FINASTERIDE Results after 8 Months. Did I Plateaued? #Hairloss #Baldness

Nov 9, 2020 16:28 · 1304 words · 7 minute read material let make comb full

hey guys hi how are you? welcome to my channel welcome to another underperforming video on youtube. my name is juan carlos and today we’re here to talk about month eight since i started taking finasteride. ready? let’s go for those of you that is their first time on my channel allow me to introduce myself: my name is juan carlos and lately i’ve been uploading a lot of videos regarding my hair transplant experience and in this case my use of finasteride. i’ve been taking finasteride for eight months and i started taking it about at about month six from the date that i had my transplant performed in august of 2019; big mistake, i should have started taking finasteride BEFORE, ideally six months to a year before my transplant but i didn’t because i’m human and i make mistakes and i changed my mind about its use at about month six and a half and i’ve been taking it ever since. i want to go straight to the images. i want to show you what my hair looks in comparison to month one when i was taking when i started taking finasteride this is the video.

01:00 - the video on the left as it says is month one and that was 30 days of me taking finasteride i don’t have images of the day zero because i made a mistake i have pictures but not images and the image on the right is from earlier today, from like 20 minutes ago that i took this video. there you can see a dramatic difference. at least i can see it, a dramatic difference between the density of the crown area. remember some of those hairs are transplanted so a very minimal amount of grafts went to my crown area and then the rest are hairs that were miniaturized and they have been getting stronger with the use of finasteride. my claim from many years back is that it worked for me many years ago and that it made my hair throughout my head a lot stronger, throughout my scalp a lot stronger, and and that’s what i was expecting at least in some, to some degree for the medication to do for me this time and that’s that’s what it did. i don’t think it will ever get back to normal, to no recession in my crown but i’m very thankful that it made that difference.

02:07 - this seems like a very good opportunity to remind you that the best way to support my channel is by liking this video, by subscribing to my channel and by sharing this content with anybody that can benefit from this material let’s go back to the video. there’s a reason why i didn’t make a video for month seven. i did say at the beginning of this this process that i was gonna make videos every month but i did not see a noticeable difference between month six and seven and i just didn’t want to make a useless video to report no news and so that’s why i skipped month seven and i i’m here in month eight um i think i’m not gonna do one for month nine as well i’m just gonna do every two months because i don’t wanna make unnecessary senseless redundant videos. something that i want to mention is that i’m open to the possibility that my hair has reached a point of plateauing and that i may not see any more rehabilitation of my hair and maybe this is as good as it gets yet i’m still going to be uploading these videos at least every two months to the year mark as i promised at the beginning of this process uh just to make sure that you get the full experience. and then what i want to show you is speaking about the lack of difference between month six and seven, now i’m going to show you a video from this is a video from month six to month eight difference there you can see that there’s slightly any difference…

that lock in the very 03:25 - center keeps getting a little thicker at least in my opinion and um the lighting like i always tell you in these videos i’ve been trying to be as honest as possible the lighting is something that has been my headache throughout this process because that’s very harsh lighting it’s a it’s an led ring light and i can’t get away from it. it’s the most detail that i can but it’s also very bright on my my hair and it makes it appear as it’s less dense but in a normal life my hair looks pretty good um like i always tell you i like to do the Julius Caesar to uncover everything so that we can just focus on the actual results and not on hairstyles… but this last picture that i’m going to show you is a picture that i sent to my clinic last month uh i’m sorry like two weeks ago and it’s uh there you can see that i’m doing a little bit of a comb over i don’t like to abuse the comb over because at some point it starts looking a little too staged so i really don’t mind doing uh maybe a little bit short of the hair even if it looks thinning because who am i trying to fool, right? and but as you can see i have the ability to do the slight comb over. i’m pretty fortunate that the hair got strong enough that it’s able to comb it back. i think in some video in the past, i’ve said that that my hair before finasteride was so weak that the hair just didn’t wouldn’t comb back, wouldn’t comb back.

04:52 - something you guys keep asking is how soon did i start seeing results and that’s very very subjective… i can tell you that i felt the medication working at about month one, a month and change i just noticed uh how my hair was starting to get a little stronger. it felt like i had crazy hair because the hair wasn’t as limp as before i started taking the medication. but visual results i wouldn’t see any palpable results before month three. everybody’s different but in my case that’s kind of how i remember it to be nevertheless there’s a list of videos i mean that’s why it’s good that you document everything because every month you may see something different so you may want to take pictures and images so that this doesn’t become something as emotional as more of the facts of picture comparison and video comparison which is my favorite so that you can see the medication is working for you or not. so i mean for somebody…

i’m about to turn 48 and for the last couple of years years 05:57 - i have been contemplating just shaving it off or buzzing it and to be able to get this life back to my hair at this time in my life i’m very fortunate and as always i never i will never tell you that you should use it it’s just something for you to consider based on my experience. i’m an older person, i feel fortunate that that my body reacted positively to to use finasteride and i’m not a doctor and i’m not advocating that you take it it’s just an experience that i wanted to share with you in case you’ve been thinking about it and you come to these videos looking at options and know that it worked for me and then i’m very happy and that’s it. thank you and i’ll see you next time .