[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 徐明浩 THE 8 - 本 Making Film
Nov 24, 2020 08:59 · 1232 words · 6 minute read
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] [THE 8’s Working Diaries] [-Practice Room Day 1-] When I was going through tough times in my life, [#making_intro_meditation] meditation was what saved me, but [#making_intro_meditation] it turns out, it was me that saved myself. [#making_intro_meditation] The reason I want to continue meditating, even though I’m fine now [#making_intro_meditation] is because I want to live free I can look after my own feelings I can see what kind of emotions I have There’s nothing much to it, but when I tell people I meditate, they say things like… ‘Are you trying to be some god?’ ‘How old are you now?’ But these are all just stereotypes. Once you get to know properly about meditation, you realize that it’s nothing big but it’s something really deep at the same time. And for example, when I’m meditating suppose that I’m annoyed and angry from a certain situation In the past, I would simply just get annoyed and that would be it, but now I can somewhat control those feelings by myself.
01:01 - ‘Why do you have to be like that, because of such circumstances?’ ‘You are you, and those circumstances are just what they are.’ My mindset’s changed like that. Like, a voice is reaching out for you from the mountains. [A voice from the forest that leads oneself] [THE 8 discusses the kind of voice he wants to express] From a bit further inside, a certain voice led you, that’s the kind of nuance that would work. If it gets too long, it can be a bit scary or it could get too deep [That feeling of embracing] You, know something like this. Something that spreads and embraces all… [Adding 1 second] - Let’s just add one more second from the previous one. - Okay.
01:51 - [The musician plays as THE 8 suggested] [Going for a freestyle dance] Okay. Let me try a freestyle dance to it. Alright, alright. [#Take 1/ Freestyle Dance] [#Take 1/ Freestyle Dance] [Wrong timing] [#Take 1/ Freestyle Dance] - Was it too short this time? - It was. [#Take 2/ Freestyle Dance] [#Take 2/ Freestyle Dance] [Made it!] Lately, I’ve been taking more interest in pure arts. So I actually wanted this project to be like a pure art, too. One thing I liked the most was, how such honest feelings and something so indescribable from the inside could be expressed in a way that I want it to be.
02:44 - And it’s a work about one’s ego that wants to find itself. So for this special project, I started playing the Geomungo (Korean harp). [Q. About the way that many artists collaborate together?] This is the first time for me to do this type of work, because in some way, I got to meet many artists from this project, and it feels like we’re completing one artwork together. [A piece of work everyone’s effort was put into] The costume designer is also an artist. The camera director is also an artist. So it feels like we’re creating and making one piece of work together, I think It’s really fun.
03:30 - [THE 8’s Working Diaries] [-Practice Room Day 2-] - Right, there. - It looks like a foreign country. [THE 8 checks the shooting location first] Right here, the colors change a bit… - then it would look like a scene from a movie. - Yes, right. [THE 8 loves the bluish forest] Like you told me, in part 2, there could be a light, or some strange rocks on the side. Or on that day, we could just find a place we like and dance there. [Nice vibes] I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. It’s gonna look good. [Explaining things he wants to show in detail] In the beginning, when I’m humming whether it’s my eyes or something else, - for just a moment, I want to do a move that shows I’m going in that direction. - Okay, okay. [THE 8’s key production points] [1. THE 8’s eyes trying to follow the existence that calls him] And when I’m humming, whether it’s my back, or mouth, you just… So, like… You know, that this voice is what’s leading me. [THE 8’s key production points] [2. Things that show the meaning of the voice] And also on where the voice is coming from. - It tells you. - Yes, it tells you.
04:31 - In the end, whether it’s walking or running… [THE 8’s key production points] [3. THE 8’s steps] I think we just need one of them. What I want are just 3 things. [THE 8 starts practicing the choreography] [Pulling the energy from inside] Fingers. Think of them as more like particles, or dust. [The key point is to look as if he’s pulling the particles] You pull it from your body and you fly away. [THE 8’s expressive dancing shines through] You have to move as if you’re flying. Use your surroundings. That’s good. Okay. This part is a bit tricky.
05:16 - [THE 8 gets through the tricky parts right away] - Yeah, like that. - Like this? Don’t think too much. Okay. Just almost. [THE 8’s Working Diaries] [- Shoot Day -] [Even the weather’s helping out] The weather’s great. [Even the weather’s helping out] Wow. [Even the weather’s helping out] Today’s the best. [So happy] It feels like I’ve been working hard, just for today. [A green costume to maximize the mystical atmosphere] [Finished preparing, and now energetically starting the shoot] I went right for it! - That was nice! - There we have it! Even in this busy world I hope you can look back and take care of yourself.
06:31 - If you look closely, your world could be more beautiful than you thought and there is so much more to it. I asked myself some deep questions like, ‘Why do I exist?’ I’m not sure whether I’ll get that through to the viewers. But hope everyone can feel at peace, watching this and start asking more reflective questions. Good? I think we could do with less smoke. [THE 8 guides the shoot in the direction he wants] I really want to capture it in an angle, so we get the natural light.
07:37 - [The rough ground is an obstacle for the choreography] I just need to do this. - It’s hard because the ground’s like this. - Because we’re not on a flat surface. [Looking for a solution] Actually, I just need to do it here… [Looking for a solution] If I just do it here, I should be fine. - Tell me which part this is… - This front area is fine. [#we_do_what_we_say] I can do it. [#we_do_what_we_say / i_can_do_it] - Okay. - Let me try it. I have to do it.
08:03 - [Perfection] We’re done! [Successfully completed the 本 shooting] Yes, we finished shooting today. [Successfully completed the 本 shooting] I think it’ll look amazing. [THE 8’s grateful towards the staff members] A big thank you to everyone who worked on making this video look so amazing. I hope this project can make you feel lots of things. I hope you received the energy and message that I wanted to deliver I’ll continue to show my true and honest self, like today.
08:38 - Fighting! [Completed 本, full of THE 8’s unique talent] [INSIDE SEVENTEEN].