How do these Kings of Acceleration performs Now? Multiplayer performance test!!
Oct 25, 2020 15:30 · 356 words · 2 minute read
Hello guys, We Welcome you to our channel one more time See description for details regarding our channel opening Giveaway Consider subscribe and support our channel also like this video Guys, in this video we are discussing about two cars Which are known for its ultra-fast acceleration The first car is all hail Rezvani Beast Alpha The one I am using in this video is already got Max-Proed Hence it is on top of its acceleration and Top speed Handling as well This car is still doing a great job in the Multiplayer This car will go upto 483 km/hr when tuning kit is enabled Apart from the Acceleration, this car has A very precise handling as well You have to handle this car with a little care If you handle hard and accelerate badly, then most of the time You will meet Mr Wall You can dominate at the start because of the Acceleration But you have to use the advantage of handling to beat the Pre players The common opponents are, cars upto the Rank 1800 And rarely above 1800 Rezvani Beast X, Ferrari 812 Superfast, Ford GT 2017 are Some of the well-known rivals who can compete this car But still driving this car is more enjoyable The other car we going to see in this video is Mazda RX8 Special Edition The one I am using in this video is MAX already Pro tune will be 5-0-5-2 Even though this car is not PROed, still doing a great job At this tune this car goes at the speed of up to 440 km/hr When tuning kit is enabled At the rank 1619 the speed is 440 km/hr Which seem to be a little less but still This car doing a good job Like the same as rezvani beast Alpha, The Mazda RX8 SE also have a Good acceleration and Handling Common opponents will be, Audi e-tron R8 SE, BMW i8 Coupe, Peugeot SR1 And many more we will come with more information/Videos shortly keep watch our videos Like and comment your opinion about the video Also Subscribe and Support our channel .