Kapitlu 21 Il-Profeti, Ħafna Qalb Li Ttaffi R-reċitazzjoni Tal-quran, 90+ Sottotitoli Tal-lingwa
The time of reckoning has drawn near for mankind, yet they are heedless and turn away Whenever any fresh admonition comes to them from their Lord, they listen to it, but do not take it seriously their hearts are distracted and forgetful. The wrongdoers confer together secretly, saying, “Is not this man a mortal like you? Will you succumb to magic with your eyes open Say, “My Lord knows every word spoken in the heavens and on the earth.
Sunday Mass for the 3rd Sunday of Easter 2021 - Year B
Welcome to St. Ignatius Chapel. Today we celebrate the third Sunday of Easter.
00:07 - Our celebrant today is Jesuit Fr. Russell Pollitt SJ.
00:37 - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:40 - [Amen. ] The grace and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Kapitlu 18 The Cave, Soul Touching Quran Recitation, 90+ Language Subtitles
Praise be to God who has sent down to His servant – the Book, which is free from any ambiguity and which rightly directs, to give warning of stern punishment from Him, and to proclaim to the believers who do righteous deeds that they shall have an excellent recompense wherein they will remain [in a state of bliss] forever And to warn those who say, “God has taken to Himself a son They have no knowledge of this, nor did their forefathers have any either.
Kapitlu 12 Ġużeppi, Ħafna Qalb Li Ttaffi R-reċita Tal-quran, 90+ Sottotitoli Tal-lingwa
Alif Lam Ra. These are verses from the clear Book We have sent down the Quran in Arabic, so that you may understand We recount to you the best of narratives in revealing this Quran to you, even though you were unaware of it before it came When Joseph told his father, “My father, I saw eleven stars, and the sun and moon: I saw them prostrate themselves before me he replied, “My son, do not relate your dream to your brothers, lest they plot evil against you – Satan is the sworn enemy of man You shall be chosen by your Lord and He will impart to you some understanding of the inner meaning of events.
Kapitlu 9 L-Indiema, Rekitazzjoni Tal-quran Estremament Qawwija, Sottotitoli Biktar Minn 90 Lingwa
This is a declaration of immunity from God and His Messenger to the polytheists, with whom you had made agreements So go about in the land for four months, but know that you cannot frustrate the plan of God and that God will disgrace those who deny the truth This is a proclamation from God and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Pilgrimage, that God is free of all obligation to the polytheists, and so is His Messenger.
Kapitlu 4 In-Nisa, Ħafna Qalb Serħan Il-moħħ Reċitazzjoni Tal-quran, 90+ Sottotitoli Tal-lingwa
O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul. He created its mate from it and from the two of them spread countless men and women [throughout the earth]. Fear God, in whose name you appeal to one another, and be mindful of your obligations in respect of ties of kinship. God is always watching over you Give the orphans the possessions that belong to them, do not exchange good things with bad and do not consume their property, adding it to your own.
Kapitlu 2 Il-Baqra, Reċitazzjoni Tal-quran Emozzjonali, 90+ Sottotitoli Tal-lingwa
Alif Lam Mim This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of God who believe in the unseen, and are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided them with those who believe in the revelation sent down to you and in what was sent before you, and firmly believe in the life to come they are the people who are rightly following their Lord and it is they who shall be successful As for those who are bent on denying the truth, it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes there is a covering.
The Labor Theory of Value | Marxist Economics
hi everyone in this video we’re going to discuss the Marxist approach to the labor theory of value we’ll explain different types of value including use value and exchange value different categories of labor including concrete labor and abstract labor and how we measure the value produced by labor that is embodied in each commodity by laying the groundwork here with the labor theory of value we’ll create a theoretical launching pad that we can use in future videos to analyze Marxian economics and critique capitalist society including in terms of how workers are exploited and alienated under capitalism one of the most fundamental aspects of life under capitalism is the fact that individuals must purchase commodities in order to meet various types of wants needs and desires that they might have we should note here that when we say commodity we just mean anything that is produced with the intention of selling it on the market rather than you know like using it for yourself or like giving it to somebody else without charging them money for it so exchange for money is the key variable here that defines whether or not something is a commodity the production of commodities for profit is one of the most important characteristics of capitalist society much of mainstream economic theory simply takes this behavior of market exchange for granted arguing that it’s just a basic feature of human nature humans have a natural tendency to truck barter and exchange in the words of adam smith but karl Marx was different Marx was interested in cultivating an economic analysis premised not on some assumed facts of human nature but rather on social and political factors that prop up markets and keep them operating Marx’s approach looks beyond the surface level of money and market exchange in order to understand the underlying social relations and conditions of production that make exchange and profit making possible in the first place and what he discovered was according to him an unjust social hierarchy in which workers were systematically denied a democratic say in how our economy operates including in their ability to retain ownership over the wealth that is produced at their hands in capital volume 1 Marx begins the analysis that ultimately takes him to this conclusion by analyzing the general properties of a commodity every commodity he argues contains what he called a use value and an exchange value use value refers to the usefulness of a commodity or in other words the ways that a commodity can fulfill some human need or desire when that commodity is put to use cars for example have the usefulness of providing transportation and bread has the usefulness of providing calories the second type of value exchange value determines the value that something has in exchange in the sense of how one commodity can be exchanged for another commodity a certain quantity of iron for example might exchange for a certain amount of corn or a certain amount of cloth might exchange for a given number of coats so exchange value refers to how much one commodity is worth in terms of another commodity notice that it doesn’t refer to market prices here because those were two different things remarks despite having diverse use values when commodities are exchanged for one another they are implicitly equated with one another which implies that they are equal in some way right a certain amount of cloth is equal to a certain number of coats for example or a certain amount of iron is equal to a certain amount of corn Marx’s puzzle here revolved around the following question if commodities were so divergent in their use values what is the underlying feature that they shared that allowed them to exchange as equivalent and stable ratios across time he answered if then we discard the use values of commodities only one property remains that of being products of labor in other words once we abstract away from the useful or tangible properties of a commodity the only factor remaining in common that can explain why commodities exchange the way that they do is the fact that they were created by human labor while Marx’s statement here is plausible enough it sets the stage for his ability to take his theory of capitalist society in a revolutionary direction because it allowed him to argue that while the working class produces all of the wealth in capitalist society they are simultaneously denied rightful ownership over it due to the structure of capitalist production In Marx’s theory labor refers to the act of production to purposeful and transformative material activity that constituted the basis of economic development and wealth creation in chapter 7 of capital volume 1 Marx states a spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver and a bee puts to shame meaning an architect in the construction of her cells but what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality it was this ability to utilize our practical aesthetic and cognitive powers to create new things and transform our environment that for Marx was the source of all new value produced under capitalism something crucial to note is that value appears in the form of exchange value especially when we’re talking about the value of a final commodity and how that appears on the capitalist market so when we say that labor produces value what we’re really saying is that it produces the same common metric or measurement that serves as a foundation upon which commodities are traded in the market as mark stated in capital volume one exchange value is the necessary mode of expression or form of appearance of value whenever workers use their brains and their muscles to convert raw materials and the means of production the tools equipment and machinery that they use to produce something into finished products they produce value in the final commodity again quoting marks from capital volume one commodities are the products of labor there is nothing left of them in each case but the same phantom-like objectivity they are merely congealed quantities of homogeneous human labor in other words the exchange value of commodities is determined by the underlying quantity of labor that went into their production.
Поглавје 39 Групите, Душа Трогателна Рецитација На Куран, Преводи На Повеќе Од 90 Јазици
This Book is sent down by God the Mighty, the Wise It is We who sent down the Book to you [Prophet] with the Truth, so worship God with your total devotion it is to God alone that sincere obedience is due. And those who take other guardians besides Him say, “We serve them only that they may bring us nearer to God. ” Surely, God will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ.
[Music] one [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] oh a cool glass of water [Music] my god so name your price now five naira knife members now maybe no no five five nine i wish to be 50k oh that’s what you mean that’s what i want it’s okay that’s one issue you’re good i’m good that means i’m going to have you all night how can talk that one that’s an issue are you like this baby wow all right [Music] what is holding the soup now in fact i’m going to teach this food by myself you hear me yes sir [Applause] i have to go with this huh are you eyeing the beat nothing sir children don’t eat meat it’s only people like i honorable morgan do yes [Music] who is there we sit see i see that full of dirty bed bug huh i got download why did you insult me like that hey boy i have to close your mouth short point of correction my name is boy and most bomb boy what is the difference between bomboy and boy i don’t know but what i know is that my name is boy and not bombay shut up you are not even up to my son who is a an engineer that is staying at city even my beautiful daughter that is where to be huh and you madame you know why i’m here i came to remind you about your rent you hear me i don’t want to hear a story that’s why i’m here you have me yes hello i know that will be in three months time at least one you still running now one is still running my son please call him you can do something okay don’t worry [Music] everything [Music] [Music] juice [Music] [Music] [Applause] you’re so good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do you guys ever do any other thing apart from party we’re having a test tomorrow on props course and you guys aren’t even bothered and sometimes i wonder if you ever have feelings for your parents will do so much to send you to school for you to become good girls so holla come here chica you don’t want to ruin your respectability come you know if you get respect for us now with the tattoo i believe why won’t you insult me after all that is the only good thing you know how to do but i must tell you the truth i really pity the boat of you especially hey if i hear you slap don’t forget what you’ve got something for this matter now i mean i missed something for your plot this even if you are the one that is paying this rent i will not fail to tell you both the truth what is your challenge i mean your parents do so much to send you to school but yet you are here while in a way your time partying here and there so preaching okay but you can go ahead and do whatever you feel like because i stay in your house that isn’t a problem but i will tell you the truth then i swear she will sleep outside you can’t even express yourself in good english rubbish at this house i see what i’ll tell you i’ll portion this gift until christmas is [Laughter] okay [Music] my daughter yes but do not let that bother you at all do you hear me yes mama don’t let it bother you at all at all mama do you also know that there is uncle abuses me without involving you mama that man is actually beating more than he could choose how would he date to reign a business at papa who is no longer with us does he not have respect for the dead listen to me my children if you wish to be a good leader someday then you must be a good follower and for your information no condition is permanent at all at all no condition is permanent do you understand me yes mama uh mama if you ask me i will suggest that grace should come back home after all hunger hasn’t killed us yet grace yes mama don’t even listen to your brother tolerator don’t even listen to him just continue paying your loyalty to your uncle i’m sure things will change for good someday do you hear me yes ma’am in that case let me run along before uncle return admits my absence have a nice day excuse me wait grace don’t you think that uncle of yours is biting more than he can chew i mean it is i time someone taught him a lesson they will never forget if you ask me now we want to ask just yesterday i almost quit staying with him what’s my name wait does your mom enjoy seeing you surfing go for pizza although she says if i must make it in life else [Music] i think i should pay that uncle of yours a vision no that won’t be necessary oh do you want him to tell me my little father poverty is free if i may ask why would you have to visit [Applause] why don’t you wait until i visit i hope it will cost me anybody it’s okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello yeah hello please am i on to charity morgan yes nachacharito good are you in any way familiar with 2014 slash 2090 ah yes that’s my matric number now isn’t that interesting my dear husband’s matter jesus and how about flatulence estate that’s my residence now you shut up and listen to me stay away from my husband but then please who are you and how come you know so much about me so which one of them is your husband hey whoa this is getting more interesting so it’s not just my husband no madam don’t misunderstand me i just i’m i just mean the name what’s his name stay away from my husband don’t say i didn’t want you [Music] babe she don’t cut what if she got the dog man she said an apple she didn’t even tell me her name my husband so what exactly did she tell you does she leave her husband sorry did she say anything that would lead to his identity what’s your problem i keep warning you girls to stay off people’s husbands don’t fire you off your father so you know how close you’re smelling this guy i don’t know why these guys provoke me for this house of other people’s hospital he didn’t see him sign this thing come up for this house he said that offended if i was saying you go back now break the number use my number just be yourself in my head they hold my face drinking skye [Music] thank you sir who does not know your personality as a matter of fact as i’m talking to you right now i’m having an appointment with the president governor of riverside chief pakistan really so can i join you to the meeting sir [Music] it’s not yet time i shall let you know what the guy was okay actually i was on my way to somewhere before i saw this so i would like to take my lead now see you next time do you know i’ve been trying to locate the address the contribution man gave to me or to know a girl mother on my way to work today i hope i heard some people discussing about some thrusters will go about duping people all in the name of daily contribution they dies not because if they do i will fish them out no matter what is take me yahweh me espresso mother [Music] [Music] what happened [Music] what happened to your left eye baby who can’t do this kind of thing now what’s napping i was attacked by some unknown men it was a beating it blew to my eye you didn’t say anything you didn’t do anything they just came out from nowhere started beating you cha-cha no no no no wait you know you know any of them oh yeah you know sorry anybody there hey god wait tell me the truth i hope some are blowing them blow you they’re not blind or eyeball i’m blind i’m not ain’t nothing true now enough to be true just like that go ahead hello yo baby it’s me joe yeah it’s me wow yeah i’m fine i hope you’re fine no problem good i’m so sorry baby i’m so sorry for not calling you others while but i promise you one thing i’m going to explain everything when i come back to nigeria by next month you expect me baby i’m coming yeah are you there yes i’m still here yeah i’m so sorry baby but i promise you one thing when i get back to nigeria i’m coming down with my pups and my family members we’re coming to pay your prize i’m coming to marry you baby yeah i’m coming yeah i love you so much i love you so much expect me by next month i’ll come with my father and everyone you know i love you i’ll marry you i promised i was gonna marry you so i’m gonna marry you yeah baby okay so uh until then uh just take a look at yourself for me i’ll call you huh i’ll get back to you love you yeah bye for now bye what did he say what did you say what talking down tell us now it’s therefore [Music] baby [Music] is yes dad let’s go inside and take charity to come and welcome our in-laws okay i’m happy take care of you you know i can dance uh is this the woman you were talking about yeah she’s the one adam oh my god what have i done to myself [Music] [Music] jesus what happened to you your eyes as you can see [Music] as you can see we will not be able to pay you 100 hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] you are welcome we have agreed look at the way i’m being prized like a rotten fish in the market it’s talking about me maybe i’ll take care of you [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] you.