OA21: Lightning Talks (5) - Free Choice & Closing
Jun 24, 2021 23:04 · 5282 words · 25 minute read
well welcome everyone this is the last of our five lightning talks these have been intense fast and wonderful it’s really been great to have so much information going on in such a short time my name is martin ramsay i’m the managing director of the lamp consortium and i will be your moderator today now we have a little bit more slack in our time to in this particular section but still each of our presenters will have just five minutes to do their presentation so presenters i’ll ask you to be ready as soon as the previous presenter finishes up and i’ll introduce each presenter very briefly so that we don’t take time away from what you have to tell us if you want to know more about the presenters uh the open apereo schedule has a nice biography of each one and i’d encourage you to take a look at that presenters when it’s your turn you can take presenter privileges by clicking on your name and making yourself the presenter if you sent me slides you can step through those at your pace if you want to share your screen you can do that too and i’ll be keeping the time so if you see me hold up my dreaded alarm clock that means time’s about up time to wrap it up um so let’s uh get started and i’ll say that this time we’re we’re rather um north american focused uh in the past uh lightning talks we’ve been all over the place uh but this time at least as far as i know our presenters are all from north america and wilma just added herself so that put a star on florida as well um but we’ll we’re going to start off with um jonathan tran who’s out in california and jonathan are you ready to give it a whirl i i believe i am all right all right just presenter all right there you go you got it all right hi everyone i’m jonathan tran and this lightning talk is going to be an overview of changes to uportal projects uh we had a lot of changes in the the past year or so um and all of the updates to all these projects they all include dependency updates uh via automated tasks and big thanks to christian murphy for wrangling most of those pull requests that come in all right so the first project we’re going to look at is uportal so we’ve had two releases one patch one minor the highlights of those releases are things such as improvements to search and sequel statements and also uh exposing some more uh configuration properties for things like the portlet thread pool and the uportal task executor uh the next project that we’re going to look at is the notification project or notification portlet which had uh four releases one is minor three being patched um and the highlights from that include things like configuration flags for some more stuff like disabling the default redaction uh support for refreshing uh cache services and also internationalization support as well uh the next project we’re gonna quickly go through an overview of the changes is the simple content portlet so this one there’s also three releases as well um there’s things such as um adding a portlet to support web components so it makes it a little bit easier to put web components into uportal and also think um some useful things such as adding support for replacing tokens with properties all right uh the next project we’re going to look at is a pretty big one just because there’s a bunch of um components in this one which is the uportal web components so in this repo we saw uh six releases uh three were minor and three were patch releases um the big highlight from this past year is that there’s a new sidebar nav component and aside from that there have been a bunch of fixes and improvements to all the current um components that exist within this repository um last but not least um we’ve also changed where these repositories live so up until earlier this year we have repositories that we’re living in um in github.
com/jasig and github. com/uportalcontrib to give a better cohesive place for all the repositories we pulled all of them together into uportal project and this is a big effort that was taken on by benito i believe he’s in here so big thanks to him for um taking care of all of that so this real this quote-unquote reorg um it doesn’t mean it means that we’ll have everything in one place but at the same time if you’re going to use an old github. com/jasig or github.
com/uportal contrib uh url those are transparently being redirected to their new place under uportal project so even with git repositories if you do any kind of git operations against your working copies they would be transparently redirected to the new one until you go go in and actually update your your remotes all right uh with that just want to thank all the contributors for the their contribution their contributions and that’s the overview of all the changes to projects in the uportal ecosystem i committed the ultimate sin i forgot to unmute myself so i see that jim is saying uh thanks for the quick update and that’s good uh are there are there any questions for jonathan we have a little bit of time unlike the previous sessions where i have to crack the whip and move on to the next one we have time for a question or two so the uportal guys are all chiming in this is good this is good all right well so we’re ready to move on to michigan dr chuck are you ready to take over and give your presentation yep that’s right i performed the cardinal sin of not unmuting myself martin so if you give me a screen share uh we’ll get to it uh you should have it sir i’m checking here nope just a minute gosh you know that the fedora is when the fedora is back that means i’m talking about privacy right and uh so i’m going to screen share um my entire screen we’ll have inception for a mid middle little bit um here we go so you know that when i am uh wearing my fedora i’m on my privacy horse and there’s been a lot of talk about privacy and uh one of the one of the key things about being a privacy warrior is it’s not enough it’s it’s probably pointless for me to just point the finger and say you’re you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad and then like what’s good and so part of what i’m trying to also do is show best practices for lms’s which it turns out is harder but for tools best practices is actually not that hard and so i’m trying to act as an example so that a tool provider like piazza or cengage or whatever of course these folks don’t want to do this so that’s a different problem right but let’s say they woke up one morning and actually wanted to do privacy well then they say chuck what how do we do it how can we be like you and so i want to be an example now if you look at some of the gdpr principles here purpose limitation means why did you gather this data and why are you keeping this data and what purpose was it for you gotta you can’t just say uh i give up my data and then they can’t they should tell you in advance what they’re using it for and if they say you’re giving up your data so that we can do artificial intelligence and catch other students who are cheating they should say that of course they don’t right storage limitation and data minimization is an important part of this so what i want to show you is how i have in tsugi implemented some of these principles so sugi of course is come back tsugi of course is my app store for education and here is tsugi cloud and if you look at the url of tsugi cloud this is the real administrator user interface and i’m logged in as the administrator this is the super user of one of my production systems and so i’m going to do a demonstration using a production system and one thing that’s built into tsugi is a thing called managed data expiry and so we see here that there are 13 000 users on tsugi cloud and within the last 180 days 7663 have not logged in but i have their email addresses and first names and last names that’s what pii means now tsugi is designed so that it actually doesn’t lose any of your activity data but it can anonymize them immediately and so i’m going to push this button this red button see it’s red i’m going to expire all the people who haven’t logged in in 180 days so we’re going to press this button and it’s going to run a query oh we only got rid of a thousand i guess i have to do it a couple times if you run it at the command line and it shows you the command line that you’re supposed to run and so i’m just wiping out data from my production server and i’ve got people who got an account that logged in maybe dave evelyn this is you i’m going to get rid of a tenant that’s been hasn’t logged in in a while that’s just going to throw all their data away now poof it’s actually not going to delete all 44 i can make it delete all 44.
but the idea is is this server is running and serving user needs and it’s throwing away data because i happen to have logged in i can throw users who haven’t logged there’s twenty one hundred users that haven’t logged in in six hundred days and i’m gonna throw all their data away now i’m not just throwing their identity information away by the way lti if they logged in would give me back their identity information in a single click so then i’d have it for another 180 days so it’s not a big deal to throw this stuff away now this i’m throwing real user activity away but they haven’t logged in 600 days right so dave i’m probably going to be throwing away some of your students that logged in a year and a half ago two years ago boom not only does 100 right and so that is building a system so that eliminating old data is natural it’s easy and it’s it’s quite natural and so i’m just going to go and show you one of my biggest my biggest server which is python for everybody the world’s largest and most successful programming class and i can go and blast i got a half a million students who haven’t logged in in 150 days and have personally identifiable information in my system and so i only did the first thousand that’s because i don’t want this inner did it go come on oh there we go took me two seconds to do it and so i just throw it away and so you can see that went from 503 000 people to 502 000 people and i can throw away some users let’s throw away some users now these python for everybody is used by about 300 schools around the world plugged into their learning management systems and so the point is is this is an example of limiting why i want this data do i want to am i going to do artificial intelligence machine learning on this data no matter of fact i’m going to throw it away now if i was in lms i might have requirements to retain it for a certain period for for learning history but these are just tools that we’re using and i’m throwing away their data and so that basically shows that if you think about it from the point of view of i want to throw this data away to save storage in my systems and reduce my costs as a learning tool provider well isn’t a good idea to throw data away and by the way these systems do have backups but they rotate and so any you know there some of this data might be on the backup for a few more weeks but then it’ll actually be gone and so i won’t retain a copy of it i don’t want to retain a copy of it and if i was a tool vendor coming to you on your campus and said this is my policy i don’t keep your data more than 180 days i don’t keep any data more than 600 days you might say you know what i can really trust you with my user’s data and so that’s that’s basically an example of the kind of ways we can solve some of these privacy problems not just point out that they are a privacy problem and i’m done just like that amazing so can i can i ask a question dr chuck because i need to know this sort of thing absolutely it’s it’s one as i understood it you have sort of two levels level one is i’m going to wipe out their name and email address so that they’re not identifiable but they still have their you know this now anonymized user has attraction there’s there’s a track through the data is that correct yes it is and if they re-logged in i would actually reassociate so that if you if you click the button if i deleted those people and i clicked the button you click the button to log back in it would know your homework and it would know that you were martin it would know your email address and that’s because it wasn’t keeping something it keeps the primary key of your user and it keeps the primary key that your lms gives me that’s an opaque identifier so i still know that i came from your lms and what your opaque identifiers and so sakai sends this big long thing of hex characters and that’s who you are from sakai’s perspective and i keep that but i don’t keep the fact that your name is martin ramsay in your email address and so i’m actually if you looked at that if you looked at that it was actually setting a bunch of fields to null which means i’m emptying out text fields i wasn’t actually deleting records whereas the other ones where i’m actually wiping out the learning activity i’m deleting records and because of foreign key relationships in the database it’s percolating through and wiping out every every bit that was my other question was okay you since you’ve got the relationship set up so that delete it here and all these subsidiary i mean sakai doesn’t have as a as tightly integrated a data model as tsugi does meaning i can delete one thing and it percolates through and gets rid of everything right i built that from the first day so it was a lot easier i built it from a privacy respecting perspective from the very first day gotcha gotcha very nice okay that’s i appreciate it very much this is this is excellent all right josh we’re ready for you you’re up we’re now going over to massachusetts um and i can make you present you’ve got it already you’re the man go for it but you gotta you gotta unmute yourself we’ve already discovered that cardinal sin yet again hi all uh josh wilson here so i didn’t think i was going to be here this afternoon i thought i was double booked so i recorded a video for you so we will be getting i’ll be giving you the uh the full simulive uh experience this afternoon so let me fumble through getting the video going hi there and welcome to this lightning talk about the sakai roadmap for 2022 to 2024 i’m josh wilson from longsight and i led the creation of this roadmap development process so first let’s remind ourselves why we need a roadmap in the first place a roadmap promotes a vision of sakai as forward-looking energetic and continuously improving it conveys how sakai will evolve to better meet the needs of faculty and students over time and it represents a shared agreement among the community members like us regarding the sequence in which enhancements to sakai will be implemented so how did we get here every fall we follow a process that looks kind of like this one in october we surface some preliminary ideas in november and december we get a big pile of input from the community by talking at various working groups within the sakai community in january there’s a review of the roadmap and it’s iteration by the roadmap steering team and then in late january or early february there’s adoption of the roadmap this past year it happened at sakai days online in the past it’s happened at sakai camp and then in february we get to work so let’s take a look at the feature roadmap this is the portion of the roadmap that we show to people outside the community it looks at new and improved features not other kinds of technical and back-end improvements to sakai so what are some of the new capabilities that we envisioned for sakai in 2022 so we’re we’re looking toward a new learning discussions tool that’s a project that longsight and duke university are already working hard on we envision a new design for tables and forms within sakai there’s going to be a new course registration tool we hope and significant improvements to the meetings tool and in the improved column we suspect that the university of dayton will provide even more and even better improvements to the lessons tool as they have in the last two years a new design for calendar is on the list and a video assignment type is also on the list so how are we doing here’s a quick progress update so in the new column underway the learning discussions project is well underway you’ve heard a lot about it at this conference the tables and forums design work has begun michael green of duke and shawn foster of western university have been working on a new tabless modern design for sakai and its ui the meetings tool has already has also begun to be worked on longsight has engaged the ux design firm and you’ve heard a lot about that work at this conference as well not yet begun as the course registration tool in the improve column lesson creation work has already begun at the university of dayton and i’m confident that they’ll submit and contribute some really exciting improvements to lessons as they have in years past in the improved column but not yet begun is a new design for calendar and the video assignment type so i welcome your input your thoughts and your questions feel free to reach out to me at wilson@longsight.
com and that’s it three minutes and 30 seconds i will accept your praise you get you get extra points where were you last hour um so do you want to go ahead and talk about the uh the question that tonko raised yeah sure glad to so so the the in the interest of time i showed you the feature roadmap so i will put i’ll drop a link in the chat for the full roadmap so there is a technical roadmap that’s not represented here which includes uh some ims standard support work that earle neitzel is doing and that will have the effect of uh providing support for qti 2.
0 in samigo so that’s that’s one thing that’s coming and uh you heard john buckingham from pepperdine and tiffany stull from virginia talk about a workflow a set of workflow improvements to test some quizzes so that’s in the uh that’s in the ongoing functional investments list that’s also not in this public-facing version of the roadmap so uh so yeah so tests and quizzes is pretty important and there are two improvements to tests and quizzes that are uh underway at this point okay other questions for josh what do you all think of this as being a a good way to let the general public know that we have a road map and we’re we’re working on things going forward multiple users are typing it says that’s good ask a question you get answers okay adam says clap clap clap in uppercase and so forth and so on good deal all right well it’s it’s nice to have a road map and i’m i would be curious it’d be nice to have josh and jonathan do a conversation about uportal versus sakai in terms of sort of you know how we’re how we’re moving forward and all that kind of stuff so um thank you matt all right wilma you said that you had something for us so uh let me i’ve made you presenter already so i’ll let you you take it away wilma okay let me um i’m gonna try a camera again i’ve been having camera issues so we’ll see if it finds the correct camera this time there we go should be showing yes yep your camera’s coming in we see you hi everybody okay so um so i just have the one slide this is more of a public service announcement than an actual um lightning talk but i did want to give everybody a heads up that we are planning for sakai camp 2022 given that you know travel restrictions continue the trend of opening back up and people are able to get out and about a little more we’re planning for um january 24th to 26th that’s at the end of january next year and always we have um optional team building activities the day you know the weekend before so saturday or sunday if people want to come in a little bit early there’s usually visits to theme parks and things like that so um the location will be the same as it has been the last couple years that we actually held one in person which is the holiday inn disney springs in orlando florida and we are talking also about travel scholarships because we do understand that a lot of institutions have sort of locked down their travel budgets indefinitely so there may be some travel funding available but we don’t have exact details on that yet um those details and more will be forthcoming um via sakai email lists and also on slack so you can look forward to more information about that i don’t know if anybody here wants to pipe in i don’t know if dr chuck you want to mention anything about sakai camp he says that was perfect wilma all right and dede’s already blocked your calendar so excellent okay i’m gonna take one wilma i i have a question and it’s a question for folks here i am curious if folks could put a plus one in the chat if your travel budgets will not allow for you to go to sakai camp so so a if you want to go and b you know for sure already that next year’s travel budgets won’t allow so so a plus one means i can’t go because of travel funding uh yeah sorry plus one means i want to go i know it’s negative i’m not well i’m seeing some people typing so let’s hang on here don’t know yet says charles won’t know till july says christina of course our sample size is limited here looks like a lot of i don’t know yet yep okay probably good to check back in in a month yeah that’s what it sounds like to me i i want to go where dede is and see these budgers that sounds like a beast just great i’m gonna turn it back to you martin okay thank you very much oh me all right um that is all the official things that we have on the agenda for today um but in the interests of um sort of promoting a few things i’m going to try one too let me see if i can do this right quick i don’t even know if it’ll work but we’ll see yeah this is i’m i’m learning something here i’m i’m uploading a single slide to big blue button and it took a little while so that’s why we didn’t want to have people uploading their slides in the middle of their presentations oh dr chuck says talk about my book i could do that yeah all right i will in just a second dr chuck but tomorrow we’re having our we have a monthly web conference at the lamp consortium and we try to hit a topic that’s going to be of probably more interest to faculty than anybody else um but our topic next week tomorrow it’s tomorrow at 2 2 p.
m eastern time so for those of you who are in different places um that’ll be a different time of day but um it’s we’re going to be talking about rubrics and so if you’d like to join us you would be welcome to so oh christina says she sent this webinar to all her faculty that’s good so um and i’m getting more and more random people showing up christina which is fine with us if anybody is interested in this just tell me in the chat right now and i’ll add you to the list um oh and okay dr chuck here i’ve got copies right here i wrote a novel it’s about technology in a subtle way but it’s kind of fun and it was fun to write a novel i’d never done that before so there you go take a look check it out it’s on amazon and so forth um or you can get a get a cheaper copy at uh i’ll type it in the chat so um oh there we go thank you dr chuck and thank you matthew yeah i’m missing those lamp conferences too we i’m we’re getting a lot of pressure to say you know we ought to do this get together more often and now that covid seems to be in the in the rear view mirror maybe we can do that so yes so let’s see uh i have some public service announcements unless anybody else has anything that we need to talk about nothing okay um let me i i need to try it to type and my brain has gone blank here we go there’s there’s the link for um the book the book at a cheaper price slightly cheaper not much cheaper because amazon cuts it to the bone um okay so jenn um let me i’m gonna i’m gonna go look at the or kathy sorry i’m gonna go look at the uh the chats that you sent me for things that we need to talk about uh first of all let’s say thanks to our sponsors uh platinum sponsors are longsight and learning experiences two of the people who have been on this presentation today are gold sponsors sponsors entornos de formacion edf and blindside networks and our hosting sponsor big blue button which we all appreciate very much this conference wouldn’t happen without those folks stay tuned for the final email from our organizers which will include a link to post conference survey we love to get your feedback please take a moment to share the experiences with us please do that that’s so helpful uh having been on the planning committee for this in the past i know that it’s really good to know what people think and what they like and by the way the conference doesn’t end today there are a few workshops scheduled for thursday and friday so thursday uh which is the 10th at 10 a.
m eastern time uh join us to test and refine an instrument that’s been intended to ask to assess the organizational health of open source software communities um i’ve been a part of this project and it’s it’s fascinating we’re trying to develop an instrument that lets us know uh whether a software community is is healthy or or is beginning to perhaps show some signs of weakness so you would help us if you would attend that and give us your insights onto that that instrument and then both thursday and friday at 11 am us eastern time the uportal team is going to talk about of all things having a roadmap discussion and first contribution workshops so join them for that this is their their u portal meeting and finally um you need to join us for our closing happy hour celebrate the end of open apereo 2021 at a social gathering down by the waterfront in gather town wander around and take a dip in the pool and gather in public or private spaces to catch up with your colleagues from around the globe the link has been added to the chat and you can find out more details and access the information on the conference platform in sakai so uh if you’re if you’re missing the things that that usually happen um when you when we get together in person here’s here’s a here’s a virtual chance to do all that sort of thing so uh there kathy has posted it and um and and i see that there there’s arrangements were being made in uh in the netherlands for for a link up that’s good okay all right thanks very much folks anything last else before we uh before we end just a quick thanks to martin for his uh his moderating expertise having tried it once attempting to fill his shoes it’s not so easy folks and he does a really good job so thank you martin well thank you for saying that josh it’s fun i i what i really like is is getting to meet all the wonderful people from around the world who are a part of this great community and when i’m when i’m talking to people who are interested in in what we do and there’s more and more of them by the way they’re just they seem to be coming out of the woodwork um i can with with great veracity say there’s a worldwide community of people who are very enthusiastic about what we do and they’re all helping out and you know it just it it’s a really good community to be a part of so um thanks to everybody for being a part of open apereo and we’ll see you down at the waterfront as they’re saying uh in the virtual goodbye and the farewell party all right thanks very much.