Entity Framework Core Part 1

Apr 16, 2020 15:36 · 4175 words · 20 minute read goes installation referred mapping really

On today’s Visual Studio Toolbox, Phil Japikse is here to kick off the series on how to use Entity Framework Core. [MUSIC] Hi, welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. I’m your host, Robert Green, and joining me today is Phil Japikse. Hey, Phil. >> Hey, Robert, how are you? >> Great. Welcome back to the show. >> Thanks. Good to be back. >> It’s been a while. Phil Japikse is my guest, that means we’re doing a multi-part series. >> Absolutely. >> We’ve done some epic ones.

00:31 - We did an eight part on design patterns awhile back. >> Yeah, still get lots of great feedback on that series. >> Yes, I loved that one. Also did one on unit testing, was that like four episodes or something? >> Five hundred nodal runs together when you haven’t so much that. >> I know. Today we’re going to kick off and we’re going to take a different approach to our series this time. We’re going to do Entity Framework Core. But we’re going to start from the beginning.

01:01 - This is going to be a introduction to Entity Framework Core. >> Correct. So just if you’re watching this and you’ve been using Entity Framework Classic, or if you’ve been tinkering with Entity Framework Core, you might want to just double the speed on this one. Later in this series, we’ll do a deep dive into all the awesome source that is in Entity Framework Core. But we want to get people up to speed on ORMs in general, and of course, specifically, in these first few episodes. >> So this is part 1 of a multi-part. Is it safe to say that Entity Framework Core is to Entity Framework as ASP.NET Core is to ASP. NET? >> Sure. >> So that is aimed at the.

NET Core runtime? 01:52 - >> Yeah, so if you want to make that analogy, it is important to note that both ASP.NET Core and EF Core are complete rewrites of their classic versions. So they are similar in name, they are similar in goal, but under the covers they are vastly different. >> But the way you use them is more the same than different. Is that correct? >> That’s correct. There’s a lot of new features that came in EF Core that we’ll cover in later episodes.

02:25 - But from the general perspective of an object-relational mapper, which is what EF is, the general concepts are the same. >> So I guess, that’s a great place to start because anytime I see a technology, I like to ask, what is this thing? Why was it invented? What problems is it trying to solve, and then how do you use it? >> Correct. >> So what is an object-relational mapper? What is Entity Framework? >> So databases tend to store their data very relationally, hence the name relational databases. So you have a customers table, you have a products table, you have very specialized, it’s called normalized tables based on the data. The problem is our applications don’t work that way. We tend to work with domain objects.

03:21 - So if you’re looking at a customer, you’re also going to see that customer’s orders and their order details and their products related. So we have this disparity between what are our application needs and what is optimized for the database. So that’s where the ORM or the object to relational mapper comes in. So it enables us to very, very simply convert what is good for the database into what is good for the application. >> Okay. So it’s not about how you talk to the database because we’ve been able to talk to the database for a very long time.

04:02 - In fact, before Entity Framework was came on the scene, we were using ADO.NET, and before that we were using ADO, and before that other things. So it’s less about the underlying talking to the database and more about how you get to work with the data in your apps? >> Yeah, correct. An Entity Framework in any of our Core, both use ADO.NET or ADO.NET Core, and now, I guess, you would call it, under the covers.

04:31 - So they’re still using data providers, they’re still using connections, command objects and things like that. It just extracted away from you. So I look at it this way, everybody really appreciate indoor plumbing. We don’t have to walk out to the outhouse, we don’t have to dig a hole, if we have to go to the restroom. Data access I consider analogous to plumbing. Almost every application needs it, but I don’t have customers coming up to me saying, “Hey, I need you to build a data access layer for me.

” 05:05 - I have customers coming up saying, “I need an app that does this.” Data access is part of that. So there’s not a perceived value add into data access. So any way we can streamline that process to provide more functionality for the business and spending less time on the plumbing. So I look at any Framework Core as the plumbing that every application needs, but we don’t necessarily want to build. So in days past, and we will see demos of this, we would have to create a command object, open a connection, write the queries somehow to get data from the database, pull that back into either a data set, relooking at the older technology or a tape, tape the adapter, and read through that data and populate models.

05:55 - But there’s not a whole lot of business value add to that. It’s a requirement. It’s a necessity. >> That’s plumbing code. >> That’s plumbing code. >> So the goal is always is to spend less time writing plumbing code and more time writing the logic that’s useful for the app business logic. >> Correct. >> So that sounds like a good overview of what it is. Let’s see how it works. >> Sure. So I have some prebuilt code here, but most of it we’re going to be typing live. So that’s always comical, but it’ll work. So one thing I want to point out before we dive into the code is there is two different paradigms that you can use with Entity Framework Core.

06:45 - The first paradigm, which is what a lot of people who aren’t using it will come into is, you have this existing database and you want to start using Entity Framework Core to query the data and to work with the data, but how does that work? Because we only have this thing called Code-First. Code-First, in my mind, is one of the worst names that Microsoft marketing came up with, because what we really mean is codecentric. So in EF 6 or EF Classic, we had four ways of talking to a database. We had with a designer from an existing database, a designer with no database, and then what they called Code-First with an existing database and Code-First with no database. So I want to stress that when we talk about Code-First, we’re really talking about codecentric.

07:33 - So what I have here is a very simple project. I’m using the preview of EF Core 5, we can switch that back to 3.1, and the way we would do that very simply is Microsoft Entity Framework Core and the NuGet packages. We go down here to SQL Server or Microsoft Entity Framework Core SQL Server, and we can roll back to what is the actual supported release, and then we click on “Update.” This is how you would install Entity Framework Core into your project. You pick the version.

08:12 - We can also use the command line for this. But Entity Framework Core different than prior versions of ORMs is very modular. So we just pull down those bits that we need. So what I’ve pulled down here is Entity Framework Core SQL Server, and then we’re going to change the version of Entity Framework Core design, which allows us to do things like migrations and scaffolding. So this is how we set up our original project.

08:42 - >> For the purposes of what we’re doing in these intro episodes, we’re going to do stuff that’s in 3, 1, 3, right? >> We’re going to do stuff in 3,1. Yes. >> So there’s no reason not to use this table version. >> Yeah, the EF 5 at the time of this recording is very early, and I don’t want to confuse people with things that might be changing as it gets farther in the release cycle. >> Okay. >> All right. So now, we’ve got our projects set up. What I want to do is I want to take AdventureWorks, which I have installed to local DB, and I want to run a command line interface process that will then take the existing database and create all of the Entity Framework Core objects that I need to work with it. So this is called scaffolding. We can also do the reverse, which we’ll see in a later episode, where we actually build our database from code.

09:46 - But we’re going to start with an existing database and we’re going to then create all of the objects that we need, and then we’ll talk about what those objects do and you’ll see examples of that. >> Does this have to be at command line thing? Are there tools that make this easy? >> There is an add-in that was written by, and I don’t remember his name, somebody on the EF Core team, but it’s not built into Visual Studio added to box. >> Okay. >> The reason for that, and this probably important to point out, in all of.NET Core, the command-line interface is the queen of the root. So you can do everything that you need to do with.

NET Core and EF Core from the command line, 10:30 - and you can do most of what you need to do through Visual Studio. The reason that the team is focusing on the command line is not erase using Visual Studio. I could be developing this in Visual Studio Code, or I can be using Rider by JetBrains, or I could use any host of IDEs, Notepad if I was really not into productivity, and then do everything from the command line. So the command line comes first and in Visual Studio follows. >> Okay. >> All right. So if I go to a command line, which I happen to have right here, the first thing that we have to do is install the.

NET Core global tool, 11:12 - and I’ve already done this. What global tools are in.NET Core, it’s similar to, if you’re familiar with the old.NET classic, putting something into the GAC, so you can access it from anywhere. To run any of the command line tools in EF Core, we actually have to install the global tool for EF Core. There are now tools that were on similar to how it was done in a classic of putting things into the GAC or the Global Assembly Cache. So it’s.NET tool, we want to install it globally. Then the tool is called dotnet-ef.

11:57 - Now, I already have it installed and I should probably type in the word “install” that’s what we get for it. It says it’s already installed, but you’re going to have to run this command. What I’ll do is I’ll copy it into this file that is coming with the show notes right here, so we’ve installed the tool that we need. Now, that we have the tool installed, we have a host of things that we can do with the tool. So we run.NET, which is a command-line interface for all.NET Core and we type EF. We get the magic unicorn.

12:39 - Then here are some of the options that we can do. So we are going to create a DbContext in all of the pieces and parts, then this will give us a good vehicle to talk about what the pieces and parts of EF Core are, why they’re used and see how to use them. Now, I have pre-baked this command, It’s a little lengthy. So let me clear the screen, we’ll go into here, then we’ll do the.NET EF, so that’s the EF Core command-line tool, I’m going to create a DbContext and we’re done.

13:14 - So what has this done for us? So all of AdventureWorks is now here with different models and the DbContext. >> The DBContext is what? >> Yeah, so great segue. Thank you [inaudible]. So the DbContext is the Master Control Program if you’re a Tron fan. It’s MCP. It is the heart and soul of how Entity Framework Core works. It derives from DbContext, it contains a mechanism to tie into the database to open connections and do things like that.

13:56 - It works very closely with the change tracker which we will talk about very soon. It holds all the DbSets which we’ll also talk about. Then it has a relationship with the database provider. So when we installed the package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, we were adding the SQL Server data provider into our installation. So let’s talk about the pieces and parts of the DbContext. We first have a DbSet or a whole series of them, and these are specialized collections that wrap our tables. Now, the way that I have built this and the way that scaffolding works right now in 3.x is we have table per class. So every table in the database is represented by a DbSet. So we have address, address type, etc. >> That’s the object-relational mapping. Because you have an address object which is mapping to the address table in the database. >> Correct.

The mapping comes in, 15:04 - when we look at the table itself. Now, this is just one to one, but it has a schema and a table. Now, I would typically have called this address says in the SQL Server side an address. So you can see that we can map our class to a table called “foo” if we wanted to. It wouldn’t be very good for follow-up Developers, but we can. We can also change the column names. Now, these are just here because of capitalization. So in. NET, we like to have I lowercase d, in SQL Server, they tend to do I uppercase D in a case sensitive. So you can see how we’re mapping columns to different columns in the database. >> So the column in the database is “StateProvinceId” and in your class, it’s called city? >> No, its attributes rolled down. So let me do this, create little space to make it more readable. >> There we go.

16:15 - >> So SQL Server is not case sensitive, unless you specify that during the install. C-Sharp is case-sensitive. In C-Sharp land, we don’t like to have two capitals together. >> Yeah. I see. >> The scaffolding then changes that for us. We can also change column types. So we’re specifying the SQL Server column type of datetime, so that we are very specific at what type of date column. Because there options in SQL Server and we only have the datetime in C-Sharp.

16:54 - >> So if you wanted to re-name a column, you would just change the property name and the class, you wouldn’t touch that column attribute because that has to be what’s back in the database. >> Correct. I could call this “foo”. >> Right. >> So let’s go back into the DbContext. This is particularly huge because of course, I’ve picked AdventureWorks. Right here is how we can figure the DbContext. Now, this is different than prior versions of Entity Framework, but of course, this episode is for people who haven’t used it. A key tenet throughout all of.NET Cores depends injection. So we’re actually going to configure connection string and other options by injecting them into the DbContext. So we have the full power of that.

17:49 - If we scroll down a bunch, we have this OnConfiguring. A lot of people brand new to EF and EF Core will use this, I’m going to tell you don’t. We’re actually going to delete this. What the OnConfiguring method does is it provides a fallback mechanism to say that if you haven’t configured this class, then we’ll go ahead and configure it for you. So what we have here as a hard-coded connection string. So if you roll this in your production and you forget to configure it, now you’re trying to connect to your development database.

18:26 - So we don’t like to use this, instead of deleting it, I’ll just comment it out. So that people who are looking into code can see what we were talking about. The other thing that the DbContext does for us is provides a mechanism to further shape our database. This is more of that mapping. So you saw how you can change a table names, the schema, the data type of a column, the column name. This is where we go into much more detail of how we want that database shaped.

19:01 - So for the Address entity, and we just call the C-Sharp objects “entities” typically, in the database provide a comment. We’re now going to provide a unique index for the RowGuid. We’re also adding an index for StateProvinceId. Here’s a multi-column index. Now, we can talk about whether multi-column indexes makes sense or not, I didn’t build this database, it’s just example [inaudible]. >> That’s an important point though, that all of this stuff is coming out of the database. >> Yes.

So we scaffold this from 19:41 - the database into our C-Sharp project. So on the flip side, if you need to add these things into your database and you’re building your model from code when we do a migration, which is the reverse process, which we’ll talk about in a later episode. This is how you would configure a database. The beauty of this whole process is what I call the Homer Simpson button. So if I want to get everything from the database into code, I just run the scaffold command and I have everything in there.

20:16 - If I need to get my project, if I’m doing through Code-First, I have migrations in either way with these commands, I have a new Developer who starts on the project. All they have to do is run this command-line interface with.NET CLI command and they have everything they need. So we don’t have to have a build document and all this stuff to get Developers up and running. >> Right. >> All right, so that is the DBContext and DbSet. Let’s look a little more about how the DBSets work. Because what I want to talk about is foreign keys and relationships. So databases and tables have foreign keys. I wanted to go to person, because all my examples are around persons. Here’s a person object, and a person object has a foreign key out to this thing called BusinessEntity.

21:26 - There’s also a BusinessEntityContact that has a foreign key back to person. So how do we represent those? We could pull to database diagram, but I’m not going to waste your time. Let’s look at this first. We have this business entity, which is the one end of the many. So person is on the many end of a one-to-many relationship between person and BusinessEntity. So from person, we have a navigation property that goes to BusinessEntity.

21:59 - But we have to tell Entity Framework Core what the foreign key value is. So we had this BusinessEntity ID field, that’s in the table, and that is the foreign key out to the BusinessEntity table. Now, there are conventions that I don’t want to go into but, for example, based on name, structure, and other things, Entity Framework Core will figure some of this stuff out for you. The problem with conventions, you have to know them. If I didn’t have this here, an Entity Framework Core would still pick up that the business entity ID is to foreign key based on the name convention.

22:45 - But Robert, if you’re coming and following me in trying to understand this code and you didn’t know those conventions, you’d be like, “Well, how does this work?” So I’m always very specific and explicit in foreign keys on navigation properties, and thankfully, the people who built a scaffolding feel the same way. Now, inverse property just is another helper that says, “Hey, Entity Framework Core.” On the other end of this, the BusinessEntity, we have this person object right here. So that is the other end. That’s the inverse property. We can also be on the one end of a one-to-many, and the person in this database example is at the one end of a one-to-many relationship between the person table in the BusinessEntity context. So what we get here is a collection of business entity contacts that we can then navigate to.

23:56 - So these are again referred to as navigation properties on both sides. But if you think of in terms of SQL Server, this is like saying, “Select star from person, inner join, BusinessEntityContact on BusinessEntityContact.personID equals ID. This is how we would write to SQL and this is how we’re telling Entity Framework Core how to join those things together. We’ll see examples of how this works. >> So these properties here are collections? >> Correct. >> Should they be pluraled? >> Yeah. >> You’re [inaudible] this is a Person.

BusinessEntityContact, 24:47 - which then represents a collection of all the contacts for that person. >> You bring up a great point. I hate the naming conventions that they use. So let’s just real quickly talk about how we do it in real life. So let’s use the rename function. I would call this BusinessEntityNavigation, and it’s going to refactor everything. Hopefully, this works without breaking the example, but I have the finished product in the oven that I might need to pull it out. So let’s talk about this.

25:20 - We add a property called BusinessEntity, which is also a class. Anytime you have a property on an object is same as a class, the same as a namespace, you start running into name conflicts. IntelliSense tries really hard to help you out. It will shoot you in the foot, if you have all these names are the same. Likewise, this should be plural. So great point. That is one thing I don’t like about out of the box scaffolding, who says you can plug in your own code to change these rules.

25:55 - I didn’t bother do that, that’s a little complex. It’s easy enough just go in and rename things. So that’s the DBSet. If we just look at the DbSet, what does the DbSet give us? It gives us in addition to being a collection, it derives from IAsyncEnumerable, IQueryable, etc. But we get a bunch of methods here that help us. So we have find, here’s AddRange. So we have add AddRange, update UpdateRange, remove, RemoveRange.

26:43 - So these are our crud features that we an do. So if you want to add a person, we would call context variable.person.add, and we’ll see how this works. So that’s what the DbSet gives us. So last thing I want to talk about before we were coming up against a wall time-wise here. But the last major piece of the EF Core components is to change tracker, and a change tracker is what really provides the power to using Entity Framework Core. So anytime you add data into these DBSets and you start working with them in code, the changes are tracked, and that is used to build very efficient queries.

27:32 - That’s a core of Entity Framework Core, no pun intended. >> [inaudible] worked on that one. >> All right. So I had it saved up. Next episode we’re going to dive into code to show how this stuff works. >> Great. All right. So that’s a good introduction to Entity Framework Core. Just to recap, we took an existing database, run one line of scaffolding code after installing some global tools, and we now have a class or object for all of the tables and all of the underlying relationships are represented. So at this point, we’d be ready to start working with the actual data. >> Correct.

28:14 - >> All right, and we will do that in Part 2, and so we will see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC] .