Microsoft Ignite DATA announcements with Priya Vijayarajendran

Feb 18, 2020 08:00 · 1805 words · 9 minute read see traditionally evolved thing >>

[MUSIC] >> Hi there and welcome to another edition of Tuesdays with Corey. We are here on location at Ignite in Orlando, which is lovely, massive rainstorm last night. >> That’s right. >> I am here with Priya who is the master of all things data in my team. She is going to walk us through a little bit of what was exciting about Ignite, and I’ll ask some weird questions because she understands that a lot of deeper than me. So I’m going to try and stump her, no. So tells a little bit about what was announced here at Ignite in regards to data and what got you really excited about some of the opportunities that we’re going to see for customers. >> Yeah, thanks for having me, Corey. Hi, everyone. Let me start with some fun facts.

00:51 - What’s so exciting and why the data announcements in Ignite are so impactful for our business. So two billion core hours are running Azure data, today. >> Wow. >> So every core is a consumption for us. We have about 42,000 accounts which can actually migrate and take advantage of these announcements, what we had in Ignite. So that’s what gives me exciting. >> Two billion. That’s a lot of core hours. >> Yeah, which already is running on Azure. >> So that is running today. It’s customer solutions or that’s running migrations solutions for customers or both? >> Actually it’s both. >> Got it, great. >> All things on data. >> All things data. >> On data, yeah. >> Okay, cool. So it’s a big deal? >> It’s a big deal.

01:35 - >> What you’re telling me is a big deal? >> It’s a big deal and we’re growing 100 percent year-over-year on this. >> It’s also a big deal. >> So we have to have great acceleration. >> That’s right. This was what Satya talked about it so much in his keynote. >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> So his keynote was phenomenal, and all the data geeks you have to be super excited because we had lots of data announcements. >> Yeah. >> So I’ll start with the first one. Azure Synapse Analytics, as we call them. Our people call them as Azure Synapse as well. >> Named after the brain firing things. >> The neurons which connect the synapses in our head, right? Because it connects this.

02:10 - >> This helps people understand when I do this with my hand, what it is. >> That’s a easy reference? >> You’ve never seen the show before, clearly. Go on. >> Yeah. >> So synapse analytics. Go. >> Quick thing: traditionally, big data analytics or analytics, it’s the most evolved thing in the enterprise computing because every customer has data. Data is the gravity. Data is key to workload. We all know about it, but traditionally we have approached in different spectrum of things. One, we’ve talked about operational analytics, we’ve talked about Big Data, we’ve talked about just data lakes.

02:49 - Now, for the first ever time, no one else has it in the market. We are bringing the data lake concepts and the analytical concepts all together in one big integrated platform. >> Experience. >> Experience, yes. Usual complexities which we face is, I have to do an injection. I have to do a storage and I have to take care of the copy. >> Clean the data, and then I have to write. >> Then I have to do some modeling on top of it. >> Then visualization and so on. >> Exactly. Typical data warehouse and then goes into the visualization aspects of it. Then comes the important point. After we got the data, somebody has to mine the insights, which is the machine learning part of it. So I’m talking about five different roles in a typical IT organization. >> Five different services in a typical Cloud. >> Right. >> But Azure is not a typical Cloud. >> It is not. It’s one of a kind and best of a kind. >> Yes.

03:46 - >> So Azure Synapse Analytics brings everything together. The cool factor about this, you don’t have to worry. It’s a serverless concept as well. I mean, who has this at scale? >> Got it. >> If you see you are even going on a provisioned resources, it’s limitless, but it’s what Rohan on stage talked about that we had the TPC-H Benchmark on a petabyte scale. We actually ran queries, both on Azure and GCP and Amazon. Few things never came back.

04:14 - We came back in less than nine seconds, actually. >> Wow. This was the demo, the people who haven’t seen it, they should definitely go look. The demo that Rohan ran, where he showed, again, and that is available today, Synapse with those experiences in that limitless scale. People can go put their applications. >> Absolutely. >> Put their end-to-end data solutions in GA today on top of Synapses. >> That’s right. So we even have an accelerated program where we are taking this end-to-end expedience of how do you educate your customer analytics in a day? What programs and offers do you need? What’s the migratable estate from an analytical workload aspect? >> How customers can then learn about all of this as part of training programs and so on. >> Yeah. So we’re having an accelerated programs.

04:58 - So as Corey said, we can actually go do it today and also get to preview some of the serverless and advanced capabilities as well. >> Which again, are super unique. >> Yeah. Multicloud, all of that. >> Love it. That’s cool. >> So that is the Synapse story and it’s very, very cool. Like you said, many of the analytics portions are available today, and you can see as part of the demo that Rohan ran how much faster we are than some of our competitors. >> Yeah. >> Then some of the experiences like the serverless experience and some of the end-to-end experiences. >> Pay per query. >> Some of those are more preview, people can try them out and get going. >> Great.

So that is 05:35 - our Cloud analytics opportunities that we have end-to-end. >> Yeah. >> We also announced some very interesting hybrid opportunities or hybrid solutions with this Arc thing. Can you tell a little bit about this data story when it comes to Arc and what that will mean for customers. >> It’s pretty exciting. As we enable our customers on our migration journey, we see data which is sitting on the edge, absolutely fascinating. Then we have this On-Prem world and we have this Multicloud world.

06:03 - So think of Arc as a hybrid strategy across all of this. So we allow customers during expedience Cloud-scale features, regardless where they are in their journey. >> Correct. >> That’s a revolutionary concept. >> It’s unbelievable, actually. >> It’s unbelievable. So infrastructure things are great. Erin Chapple did an amazing job demonstrating this feature. So it’s like one single control pane where you can actually see your workloads on your servers and instances across all different Clouds. So now specifically talking about Azure Data Services on Cloud, that’s absolutely brilliant because we are able to now take advantage of your SQL On-Prem built onto this hybrid capabilities now, and also our Azure Postgres hyperscale, both are available right now.

06:52 - >> So what this will actually mean for a customer, they will be able to go into the Azure Portal, manage with governance, with security, with access control. All of the things, if you’re using Azure already, you’ve come to know and love. If you haven’t yet used it, it’s one of the opportunities of deploying in Azure. You get all this centralized governance and control, higher levels of security. But now it allows you to basically stretch that control plane into an On-Premises environment with whether it be data or whether it be infrastructural with Kubernetes-based cluster.

07:26 - So that is the view of what this, and that’s why the Arc into OnPrem, I guess, that’s what the name. Is that what the name, do you know? >> That’s true, yeah. >> Okay. I figured it out. >> If you’ve seen the optic, that’s a picture, it’s got the Edge, and the On-Prem, and the hybrid, so it’s an arc. >> There’s arcs into. >> Yeah. >> There’s an arc into them. Thank you for, Priya. >> My pleasure. >> This is now very, very exciting. Like you said, both SQL and Postgres will have that Arc. >> That’s right. We will continue to bring other data services in the next future releases.

07:59 - But this is a great start because these are the most prominent workloads. Customers do have it today at such a easy and seamless way, they could pretty much take advantage of the Cloud capabilities. >> I love it that’s awesome. >> So Priya, this is the final question for you. This is your first Ignite, is that correct? >> That’s true. >> So tell me what struck you the most about Ignite in general? Just top of mind. >> Yeah.

I completed my six months in the company, 08:26 - Corey, and my first Ignite grid. As a technology geek, it’s absolutely fascinating to see how robust Cloud capabilities, and data products that we’ve been launching. Also as we launch, the customers who are able to come up on stage and to be able to say how they’ve been on the journey with us already, what possibilities that they are able to see, and having an open dialogue right here with a customer. That’s completely new and I love this. >> It’s really fun. >> So it’s not just a launch and education session, it’s really about working and making it available for our customers. I’m just loving it. >> Good. Well, thank you so much for your time and thank you for listening in, we’re talking about Synapse and Arc.

09:14 - These are the two official, now, signs here. Hopefully, you’ll have a wonderful Tuesday, and stay tuned for more sessions about some of the Ignite announcements coming up here in the future. Thank you, Priya. >> Thank you, Corey. >> Thank you and have a good day. >> Bye, everyone. >> Goodbye. [MUSIC] >> I get it. >> See, we’re recording this. >> It’s recording now. >> Yeah. >> Oh my gosh. He’ll edit it, it’s fine. He’ll make it look good. Are you ready? >> Yeah. >> I’m going to do this, but I don’t think I need to because we don’t have mics on. It didn’t stop. >> It didn’t stop. .