De-cluttering the holdings editor in Evergreen 3.4.2

Feb 21, 2020 05:09 · 155 words · 1 minute read know enjoying evergreen 3 far

Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying Evergreen 3.4.2 so far. I want to show you all one quick trick that helps reduce a lot of clutter when you are cataloging. I have a record here, and want to edit some information about the item. I’ve opened up the holdings editor, and there are a bunch of fields that I never use here. In fact, I want to be really careful that I’m not adding any information to some of these fields, like the deposit fields, which might cause some real confusion for the circulation desk. So, I’m simply going to hide them. I do that by going to this Defaults tab.

00:42 - And I just uncheck the ones that I don’t use. And now, I have a much cleaner holdings editor. Let me know if you have any questions, and I wish you some fun exploration in the new version of Evergreen. .