Dec 21, 2020 13:09 · 4871 words · 23 minute read
[One more point until lifelong contract] Are you all right, Director Kyung-hyun? [Ace] Hahahaha, you’re too good [(It’s dangerous outside my blanket)] I don’t think you’ll be able to get up tomorrow [(Jok-shua*)] Then Joshua, who was our ace in the foot volleyball match (*foot volleyball is ‘jok-gu’ in Korean) - Our Joshua! - Today’s discovery! Yes, he’ll be choosing the game. [Choosing the game for Round 3] [!] - What is it? - What is it, what is it Strategic Tug-of-war [Strategic Tug-of-war (13:13) The team that gets as many ropes to their side out of the three on the floor wins] - Oh~ - Strat-tug, strat-tug~ [Every member of SEVENTEEN participates] - Yes it’s a group match… - Let’s get our gears going, let’s finish this~ [Drawing lots to choose the staff participants] Yes, Director Yoo Jae-hwa [(Frequent participant)] Oh, it seems Director Jae-hwa is participating a lot today~ Wow~ [(Frequent participant No.2)] - It’s Director Kyung-hyun again! - Director Kyung-hyun [(So familiar)] Director Yoon Hyun-ji~ Please come up~ Director Park Gwi-ra Wow~ Wow [(Same story syndrome strikes again) (CUT)] So you need someone who can sit through in the field… Director Kim Seong-sik - Oh, the Jimmy jib, wow! The Jimmy jib! - Oh~ [(The camera moves react to the applause)] Oh~ Director Lee Won-geun [(The stubborn one from before)] He’s the one who said the ball was in, although it was definitely out…
01:04 - Director Lee Seung-hee Director Kim Si-hyun Director Kim Min-sung Director Kim Hyun-jung Director Kim Hyun-seok PD Lee Eung-song [(???) Rigged episode] Wow~ [(Jeonghan) (being) (Jeonghang) (again)] Seoksong~ [Goal achieved] Okay~ So we’ve got the two PD’s~ Now the last is Director Baek Jung-hyun [(Used to play in the National Tug-of-war Competition)] Seems like everyone has experiences in their town tug-of-war matches [?] There’s such a thing as town tug-of-war matches? [(But not an experienced joker)] You could have played along if you tried but you never do. [SEVENTEEN love each other] If you’re not going to play along, you have to be sure about it. So that you don’t spoil him [(We changed some of the players because too many cameramen were chosen and there was nobody to film the match)] [Council of war] Okay listen to me. So… [(Rational suspicion)] I think they’re going to carry that camera back and play this back. Minghao can take care of that one alone - And this one, well… Wonwoo or S.
COUPS should do it - I’ll take the one on the left 01:47 - Go there and you two do the tugging, but after you’ve pulled, five more of us will go in, in front of you All right, we’ll give everything we’ve got to the rope in the center [(Secretly intelligent)] So anyways, if we try to compete with them with brute force, we lose. We’ll totally lose. Right, right Or should I go there and pretend I’m asking the director something and hear what they’re saying? Well, then just secretly go and eavesdrop [(Having a meeting)] [(Watch)(ful) Unbelievable stealth] Hey, hey! I heard it, I heard it [Staff strategy - Director Kyung-hyun as the ace] Director Kyung-hyun is going to be the main player - I know right? - I heard something about Director Kyung-hyun doing something in time alone You have to be careful of Director Kyung-hyun We’re going 6:6 But within that 6:6, there should be one person who goes first and aims for that one chance I’ll do it Then I’ll go for another one [SEVENTEEN’s strategy: Wonwoo-S.COUPS double-headed system] - Wonwoo and S.COUPS, each take one - And the rest get behind right away You have to go in front of S.COUPS. Go in front of Wonwoo. Because we’re pulling the end of the rope Yep, the ‘6:6 and one’ is the best plan. [(Regurgitating information)] You know, Director Kyung-hyun is going to be the main player Oh, stop talking - Okay - Stop it It’s because that’s the only thing he’s overheard there That’s right You told me to take care of the farthest one I think only one of our opponents will be there Then I’ll be there first No, you have to beat them with speed no matter what You have zero power [Stats not very good] Hey wait, check out how long those ropes are Don’t you think the ropes are closer to that side? [(Greener grass) (on the other side)] Yeah, I think the rope’s way too close to that side [That’s just what you think] No, it’s because they are standing up front and we’re sitting Anyways, our goal is not to get injured [(…
) (Firm sense of purpose)] Our goal is to win 02:58 - Yeah, well, say a slogan We are the slogan [They are GOOHO] We are~ the slogan~ (‘gooho’ is slogan in Korean) I was born in ‘97 (goochil) So for us, it’s not the injury that matters, it’s the winning. [??] Hear hear! Let’s try to win cleverly without getting injured with the strategy we came up with One, two, three Let’s go! Let’s win without getting hurt Aren’t you guys ready, director! Going, going, let’s go! [Council of war over] - Sit on the chair - Start the match sitting down! [(???)] The rope… [(This is showbiz) !] Hey hey hey~ [Second bench-clearing] I just checked the rope! Hey! Woah! [He pulled it infinitesimally closer to his side] Woah, woah, woah! This! Ready~ Start! [Start of match] [(The nimble one)] You’re pretty fast, aren’t you? [!!] [Gets the middle rope by speed] [Basically a speed battle] [(?)] - Aargh! - Whoaaah! Aargh! Argh! No! [(Give) (up) (There’s no hope)] Let it go, let it go, let it go! Hey go to the other rope, go to the other rope! [(Tug-of-butt)] - Nice, nice! - Go! [(Lacks power)] There’s time, keep going! [Stealing empty rope] Hang on! Hang on! Hold on the rope, hold it, hold it! [(Teeth) (Clenched) Going-SEV forever] [(??) SEVENTEEN has two ropes] Hey that rope is left alone! Get that rope, get that rope! [Stealing empty rope No.2] Jeonghan! It’s okay! They can’t take this one, they can’t! They can’t take this one! [It becomes a matter of persistence again] Hold on, hold on, hold on! - Hey! Give me a hand here! - Aaah you can’t take this! [(I want)] Aargh! [(a renewal of contract)] Aaaargh! [Time over] [SEVENTEEN wins] Hey you were great, you’re so fast [(Burnt out)] Wow the directors are just so strong, woah [Staff team asks for a time-out] Director! Why did you ask for a time-out? [(Did Seok ask you to do this)] What is it? Say what you have to say! You see [(Master of negotiation) !] Hey~ Seriously! The director took off his cap! Then how about we do one more match with us starting two columns up? [(Two plus one)] - Three columns! Come on, three columns. - Three columns are too much, oh come on. [(Not enough oxygen)] Give us an advantage for our masks! [Very logical and reasonable reason] - Ah… - Ah, seriously.
05:10 - Okay, fine, then we will go up three columns. [Settled with three columns] - Three columns, three. - We’ll go up three. [(Reset)] Hey, but why do I keep falling down even though I’m putting all my weight? [(Cherry harvest)] You have to endure with your right foot like this and lie down like this. [The time limit is 30 seconds] - We’ll go short with 30 seconds. - You want it to be short so we don’t get hurt when we go down, right? [(Petty)] Just go around like this so you won’t get hurt.
05:30 - Come on~ You’re not ready? Get ready… [Game starts] Go! [(Different tactic) (Same tactic)] [!!!] [Change of plans] Hold it! Here! Hold it! [One already gone] Uh oh, not good. [(The sound of the producers’ orders)] Aagh! Ah! Hey ditch that! The left! Left! - Bring it! - Bring it! [(ACE) Tug-of-war is science] What are we going to do? [Time up] [The dream of extending the contract slipping away] [Producers win] We totally lost. [(Falling apart) Did his best] I’m so tired. We admit defeat, so let’s get on to the next game! [(Got enough airtime) Thank you for losing on purpose] The producers win! We can’t win this.
06:27 - How did their teamwork suddenly get so good? [!] - He tied it up. - Hey wait… [??] Can you film that for us, Director Kim Si-hyun? [The Belt of Capitalism] - Performance? Is that a performance? - Wow, that’s~ That performance is no joke. [(Semi-entertainer)] You could’ve went home early, but why… Thank you for your hard work! - Thank you for your hard work~ - Wow Do you have the strength to hold those cameras? [The current score] But after two games, we win if we win one more time, right? I have to worry about my airtime… [(Expecting to leave early today)] Hey, we got enough airtime.
06:50 - [(He is a singer)] We should show a scene where we lose on purpose~ Are you sure we lost on purpose? THE 8 did the most in this game… Minghao should pick the game. [Choosing Round 4’s game] - Let’s go, Minghao. - Pal, Pal, Yongpal~ But it’s good that we’re getting team games as we go on. [!] Oh! It came out, it came out! Quickly taking out mechanical pencil leads. [Quickly taking out mechanical pencil leads (3:3) A relay race where you try to get the lead out the fastest by quickly clicking the mechanical pencil] Okay, three people~ THE 8, pick three producers.
07:10 - [Picking the players for the producer team] The producers first~ Director Yoon Hyun-ji. You’re coming out a lot today. Director Lee Won-geun. [(He’s going to remember this until next year)] Yes, it’s Director Lee Won-geun who said it was in when it was out~ Hey~ When are you going to get over that~ Director In-Won-geun! [?!] Wow! - Director Kyung-hyun! - Come out, Kyung-hyun! [!!!!!!!] Wow! Really? [They got one more brother] Come out, Kyung-hyun! You’re a starter! Are you happy that you’re winning~? Kyung-hyun created a lot of great quotes today. Director In-N-Out. [Choosing players for SEVENTEEN] In-N-Out~ - Hoshi - Alright~ And Director Hyun-ji’s pick is… - WOOZI - I think WOOZI will be good at this! WOOZI is good at arm wrestling, too~ [(Mr. In-N-Out)] Director In-N-Out’s pick is~ Ah~ Jun~ - I think Jun will be good at this.
- Good good~ 07:54 - You’re setting my heart on fire~ He’s trying to start a fire~ - Setting your heart on fire~ - Good, good, good, good~ #1 takes it out, puts it down, #2 takes it out, puts it down~ But I think the lead might break inside if you put it down. That depends on your luck. [(…)] Then… [(Lucky ★)] Should we start? Ah~ this might be our last game~ [(Renewing contract)] We win if we win this one, right? - You can go home if you win. - Get ready~ Go! [Game Start] That’s right. The director is fast. Why is the director so fast? [!] Wow he’s crazy. [Neck and neck] - Hey this is hard. - Wow, what… - It’s harder than you think. - It’s neck and neck. [Producer #1 succeeds] Oh wow, wow.
08:25 - - Why isn’t it coming out?! - Wow he’s really good! [Not coming out] I think it’s stuck. Is this luck too? [(WOOZI is a lucky boy)] - It’s not coming out~ - This is defective~ Come on~ You’re so unlucky~ [Too bad] Wow, he’s so being so annoying! [(Changes mechanical pencil)] Cheer for us, director. We go home if we win this. [The greatness of the Korean alphabet] Swish~ swish~ [(Amazed at his vocabulary)] It seems like everything’s done with that ‘swish’. Okay, we’re ready. Shall we cheer for them? SEVENTEEN~ Do your best! [(Simple)] - GOING~ - Do your best~ [(Second verse)] - SEVENTEEN - Do your best! - GOING! - Do your best! [(Third verse)] - SEVENTEEN - Do your best! [(…)] They’re not doing it. We won, we won. We got a head start. [The world of innocence] I love how we’re so childish~ Tap~ tap like this. [Game Start] Go~ Oh start… oh… Oh. [Hurt] Wow your start was…
09:10 - [Twofold difference] - Wow she’s so good. - How is she so fast? It doesn’t even look like she’s pressing that fast..! [Frozen lead] It isn’t coming out. [(…)] - What’s wrong with this? - Shake it! It came out! [It’s not defective] It’s not broken, it works. It’s working. Take it out by shaking if you have to! [(Last)] Oh he’s fast. [Got the hang of it] - He got it, he got it! - Right! Don’t break it.
09:30 - [(The guy who said they got enough airtime)] Wait a bit if you want this to be fun, Director Kyung-hyun. [(Success)] - Don’t use your hands, Kyung-hyun! - It’s not coming out. [SEVENTEEN’s last player] - You can’t use your hands~ - Don’t give up! Hey~ come out! [Neck and neck] Come out! Come out! Come out!! Come out!! Come out!! Come out! Come out!! Wen Junhui! He turned the tables! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! A bit more! The person who drops it wins! [!] The person who drops it wins~ [Took out the mechanical pencil instead of the lead] Hey, you… [(Sense of fair play)]…that was too much. [Rematch] Why is this so intense? SEVENTEEN~ Do your best! [(Plain)] GOING! [Only a few] Let’s go! Hyun-seok is not so energetic when he says ‘Going’. [That’s his charm] He’s such a downer! Ready. Go! He was faster. But she’s so good at it. It was a good start. WOOZI is fast this time. He’s fast.
10:20 - [Finished it] How does she do that? [When you are not good at something - Always blame your gear] I think I need to get the new one. [Last player] It’s already out, but it won’t fall. If he loses here, it’s just his destiny. [Destiny of his mechanical pencil] He won. [One step closer to a free dinner] [Didn’t even get to play] [The staff won] [We are innocent] They must have tampered with something. We’ll accept defeat. You guys won! [You need to use your saliva] Did any of you try to make it stand on your skin when you were a student? What kind of school did you go to? Let’s see what we have next. Alright, everyone. We need to move on. Now, it’s 2:2. It’s neck and neck. It really is.
10:59 - [Professional entertainer] It’s like we kind of let them win. [Professional entertainer 222] You know, so we can get some great scenes for the show. No, we just lost. [Deciding on the last game] I’ll just quickly choose the last game. What could it be? You better choose something interesting. What is this? Okay, that’s what we are going to play.
11:12 - [If you hit zero pins, you get score of 10] [Scores will be counted in total after three players finish their own game] Roll a bouncy ball, and hit the least number of bowling pins! It’s what I suggested. [What he means : It’s a great game] It’s actually quite creative. But let’s do this like, we get disqualified if we hit none. So, you are saying we must hit at least one? So, hitting one should be the best score? Yes. That’s the best. And a strike is the worst. [Drawing to choose staff players] Can you choose, Hoshi? We are going to choose three. It’s 3:3 match. I got DIrector Jang Sang-ho.
11:35 - Director Kim Jong-moon? Two of you, please step forward. [Became his famous line now] The one who said we had cunning moves… And this is the last player. Get ready. I want to see him playing. The one who gets us a mic. I want to play against our audio director. Kim Yong-cheol. [AKA the ace] Oh, the one who played foot volleyball earlier. [Drawing to choose players from SEVENTEEN] This is such a fun time for bonding.
11:56 - I just want to have a picnic blanket and [New level of socializing] drink some makgeolli altogether… S.COUPS! Vernon! THE 8! Alright! It’s S.COUPS, Vernon and THE8! That’s new. That’s a fresh combination. We’ll do a relay rock paper scissors. [Who’s going to play first?] Play or lose, rock paper scissors! Play or lose, rock paper scissors! Rock paper scissors! Okay! You guys go first. [Staff team kicking off the game] Our director Jong-moon, [Kim Jong-moon from the lighting department] he looks so generous. I love how you smile with your eyes. Let’s go, directors! Way to go! If you hit none, you get scored as ten.
12:38 - [Feeling pressure] [The game begins] Did I just bring out your competitive spirit? Let’s go! Wait. Wait. [Hits nothing] [A sports announcer is his second job] It’s so bouncy, you can’t expect how it will move. Vernon, do you want to go first? I will. The game is going really fast. [Vernon from SEVENTEEN] Should I start? I’ll just do it in my own style. [Such a long shot] Zero! [No cunning move] I aimed for it, but it didn’t work. Sorry. - You did your best. - Well done! It’s quite difficult.
13:17 - [Rolling the ball] We all practiced earlier, but suddenly we go like… [Throwing it like a baby] [Always better while he’s practicing] I couldn’t aim it. It looks fun when I’m watching. Do you want to use your foot? [Kim Yong-cheol from the lighting team] You did a good job, Vernon. It’s not easy. [Missed the target again] [The rule changes] It’s like whoever hits the pin wins now. It’s true. Whoever hits the pin will win. What is it? Did THE 8 already go? [S.
COUPS from SEVENTEEN] Why are you playing? 13:37 - He’s part of the team. All three of us need to play… I need to play… I’m a member too… Oh, you are. [He’s actually the host today] He’s the one who came up with the whole thing. I’m going! [A pass between pins] I think we might need to put them closer, if no one hits it. [Not so different from the others] So I wasn’t the bad one! You are not! Everyone’s bad at it. I hesitated a bit. Should I just roll it like this? [Jang Sang-ho from the camera team] Way to go, director! [He hit it] [We are going to win this] THE 8~ [THE 8 from SEVENTEEN] So, I need to hit just one to win? Minghao should hit one. Two will make it even. I think he will hit one somehow. Begin again.
14:16 - As in if we’re even(‘begin’ in Korean), we go again. [Never misses his chance for a dad joke] [So close] Should we say this was our practice round? [Let’s do that] [Going SVT] That was no fun. [Victory] That was too quick. We didn’t film much. This is for the show. We did you a favor when we played tug-of-war. [Let’s stay as a good team forever] Let’s keep the team, but make it a two-wins-out-of-three match? Yes, let’s make it that way. Okay. Or we can play foot volleyball again. [The game begins again for two wins out of three] [Really wants to hit the pin] One more time.
14:49 - I guess Director Jong-moon didn’t like what he did either. So, I’m not bad at this at all! No one said anything. Dignity restored! Okay! [Retry] Let’s hit it! [Bye~] Let’s just say Director Jong-moon is bad at this game… [Mr. Bad at this game] At this point, he’s just bad at the game. [Just as practiced] It’s a bit far from the camera Huh? Nice, nice. [Can’t even speak] What is this.
15:19 - [Solemn] [Crash] [Good job] I still hit some! [Didn’t expect to hit any] We’re still leading by two. [SEVENTEEN 8 : 10 Staff Team] He’s going to go. Oh, is this basketball? [Just slightly] [not even close] Ah, this was a misjudgment. [8 kinds of advice] Let it bounce a little… Yeah, like that. [Change of plans] Just don’t get a strike. Oh, a change of position! Let’s go, Mr. Indecisive! Just do whatever you want. Go with your style. Nice, nice. [A paper-thin gap] Wait, but why did you bounce it if you knew it wasn’t going to work? [This game’s ace player] The ace of hitting the least number of bowling pins! Nice! [Close, but not close enough] Wow, he’s the ace. [The game’s already set] Just hit it. We’ll still win even if you just hit it. The next player after the ace, is our number 8. [Wow, we lost] Oh, like this~ [Last game, last match] One more time, Director Jong-moon! You really have to do well now. If you don’t, you’ll be edited out. [Thankfully, he managed to keep his part in] But this is really hard. You have to hit it, Director Jong-moon.
16:27 - Fighting, fighting! [A strong start] [Staff Team got 8 pins] [Escaped from being edited out] Write it down, 8. You just have to hit the pins. But it would be funnier if he didn’t hit any. Or gets a strike. If he hit the pins, but… Huh? Strike! [End of his skit] Let’s go, Vernon. He has a record of eight pins. The atmosphere is tense Let’s go. Nice! This is good! Why am I getting nervous about this. Nice! [This itself is a win] [SEVENTEEN gets 3 pins] Vernon hit 3 pins. [Unexpected foot volleyball positions] This bouncy ball game is very engaging and interesting. The next player who participated in the beginning, from the foot volleyball game, it’s Director Yong-cheol. [Peaceful] Director Yong-cheol should stick to foot volleyball~ [He uses his hands for the lighting though] He’s only good at using his feet, not his hands… [Is he the master of dodgeball?] He’s choosing to be bold now? He didn’t hit any pins anyways.
17:32 - Kind of indecisive, huh? [He didn’t hit any either] [SEVENTEEN 13 : 18 Staff Team] Director Sang-ho is still the ace. He has to hit less than three. Directer Jung Sang-ho is the ace. His bracelet and hat are matching today. Also, he’s the only player curving the ball. He’s put a curve in his throw. [Let’s stay together in 2021] He’s done it. [SEVENTEEN 13 : 25 Staff Team] [SEVENTEEN can win even without trying] A lot of the viewers are probably thinking this. ‘Why can’t they do that properly?’ It’s really hard. The ball isn’t round.
18:04 - [Derail] It wasn’t going to hit any pins anyways. Yes, so Good job everyone. [SEVENTEEN’s ultimate victory] Wait, is it [Clingy and persistent] What’s wrong now, Hyun-seok? Wait, wait [Suggestion for a talk break] [We don’t have enough footage] Both the Going Seventeen Team and our team are so petty. [The types to obsess over each other] Both teams are best at being petty and pathetic. Do you have something to say, Hyeon-seok. He probably just wants to negotiate on something. Let’s hear him out first. Let’s hear him out, go ahead. [Spectator 1] [Spectator 2] Since Wonwoo and Mingyu haven’t participated in any games, let’s do a game changer.
18:37 - [This is how a sports day always goes] Then you should’ve told us the last game would be worth 100 points! Or, if we win, [Season 2 of his plans] Pay for our dinner party. Should we all play for this last game? Since we can’t make them pay right now, during the next shoot, Catering. [A person who gives food = A good person] An awesome buffet [Full course meal] A coffee truck plus catering? For our next shoot? Wait, but it feels like [It’s just in your head] we’re at a loss, no? We’re at a loss, but for the sake of this program, we’ve just gotta win. Since they did go easy on us with bowling [Confession from his conscience] To be truthful, we would’ve lost if they didn’t go easy on us. Then let’s go with Wonwoo and Mingyu, against Eun-song and Hyun-seok. Oh, nice.
19:07 - Yeah, let’s go with Eun-song and Hyun-seok. Okay. Oh~ Eun-song, Hyun-seok? How’s the simple bottle flip challenge with Eun-song, Hyun-seok VS Mingyu, Wonwoo? Okay, let’s go with the bottles, then. [Game changer, bottle flip challenge] [Main Producer 2] Can I practice first? Yes, you can. [Bluffing] What if I get it upside down? Oh, then it’s definitely a success. Then just your success means a win. We’ll be really impressed. Let’s do this right [Successfully does it right] and not be petty. Let’s not be petty.
19:30 - Do you want to go first? We’ll all accept the results, no matter the outcome. [Targeting who?] We finally get to do a proper game with our producers. Mingyu, Wonwoo, let’s win and get some catering. [Bottle flip challenge] [Both players must succeed in a row to win] Your team can go first. The moment one of you messes up, it’s our turn. Going Seventeen’s main event Now, this is really the last game. [Black force VS White force] This is the real SEVENTEEN versus Going Seventeen. The winner of this game, is the real winner. This is worth ten thousand points. We’ve all played foot volleyball passionately, and all of that [A long journey to get here] was for this final game. This is going to be the main game. Alright, ready! Go! Start! Okay Mingyu. Go immediately after. Next, Eun-song again. [So close] No no. I’ll go. Mingyu, think of the catering. [So close 22] Do well now.
20:30 - [Staff succeeds] Eun-song! [Free dinner right in front of them] [Nope, go back] [Mingyu succeeds] [Catering] [Not a chance] Again. Too scary. [Mingyu succeeds] Let’s go. Nice! [Wonwoo succeeds] Don’t we need to look at the next game? We won, since they started. We won, it’s over! We went second? It’s over! [Mercy] [Considerate] [Last chance for the staff] Should we give you another chance? [Merciful voice] Let’s say one, two, three together. At the same time? One, two, three One, two three [Success] [Enjoy the catering] [My state of mind right now] [Breaking down] Oh my gosh! Wow, I almost regretted my decision. Anyways, good try. [Humiliation TIME] [Let me drop the Lifelong Employment] [Tears of “joy”] They were full of pride.
21:44 - Extension of the contract! [Congrats on the lifetime contract] So SEVENTEEN wins [SEVENTEEN gets the final win] Get up! It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s okay to lose. [We actually won too] Life is not just about success. It was truly the best competition. SEVENTEEN WIN! Wow, amazing. But really, today was so much fun. This Going SEVENTEEN was legendary. Playing games with the directors like this and enjoying today was so much fun, right? Even though we won Even? No, not even. [Swift progression] Anyways, we won. Anyways, the promise made by the staff of Going SEVENTEEN is such a good thing for us. It feels so good and we wish to continue on together for a long time.
22:26 - [Reorganizing the list of promises] What do we get to have? Catering and the coffee truck. N years of contract extension, on top of catering and a coffee truck. [End of the year gift] [Santa Claus of the day] This is awesome, we really got a gift. You should relax a bit during the foot volleyball. Can we decide on the contract extension now? We decided earlier. How long is it? As long as SEVENTEEN exists. [Going SEVENTY] Anyways [ID: Always talking of experience] S.COUPS’ idea this time his idea was really good. It was so much fun. [Let’s go long and far] The staff did a good job. Thank you for your hard work~ It was fun. We don’t need to say ‘until now’. Let’s play it cool.
22:56 - Thank you for your hard work! Perhaps What will you get us for catering? It’s really important for us, that’s why. All Korean food, Western food, Chinese food, and Japanese food. Food from all over the world But it was a beautiful match and it would be great if you relaxed a bit more during foot volleyball. Stop it. Sorry. Thank you for your hard work, director~ Thank you for your hard work~ So did you bring the contract? You could stay behind and play more foot soccer. But is the N-years really okay? Can we do that? It’s good for us.
23:28 - [Possible] Is it possible to do it till SEVENTEEN ends? See you again next time Let’s not be sad Looking forward even more to the next Going SEVENTEEN ‘Spiderman’ poster. No, it seems like Boo Seungkwan is doing the his dance hazing. Jimmy Jib~ The camera director seems like he’s playing with a kid in a restaurant playroom… .