Toplotna črpalka ADAPT – zakaj je tako dobra?
Oct 24, 2020 13:20 · 200 words · 1 minute read
At Kronoterm, we have developed a new line of ADAPT heat pumps for heating, cooling and sanitary water heating. Adapt boasts an energy efficiency class A+++ rating with a SCOP of 5.2, award winning design and extremely quiet operation. Adapt/It is used to heat different types of buildings from small to large, new to older and also for those with radiators. At Kronoterm we emphasize innovations and technology, that is why we have designed a special system of cooling and recovery of waste heat from the electric compressor drive.
00:36 - We used a new R452b refrigerant which is more efficient, degrades more easily and has a 67% lower carbon footprint than conventional refrigerants. Complete weather protection technology enables external and surface weather protection of the evaporator. As density in residential areas is increasing to record breaking numbers, we have decreased the noise of our ADAPT heat pump to an all time low At a distance of four meters, its operation can be compared to a whisper with 30 decibels of sound pressure. Low noise level is achieved with a large evaporator with low air resistance, a large variable speed fan and materials for noise absorption and vibration damping. .