têm a te ensinar sobre Cadeias de Suprimentos - Keenan Yoho
I’m going to transition it to English, to introduce our guest of today. And our guests is a very special person, he’s a very close, very dear friend of mine. And on top of being a great friend of mine, he is my colleague. He is also a professor at Crummer, and he is also a professor of Operations Management at Crummer, so we work together.
03:26 - I have the privilege of working together with Dr.
COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies, and Resistance in the Datafied Society
- Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, everyone and welcome to the COVID from the Margins event, kindly hosted today by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet Society at Harvard University.
00:21 - Needless to say we are extremely to be here with you today, celebrating what is a big accomp a book, that has the ambition to be much more than simply a book in the librar So it is an editorial project but really what he wants to do and what this session wants to achieve today is to actively inviting everyone, all attendees, all of us hit, and variably hit and concerned understandably by the COVID pandemic to make ro for another way of thinking and understanding and narrating the COVID pandemic One that takes as a frame of reference the margins of society So those of us that are typically out of privilege that are suffering the worst consequences of this crisis, which is, or started at least as a health crisis but very quickly became a social, economic, cultural and very personal crisis for us So my name is Stefania Milan and I’m an Associate Professor on New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
2021 Red Tide SW Florida Snook Redfish Spotted Seatrout workshop presentation
Welcome to the video workshop for red tide in southwest Florida as it relates to the current short-term catch-and-release measures for snook, redfish and trout.
00:14 - Let’s begin with an overview of why we’re here. As you may know, southwest Florida experienced a prolonged red tide event from November 2017 through February of 2019. This red tide generated long large scale fish kills throughout the region and although there were similar shorter red tide balloons in other areas, fish kills were most prevalent in southwest Florida.
Kasoa S@kawa Boys Narrate How They K!lled The 10-Year-Old Boy for money R!tuals (Video)
m okay what is going on see every poetic guy get bad man if you don’t do something they will say you do it you understand every poetic guy get bad man how how can i how can i rape it doesn’t make sense how can i read 15 years or 16 years girl it’s going to be possible you understand it can be possible the time we are talking the video many people did inside so and the you bloggers take the video say i raped 16 years why not live like that all you people are playing yes huh have you seen photo before no no no no she wearing her dresses everything she didn’t move her clothes and you can say that it is like with you or what with you what is going on i don’t really understand what is going on here because you see there’s no people uh go get people people don’t let america northern voice say you are religious because what you are people that it doesn’t make sense what do people are doing it doesn’t make sense you but while i know it’s here if you open your eye like i don’t understand just get just imagine say that you take just normal snap on your own bed and some some people think that i i raped a girl i understand always we are thinking about money we are not thinking about sex sexy nothing how am might you use by pc you understand if we talk about the money people talk about it because i might refuse by pc you understand and i just think that yesterday i get programmed there you understand and i go there i didn’t do anything there there is plenty just stay inside the room and we are doing dance now one by one you understand there is many girls you understand you know the time i go i took my girlfriend with myself i never [ __ ] anyhow and i’m not [ __ ] anyhow i’m a special boy and i respect myself how can i go [ __ ] small girl you understand it doesn’t make sense so before you just mind your business see see blake’s life oh you see me [ __ ] that girl huh you see me [ __ ] dad y’all say no oh it’s it’s not good it’s not good just going there ah and the brothers take it take it go different way i don’t understand them they take it good that way you understand because many artists in chicago stone boys whiskey they’re all taking videos or normal snaps with girls i’m not the first one going to do it you understand i’m not the first one going to do it many people are doing it and every day we are doing it how can i sex with you how can i do that i’m a muslim how can i do that so you have to refresh your mind or if you know that if you are staying there i don’t know what’s here but come out come now for good stuff go ahead if you’re active you’ll come back you gotta understand this is this like this is a village life because life so you better stop that life and the bloggers take it different way and like like say i raped i raped 16 years girl how can i do that even though she’s 18 years she’s 18 years she’s not existing yes you understand so how can people think that i’m raping girls as seniors no no no no no we never think about [ __ ] [ __ ] is a regretted job you understand [ __ ] it’s a related joke so we never think about [ __ ] right thinking about money so if if you don’t get money or probably want to kill you don’t explain some people because i don’t understand yeah because what what do you do outside you want to creating confusion give her family understand because nothing can do to me nothing if you come my house i’ll shoot you you wanna sign even if you take it groupon definitely take good i’ll let them arrest you too you wanna so nothing can do to me you better stop it but there’s one thing you people can do her parents their family your honors are not me nothing can do to me i’m a street boy it was what whatever you are saying i don’t care you understand street boy nothing can happen to me the police you go report i’ll let them arrest you oh you get any evidence no people don’t get any advance that i all you get oh i don’t understand people don’t get any evidence they understand because you do anything so what you what you people are saying it is nothing nothing can happen to me you understand nothing can happen to me so you better stop that thing i don’t do anything with her i get many plenty girls i get many plenty girls so how can i go small girl you understand no no it’s not like that it’s not like that it’s not like that with the [ __ ] everyday we will type a [ __ ] we tire for [ __ ] what’s [ __ ] [ __ ] is a regulated job [ __ ] is a regulated job so we type a [ __ ] so don’t take something good high like that because what what you are people are thinking about you go far from it you understand so you better calm down nothing can happen to me you understand nothing can happen to me i just stay here i just stay here or if you want good take it to good coach if you want take it go course and and bring that video you believe that i’m [ __ ] the girl your evidence everybody that i [ __ ] that yeah in a court you believe that you can take go with your evidence and i go with my evidence and we can say social media i’m not the one posting with girls even many people say that they indeed a joke is inside and taking a snap they don’t see anything many people they gonna hear and they’re acting sexy movies they don’t say anything about dates so how can i like i just think that just enormous number you people take it like that now i understand who give you a better money on your business if you want if you won’t keep confusion give her family it’s not my matter and that’s because nothing completely everyone can take a gold course or policy a day here i just demand my business nothing can do she me.
23 장 신자들, 매우 강력한 꾸란 암송, 90 개 이상의 언어 자막
Successful indeed are the believers those who are humble in their prayer those who turn away from all that is frivolous those who pay the zakat those who safeguard their chastity except with their wives, and what their right hands possess – for then they are free from blame but those who seek to go beyond that are transgressors those who are faithful to their trusts and promises and those who attend to their prayers these are the heirs of Paradise they shall abide in it forever We created man from an essence of clay then We placed him as a drop of fluid in a safe place then We developed that drop into a clinging form, and We developed that form into a lump of flesh, and We developed that lump into bones, and clothed the bones with flesh.
챕터 16 The Bee, Most Heart 감동적인 꾸란 암송, 90 개 이상의 언어 자막
The decree of God is at hand, so do not seek to hasten it. Holy is He, and exalted far above what they associate with Him He sends down the angels with revelations by His command to whoever of His servants He pleases, saying, “Warn mankind that there is no god save Me, so fear Me He created the heavens and the earth for a true purpose. He is exalted above anything they associate with Him He created man out of a [mere] drop of sperm: yet he shows himself to be openly contentious He has created cattle for you: from them you derive food and clothing and numerous other benefits how pleasant they look when you bring them home in the evenings and when you take them out to pasture in the mornings They carry your loads to places which you could otherwise not reach without great hardship, surely, your Lord is compassionate and merciful He has created horses, mules and donkeys, so that you may ride them, and also so that they may be put on show, and He creates other things beyond your knowledge The straight way leads to God and there are ways which deviate from the right course.
[Free Webinar] An Effective Second Trade Strategy
Okay perfect so I guess we can start. Topic of our lesson today first of all let’s we just say that uh we’re gonna do this mentorship and it’s an open mentorship so you’re very welcome to ask questions there’s a lot of things you can or may ask and let’s talk about everything that you feel like we should talk about but let me just start with something I want to bring up a topic that I think is very very important for for each and every trader it has to do with quantity management and I’m going to talk about the trade that I had today with Tesla it was one of my successful trades actually although I had three trades in Tesla this morning and uh two of them failed that’s the part I want to talk about how do you take your first trade let’s let’s you know start with how did I pick Tesla and then what do you do with your second trade and then what you do with your third rate quantity wise that’s a topic of my lesson today so feel free to ask any questions you like and let’s start and talk about uh um what I believe is a very important issue so first I walk into my computer pre-market time usually I do it at around one hour I start doing it at around one hour before the trading session starts I usually do it anywhere between 30 minutes before the market is open and one hour before the market opens somewhere in this time frame that’s what I do the first thing i do is take a look at the S&P 500 now take a look at the S&P 500 let me put this window a little bit higher here so you can all see it more clearly so here’s the S&P 500 you can see several months back now what’s the first thing you see when you look at the S&P 500 and a very clear uptrend a very very clear uptrend we are trending higher now of course I could uh take it further and we could this does not even this does not include the corona times now you can see the corona times where the corona crisis started last year so look at this huge move down and then we’re seeing the the recent move hold on second let’s take concentrate more on 2021 and you know somewhere let’s start somewhere at 2020 and 2021 we’re seeing a very very very clear uptrend now I always take a look at the S&P 500 before I start trading because i need to understand where we came from and where we’re likely to continue now although I I guess I feel like most of you that the market is too extended we shouldn’t be here I mean these are corona times markets supposed to be down we’re not supposed to be going for new highs and we did reach a new all-time high today so although that’s the common feeling of all of us traders we need to ignore it we need to ignore it because it only takes one look at the market you never find the market we never fight the market it only takes one look at the market to see what a very clear and beautiful uptrend we have now you take a look at the S&P 500 you see this beautiful uptrend that you just don’t find the market you expect the market to continue higher you look at uh the pre-market gap and you see that the S&P 500 is starting at around 0.