오늘 되게 아이돌처럼 입으셨네요? - 사계절 소개팅 [룩앤미 시즌 2] 5화

Dec 30, 2020 11:51 · 2202 words · 11 minute read 29 years old interest uniform

[The man and woman will learn about each other based on] [4 different styles they put on throughout the seasons] [LOOK&ME Vol2 A Blind Date Through Style] [LOOK 1 When there is something going on between them] [First impression about the man 65%] [First impression about the woman 75%] You’re very.. Extravagant. I like these wolf fur kind of stuff. It looks cool. You’re pretty. [Not very good with compliments] You shouldn’t compliment me too much. We’re only getting started. Is that so? [Q. Your name is ___ and you’re ___ years old. You do ____ for a living] Your name is Yeon-Su Lee and you are a model and you’re 22 years old. My name is Yujin Koh. I am a streamer. And I’m 21 years old. If you are a streamer on Twitch what game do you play? I like playing games a lot like LOL, Battlegrounds and various steam games. What’s your tier? (League of Legends) What’s your… tier…? - Tier? - Yes. I’m.. bronze.

01:09 - Do you not talk to bronzes? No!!! (Tier-wise) I guess I won? What’s yours? I’m silver. (?) We’re pretty much the same…? I mean, yes, but… Bronze and silver has a definite difference. Your name is Hyuk-Jun Kim and you are an entrepreneur and you are 26 years old. What kind business do you think I run? First, I thought it’d be a coffee shop A coffee shop? - Then I thought maybe a bar…. - A bar…. Bar owner kind of? My name is Woo-Hyun Kang I run an online shopping mall and I’m 28 years old.

01:45 - - What did you originally write about my age? - 27. Were you trying to be nice there? [Q. Your first impression of me was ______ and you would tell your friend that honestly I’m _________. Your first impression of me was ‘Not bad?’ and if you were to tell your friend about me behind these curtains you would say ‘He is way too dressed up, it’s not really my type’. Nope! My first impression of you was ‘Cute’ and if I were to tell my friends about you behind the curtains I would say ‘He looks younger than his age’.

02:15 - What makes you think I’m cute? Hmm… just when I look at you… I never thought 21 year-old would tell me I’m cute. Oh, I think even guys who are 29 years old can be considered as cute I’ll try my best to stay cute even in my 30s. [Please end your conversation now and get changed] Then shall we go get changed? Sure. [LOOK 2 Hipster] Why is your spine in front…. Isn’t it supposed to be in the back? I have it in the back, too. - Oh you got it on your back, too? - Yes. [Interesting…] It’s very hipster-ish but still very cute at the same time. I know, right? I was not expecting a teddy bear. Isn’t it so cute? [Q. You feel like a hipster when you are at ______ doing ____ ] You feel like a hipster when you drink hot milk at home.

03:13 - Am I a baby? You’re just describing a baby, very much so. Because of the color of your shirt and the teddy bear. - Oh it reminded you of milk. - Yes. Aren’t I somewhat correct? Absolutely not. When do you feel like a hipster? I feel like a hipster when I’m dancing inside a club. I also like bars and hip-hop clubs - Oh really? - Yes. I like to have cocktails in those places. If you like going to clubs, we should..

03:38 - go together later? When? Do you want to show me your dance (Now)? - Dance? - Yes. You’re going to faint. Really? Yes. I’m getting more curious. [Link to the paradise] [Q. Your biggest flex in life was _______] Your biggest flex in life was buying a car. My biggest flex in life was buying boots. You must have bought a lot of boots. I like them. How much did you spend on boots? [20,000 won(?)] What? [20,000,000 won] Why did you do that? Why! I.. I won’t do it again.(?) Stop it. Stop buying expensive boots! [Embarrassed] [A pair of Boots = 200,000 won] [20,000,000 won…..+…

Boots = ?] 04:20 - So you have about 100 pairs of boots? [Oh…] Right? [Yes] That’s so funny. [Embarrassed] [Please end your conversation now and get changed] Shall we…. [I’m screwed today] [LOOK 3 Halloween Date] You look like an idol. It’s supposed to be a student. A rebellious student… (?) Don’t you think I would’ve been a quiet student? I don’t think you were a nerd for sure. I studied pretty hard actually. I wore my real school uniform. It feels very different.

05:10 - It’s been on my wish-list to wear school uniform on a Halloween date. Since a lot of people know about our school’s uniform it gets a lot of attention. Oh, which high school did you go to? I went to Hanlim Arts School. - Hanlim Arts School? - Yes, I went there. [Q. You remind me of ____(character name) and you’d went out with ____(character name)] You remind me of Elsa from Frozen [Satisfied] and you look like you would have dated Pororo.

05:34 - Are you trying to say I like hanging around? I think of myself as a Little Apeach character. And the character I’d like to meet is also Little Apeach. I love that character, I have so many of them in my room. So is that your type? A guy who is cute like Little Apeach? Sometimes when you just look they’re just.. cute (Like Little Apeach) Sure. Something that makes you want to go like “UGHH” How about your previous boyfriends, how were they? They were either funny or I was able to have conversation with them. and the look-wise, they were alright.

06:06 - Hmm, so you don’t really look at the appearance so much? Not so much, but I do care. You don’t care so much but you still do.. But then he has to be funny and cute? It’s hard, right? Yes… [Q. It would take _____ long to win your partner’s heart and the action you would take will be ____] It would take 2 weeks for you to win your partner’s heart and the first move you’ll do is to say “what’s up?” For me, it takes the entire relationship to win my partner’s heart and the action I’d do is “You are the only one I need, I love you” I’d make her feel irreplaceable. You’re a hopeless romantic, huh? What do think about the stuff I just said? It’s too cringey. Is it? How did the girls react to that? Their reaction? They loved it. [Help me..

] 06:54 - [Woo-Hyun Kang (28) Even a cupid won’t be able to shoot an arrow because he’s too cringey] - Oh, they loved it? - Yes. Oh my… Jesus! Okay, sure. It takes very long to win your partner’s heart and to do that, you would say “I love you”. It takes about a day and the phrase I’d say is “I miss you” Just one day? What I mean is The time need to make the person to have interest in me. Can I change mine? Sorry? Can I change my answer? To what? To 10 minutes. [PD: Woo-Hyun’s cringey behavior is making me to faint] [PD: I love you so much] - Oh okay x2 - For them to have interest in me. Oh sure x2 [Q.

Your partner must be honest about ____ and if he or she is not honest about it you, you can / can’t see him or her] You partner must be honest about 07:39 - what they are doing at the moment even if they are not honest about it, you’d still continue the relationship. My partner must be honest about what they’re doing at that moment and if they can’t be honest about it I won’t be able to continue the relationship. I don’t usually ask them. What they are doing. But.. If I asked them what they are doing and let’s say he was drinking but he tells me he’s just at home then I won’t be able to see him anymore. Do you consider yourself a reliable girlfriend? Not really. It all depends on how my partner’s behavior. If he does, I do, too. If he doesn’t, I don’t, either.

08:20 - You get affected by your partner’s behavior a lot? I think so. Your partner must be honest about her male-friend problems. If she is not honest about it then you won’t see her anymore. My partner must be honest about how she thinks of me and if she is not honest about it, I can still see her. What she thinks about you? I want to know how this relationship is going, and if she likes me or not.

08:44 - But if you guys are in a relationship already does it matter? - Everyone’s different. - Do you like to check on your partner’s affection? No, I don’t necessarily check. - So just because? - I just would like to know if I’m being a good boyfriend. - You want her to be honest about that? - Yes. Shall we see our next outfit? Yes. [LOOK 4 Christmas] You look splendid again. I actually bought this to go out on Christmas this year but I could not (because Covid-19) so I thought I’d wear it here. I also wanted to wear this out on Christmas day. Your necklace really stands out. I got it from a celebrity. Oh your business must be big? I would like for it to be. [Q. Your wish for Santa is _____ and the most nice thing did this year was _____] Your wish for Santa is to become famous and the most nice thing you did this year was cleaning your room.

10:07 - Seriously! My wish for Santa is “Please make me be busier” and the most kind action I took this year was… I saw a lady who was carrying a heavy luggage walking up the stairs so I helped her. I would’ve helped too if I were there. Well you should have been there (?) [Oh…] But you weren’t. I’ll try next time (?) Okay. I trust you. Your wish for Santa is “Help me with all my businesses to go well” and the most nice thing you did this year was paying for someone who didn’t have enough money on the bus. My wish is to spend this Christmas with a girlfriend. And the nicest thing I did this year was…

10:52 - You know you have to put wear a mask on the bus, right? But then I saw this old lady with handkerchief around her mouth instead of a mask. I figured she didn’t know where to get masks so I bought her a new mask. Since you did something nice Yes. I think you can spend your next Christmas with a girlfriend. Can you make that this year…? You never know x2 Alright. [Please end your conversation now and get changed] So let’s put on our last outfits.

11:19 - Shall we? [LOOK 5 Matching look] Well, this is completely different from the previous ones! I like suits. - So I like men who look good in suits. - Oh really? They look sexy. I bought a new one earlier. (?) You’re so funny. [Q. If we go out together, it’s because of ____ and if we break up, it’s because of ____] If we go out, it’s because we have a lot to talk about and if we break up, it’s because it was not a relationship we both wanted. If we go out, it’s because of my honesty and if we break up, it’s because of your popularity. My popularity? What I mean is that I think you’d become more and more famous and I don’t want to hinder any of that… I don’t want to be a burden in your career.

12:26 - If you’re too busy, I’d try my best to be respectful but the reality is different.. I’m saying this because I think you’ll be more famous in the future. Thank you. You’re still going to say hi, right? Of course. Do you mean it? I’m not that mean. [Please write down your final impression percentage] [First impression for the woman 75%] [First impression for the man 65%] [Final decision] [There will be blue lights if the final percentage is below 80%] [There will be pink lights if the final percentage is above 80%] Thank you.

(?) 13:12 - That’s all you got to say? Why did you choose me? The conversation with you is so good! I really like good people. Is that right? Because there are always good people next to good people. Woo-hyun is a good person for me. [She’s rather shy] [They actually left the studio quickly because shyness] Let’s be friends… [LOOK&ME Vol2 A Blind Date Through Style] .