Mar 28, 2021 16:15 · 2536 words · 12 minute read

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh my god i’m so tired thank you [Music] i just got a call from the village oh [Music] that’s so sad sorry [Music] sorry how old was he hear crying for an eighteen-year-old man if he something self oh maybe you should have died in instead god died for him so you come back to life you’re going to begin i never saw that we’re going to live up to it i will never live up to the people of his life [Music] steal my sorry [Music] sorry oh my god he finally left you love a girl please he’s different anyway i have a solution on how to end this whole matter tell me [Music] [Music] you see that transformer at the beginning of the street the transformer go there hug the transformer so tight until you die i’m tired of him appearing and disappearing from nowhere i’m tired i’ve gotten it up to you i’m tired see babe i know how you feel but if i don’t work hard how do i provide those little things i do for you by stealing i mean by feelings that’s how you want to provide for me okay i was still again after this last hit i promise i will steal again yeah i promise you can’t say peace okay okay see look at the stuff i got for you shoes good things you like the money if you can’t do this you can’t just leave me i promise i will steal again okay okay okay so now i’m work i will stay again if you leave me how do i how do you expect me to survive you know how much i love you please please you don’t expect me to follow her to the hospital when i know the truth trisha loves you a lot telling her the truth will not make her love you less rather she would she would help you to find a solution to this problem how do you expect her to react when she gets to find out that my sperm is not strong enough to make babies of course i don’t expect her to be happy she desperately needs children that is it who wouldn’t it’s the dream of every married woman to have a child to give back but here your mother is not helping matters at all i know i know don’t ever call this line again you spawn of the devil [Music] i am your best friend and i’m doing this for your own good gallivanting the wrong town man [Music] so what is he saying about it he keeps saying that he’s not ready yet [Music] and when will he be ready my dear i don’t know we have lived as lovers for the past 10 years and yet he’s not ready this this issue weighs me it’s it’s it weighs me down it it eats me up i’ve i’ve gone a long way now and i can’t go back and besides how do i start all of my game [Music] it’s not funny at all i think it’s time to let his friend my husband want to start it i mean ben and mark are best of friends so it only makes sense that ben knows how you feel about this whole thing yes i will do that i will do it also i think this time it stops with your potions how about you keep this particular pregnancy yes keep it perhaps with time he will come around we will insist on keeping this one eventually he’s going to make up his mind and marry you my idea don’t even go there he doesn’t want to hear of it and besides i’m the first daughter in my family so if they didn’t pay my bright price it’s going to affect my siblings their breakfast will be paid too wow but it is drink that’s it okay okay cheers i know right yeah oh and by the way baby there’s something very important i’d like to discuss with you and it has to do with your best friend yes what about him why hasn’t he picked brenda’s daughter how is that your business brother is my friend in fact she’s like a sister to me and they have lived together for years now as a couple yes they are not even a couple he hasn’t married her yet why i think i should talk to you although brenda did say she’ll be about okay then i won’t discuss it with mac until i’ve heard from brenda [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey lucy hope you’re good you should stop missing me please i can’t continue with this the game is over i am telling you that we’re doing this wrong i do not wish to continue please stop and stop disturbing me please [Music] [Music] wow did it it’s close to celebration what happened what are we celebrating the contractors finally are they just got the mobilization which of the contracts the one for the extension and renovation of all government schools and inno states wow that is big big indeed you know good things have been coming lately from right left center everywhere that is what we have been praying for we are going to celebrate this oh for sure you don’t want it right away right here hello lucy i guess you’re looking for a bed [Music] everything all right i need to discuss something very important with him [Music] well then i happen to be his best friend and manager so would you mind sharing with me no it’s it’s confidential please don’t leave it on i wouldn’t know but it took me long [Music] okay please when he comes back telling i checked on him [Music] i will thank you [Music] [Music] brenda ah i see so you sneaked out [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right let me go tell you mm-hmm [Music] how is that possible what is that i understood how you went abroad on a business trip she was so disappointed she was oh yes she was just pretend you didn’t see the text message just pretend didn’t see it she just wants to use the pregnancy to pay you down it’s obvious i don’t know but the last time i went for a test i was told i had a little spent and except i treated it i might not be able to follow my child so how could i have gotten her pregnant wonderful question that girl is not pregnant yes you might be right she wants to tie me down if she was no she’s not pregnant even if she wasn’t obviously not mine that’s the gospel truth it is not yours [Music] [Music] hopefully it’s on this particular page [Applause] yes i look at them hey oh wait there’s another one this one [Music] indians [Music] [Music] exactly yeah the best thing is do you like this i think this is kind of sexy daring do yeah i like it i can’t believe you can see that no honestly i do like the cleavage would you let your wife worry um i don’t think i’d have a problem with you wearing this no why doesn’t that look like what i wear though this is 2016.

19:53 - yeah right so let’s all get naked because we follow that french [Music] now i’ll pass i really can’t okay let me see another one that i know i really like because like okay this is not it [Music] okay just stay there i can’t go away without reminding you that the colors of our clothes can’t define who we truly are can’t find who we truly are [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is so nice [Music] [Applause] makes you think twice everything can look all right smooth on the but all you need to do [Music] so like i told you a friend of mine living abroad wants an apartment for his pregnant wife so i suggested mine yeah good what i want you to do is go over there make sure everything is in place tidy and then get back to me he wants to ensure his wife is comfortable before he travels back all right no problem good i’m rushing [Music] somewhere [Music] [Music] i will attend to it thank you thank you [Music] so [Music] all right come let me show you to your room and show you around the house [Music] [Music] no why i actually order for food but there’s no pepe so i have sent back okay i got this my yeah thank you [Music] see love is beautiful such a beautiful thing it colors your soul like the rainbow love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice it never dies but through the vitals of love you can get hurt the pains the heart makes you think twice everything can look alright smooth on the surface peace all around us [Music] he once had to settle in properly [Music] [Music] we [Music] uh [Music] [Music] when you’re with the pages read carefully because in [Music] very stupid you are the one who is stupid your generation is stupid what’s your problem i should leave somebody watching in this house so she will exactly that i have not told you she has nothing if only she has it he died nothing to check out of the house it is good enough with either it is slightly easy to check out of nigeria are you mad somebody with hiv it is out with me oh not to send out [Music] [Music] [Music] i pray that congratulations will forgive you no sense [Music] gentlemen you’re so bad of her really you think so it’s okay it’s okay i’m not hungry for not at all the truth is if she didn’t chase me out of the house thanks i would have gotten this place i mean look at this plate nice beautiful you will not understand but i don’t know how to it just like it’s so terrible to me [Music] are you so loving is that the world because i don’t know how to explain it to you do you know he promised to take responsibility for my unborn child and take care of me i mean what else can i ask for well he’s a nice man i’m so so happy for you you mean you own the spirit babe this is reality for you yes i own this place my god [Music] no um okay i’m fine i don’t see just that seriously i’m tired but not experienced to her now for you you don’t complain come here that’s cool no way i hope you agree because i can’t no no no no seriously hey [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] i’m just coming back from lucy’s you need to see the house you need to see the house this guy bought from lucy god [Music] my girl lucy is living in paradise lucy she’s living in paradise girl [Music] don’t use that don’t use that to justify your wicked muscles don’t use that to justify your [Music] wickedness [Music] me [Music] we are good [Music] you feel nice to me look unhappiness to me [Music] you have a love for happiness [Music] [Music] so [Music] struggling yes very very important [Music] how to grow upstairs [Music] you should see a doctor baby [Applause] can’t define who we truly are pay attention [Music] love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice it never dies but through the bottles of love you can get hurt the pains the hurt makes you think twice everything can look all right smooth on the surface rather than the sunlight but all you need to do is [Music] you’ve [Music] my [Music] yeah there’s something i want to tell you let’s go inside no david i think someone is pregnant something i saw there was one girl chopping nothing kissing ah baby those people are not just friends they are lovers did you talk twist about this no no but listen stay out of this ben is faithful to his wife honey shut up and listen shut up and listen okay stay out of this it’s none of your business stay out of it do you understand okay good ben you are still seeing that girl no i i i saw you guys walk into a mother care show the shopping what are people shopping together holding hands kissing and all that what please you like that expect from me that girl is carrying my baby so [ __ ] what what about your wife she’s not pregnant lucy is are you all right i remember vividly you told me that you have no spam count how could she possibly be pregnant for you i i i’ve been treating myself with helps maybe i’m cured what’s wrong with you [Music] i’m not interested are you all right you seem to be in the mood i’m okay so did you hear me when i said i just told you i wasn’t interested listen to me i came home to get some good rest if you wouldn’t allow me have that i might as well leave the house for you something happening i made your favorites come home to a good mail now you’re home this is what i get when you read the pages read carefully cause in between the lines you can’t find what you’re looking for you can find what you’re looking for if you can find what you i can’t go away without reminding you that the colors of our clothes can’t define who we truly are can’t find who we truly are [Music] [Music] pay attention see love is beautiful such a beautiful thing it colors your soul like the rainbow love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice i never die but true dividers of love you can get hurt the pains the hurt makes you think twice everything can look alright smooth [Music] but all you need to do is steal [Music] my [Music] precious i’m so sorry for the heart when you read the pages read carefully because in between the lines you can find what you’re looking for you can find what you’re looking for you can find what you’re looking to see i can’t go away without reminding you that the colors of our clothes can’t define who we truly are cause the find who we truly are pay attention see love is beautiful such a beautiful thing it colors your soul like the rainbow love is kind and does not lie it’s so nice it never dies but through the vitals of love you can get hurt the pains the hurt makes you think twice everything can look alright smooth on the surface peace all around that box they’re shining as the diamond yeah rather than the sunlight but all you need to do is steal [Music] i’m so sorry for the.