США – «банановая республика»?

Dec 30, 2020 00:57 · 1595 words · 8 minute read disputed "... said biden despite

Three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial - coupled with the “fourth” - the media - turned the United States into a “banana republic” in 2020. They almost succeeded in toppling President Trump who wanted to make the country great again. The United States is becoming not just a big “banana republic”, but a real, so to speak, “banana oligarchy”, which has serious chances to turn into a “banana dictatorship” in 2021 and slide into civil war in a country armed to the teeth. Stealing the elections that President Donald Trump actually won from Joe Biden with a huge electoral advantage required such an enormous effort from the Democrats and the globalist Republicans acting with them that almost all the masks were thrown off. It became clear to everyone , what’s what, that there is practically no democracy and real freedom in the United States.

00:56 - A real republic, we recall, is based on “three pillars”: an independent legislative, executive and judicial branch, which helps to function, balance and control each other by the “fourth power” - a free press. In the United States, this system previously worked at the very least, and in America there was some kind of democracy. But those times, as the November 2020 elections showed, are over. The past elections have demonstrated that in the US Congress, a one- party system has long been formed in the person of Democrats and Republicans- globalists, jointly seeking the removal of Trump. This often happens in countries where the republic is an imitation.

01:33 - Instead of harshly demanding government investigations into the unprecedented election fraud and unanimous support for Trump, a group of representatives of this party in the Senate congratulated Biden on his “victory” and demanded that the president agree with the outcome of the election. Among them - the speaker of the upper house of parliament from Republicans Mitch McConnell and the influential Mormon politician Mitt Romney, who ran for the US presidency in the past. Trump is outraged by the behavior of party members and their attitude towards absolutely fake elections: “If the Democratic presidential candidate had been rigged and stolen with evidence of such actions at an unprecedented level, Democratic senators would consider it an act of war and would fight to the death. Mitch and the Republicans are not doing anything, they just want it to be left behind. “ And here are a few more recent tweets from the President of the United States on this topic: “It is time for Republican senators to step up and fight for the presidency, as the Democrats would do if they really won.

The proof is 02:34 - irrefutable! Late night mass ballot box stuffing in swinging states, ballot box filling (on video), voters who voted twice, dead voters, fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican election observers, more votes than actual voters, and more… The numbers are much larger than necessary to win in some hesitant states, and they cannot even be disputed “… Please note: here is listed the entire traditional arsenal, with the help of which elections in the” banana republics “are usually rigged. And Trump has not yet mentioned the scam machines for counting votes “Dominion”, which robbed him not only in the “wavering states”, but also that several countries, including several “allies” of the United States, “lit up” in electronic vote rigging…. A young military man working in Afghanistan said the Afghan elections are much safer and more organized than the 2020 US elections .

Our election, with its millions and millions of fake mail-order ballots, 03:39 - was the election of a third world country. Fake President! The last one is, of course, about Biden. The whole country has seen what Trump is calling out to his compatriots, but many residents of the Capitol prefer not to notice anything, hoping that the coup against Trump , timed to coincide with the elections , will be completed successfully and you just need to sit out another couple of unpleasant weeks. Officials stubbornly refuse to see what is happening, they constantly sabotage the president, pull rubber, blatantly lie. Trump has to put things in order manually when sabotage and betrayal cross the line.

04:12 - He kicked out, for example, the head of the Pentagon, Mark Esper, when he refused to use the army to suppress riots and pogroms in the country. The President had to do the same with the head of the US Cybersecurity Agency Christopher Krebs, who said that they were never so safe and flawless in US history. Trump forced the head of the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to leave his post: he saw and knew everything perfectly, but brazenly declared that there was no evidence of massive election fraud, refused to investigate the facts of blatant corruption of the Biden family, which endangered national security. By putting his own people in Esper and Barr’s place, Trump hopes to change the position of the departments they lead , to end their complicity in a quiet coup. However, it is not a fact that he will succeed, as well as wait, for example, for the report of the US National Intelligence, which unites almost 20 secret services, headed, by the way, by his supporter John Ratcliffe, on foreign interference in the elections.

05:07 - This report was supposed to be ready on December 18th. Trump desperately needs him in order to quickly take decisive action legally. But he, as they say in Odessa, still does not exist. Democratic supporters in the intelligence community are stalling for time. The powerful Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who has gone missing, is also shamelessly behaving . The conspiracy against Trump covers the whole country, it is clearly organized and structured, there is foreign interference. But the American “Chekists” do not want to see any of this. The President outraged on Twitter: “The Justice Department and the FBI did nothing about the 2020 presidential election fraud , the largest fraud in our country’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See you in Washington on January 6th. “ In short, Trump calls on the people, the patriots of their country, to protect the republic and its president from destruction by those who have to protect them on duty. For many Americans, it is no secret that their country’s judicial system is corrupt, which is entirely due to the Democrats.

But even very experienced, intelligent 06:20 - observers believed that the country has at least one - the highest court, the Supreme Court, where the truth will not be offended. This was the mistake of idealism. With a few exceptions, all US courts have rotted - from top to bottom, as in the classic “banana republic”. Trump’s lawyers have lost almost all of the court cases, despite damning evidence. And in the most offensive way it is in the Supreme Court. One Supreme Court trick with a legally flawless Texas lawsuit backed by 21 states, well worth it! No one, including President Trump, expected such cynicism, shamelessness, open violation of the Constitution and laws, selfishness and indifference to the fate of the United States from the Supreme Court.

The next presidential tweet is dedicated to this: 07:04 - “The US Supreme Court proved to be completely incompetent and weak regarding the massive electoral fraud that took place in the 2020 presidential election. We have absolute proof, but they don’t want to see it… If we have a corrupt election, we don’t have a country! “ As a result, Trump supporters and generally honest Americans now rely on… martial law, which the newly appointed Pentagon leadership seems to be preparing for, so that the army can help hold fair elections in the “wavering states” . In the “banana republics” the army, by the way, is usually used not for its intended purpose.

07:42 - Moreover, as 2020 has shown, not only are three branches of government not functioning in the United States, there is practically no free press left there: 95% of the media in America belong to five or six globalist companies pursuing the same policy. For this reason, they have turned from mass media into total disinformation media. Social networks belonging to virtually the same owners behave in exactly the same way. They do not tolerate, block and remove negative information about Trump’s opponents, while at the same time raining lies and slander on the president. Clamping freedom of speech, if ideological and, of course, financial reasons require it, is normal in the United States today.

It is clear that such media and social networks can do nothing to help the 08:26 - dying republic. Unless only in order to kill her as soon as possible, saving her from unnecessary torment. What will appear in the US instead? Only this - “pink fascism” and “banana oligarchy”. “Banana” because the United States itself with its people, in fact, will not be particularly interesting to it, because this oligarchy is globalist. If we paraphrase a little one old Nazi song, we will get what we are looking for: today we own America, tomorrow the whole world.

08:55 - That is why all thinking people are so for America and Trump now and worry. For if at the very beginning of 2021 the United States somehow fails to stop at the edge of the abyss, if the republic dies and the globalist oligarchy completely seizes power in the country, not only Americans will feel bad. .