[고전영화] 누명쓴남자

Mar 4, 2021 00:55 · 7535 words · 36 minute read

That’s our truck. - Yeah. Bus drivers think they own the road.

01:50 - Look at that fender. They’ll pay for that fender. - Pay for it? I saw what happened. We don’t pay you a nickel.

01:56 - That’s right. - You own this truck, don’t you? Yes. It’s our truck but we are not paying you one red cent.

02:01 - I got witnesses. I can get twice as many witnesses.

02:05 - In the first place you got no right parking here.

02:07 - In the second place you didn’t stick your hand out.

02:10 - We can sue you. - That’s right. You’re paying me for my fender.

02:13 - Pay the man. Who are you? I never saw you before.

02:18 - What are you doing driving one of our trucks? Well, your Flagstaff office needed a driver in a hurry.

02:24 - They didn’t tell me this truck here had no brakes.

02:26 - Go on, pay the man for his damages. We pay nothing. - That’s right.

02:31 - I get fifteen dollars for this run. I’ll take it now.

02:34 - See the cashier in the morning. I’ll take it now.

03:39 - As straight shot. All whiskey? How is it? Malt whiskey.

03:46 - A whiskey. It’s awful. Why drink it? Do you like to clean glasses? I don’t mind.

04:43 - What is going on up there? - A little gambling.

04:46 - I thought it was illegal in this state. So is spitting on the floor.

04:51 - Can anybody go up there? - Nope. Only a select group.

04:55 - Who do I have to know? It’s not who you know. It is what you can show.

04:59 - Well. What is it worth? 21 jewel movement. The case happens to be pure gold.

05:09 - Ten dollars. It’s worth 60. I’ll take 50.

05:25 - Kinda a warm, isn’t it. That’s him, officer. That’s him. The one sitting at the bar.

05:36 - What’s your name? Lambert. What’s the trouble? Your full name.

05:44 - Michael Lambert. L-A-M-B-E-R-T. Let’s have your driver’s license.

05:57 - This expired three months ago. Gee, that’s right.

06:02 - Well, I have been out of the country. - Driving trucks? There is nothing wrong with driving trucks but it’s not my business.

06:08 - So it seems. I just wanted to get down into this town.

06:11 - Why? Do you know anybody here? No. I’m looking for a job. I’m a mining engineer.

06:18 - Suppose you tell me what’s the trouble? We’ll let the judge tell you.

06:22 - I wouldn’t have time to read all the charges against you.

06:25 - Let’s go. Come on, let’s go. - Alright. Alright.

06:39 - Reckless driving. Driving through a boulevard stop.

06:44 - Driving without a license. Plead guilty? Yes, sir.

06:49 - It’s not as simple as that though. Fifty dollars or ten days? Pay the clerk.

06:54 - I haven’t got fifty dollars. That’s the man that ought to be fined.

06:57 - What man? - The trucking foreman. He knows that truck had no brakes.

07:02 - What about that? Your Honor, they hall have excuses when they break the law.

07:07 - No man works for our outfit. . Unless he agrees to full responsibility for any traffic violations.

07:12 - We got to do that Judge, or them drivers would bankrupt the company.

07:16 - Did you agree to this? I suppose so.

07:19 - I needed the money. Then they hand me a truck without any brakes.

07:23 - I fought that truck for seven hours coming down into this cheap town.

07:26 - Fifty dollars or ten days? I told you I haven’t got it.

07:30 - Ten days. That’s alright. Ten days is all I wanted of this town.

07:35 - I’ll play the fine. For this man? - Yes.

07:41 - Pay the clerk. The case is closed. You are free to go.

07:45 - Name? Always the same. Always the same.

08:07 - Same old pair. Women and. . And you know whose fault it is? A woman? Yeah.

08:22 - It is mine. But not anymore. I am going to. .

08:26 - Settle down and I am going to be a success.

08:30 - A success. That’s me. Sure. I know.

08:35 - Well, this is the pay-off. Bailed out by a woman.

08:41 - She is waiting for you. - Well, let her wait.

08:45 - I am through with all that. I am going to settle down. I’m going to make good.

08:50 - I am going to make good. I am going to make good.

08:55 - That’s right. Make good. I’m going to make good.

09:01 - It isn’t the money, Julio. Because we can stretch and give you a little more.

09:06 - No. I am just tired and I want to quit. His clothes? Yes.

09:13 - Well, when a girl like you wants something.

09:16 - She is going to get it. Come on, Mike.

09:25 - Come on. A pretty girl. You are beautiful, Paula.

09:41 - Yes, Mike. I’ve found him. What does he look like? The same height as you.

12:31 - Same build. Face? Not like you at all.

12:41 - It doesn’t matter. We’ll fix that. Are you upset? No.

13:13 - Excited? A little. But you, darling.

13:19 - You must be exhausted. All evening on your feet in that crowded smoky place.

13:25 - I shouldn’t have let you do it. You couldn’t do it and it had to be done.

13:32 - Five weeks. . of looking. . Waiting and looking.

13:37 - Sometimes I felt it wasn’t worth it. Not even for a quarter of a million dollars.

13:44 - If it weren’t for this place. To come here in my free time and relax and feel like a human being.

13:52 - I don’t know what I would have done. Paula.

13:56 - Do you think it was wise to quit? Quit the La Paloma? - Yeah.

14:01 - Why not? We’re ready. That’s true.

14:06 - Better to quit now than. . Disappear without a word.

14:11 - This way it is finished. You sure he is the man? Of course.

14:16 - And he knows no-one in town? No relatives, no connections? No-one but me.

14:22 - We’ve got to make sure he doesn’t make any other friends.

14:25 - I’ll make sure. Steve. It’s wonderful luck.

14:31 - He is very much like you. Really? Not really.

14:44 - You remember the day I met you? That first day, two years ago almost.

14:50 - How could I forget. I was modelling furs for a living.

14:53 - You were standing on the steps being photographed. .

14:55 - And that Chicago wind was blowing through your hair.

14:59 - You looked like and angel in furs. Someone else’s furs.

15:04 - You were beautiful. Steve. Do you have the card for the safety deposit box? Of course.

15:16 - It is all filled out. You just sign it.

15:54 - What about the keys? Keys? To the safety deposit box.

15:58 - Oh. I have got them. I’ll have to keep them with me.

16:01 - In case anything goes wrong I can put the money back in a hurry.

16:07 - Steve. How soon? A week. 4 days, 3 days.

16:14 - I’ve got a lot of things to take care of. The sooner the better.

16:18 - Yes. It is late. We’d better go. I’ll turn the car around.

16:37 - I’ll be right down. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will work.

17:07 - It has to work. Why, Beth. Are you still up? I couldn’t sleep.

17:46 - What is the matter, Beth? Alright. So, I’ve stayed out all night again.

17:53 - Would you like an accounting? I didn’t ask you where you had been.

17:57 - I don’t particularly want to know. It’s your own business.

18:01 - Of course, dear. And if I did tell you I’m sure you would take it for granted I was lying.

18:09 - Please Stephen, please. I am not trying to make a scene.

18:27 - Don’t you think it is time we thrashed this out like two sane people? Yes, yes. I know, Beth.

18:32 - You’ll say all the things you’ve been saying for weeks now.

18:35 - “Something has been happening to us”. Hasn’t it? I’ve told you repeatedly you imagine all these things.

18:41 - Stephen, no woman imagines it when she ceases to feel like a wife.

18:46 - Now what are you talking about? About the way you avoid the issue.

18:52 - You have a quaint and childish way of admitting all your sins.

18:56 - I’m not asking you to admit them. I am asking you to do something about them.

19:00 - I’m sorry, Beth. But I am a little too old to change.

19:02 - I’m not a hypocrite. No. I suppose you are not.

19:07 - It is a strange thing. We’ve been married nine years.

19:10 - I still don’t know exactly what you are. I am exactly what you wanted me to be.

19:16 - I am a respected vice president of the respected Empire Trust and Savings Bank.

19:20 - All thanks to you, Beth. All that I am and hope to be.

19:23 - I owe to my angel wife. You talk as though you didn’t want it.

19:27 - On the contrary. It is exactly what I do want.

19:30 - My father described you pretty accurately before we were married.

19:34 - An opportunist? He was quite right, Beth.

19:38 - But even he admitted I was an intelligent one.

19:41 - I had a good education and made no use of it.

19:43 - I had manners and a fine disposition. So you married me and made me respectable.

19:52 - You wanted to know what I am. I told you.

19:56 - Now, do whatever you like about it. Thanks for telling me what I bought and paid for.

22:25 - What time have you got? There is clock right up there.

22:41 - Were you on duty last night? Yep. Did you see me come in? Yep.

22:50 - How did I get here? A lady brought you in.

22:57 - A lady? What lady? She didn’t say.

23:01 - Just brought you in. How much for the room? We collect in advance.

23:13 - Who did you collect from, me? Nope.

23:16 - The lady. Uhuh. Hey. The phone booth is over there.

23:52 - Thanks. Where can I get some coffee round here? Across the street. Down about a block.

24:26 - Put your sample down there. - I have no sample.

24:29 - Opening up any new mines? I might be. I do every once in a while.

24:33 - Well, I am. . I’m a mining engineer.

24:36 - Is that so? Got a regular degree? Sure I have.

24:40 - I don’t want to see your credentials. I ain’t going to hire you.

24:47 - Do you know anybody who might? I am. .

24:50 - A pretty fair man in my field. Had experience? - Plenty.

24:57 - I tell you what, son. There was a man that came in yesterday with a sample that looked pretty good.

25:03 - Assayed pretty good too. I got the report all ready for him.

25:07 - What is it? Well, I am not supposed to say.

25:11 - Silver. And that stays pretty high too. Is that so? I might be able to use you.

25:18 - If I were you I’d stick around. An awful nice fellow too.

25:22 - The old codger has been trying and trying. Looks pretty good, eh? You sit right down there and wait for this fellow.

25:28 - He should be in right about now. Thanks a lot for the tip.

25:33 - Then I’ll wait. Of course I wouldn’t take a job like that no matter what they paid me.

25:38 - Tracking up them trails when there’s no trails at all.

25:41 - A rotten bunkhouse, cold at night and. . Bitter cold in the day.

25:46 - Live off beans and coffee. Boiled in the same pot most likely.

25:50 - Hello, Sandy. Hello Jeff. How are you? Want anything special? Now don’t kid me, Sandy. Have you got that assay for me or not? Well, I might have it. I might have it.

26:02 - Let’s see. I put it somewhere. Come on, hurry it up.

26:06 - Ah yes. Here it is. I don’t know. Am I reading right? A great assay, according to form.

26:22 - Looks good. - Is good. I knew I had something. I was dead sure of fit.

26:27 - Look Sandy. Don’t that say. . 121 ounces per ton.

26:31 - That’s right. - Maybe I struck her this time.

26:34 - Maybe I struck her. They said it was all worked out.

26:37 - Gee, Sandy. I’m going to open up that mine in two weeks. You see if I don’t.

26:41 - Jeff. Want a man to work with you? You? - Me? Not me you old fool.

26:46 - A mining engineer. A college graduate. He might be a good man for you.

26:50 - Hey, engineer. This is the miner I was telling you about.

26:55 - How are you? Hey. Don’t I know you? Sure. You’re the fellow that ran into my car yesterday.

27:01 - That’s right. - Glad to see you. Sandy, this here is an honest man.

27:04 - What did I tell you? You are a mining engineer, huh? I am a lot better at that than I am at driving trucks.

27:12 - He is a good man. Think you can use me? Come on, man. Come on, let’s celebrate first.

27:18 - I’d do better with something a bit more solid in here if it’s alright with you.

27:21 - Sure. Gosh I am glad I met you this way. So long, Sandy.

27:27 - Red mountain. Here. And here is the old shaft.

27:31 - And the tunnel heads right up this way. And right here is where the vein ran out.

27:36 - They thought. They missed it by just that far.

27:41 - And pretty? Man, you should see it. - What’s the condition of the tunnel? Not bad. Timbers are in pretty good shape.

27:47 - Water nearby? Yeah. We got a mountain stream right up here. Solid in the winter.

27:52 - Dry in the summer and flooded in spring. Far from here? Man it is ten thousand up and fifty miles from the nearest house.

27:59 - Does that bother you any? - Oh no. That’s good.

28:02 - Man. . when we get going. I guess I got to buy myself a new hat.

28:07 - This one has been snowed on, spit on and chewed on by mountain squirrels.

28:10 - It brought you luck, though, Huh? Not for the last three years it hasn’t.

28:14 - But here we go her now. We can cut five hundred a day out of that vein.

28:18 - Say, I want to sign a contract with you. Whatever you say.

28:23 - Ten percent of the silver that you cut out of that mountain.

28:26 - Fair enough? Fair? That’s ten percent more than I figured on.

28:31 - All I wanted was a job. That’s the way I want it. - It’s your money.

28:34 - I’ll get it out of you. You’ll work all the harder.

28:37 - Go ahead. Finish your breakfast. I’m going to go buy a new hat.

28:39 - And get to the Empire Bank before noon. - Are you on good terms with the bank? With a report like this? Man, this is money.

28:46 - Is it a deal? Do we go to work? - Sure. Good. - It’s a deal.

28:49 - You pack and be over at the assay office at 2 o’clock.

28:52 - Right. Gee, I forgot your name again.

28:55 - Oh. It is Mike Lambert. Jeff Cunningham.

29:06 - Come in. You didn’t call so I just dropped in to see if you were alright.

29:17 - You were in a bad way last night. Yeah? You act as though you wish I hadn’t come.

29:23 - No, I just got a lot of things on my mind. That’s all.

29:26 - I noticed that last night. What do you mean? Well, you kept running away from liquor and women.

29:33 - Or was it a woman? Don’t count on anything I said last night.

29:38 - Liquor blanks me out. Oh. I am sorry about that.

29:43 - Why? You said I was beautiful. I told you I never remember what I do after I’ve had a couple of drinks.

29:55 - You handle everything just like a man. Going somewhere? Uhuh.

30:08 - What are you running away from this time? I have got a job out of town.

30:14 - Don’t go worrying about your money. You will get it back.

30:17 - You know I am not worried about the money. You make more sense when you are drunk.

30:22 - Maybe. You are afraid. Of what? That is to show you how wrong you are, lady.

30:45 - Paula is the name. I came here to get a job. That’s all. Now I got it.

30:56 - Better, the owner has cut me in on 10% of all the silver I get out of the mine.

31:01 - The first break I’ve had in a long time and now nobody is going to spoil it.

31:04 - Not even me. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to interfere.

31:12 - It’s alright. Forget it. Where is the mine? About fifty miles from here.

31:25 - Who owns it? A fellow named Cunningham.

31:29 - When do you leave? This afternoon at 2 o’clock if there is no hitch.

31:37 - How could there be a hitch? You said it was all set.

31:40 - Not in my deal. I mean in the money arrangements.

31:43 - Cunningham is at the Empire Bank now negotiating a loan.

31:46 - It takes dough to get that silver out. I see.

31:52 - You know, I wish you all the luck you deserve, Mike.

31:55 - Thanks. If you ever need another button sewed on. .

32:01 - The address is 211 Clark Street. Goodbye, Mike. Good luck.

32:36 - It looks alright, Cunningham. Mr Price, you never said a truer word.

32:40 - You know, I never felt that hill had anything left it in it but rocks.

32:43 - We’ll have to send one of our men out tomorrow to look at the property.

32:46 - That suits me fine. Now what you estimate. .

32:50 - Excuse me, Cunningham. Yes? Helen Bailey on the phone.

32:55 - I’ll call her later. She says it’s very important.

32:58 - Alright. Hello. Steve. Are you alone? No.

33:04 - Then just listen. There is a miner named Cunningham on his way to see you.

33:08 - Maybe he is there already. Yes. He has offered our man a job.

33:13 - I don’t know how he made the connection but he did.

33:15 - I see. Yes. That is a very sound idea. Thank you.

33:20 - Goodbye. Now Cunningham, what did you estimate the loan should be? Well.

33:28 - My rough figuring comes to thirty thousand.

33:32 - Huh? How does that sound? Well, frankly it sounds like far too much.

33:38 - Well I don’t know. I suppose we could scrape through with five thousand there.

33:43 - That is still too much. I don’t figure it that way.

33:47 - Cunningham, you realize the bank can’t afford to gamble on a big sum like that.

33:51 - Why not? I’ve paid back every red cent I ever borrowed and paid it on time.

33:55 - This bank knows me. You can’t do business on sentiment, Cunningham.

33:58 - This is not sentiment. Now, here is what I suggest.

34:02 - A short-term note, say three months. Short term.

34:06 - For five thousand dollars. What? That wouldn’t even pay for the tool shack.

34:17 - What you’re doing is turning me down. - I wouldn’t say that, Cunningham.

34:21 - I’ve done business with this bank for fifteen years.

34:23 - Since long before you came here. Long before you married your money and long before you sat in that chair.

34:33 - You give me a lot of greasy talk and then you turn me down.

34:35 - I’m sorry. You’re not sorry, but you will be.

34:56 - You got lots of time now. - What’s wrong? No loan.

35:00 - What. . what happened? I don’t know exactly.

35:03 - That no-good vice president of the bank. The deal was all set and then suddenly. .

35:09 - I just don’t understand it. - There’s another bank in town, right? There is, sure. But they won’t touch a mining investment.

35:16 - No. I’ll go out of town and see my old partner Walt Donovan.

35:19 - He may be able to dig me up a couple of thousand, maybe more.

35:22 - Well, what about our deal? Is it still going? Sure, man. Sure it does, Mike.

35:28 - You know how things look. If I’m not back in 2 or 3 days.

35:32 - Maybe you’d better get yourself another job.

35:36 - Good luck to you, Jeff. You got a new hat out of it anyway, huh? It is kinda pretty, ain’t it.

36:02 - The same? No. What will you have? You got a match? Thanks.

36:22 - Looking for someone in particular? She quit last night.

36:30 - Good for her. [ Buzzer ] Come in.

36:47 - Mike. Expecting somebody? Certainly not you.

36:52 - I thought you were on your way. I was.

36:57 - The deal fell through. Oh, I am sorry.

37:00 - So am I. Maybe I shouldn’t be. Sit down, Mike.

37:12 - I just left the La Paloma. See anything interesting? I heard you quit your job.

37:22 - I hope it wasn’t because you got mixed up in my troubles.

37:25 - Oh no. I was just tired. You are a strange girl.

37:43 - Working in a 2-bit café and yet you look like. .

37:46 - Like what? I am trying to decide. Mike.

37:54 - Yeah? There is a bottle of rye in the kitchen.

37:57 - No thanks. Sure? - I don’t need it.

38:02 - What happened? Did you swear off liquor and women? Maybe.

38:09 - The deal meant an awful lot to you didn’t it.

38:12 - Some. You don’t want to talk about that.

38:20 - It depends on how you tell it. Oh, it is a very short story.

38:26 - Money. How much? More than the bank wanted to risk.

38:33 - What are your plans? I don’t know any plans.

38:38 - Maybe I will hang around a couple of days. Just sort of. .

38:40 - What? Catch up on things. And then? Vancouver.

38:50 - Then Alaska. Still running away? Not yet.

38:57 - I can see several good reasons why I should stay.

39:17 - Put it in the garage, Paula. What has happened? - Nothing to be alarmed about.

39:42 - It is hardly five o’clock. We’ve never come here this early.

39:46 - What’s the trouble? There’s no trouble.

39:49 - It is just that the bank examiners are coming the day after tomorrow.

39:53 - Then there is trouble. No. It is quite the usual thing.

39:59 - But when they arrive they work about two weeks.

40:02 - I don’t want a delay. I think it is dangerous.

40:05 - I agree. We cannot wait that long. How about your car? Plenty of gas in it? Yes, Steve.

40:12 - Alright. We’ll leave it here in the garage. It will only be for the night.

40:16 - But darling. What about the money? You think I’d forget that? Of course not, Steve. But there are so many things.

40:23 - It’s in your safe deposit box. All of it? Two hundred and fifty thousand.

40:31 - They will be searching for that money from here to Los Angeles.

40:33 - And all the while it will be right under their noses.

40:37 - In my own bank, in your name. Now, Paula.

40:43 - Under that robe you will find a wrench. Now. About your friend Lambert.

40:50 - I’ll get him here. But remember. It’s your place, not mine.

40:54 - He still thinks I am a waitress. I want to go over this from beginning to end.

41:16 - That sign. Dangerous curve on the right. That is where I stop and where you. . - I know.

41:35 - Steve. Yes? I am worried about one thing.

41:43 - What’s that? What if they find something? To identify him.

41:49 - Well, when there’s an accident there is usually a fire.

41:51 - Suppose there isn’t? There will be.

41:55 - There will be nothing left to identify. Then Lambert becomes Price.

42:00 - Yes, Steve. A just end for an embezzler.

42:05 - Let’s take a look. For the first time I really believe it’s going to happen.

42:40 - Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night. The club open? - Yep.

43:46 - That’s yours for ten bucks. It’s the same watch.

43:52 - That still runs. Is it a deal? Okay.

44:00 - Drink? - No. One nine. One nine.

44:11 - On the winner. Place your bets early, gentlemen.

44:16 - Craps seven eleven. - A seven. Four. The number is four.

44:22 - The highway, Joe. Ten he comes. Four.

44:29 - Lose. Seven lost it. Player. Put them down early now.

44:36 - For number. Win seven. Shoot it.

44:47 - Win seven. You win some more. Coming right out for number now.

44:52 - Shoot it. One eleven. Another winner.

45:00 - I’ll take the money. What? You quit? You plenty hot.

45:04 - Don’t be loco. Craps seven eleven. Hey.

45:18 - I’ll buy that watch back or twenty bucks. Come on, come on.

45:41 - Expecting me? Of course. You are so good.

45:51 - What’s the matter? I came to pay of my debt.

45:57 - Forty. Fifty. That is for the fine.

46:02 - Three dollars for room number 7. And five dollars you gave me. That’s what the five dollars is for.

46:09 - And here. That is for your trouble.

46:15 - Mike, you are insulting. I couldn’t insult you. That wouldn’t be possible.

46:20 - You are drunk. I wish I were. Now this is beginning to make sense.

46:31 - A waitress that doesn’t look like a waitress.

46:34 - Quitting her job. Why? Because she is tired? Expensive perfume.

46:46 - Plenty of money. Money to throw away on a guy like me.

46:49 - Pay his fine. Getting him a room. What for, a laugh? Are you through? Yes. I’m through and getting out of here.

46:57 - You’re getting out of here but first you are going to tell me.

46:59 - I’ve got nothing to tell you. What is the matter with you? I was standing at the corner of 5th and Clark Street about an hour ago.

47:07 - You fool. A car stopped at the curb.

47:10 - You know who that was? - Don’t want to know.

47:12 - You’ve got to know. It was Price. Who happens to be Vice President of the Empire Bank.

47:18 - Congratulations. I didn’t go for my sake. I went for yours.

47:23 - That’s great. Doesn’t the Cunningham deal mean anything to you anymore? Well, what about it? I persuaded Price to reconsider the loan.

47:32 - He is going with us tomorrow to look at Cunningham’s property.

47:35 - Do you understand, Mike? You’ve got the deal.

47:38 - Yeah? You don’t have to believe it. You have the appointment. See for yourself.

47:44 - What did you do to persuade him? What’s the difference now? - A lot of difference.

47:50 - I don’t want a woman fronting for me. I wanted you to get the job.

47:53 - I couldn’t let you drift away. Pick up the money, Mike.

48:06 - How does a. . A waitress at the La Paloma come to know the vice president of a bank? A lot of people come to La Paloma.

48:15 - So I have noticed. One way or another. .

48:17 - A smart girl gets to know in which closet they keep the family skeleton.

48:23 - When she rattles that skeleton. . Bingo.

48:31 - Where is the skeleton in the. . Price family? Mrs Price.

48:36 - But it’s a long story. Are you going to stay to hear it? Where are your cigarettes? The same place.

48:55 - As they were last night. Have you finished those letters? - No, Mr Price. These estimates. .

49:06 - Never mind. I will sign them tomorrow. I am driving out to look at the Cunningham holdings.

49:10 - Cancel all my appointments for today. - Yes, Mr Price.

49:13 - Oh. I want to see the examiners when they arrive first thing in the morning.

49:26 - Been in our city long, Mr Lambert? A couple of days.

49:31 - Say, aren’t you going to have one of your engineers look the place over? A banker Mr Lambert has to know a little about almost everything.

49:37 - I happen to have a mining degree. Good enough.

49:46 - We’ll take these samples back and have a new assay run on them for confirmation.

49:50 - Suit yourself. - It will give us a clearer picture.

49:53 - Just a second. I’ll get somebody to carry them in.

50:04 - Everything working out, Mr Price? - I imagine so.

50:08 - It must seem a boring trip. - On the contrary.

50:14 - I had to dump out Cunningham’s laundry but he won’t mind.

50:26 - You know, Mr Lambert. I think I may have been too hasty yesterday.

50:30 - Cunningham of course was a little rude. I got angry, naturally.

50:33 - I don’t think Cunningham meant to be. Well, looks good to me.

50:38 - In fact I think we stand to make a little money.

50:41 - Well. . that calls for a celebration. Not a bad idea.

50:46 - Where would you like to stop? I don’t know this section at all.

50:50 - I tell you what, we might turn off to my place.

50:53 - I’ve got a little shack up there. I’m sure we can find the fixings.

50:57 - I need something to arm me up. Personally, I am off liquor.

51:02 - Well, one drink won’t shorten a man’s life appreciably now will it.

51:22 - Oh, what a lovely place. It is quite a shack. Come on in.

51:35 - Make yourselves comfortable. Mr Lambert.

51:40 - Let me take your hat. - Thanks. I’ll fix some drinks. - Wonderful.

51:45 - How would you like it, Miss Craig? Water? Soda? Some sherry. - Sherry? Whiskey, Lambert? Alright.

51:54 - Just a short one though. You know, Cunningham is going to be mighty happy when he hears about it.

52:08 - Yes. I think we do business. Here is to luck.

52:23 - And a little extra. To all of us. Is anyone else hungry? I am famished.

52:40 - Let’s go. There must to be a diner on the road somewhere.

52:42 - Nonsense. I have all the staples in the refrigerator.

52:45 - Eggs, bacon. The usual things. And perhaps Miss Craig would. .

52:49 - Fine. Where is the frying pan? - Right out here.

52:51 - Your coat. Where can I wash my hands? Right up the head of the stairs.

53:46 - So far, so good. Stall for time. It is still too early.

54:01 - Find everything, Lambert? Yeah. What’s got into you? Why are you drinking? To you.

55:00 - Won’t you join us in the kitchen, Lambert? I like it better out here.

55:16 - Something is the matter with him. - I know.

55:22 - He saw your robe upstairs. My robe? He is in love with you.

55:34 - What do we do? Let him drink. It will make it that much easier.

56:02 - He has passed out. You will have to carry him.

57:16 - Come on, Mike. Come on. Paula.

59:18 - Banker killed in accident. Read all about it.

59:22 - All about the auto crash. Banker killed in auto crash.

59:26 - Here you are, Read all about it. All about the auto crash.

59:33 - Banker killed in auto crash. How do you feel? What happened to me? Don’t you remember? No.

60:34 - The only thing I remember is a. . A white robe.

60:44 - Mike. Let’s not pretend anymore. No. Let’s not.

60:48 - I did lie to you. About Price. But that’s over. That is passed.

60:54 - That was before I. . - Before what? Before I met you.

60:59 - Do you see, Mike? Price never meant. . - I don’t care what he meant to you.

61:04 - I’m pulling out of this. Mike. Have you seen this? “Stephen Price killed. . “ Well, that is impossible.

61:28 - We were with him. It says here he was. .

61:32 - “Alone in his car. “ Have you been to the police? The accident.

61:39 - We can’t go to the police. Why not? It wasn’t that kind of an accident.

61:45 - What do you mean? You killed him, Mike.

61:50 - Don’t you remember? I? - Yes. You’re out of your mind.

62:00 - I tried to stop you. You were drunk.

62:04 - You accused him of making advances. When he called off the deal, you got angry and hit him.

62:11 - He fell against the fireplace. Hitting his head.

62:17 - I didn’t kill him. No. It was just an accident. Where are you going? To the police.

62:26 - You can’t. He’s dead. And as far as everyone was concerned it was an accident.

62:32 - Listen to me. If you go to the police, you will hang.

62:36 - You came into this town a drifter. They will never believe that you didn’t mean to kill him.

62:41 - Does it matter? I will hang too. I helped to cover for you.

62:46 - To make it look like an accident. And I thought I had something this time.

62:53 - Go and pack your things. We are going to leave town. Tomorrow.

62:59 - I am right back where I started. Nowhere.

63:11 - Paper, mister? Hey. “Auto accident proved murder. “ How do they know it was murder? It says so right here in the paper.

63:34 - “A blow on the back of the head with a blunt instrument. “ “Causing severe cerebral haemorrhage. “ Why, that is awful. Have they got the murderer? Oh, they got him alright.

63:57 - Five minutes. That’s all. How are you, Jeff? Bad. How would you feel with charges like this against you? Mike, you know I didn’t do it. I couldn’t kill anybody.

64:07 - I didn’t like him, but. . I wouldn’t kill him.

64:10 - Take it easy, Jeff. Of course you didn’t do it.

64:12 - They must prove it before they can convict you.

64:14 - Sorry, Mike. I didn’t mean to fly off the handle.

64:16 - I’m in a tough spot. You have your alibi. You went out to see your friend Donovan.

64:21 - That’s just it. He wasn’t there. I stayed in his shack overnight.

64:24 - When he didn’t show up the next day I came on back to town.

64:29 - They claim that you threatened Price. I did no such thing.

64:34 - I went to see him about the loan. At first he says: “Yes, Cunningham. Fine Cunningham”.

64:38 - I think the deal is all set. Then we were interrupted. He talked on the phone.

64:43 - When he finished his call he wouldn’t hear of a deal.

64:45 - He offered me five thousand. I didn’t threaten him.

64:49 - I told him off and walked out. Sit down.

64:54 - I know you didn’t do it. Yeah, sure.

64:57 - They say my laundry bag was in the wrecked car.

64:59 - Mike, I swear I don’t know how he got it. I wasn’t with him.

65:04 - Jeff. I was the last man with Price.

65:10 - You? Yeah. We drove up to the mine.

65:14 - He changed his mind about your deal. He wanted to go through with it? Yep.

65:19 - Then he backed out again. That is when I may have killed him.

65:26 - Don’t you know? No, I don’t. I had a few drinks.

65:36 - Mike. You didn’t murder anybody, no more than me.

65:40 - I don’t know. There’s something loco about this man Price.

65:45 - He changes his mind and then he changes sit again.

65:48 - I don’t get it. He wasn’t crazy. Not Price.

65:57 - But wait a minute, Jeff. You say that when you went into his office he got a phone call? That’s right. He did.

66:05 - What did he say? Nothing. Just yes/no, yes/no.

66:09 - Yeah, but who was he talking to? I didn’t pay any attention.

66:14 - Just a phone call. None of my business. Maybe that is something.

66:19 - Maybe it’s nothing but it’s all we’ve got. The police ought to know.

66:24 - They’d only throw me in jail. Time is up.

66:28 - Look, Jeff. I think I have an idea who might have done it.

66:31 - But what I don’t know is why. I need time to find out.

66:34 - But I promise you you’re not going to be in here more than 24 hours.

66:37 - Another day won’t make no difference. Mike.

66:44 - Don’t get in no trouble on account of me. It’s alright, Jeff.

67:12 - Can’t you read? I’m looking for Mr Price’s secretary.

67:16 - Who? Mr Price’s secretary. Well, she is not here. - I know that.

67:21 - What is her name? - I don’t know her name. What do you want to know for? - I have got to see her. I am a. .

67:26 - I’m a changes reporter. Can you find out? I’d like to see Miss Woodworth. - She is retired for the night.

68:06 - Wait. Is she the lady that worked for Mr Price? I’m her husband. What do you want with her? I am a reporter for The Chronicle. - Look.

68:12 - Every cop in town has been questioning my wife.

68:14 - The phone rings all day long. They talk to her until she don’t know what she says.

68:18 - Why not give her a break and return tomorrow? Mister, this is important. There is a man in jail.

68:22 - He’ll be in jail tomorrow too. It may mean this man’s life. .

68:26 - And all I want is one minute of Mrs Woodworth’s time.

68:28 - Let him come in, Jack. Mrs Woodworth, I will be very brief. It is about Jeff Cunningham.

68:40 - You say you overheard a quarrel. That is right.

68:43 - He was shouting insults at Mr Price. While Cunningham was in Mr Price’s office Mr Price got a phone call, right? He had a dozen calls.

68:53 - Didn’t you ring Mr Price on the intercom while Cunningham was there? Yes, I did.

69:01 - Is that important? - It might prove vital. Who was it who called? Let me think.

69:09 - Try to remember. You don’t have to answer him if you don’t want to.

69:12 - He’s not the police. - It’s my job. Was it a man or a woman who called? Oh. . it was a woman.

69:23 - What was her name? Try to think. I have got to know.

69:30 - Why? What is the hurry? I’ve got to make the morning edition.

69:35 - Look. Your wife is trying to cooperate. Why shouldn’t you? Whittier. . Beltson? Carlson? Barkley.

69:49 - Gee. It is right on the tip of my tongue. You never sent a reporter? Is that it? That’s what I figured.

69:58 - No. You send for the police. I’ll hold him here.

70:03 - Yeah. It will be a pleasure. Oh, I know. Of course.

70:10 - Helen Bailey. That is the name: Helen Bailey.

70:18 - Did you ever see her? No. But she called three or four times a week.

70:22 - Helen Bailey. Of course. Thanks. You have helped a lot.

70:30 - How about a cup of coffee before you leave? No thanks. I’m in a hurry. - No need to hurry.

70:35 - The Chronicle has no morning edition. It never did.

70:39 - Sit down. Sorry. “When you hear the tone the time will be 9:15. “ [ Buzzer ] Mike.

72:02 - I am so glad. - Hello, Paula. I was frantic all night worrying. Where were you? What have you been doing? Thinking.

72:12 - Oh don’t. Don’t think about it. There is nothing we can do.

72:17 - We’ll leave this town in a couple of hours.

72:20 - I’ll fix you some coffee. I went to see Cunningham yesterday.

72:30 - He is in a bad spot. Oh, he’ll get out of it.

72:34 - After all he is innocent. Proving it is something else.

72:38 - There is nothing you can do. I can confess.

72:41 - No, Mike. I can’t let you. We’ve got to think of us.

72:53 - Paula. Yes, darling? You know this town pretty well.

72:58 - Some. Do you know a woman named. . Helen Bailey? No.

73:09 - No. I do not recall her name. Why do you ask about her? Who? - Helen Bailey.

74:50 - No reason. Except that she was a friend of Price’s.

75:03 - How do you know? It was in the paper this morning.

75:10 - Price’s secretary talked to Miss Bailey many times but claims she never saw her.

75:27 - Darling. I have to go to the La Paloma and pick up my last check.

75:37 - We’ll need every cent of the money. Mike. I am sorry.

75:45 - I’ll get another. You run along. I’ll be right back.

75:56 - Now, don’t run away again. I won’t.

78:16 - Open it, Paula. Open it. You would let me go on believing that I killed him.

78:36 - I had to hold you. You killed him. For that.

78:44 - It was either Price or you. He wanted to kill you.

78:48 - Let you burn. So they would think it was him.

78:51 - It would have hurt less that way. I couldn’t tell you before, Mike.

78:55 - I was afraid I’d lose you. I didn’t care what you were or what you did before we met.

79:01 - Listen to me. We met by luck. We had a few hours.

79:09 - We belong to each other, Mike. You know that.

79:11 - Sure. I wanted it that way more than anything in the world.

79:17 - But it is no good, Paula. Mike. Mike. Listen to me.

79:23 - We can go away. . anywhere. All that money is ours.

79:28 - We can do anything we want. What about Cunningham? Would you let him die for something he didn’t do? We could get him a good lawyer.

79:52 - It is no good, Paula. I can’t let this go.

80:00 - I waited too long, Mike. You don’t know what it is to wear someone else’s clothes.

80:05 - To have to smile when you don’t want to. 0h, Mike.

80:08 - If I’d only known you before I met Price. Then this is goodbye, Mike.

80:51 - Mike. Help me. I’m scared, Mike.

80:56 - They are out there. You told them. You’ll get a big reward for this.

81:58 - You keep it. –(sd)-.