HTTPS-серфинг с устаревших браузеров. Прокси-сервер WebOne от Тауениса
Mar 8, 2020 05:00 · 828 words · 4 minute read
DISCLAIMER: This video you are watching is not plagiarized from a Alexander Tauenis channel. If anything, the review itself from Alexander Tauenis can be viewed at the link in description or in card. Hello everyone! Today we will get acquainted with the WebOne proxy server from Alexander Tauenis. What is it for? With it, you can access most HTTPS sites even on browsers that do not support modern version of the TLS/SSL protocol. But before you start, watch ‘webone.conf’ configuration file and pay attention to three important points (in Russian).
01:18 - On the other hand, it is not just a proxy server, but also a converter of various picture and video formats. But the components have to be downloaded separately for conversion. As you see, only WebOne has been downloaded from me. Let’s try it in action. WARNING! To make this program better than on Windows 7, I recommend that in theproperties of the EXE file, in the Compatibility tab, enable the “Run this program as administrator” checkbox. Otherwise, the proxy server will not work. Files already downloaded. I have already run the EXE-file.
02:05 - Let’s see how the browser works with the proxy server on the virtual machine. As an example, Windows 98 and Opera Browser version 10 (not 11). (Yes, I put the Windows Revolution Pack here for the themes. By the way, leave a comment who loves Windows Aero, especially on Windows 7) Here are the proxy settings. Opera supports automatic configuration, so you can specify the address here.
The host name and host port can be seen in the title bar of a WebOne window or console. Enter it in this format: http://
03:29 - You will not see such a load in Chrome, nor (sorry to bad English) in new versions of Firefox, nor in new versions of Opera. While loading a web page on older browsers, you can find out the content, but first the quality of the HTML layout is poor. And only after waiting for a while, everything is better worked out. Over the past 10-20 years the Internet has changed and now it’s rare to find sites in the old style. And so, I still tried to find out with the proxy server. Explain how WebOne works. When we visit the site, initially in HTTPS, but without first specifying https://. WebOne automatically creates a copy of the page and redirects you to a copy of the page, but already with the HTTP protocol. A useful thing for surfing in an outdated browser. We go back to GitHub and look at the console. Data is being received from this site and converted from HTTPS to HTTP. Yes, the web site is breaking, but blame is not on this WebOne server, but on the old version of the Opera. But it’s good that works.
04:16 - WebOne is not perfect, but full support for HTTPS pages is not guaranteed by a proxy server. therefore curves of “captcha” are not excluded, it’s not everywhere to login. You can see for yourself. Next - Internet Explorer 6. We configure in the same way in the Wizard, through a proxy server. Again with layout there are problems. You can see something. Let’s look at The Bat 1.48f mail client. You cannot configure a proxy server in a program itself. This, of course, is decided by the Internet Connection Wizard. Another problem is that The Bat is a slow thing.
E-mails can be received in at least one to three minutes. I won’t wait much. And I already said that The Bat does not support SSL/TLS. YouTube isn’t so smooth. It seems to me that the WebOne proxy server loses a little to the server from the Internet provider. He also eats half of the RAM on VMware. Unpleasant. What about Windows NT 3.51? Autoconfiguration of the proxy server is not supported here, only manual. And in order for us to visit the site through a proxy server, we need to specify the proxy server address and port in the “HTTP” field.
06:42 - I remind you that the name of the proxy server and its port can be found in the header of the WebOne console. Yep, nothing. Connecting to a proxy server is not possible here, I have not figured it out yet. First, wait a long time, and secondly, a message about the error will come out. Thanks for watching and Alexander Tauenis for this server. The link for downloading the Webone proxy server in the description, as well as a review from Alexander Tayenis. Good luck to all. .