Oct 28, 2020 10:00 · 612 words · 3 minute read took also another part bible

Hello JT Squad, welcome back to our YouTube channel Today, it’s another “History Time” We are reacting to the Ottoman Empire Friends, like the video, share the video, follow us on Instagram Write a nice comment Let’s get into the video Did they capture Bursa? Who was there before they captured Bursa? So they took the land from some people? Who were the people occupying the land? Wait! The Ottoman Empire were the people in Istanbul? Where exactly were they? It’s an Empire so it’s a very wide location There were people from Different (Nowadays) Countries there I mean in the olden days Before…there was no place like Istanbul, it was Constantinople…Okay was that where they were? I don’t know You guys should please tell us in the comment section You mean the capital, right? Wait, that’s the answer to the question you asked Bursa was the capital of the state Empire They made Bursa the new capital after collecting it from the Byzantine Thessaloniki, that is where Ataturk was born…It is in Greece It was not Greece before, but now it’s Greece Kosovo is in Europe, Russia It’s not in Russia, it’s a country I see them in football tournaments Who is Timur? Wait! They were trying to capture Ankara too? Ankara is in the East of Istanbul Who is Timur? Bayezid Wait! What happened was in between them Timur was also another part of the Empire So it was different leaders fighting for a superior reign So who were the people involved in the war? Timur and Bayezid Is that his son? They fought over succession Which means they wanted to take over the throne? Bayezid was defeated by Timur Are they still talking about Bayezid? Maybe Timur is Bayezid’s son His son continued the war Hungary? God Sorry, I think this is the person they always talk about…Fatih Sultan Mehmet What was I doing when I was 21? What am I doing now? Before, the capital was Bursa…

Now it is Istanbul 07:35 - I think I need to watch the movie to understand it very well Is there a movie you guys can suggest for us? I think there is a movie…Ottoman Empire? Yea…It was 2 seasons I guess What I want to say is a bit stupid…But I love the armour Why is this thing following him? It’s a Phoneix, but I don’t know why it is following him In a short period? We did not understand that part well In a short period? They captured Egypt? I thought Egypt was never captured Did he say conquered or captured? Captured Conquered Wait, was there anything like Ottoman Empire in the bible? No Someone said the Ottoman Empire exited before the bible Before the stories in the bible were written There are a lot of countries and Nations in the bible Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Thessalonika But I have never heard of the Turkic people We have also never heard the story of the Ottoman Empire conquering Egypt That’s why I was surprised I think I know why countries like Turkey are the target of most countries I think it’s because of their history It’s more of fear and not hatred Imagine all these countries coming together, of course, other countries will fear 13 I used to think this only happened in movies 13 different countries, that’s mad What was the raid for? Just for power and land? 15,000,000 people? Soldiers? People that he captured Balkan war? I heard about it What countries are in the Balkan region The title “Sultan” is for someone that rules over the Ottoman Empire? I think it depends and it’s not general .