YOUNG GURU: Influences. Finding Sound. Artistic Journey. Sampling. Drum Loops. Sequencing. Textures.
you have to really ask yourself are you producing and mixing for other producers or are you producing for the public how you doing this is young guru and welcome to mix with the masters i’m so excited to be here today we’ve been lucky enough to be in this beautiful room thanks to no id i’m going to run you through sort of my production process and how i go from just listening to records and getting to a full finished record i know a lot of people have heard me talk about mixing but i kind of want to start from the beginning i kind of want to give an example of what it’s like to sit in a room in silence and say hey i want to create something how do you create a vibe how do you start how do you work with artists and and really sculpt a song into something i’m going to take you through me working on my mpc maybe exporting that and showing you what i do in ableton some of the tricks in ableton that i don’t think people normally use or know about and then finally taking that product and sharing it with my production partner in pro tools and then finishing the record in pro tools so hopefully by the end of this today you’ll get some better ideas of what you can do to help your music today what i wanted to do was walk you through a song that i made with my production partner his name is volley we call him volley contra around 2014 we sort of connected through the internet we’ve been making music together ever since and we consider ourselves a production team it’s really interesting because volley is an artist as well as a producer so when we’re making a production for our own group it’s a really fun experience it’s me mixing in who i am and what my experience is and sort of trying to tailor beats that go along with who he is he has a line in one of his early songs where he says uh i’m halfway between pink floyd and biggie sort of gives you an idea of where we try to go it’s very much hip-hop but it’s also reggae influence there’s also rock influence there’s also you know some singing some chatting rally kind of does it all when we’re sitting down and starting to come up with ideas i normally start with going through records that’s sort of my my source of where i get inspiration from on a daily basis i’m a digger i dig for old records i get inspired by them i’m one of those people who tries to figure out how people got sounds and whatever era you know all of that makes us better as musicians as engineers uh as producers that thing of studying history is something that’s big with me even if the sample itself doesn’t make it to the final product it’s what sort of creates and kicks off and sparks my idea and for this you know i wanted to show people what it’s like when you’re sort of just sitting in this room in silence and saying okay well where do i start how do i begin what vibe am i going for this is the conversations that you sort of have to have with artists prior to creating something for them i know we’re in an era where a lot of people just sit at home and make things all day and then try to figure out who they’re going to give it to but i have the pleasure of actually creating music for a specific person understanding where he is in his life understanding the music that he’s put out before understanding where he wants to go where he thinks he wants to go and where i think he should go you know and merging those two it’s always conversation it’s always us hanging out it’s always us talking about current issues and figuring out you know how someone thinks or what their vantage point are you know what their vantage point is that helps a lot when you’re making music so that you can know what tones to give that person what sort of ideas you can suggest to them what things they won’t do places they don’t want to go are just as important as where you think they should go so that’s sort of the idea when i’m sitting back and i’m just listening to music and listening to music and trying to figure out where i’m going to go sometimes when you have this huge toolbox it’s hard to pigeonhole where you want to go you know if i can make a reggae track or if i can make a rock track if i can make a hip-hop track it’s kind of hard to figure out okay well what am i going to do today what’s my inspiration so my inspiration again comes from records and i will sift through records for hours and hours before i even land on something sometimes i bookmark things that i’m going to do later but when i was going through records i was playing this record from chairman of the board which is a group and they put out an album in 1972 called bittersweet and there was one particular song that really really caught my ear that would be as much as i need i sort of get into a vibe i hear tones and i hear instruments that i love i hear things that i feel like i can manipulate myself i like to sort of sample around words you know and that was sort of my calling card or thing that i would love to do is how can i take these sounds and manipulate them whether or not that’s speeding it up slowing it down just something to get me started to get me in a mood to even create music so when i heard that record that was instantly something that i wanted to sample one thing that you should know about me is that i use a bunch of different daws there are things that i like for different reasons so you know my initial production most of the time starts in an npc that’s the tool that i’ve been using for years it’s not to say that it’s better or worse than any other beat machine or program it’s just what i am accustomed to and what i’ve been used to i love my mpc 3000 now because we have the mpc studio that sort of workflow can go with me everywhere i think that’s an important part of when you’re actually getting to work us as engineers we love the latest greatest we love new plugins we love to explore new things but when it’s time to really get to work you need to grab that tool that will allow you to do exactly what you want to do the fastest you know knowing your tool inside and out is invaluable in production because you don’t want to waste the inspiration time saying how do i do this specific thing you want to dive straight into it and for me that’s an npc i can easily you know select the record sample off of that record put it into a format that i’m used to my mind sort of works in these blocks of four and four with these 16 pads it’s just the way that i was raised and what i came up on when i’m chopping up samples the very first thing that i do is sort of put them in the npc and start to manipulate them in a very familiar way when i first put these samples into the mpc i don’t sample necessarily on the sample starts on the one and then the next one comes on the two and the next one comes on the three i’ve sort of sampled where the hits are meaning where there’s some sort of downbeat or there’s some sort of thing that’s interesting to me that i can then manipulate what that does is that gets you out of this just everything being robotic like this hits on the one that sits on a two this hits on a three so when i was listening to this the first thing that i would do was slow it down just a little bit and manipulate it so that i can have different hits on different pads so i would take just that part so if you listen to that it sounds like how would you put that together but it’s just like that’s sort of the thing if you notice i’m not going one two three four it’s what that also does is allow for some mistakes you know there’s a beautiful thing when we use equipment that everything is not just this picture-perfect thing the equipment itself starts to give you a response from what you put into it and that’s why people gravitate towards certain equipment you know one thing that i i do love about the npc is the 96 uh points per quarter or the way we call it is 96 ppqs it was the quantization that would say people say oh well i love the mpc swing that really is the swing it’s the reason why that swing has become so classic for us you know that swing gets opened up later and it becomes like 960.
ប្តីល្អ - Good Husband (ភាពយន្តជីវិត) - (Life Film)-[Sastra Film]
You should remember A good job isn’t hard to find but the good wife is a rare I’m really sorry Honey! Don’t apologize! You should grab your chance SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV SPONSORED BY PRESENT GOOD HUSBAND Babe! Can I ask you why do you love me? Answer me! Babe! Babe! Get up! Babe! Get up! It’s time to work It’s 6 am now When do you want to wake up?
Hero Wars Web - Evolving Titans? Make a Plan!
hey what’s up everyone how’s it going i’m luis and welcome back to my channel i’ve been wanting to evolve my titans for a while now now that i have enough gold i believe i can do that we’re gonna go ahead and check on that so we have all these soul stones here for the titans you know large amounts for the for the blue type for the water titans including hyperion some for the others we we’re going to have enough to evolve the water titans to six stars and i appear in just a little bit but and the rest will will not go full full forward because we don’t have enough souls for them thanks to the the previous water titan event water bottle event or something like that we we managed to get just enough for the for the water titans that’s why they are so so much further away than all the others so the first thing that we we’re going to do see we need 90 900 soul stones for hyperion and we’re just short of 10 but no problem because what we have two chests of super titans so that’s the first thing we will do now and get our 10 soul stones that’s it now we have 900 should be enough for the evolution with this in mind let’s let’s take a snapshot of our statistics so let’s check here on titan power ranking 908 total titan power one 1001 hundred and thirty six thousand and eight hundred titan power so just a little shy of 140k titan power now we have enough souls we have enough gold 22 million i believe we will need something like 20 million 18 million i lost my calculations and um yes we’re gonna do one more thing we’re gonna check team compositions so we have here just to tighten the water titans that’s close to 260k so 57k if we put here araji for example we have 10 10k more if we put hidden similar 9k more if we put angles here we’ll have a bunch more at 71k so just to give some some values here 57k this is going to change the other teams that i vary a bit and they they depend usually on on the other supers and in ignis but often i just play with angus so considerations 57k and 71k 71.
Mass for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - year B
Welcome to St. Ignatius Chapel. Today we celebrate the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
00:08 - Our celebrant today is Jesuit Fr. Russell Pollitt SJ.
00:36 - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:39 - [Amen. ] The grace and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Learn PowerShell: Episode 5, Parameters + C# Descriptions + Overloads
Hello there everyone and welcome to another episode in the PowerShell video series.
00:04 - This video is essentially part 2 of the last one and we’re getting closer and closer to having really mastered the whole object system in PowerShell.
00:14 - And we’re also getting closer to the very last episode where we will make an entire graphical app with buttons and everything right from PowerShell.
Swapping My Screen Time For Reading Time 📲
this video is not about reading i just want every hockey player now to have a book if you don’t know anything about hockey the one thing you should know is that hockey players will literally just keep playing hockey what’s up friends welcome back to another video welcome if you’re new here and welcome back if you’re a returning subscriber in a time of stress i made a live talking about what i was feeling with my channel i like to be very transparent when i am dealing with things and just talking about how i’m feeling content-wise and just about my channel and i feel like it’s fine to vent about frustrations and i just like being honest so this whole week i am going to take a break from my channel kind of i still want to film and i said in the video like oh do i quit or do i just take a break and i was just super stressed in that moment whenever i have these thoughts all i can think about is well what am i going to do then like i have this camera i have my audio equipment and all because i like filming like that’s my favorite part of youtube is filming and i’ve always loved it honestly since i was a kid i’ve always filmed things not filming just feels wrong and makes me uncomfortable because i’m like well what am i going to do but i think it’s also valid to talk about my frustrations with my channel and channel growth because i think that it’s not a negative thing but youtube can really affect and play on your mental health so i’m taking a mental health break this week but i’m going to still film because i want to and i’m not going to stop myself from doing that because it’s fun so self-care for me is filming so i hate being the youtuber who says well you’ve seen the title but you’ve seen the title and last night i was watching a bunch of videos where booktubers swapped their screen time on their phone with reading time when i come back to my channel i’m going to change things around where i don’t force myself to read and not to read so much i think there’s a booktube culture where everybody just reads so much and that’s totally fine if that’s who you are i think unintentionally it can be a lot of pressure and i know a lot of creators have talked about this bear has a whole video talking about how production is taking over their life and reading isn’t fun anymore so i will link that down below if you would like to watch it but i am just going to read like a normal person i guess um i’m just not going to pressure myself to read i talked about this in my slow reader book tag where i say reading is not my main hobby i have a lot of other interest than reading and i think that for booktube a lot of people their main interest is reading and that’s totally fine but i have a lot of other interests which is why a lot of my content reflects what i’m interested in and i love that about my channel so i am just going to not force myself to read i am not going to have my goal of 100 books this year i am just scrapping that and i might not even have a goal i’ve been thinking about this a lot where i wish that i didn’t have to always pick up a book i feel like there’s also a part of the booktube culture where everybody is just always reading i think when i first started my channel i really was just interested in music hockey and reading and i took my main interest at the time which was reading and i made a whole channel about it i really loved filming and that is one thing that just takes me back from ever quitting my channel and i talked about this in my video at the beginning of the year which you can watch up here if you would like to i learned in my up all night vlog that i love to just document one book my sims video was really fun as well so i think when i come back to my channel i am just going to switch it up and read one book a video i think that this concept works for some people to read like three or four books a vlog but it was causing me so much stress that i don’t want to do that because i just don’t want to do that so i don’t want youtube to be stressful anymore basically like i know it’s going to come with some stressors but i am going to just eliminate the stress in my life and just feel a lot better about myself and my channel because i don’t want to stop you really cannot get rid of me that easy i think it’s still good to just reflect on what stress is in my life and what i could just eliminate to make my life easier this video is not about reading it is about me trying to just knock on my phone as much and to actually go on a social media break but my only exceptions are going to be obviously entertainment purposes going on youtube going on twitch i’m not going to be deleting my social media apps that’s what i usually do so let’s look at my phone and i’ll talk more about what my goal is for this video because it’s not just reading so i don’t really go my phone that much but the daily average says two hours and 23 minutes the app i use the most is instagram oh my god leo is biting my feet and that is not very nice i mainly use it as a messaging app but i also use it for entertainment purposes and just to watch people’s stories to get some book recommendations and so that is my justification for instagram so the goal of this video is not to read more it is just to actually have a social media break the point of this video is not to be anti-social so i am going to only use my social apps to message people and to talk to my friends so youtube is like a part of my day so i am not going to be cutting out any of that entertainment but i am just focusing more on taking a social media break and actually taking a break so i’m not going to be focusing more on reading but i would like to get some reading done and i am in the middle of camp nanowrimo so i also incorporate some of that so i actually have a fun week planned out for myself i think i’m going to go into the city if the weather permits and i am finally going to go to a cafe and write that’s what i’ve been wanting to do since the pandemic now since i’m fully vaccinated i’m going to do that since i’m taking a break from posting i am going to just be making a full writing vlog so it’ll just be one video so speaking of writing i am currently reading max domey’s memoir no days off he’s an nhl player who happens to have type 1 diabetes and this is all about that and i am reading this for my work in progress that i’m revising it is a trans hockey book featuring a trans main character who is a hockey player it is a why a contemporary and one of my side characters has type 1 diabetes and so i’m reading this for research purposes and it is 11 o’clock in the morning and i woke up at 8 so i went right outside and i started this video but this is the intro so i already ended up reading about 30 pages today i think so this morning i read for an hour and so i have an hour and 23 minutes left of reading for the day and this is so educational and i’m really enjoying it it’s fascinating to me in the terms of i’m just learning a lot and when i want to learn about something i go all in and i am just very fascinated and this is going to help me so much with my book because one of my side characters has type 1 diabetes and i just want to get it right and do as much research as i can so i ended up reading 30 pages today i made some breakfast and i also read during that so i have an hour and 23 minutes left of reading for the day but i am going to check my email respond to some comments and just do some stuff before i get back to reading because this video is not strictly about reading but i would like to get this done and i think i’m going to read some of the pocket change collective penguin teen kindly sent me the whole pocket change collective so shout out to them because i love this i’ve been saying how i wish there was a whole box set and so i basically have to box that so it includes my favorite book of the year escape for your life i was able to read two of the collections from netgalley thanks to penguin teen and they ended up sending me all of them so i wouldn’t mind rereading these but i do want to get to some of the other ones that i have not read yet so we’ll see i was just going to say maybe i’ll put a poll on instagram but no i’m not doing that my only other exception is that on wednesday i have to post something because up all night comes out that day and i took a picture and i want to post it so that is my only other exception for going on instagram at all is messaging and just to post that so i’m going to go and do some work check my email and i will be back hello it is wednesday it is 9 18 and yesterday i didn’t update because i just had a crazy day a good day actually had um some good things happen which was nice and i didn’t really read that much yesterday i plan to go to the city the weather was looking like rain so i just decided not to do it it didn’t rain but it was cloudy so i thought that i would just go on thursday i’ve been wanting to do it for the last two years i haven’t been back since because they were closing and there was like some stuff that was happening but now they’re reopened and i’m very excited so we’ll be doing that tomorrow but let’s talk about the book really quick and then i’ll tell you my plans for today i’m 100 pages in and i’m really enjoying it and i just like hearing about max’s life leading up to the nhl draft i’m right at the chapter where it’s the nhl draft and i’m learning a lot because he’s talking about how you basically have meetings with the gm’s and i guess like an interview with them it’s called the nhl combined he talks about how he didn’t really understand his diabetes as a kid he was diagnosed at 12 years old and how he just kind of like neglected it and just thought it was not a big deal but as he was doing that he realized how big of a deal it actually is and he talks about diabetes being his strength but also his weakness and he talks about just some of the complications and how it is a deadly disease and how sometimes if you do the wrong thing something bad can really happen and i just like learning about both sides of it but also how your blood sugar lowers while you’re playing sports and how he has to take like 10 minute breaks that’s some information that i really wanted to know because i really just wanted to know how is my player going to play with the diabetes like how does it affect him in his game so i really like that but it’s interesting just to see a perspective from an nhl player however he is just so privileged because his dad played in the nhl so he is just talking about how he got to meet wayne gretzky he got to meet um bobby clark he got to meet mario lemoo this is just leo’s show okay this is not my show anymore my writing vlogs i said leo loves balloons and here it is confirmed so i’m really enjoying it i am now at the chapter where he got a tattoo of the type 1 diabetes medical bracelet which was cool and made me think to add that to my character and he says that he has to take it off for practice so he got a tattoo of it so that you wouldn’t have to wear it anymore let’s look at my screen time i posted my instagram picture yesterday for up all night and instagram says 38 minutes i spent on there i had something cool happening yesterday so i was talking to my friends about it and so i was on instagram a little bit more yesterday but i’m hoping not to be on it too much today aside from just like messaging so today’s plan is to re go to a cafe and also go to the empanada place in my town it is handmade so i’m excited to do that and so that is my plan for the day and i will see you probably when i go to the cafe and as you’re talking i’ll start thinking all the details start sinking but i don’t care about that right now spend the summer in this beach house my i just can’t focus i love to hear your crazy theories about conspiracies on tv just forgive me for my silence it is nine o’clock at night i think maybe it’s even 10 and what a day i had i had a fun day i went to the cafe and i didn’t realize that they closed at two o’clock and i went and won so that was fun i got my coffee and i was like oh can i like go sit over there because i’ve coveted some places you can’t go and sit down and she was like yeah but uh we’re closing at two o’clock so you only have an hour so guess what i just realized as well that i did not write any words today which is totally fine because i’ve been going over my word count so i’m fine um i’m at like 15 646 words or something like that and perfect timing to talk about writing because i am almost finished with max domi’s book i went to the cafe got my coffee i got like a caramel cold brew i think and then i walked all the way to the empanada place and so today i have walked 2.
The Inner Hajj - Circumambulation of the The Heart | Sufi Meditation Center
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen, was salaatu was salaam Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Bi madadikum wa nazarekum Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous Messenger), Ya Habibul ‘Azim (The Beloved of the Magnificent).
00:22 - InshaAllah Allah (AJ) dress us from this holy month of Dhul Hijjah and the holy month of hajj (pilgrimage) and all its blessings and that Allah (AJ) perfect our faith and complete His favours upon our soul and upon our reality from “Atiullah atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum.
CLUB CISO |2| Renaud Deraison "Una mirada integral a la Ciberseguridad del Futuro"
foreign you’re welcome thank you for being here so do you want me to talk a little bit about turnable the vision where we’re going and then we can maybe open it up to q a would that work yes that would be perfect awesome so i’m going to put it myself into the phone um so so so here is what how we see security at terminal so turnabout we started with pure remedy assessment originally right we started with nessus and then segue center and then we kind of grew our offering our vision has always been that to maintain good security you need to understand what you have and you need to make sure that your systems are up to date that they’re being managed properly that you you understand what they’re doing and that you’re disabled with needed services etc etc now that’s what we’ve been doing historically now the the world has changed a lot right if you look at what happened over the last 18 months with rescovered and and and before that was a shift in technology we’re really living through interesting times because you basically um oh and i’m being told by the way i forgot to introduce myself so i’m ctu and co-founder of tunnelball um now that’s out of the way um but if you look at what has been happening over the last few years right a the infrastructure the digital infrastructure has never been so complex right i mean basically we’re now uh data centers in the cloud and some legacy data center uh um uh in in in in enterprise we’ve got employees working from home with their own laptops and with complaining suppliers laptop extra and not only as so so and and when infrastructure is in the cloud some of it is in aws some of it is in gcp etc and they use different services and things like that and the with that shift there was a lot of changes right the velocity of change has never been so high so now when you infrastructure kind of can change programmatically so it can really change in real time you can have servers popping up and down the methodologies have changed you don’t patch a server you redeploy it when it’s in the cloud uh when you have an employee working from home you’re not going to patch the system the same way that you did on-prem because you can’t send an it team to fix things etc so it’s never been so complex and at the same time it’s never been so strategic for any company i mean we’ve seen it right over the next over the last 18 months with so many um uh people working from home and using zoom and whatnot to kind of conduct day-to-day business and sometimes connecting to the legacy vpn but more often than not kind of like leveraging cloud services and sas and whatnot so so we’re seeing really a big shift towards uh um towards this so it is interesting and if you look at the role of a cso it does always change it does also change a lot over the last few years because the season when i started my career which was many years ago i mean the season did not even exist right it was a security guy who reported to i.
The audiophiles philosophy
During my vacation I got a DM from Dr. David Hildebrand.
00:04 - He would appreciate it if I would comment on his video.
00:08 - I get more requests like this and usually my priorities lie elsewhere.
00:13 - But this video fascinated me, so I did decide to make a video with my comments. Dr. David Hildebrand is professor at the University of Colorado Denver and associated with the Society for the Philosophy of Technology.
Mirrors are a portal for Jinn? | How Long to Meditate to Open Your Heart? | Sufi Meditation Center
Friday interactive Jum’ah (Friday night) night - Thursday night, and we pray that anybody who have questions that if they’re not answered here and they’re of a personal nature - we don’t bring it onto the air, and it has to be a question that’s appliable for people and applicable for people, is ‘Helpme@nurmuhammad. com. ’ And always the advice that ‘Keep giving’ is from all of these teachings.