Игорь Панарин: Мировая политика #1164. Трамп о фальсификации выборов в США
Nov 13, 2020 20:19 · 1354 words · 7 minute read
There is a cleaning of those who show at the necessary moment, at a difficult moment — cowardice! Hello dear friends! I am Professor Igor Nikolaevich Panarin, Doctor of Political Science. I have 1164 edition of my program “Igor Panarin: World Politics”. Mood is good. The video is titled: “Trump on Fraud in the USA. So, about two hours ago, US President Donald Trump spoke again and wrote on his Twitter that about 3 million votes were stolen from him only in electronic systems. That is, he steadily and purposefully speaks about the large-scale multimillion-dollar falsifications of the “demonocrats”.
And now the good news: 00:52 - we had a video in which there were three good news and two not so good news. I will comment that the cybersecurity agency inside the Department of Homeland Security has thrown in information that there is allegedly no falsification. These people, who were thrown in, have resigned, they are no longer there, they have already been fired. So my conclusion in the previous video that the US intelligence community has no traitors is confirmed. There is a purge of those who show at the necessary moment, at a difficult moment - cowardice. This is an important point. Now for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
There was news in the video today that China allegedly 01:42 - recognized Biden. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this was stated by an official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. This means that the Chinese Foreign Ministry has been “spotted”, not China. Xi Jinping did not congratulate Biden. It is fundamentally. Let me remind you that inside China there are two groups of Stalinist sovereigns headed by Xi Jinping, and globalist Trotskyists-Clintonites, headed by the prime minister. For a long time, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not “spotted”, but now it is “spotted.
” So the Chinese Foreign Ministry showed itself 02:18 - on the side of the Clintonites. Think about it this way: not China, but individual representatives of the Chinese Foreign Ministry are playing their game on the side of Biden and the Clntonites. This is how I view the situation. Pay attention to this. In general, there are always problems with the Foreign Ministries… Now let’s go further. There is news that the Pope also congratulated Biden. I wanted to tell you one thing: remember how Carlo Maria Vigano, who supports Trump, said that the Pope took the side of the “children of Darkness.
” Vigano 02:59 - demands his resignation, and not only him, but 12 other influential cardinals. Let me also remind you that there was such an operation “Vatilix”, which was carried out by Comrade Obama and his Vice-President Biden with the aim of removing Pope Benedict from Bavaria, from Munich, who was against homosexuality and pedophilia. He was dismissed and put in charge of Francis. It was Biden who participated in all these games to replace the Pope. Here he is now again and “lit up” in full. So you need to evaluate it in this context. Many of our subscribers from Russia write: what difference does it make to us that Biden and Trump are one and the same.
Not the same! This is what I wanted 03:58 - to draw your attention to. We discard the geopolitical aspects. On our shows, the Clintonites and other experts clearly pursue the goals of the globalists: the START-3 treaty can be signed under Biden, here’s something else, there will be no difference… It will! A huge difference! A huge difference! It is valuable, semantic. If the Clintonite group supports pedophilia, supports destructive values, then Trump supports a strong family! Like this: no difference? Let’s see what was adopted on July 1 in the amendments to the Russian Constitution! We have a union of a man and a woman. What kind of union is this? This is a family with normal children.
And if the Pope calls for same-sex marriage, this is absolutely 04:59 - contrary to our value orientations. And Trump is for a healthy, normal family! How - there is no difference? The difference is diametrically opposite, paying attention to this! It is a value, spiritual and religious difference, and you need to pay attention to this. Carlo Maria Vigano writes about this , and not only him, let’s say. The difference is drastically different. I remember my performance in Texas. There are about 300 people in the hall - they were activists of the Tea Party Patriots movement. Basically, these are teachers, employees of special services, teachers of higher educational institutions - well, that’s about this composition.
And when I said in this audience that I like it when a man - I 05:52 - pause - loves a woman - a sea of applause, that is, a burst of applause. I say: when a woman - I pause - loves a man, and when healthy children are born to them happy - well, a lot of applause! These are normal values. We have enshrined them in the Constitution. Therefore, I emphasize once again: all these talk shows of ours assert, please note: there is, like, no difference between Biden and Trump, nothing changes… It changes dramatically! We are on the path of spiritual growth. We accepted the values on July 1 by the absolute majority of the population of Russia.
And we do not care what kind of spiritual-moral or anti-spiritual forces of Darkness 06:42 - will win in the USA. Not all the same! This is the fundamental point to which I would like to draw your attention. And Trump always demonstrates a desire for spiritual and moral values, support for a normal family. This is fundamentally important. And the forces that support the globalists, the Clintonites, are on the other side of the barricades. And this is the key moment of this confrontation that is now going on in the United States.
I am very glad that now many subscribers have been added from America. We have subscribers from all states, we have everything. And everyone writes: New Jersey, California, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, and so on. They all support Trump, they all support Trump! Ordinary people: truckers who see life, and IT people too. Programmers write, and teachers, and instructors, and so on. That is, the majority of the American population is for normal spiritual and moral values. In this context, elections are not just that. It seems all the same for Russia… Not all the same! For spiritual and moral Russia, which is based on the doctrine “Moscow is the third Rome”, on the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, on the main Temple of the Armed Forces, a wonderful, recently built, on the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which was made at the personal expense of our Russian President… And we are not all it will be the same if the forces that fight against spiritual and moral values will win. And in conclusion: tomorrow is the most important day in the States.
Now patriots of America are gathering from all over America to Washington. I hope that tomorrow there will be a large-scale rally of Trump supporters and it will become such a psychological moment that will turn the definitively positive forces in America towards a crushing offensive. Operation Bagration will begin tomorrow in Washington. Remember when we broke the back of the Nazis and went to the borders of the Reich and went already flawlessly, purposefully… Our wonderful Ural volunteer corps “Division of Steel Knives.
” Then they freed both Berlin 09:19 - and Prague from the fascist scum. So, Trump and his supporters need to concentrate, and tomorrow, like this, “pushing his foot off the Urals”, as Vysotsky sang… Our “Steel Knife Division” reached and liberated Europe. Therefore, I hope that tomorrow such a psychological moment will come to our glorious Washington, which was burned in the 19th century by the British, that not everyone remembers. The British are the main enemies. America will finally free itself from the British yoke. Thanks for attention! .