Dos and Donts on Drawing Realistically | My Big Mistakes Revealed!

Jan 18, 2021 02:59 · 1035 words · 5 minute read

Hello my fellow CanDoIts. Rix here.

00:05 - I have some good news… no… actually. .

00:12 - I have some bad news. Draw with Rix Realistic Pencil Drawings You can do it! RixCanDoIt… and so can you! So what’s the bad news? well let me show you first then explain why.

00:48 - [starting over!] see that? I’m starting over.

00:55 - why did I write all over my drawing? It’s because I realized that the distance between the eyes was off oh about a quarter of an inch.

01:17 - and no I could not adjust for the quarter of an inch.

01:22 - The eyes are with dark charcoal there is no way I am going to be able to erase it.

01:28 - which kind a stresses the importance of getting your initial sketch proportions to be exact before you start draw and especially with charcoal, ah, really really dark soft charcoal as I did here for the eyes and so forth I was trying to figure out how I was going to be able to adjust for it I would literally have to move the whole eye one quarter of an inch and for the life of me I don’t know how it is that I missed it but since I go for realism it is unacceptable to be off a quarter of an inch on a large drawing like this one so I’m afraid I’m starting over now the only question is whether I’m going to show the start to finish as I already did delete what I already put up nah going to go ahead and leave that there because it’s still valid the only thing is is somehow I just miss-measured the left eye and if you don’t get the eyes correct well is it’s just not going to work so I quit I quit on this one not this subject just this particular drawing and for all of you who have done realistic drawings know starting over on the same exact subject is nauseating means I’m going to have to stare at that photo a lot longer than I had planned but I’ll tell you what you learn from this and that’s why I’m sharing my major blunder my major mistake with you in no way am I trying to convey that I don’t make any mistakes I make whoppers that’s a whopper that’s a big whopper I also had made another mistake during this whopper and I want to share that with you as well and I was working on fixing it but anyway let’s see if you can see it can you see a slight outline of the grid on here? what happened was I used a one of those white latex free erasers to to take off the lines which is a cardinal mistake.

Don’t do that because when I started to apply graphite powder to lay down the base tone that you see up here and so forth the base tone I was starting to do the whole face and I realized that it it started to pick up the graphite and hold onto it wherever I used the eraser so you know you you want to make sure that your grid lines are are laid down very lightly so that you can pick it up with your kneaded eraser that was a real newbie mistake.

05:04 - I should have known better but I don’t know must have been my mind must have been elsewhere anyway my loss is your gain why? because you learn from this as well use your kneaded eraser to remove the light lines in any areas that you’re not going to be able to blend into the background or blend into the tone of wherever, what you are doing so in other words in this dark area here you don’t have to bother because it blends in but in the very light areas like through the eyes or maybe through some very bright highlights ah you you’ll need to get in there and remove those subtle lines and a that that was the downfall but I was fixing it I was going back and fixing it it doubles the amount of time it takes to actually finish your drawings so that’s why you don’t want to make that mistake but but that wasn’t what grinded this to a halt.

It was because my measurements were off I started to adjust for the side of the face I started noticing, wait a minute.

06:26 - From the eye to the side of the face it was the distances weren’t right.

06:31 - so then I backtracked until I found that here to here’s correct.

06:36 - here to here to here to here is all correct but then everything went bonkers right at the beginning of this eye. It’s off a quarter of an inch it is from this other eye and so that spacing threw everything else off on this side and it threw off the whole side of the face that one little mistake threw off my whole side of the face so my side of my face is sagging now any hoo so as far as this one I’m done but as far as that drawing I’m not done I can do it RixCanDoIt you can do it so I’m not giving up So the next video I do on drawing well I’m going to probably pick up after the eyes but hey if that’s not okay with the majority of you then down in the comments tell me no start from the beginning if you want or no, pick up where you left off when you get back to that point again you let me know what you want this is your channel alright? Okay CanDoIts.

Thanks for a sharing in my sorrow. but a, don’t worry I don’t give up that easily.

08:17 - I’ll be back! See you later in the next video.

08:22 - Bye. So what do you say CanDoIts? Leave a comment below.

08:33 - Should I video starting over or from where I left off? Please Subscribe!.