The Picture of Christ Unlimited Redemption - Pas W.F. Kumuyi
May 21, 2021 06:34 · 8365 words · 40 minute read
Subscribe , like and share i am redeemed and jesus has lost the chains of sin and i am redeemed say that now say it aloud and every yoke and every chain of sin of satan of suffering and sickness the lord will break out of your life in jesus name your son your testimony your confession every time every day is that i am redeemed for active service for higher service for profitable service as renewed it has redeemed us it will be so in your life in jesus name father we thank you for this workers retreat thank you for the way you have been present to my chili in our midst and thank you for the love you have shown to us and for reminding us that your affection your love your redemption will never stop in any of our lives in jesus name there is a period there is a time of active service before us and every one of us without exception after this workers retreat you put us into profitable progressive active service in jesus name confirm each in every life and no one will lose their reward in jesus name thank you lord for the answer in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we’re coming to you exodus chapter 12 our reading from verse 5 exonus chapter 12 verse 5 your lamb shall be without blemish email of the first year ye shall take each out of the sheep or from the goats here the lord was talking about the redemption of the children of israel israel out of captivity israel out of slavery israel out of egypt israel out of the evil world and it’s a picture of the church is a picture of the people of god even to them out of sin out of darkness out of evil out of the oppression and the slavery and the domination of the evil one and it’s the picture of the lord jesus christ our redemption our redeemer the lamb of god that takes the sin of the world away that comes to state of spring comes to set you free and liberate you and take you out of where you are being to the glorious redemption of the lord jesus christ look at first however it is impossible for i will pass through the launch of egypt this night for them it was a night of judgment the future night of judgment of reckoning is coming and the lord is saying when that future night of judgment that future night of recompense comes for the world the people who are besieged the people who have been delivered and the people who have been rescued taken out of the captivity of the evil one where will go of the lord we are not going to remain in this civil war forever and ever when that night comes the lord will take all his people out of this place and up above you and i we’re going to be with the and conquering sage in jesus name for i will pass through the land of egypt this night our smite of the firstborn in the large of egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of egypt i will execute judgment i am the lord look at verse 13 verse 13 says and the blood the blood of the lamb and the blood the blood of the paschal lamb the blood the blood of the lord jesus for all sake and for us today the blood shall be to you for a talking upon the houses where ye are and when i see the blood and when i see the blood somebody that’s with me and when i see the blood i will pass over you you didn’t say that one allowed i will pass over you and the plague of judgment shall not be upon you to destroy you when i smite the land of egypt we’re looking at the picture of christ’s unlimited redemption the lord has come and the lord has paid the price it’s been sacrificed for us on the cross of calvary he has given us redemption he has provided redemption for us and we stand on limited edge redemption and what we’re looking at for the children of israel is the picture the pattern the provision of christ’s unlimited redemption three things we’re looking at number one the purpose and plan of a full redemption he did it for them that he might show that this is what is going to do for us the purpose and the plan of our full redemption number two the pop the purchase and purging through his free redemption and you’ll understand you notice that the children of israel did not have to pay any money it’s not by gorge it’s not by silver it’s not by the work of a head it’s not by the activities of religion but by the redemption of the redeemer that’s why it says we’re purchased and we’re approached through his free redemption number three the promise and pursuit of a final redemption let’s go to number one the purpose and plan of a full redemption look at first peter chapter one we’re looking at verse 18 it says for as much as she know that she were not redeemed or silver was a corruptible thing a silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your father’s in verse 19 birch or the precious blood of christ as of islam without blemish without spot then in verse 20 it says who verily was poor ordained before the foundation of the world stop right there and think through it was a deed for a deed to be the lamb to be the redeemer it was for deed to pay the price of a redemption before the foundation of the world before adam and eve fell the lord knew ahead of time the fall was going to come he the christ he the redeemer was four or days before the foundation of the world before the calling of abraham and before isaac and jacob and before the 12 fathers before the settled in the land of egypt and before the night that the paschal lamb was slain christ verily was four or dead before the foundation of the world before christ came up matthew chapter one for those shall bring forth his son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins before that time from the foundation of the world before the foundation of the world he was four or dame that’s in the first peter now chapter one and in verse 20 he was foreordained that he will be the the redeemer but he was now manifest in these last times that shows us that what we’re reading about in exodus is just a picture of what was to come and now there are three things we’re looking at here of the purpose and the plan of our full redemption number one the to our full redemption all inclusive redemption the pre-commitment of the heavenly father of the god of heaven to our full all-inclusive redemption number two the prize for our full all embracing redemption the price that was paid and it’s paid already and it is yours already number three the purpose of a full all-round redemption the pre-commitment the prize and the purpose let’s look at number one number one the pre-commitment to our full all-inclusive redemption the redemption we’re talking about is not a limited redemption it’s not a modified redemption is not and you know a divided redemption is full it’s complete it’s all all-inclusive for your spirit for your soul for your body from the time you are born again until the time you see him face to face it’s an all-inclusive redemption and the lord had already pre-committed himself into that look at genesis chapter 3 and we’re reading from verse 15 and i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy siege and her seed it shall bruise thy hedge and thou shall bruise is heal please wait a moment this is the picture of calvary when christ will come and he the siege of the woman will bruise the hedge of the serpent of the devil and it says and thou shall bruce is healed that’s talking about crucifixion but you know there are people who are saved who are redeemed the children of god and they do not follow all the various terrors from genesis chapter 3 to isaiah chapter 53 and to matthew chapter 20 chapter 27 crucifixion chapter and then to first peter chapter 2 verse 24 they do not follow the line of history and any time they pray the prayers see satan is still all-powerful the prayer seed calvary has not taken place the prayer sieve the head of the serpent has not been bruised but you understand the lord has committed himself to this and he says i will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy siege and her seed it shall bruce thy age now when the head of the serpent is bruised shattered clothed destroyed that serpent is not as powerful as he was when the hedge had not been bruised you know the head of satan the power of satan at the very poison of satan has been nullified for you for me because the feet of the son of god the seed of the woman has now been bruised and he was crucified from that point of crucifixion onwards that’s total victory for you that’s what we read about in first peter chapter 1 verses 18 to 20.
now we are coming to foster mochi chapter one and we’re reading from verse nine first team will teach chapter one second timothy chapter one we’re reading from verse nine is still telling us about the pre-commitment of the almighty god to a full orient all inclusive redemption who has saved us is not each he’s paid the price and coached us with an holy calling not according to our works we’re not going to start it all over again fighting the devil crushing the devil it’s not according to our works we’re not going to start again searching for what is that satan what is that happening we’re going to do everything we can to bruise it said it’s been done and so now it’s not according to our own words but according to soon purpose and grace which was giving us in christ jesus before the world began before the world began that means calvary is not an after thought he had been planned before the world began and what we read about in the new testament is the manifestation and the fulfillment of what had been ordained and decided before the world begin look at titus chapter 2 and chapter one and we’re reading from verse two titus chapter one titus chapter one verse two it says in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie see our god cannot lie my god cannot lie in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie look at this look at this promised tell me tell me out aloud promise before the world began and so you understand god from all eternity he had known one was creating man even before he created man that the fall will happen he knew that redemption will have to be put in place he knew that christ his only begotten son will have to come and when he comes he will reverse everything that satan and adam and eve and all those generations of corrupted people everything they did that when christ comes is going to reverse everything he did that he planned that he purposed that before the world began is going to be fulfilled in your life look at verse 3 in verse 3 says but as in due times manifested a sword through preaching which is committed unto me according to the commandments of god as savior let’s look at number two number two there is talking about the price of a full all embracing redemption the price that christ will have to pay because the pascal lamb was sacrificed and the pascal lamb was given so that so that the price the full price is not it wasn’t paying each installment you know there are you know in the world in which we live today in the commercial which will preach today you pay a deposit and then later you pay and later you pay and if you die before finishing all this torment or paying for that house or paying for that land if you die your children will take it up and continue to pay and continue to pay installmentally our redemption is not paid for like that jesus did not pay a deposit of the price and now his children his followers his disciples will have to be paying all the installments you have nothing to pay i have nothing to pay everything has been paid in full for your redemption and so you are redeemed in jesus name look at psalm 49 we’re reading from verse 6 in psalm 49 verse 6 they that trust in their walls and boast themselves in the multitude of the riches in verse 7 it says none of them are kind by any means redeemer is brother and thank god our redemption is not left in the hands of a brother his sister a pastor a minister a church leader a church founder our redemption is totally in the hands of the lord jesus christ i am redeemed i am redeemed none of them can by any means redeemer his brother no gift to god a ransom for him look at verse age it says for the redemption of their soul is precious and it ceases forever that he is after that redemption price had been paged that’s all all your depths are cancelled all the requirements against you they are concerned it is done it is sealed and it ceases forever now i here chapter 53 we’re reading from verse 4 i say chapter 53 verse 4 here is the prize the full prize for full redemption and it’s all been paid it says surely he has borne our grace encouraged our sorrows yet we did a steam streaking smithing of gorge and afflicted your nostalgia because it was the lord that required the price to be paid it was the lord that chose his son to pay the price and it was the lord before the world began that sent his son and said this is what you will do and it was confirmed it was sealed it was a covenant between the father and the son that’s what you have the word surely he has borne our grace encourage our sorrows yet we did as jimmy streaking smithing of god and afflicted look at verse 5 it says but it was one day not for himself for our transgression it was bruised not for himself for our iniquities and the chastisement of her peace was upon him and what the stripes tell me were healed the whole price is page christ has come and has given himself fully completely without resurrection he’s giving himself fully and completely for redemption look at the six it says i want you to notice at the beginning of this verse all and i want you to notice at the end of the verse on and between the brackets of all at the beginning all at the end everything has been paid for everyone has been paid for there is no one that cannot be saved his soul of that source can be saved the violence of sinners can be saved the most weakened the most terrible can be saved all oh look at this all we like sheep i’ve gone astray all i’ve seen that come short of the glory of god we all of us have turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him tell me the iniquity of us all and so if the devil wants you to doubt your salvation and he says do you think you of all people can be saved you came to an age i’m saved already say i’m saved already he became your substitute to carry away and to bear a way to take away all your sin the lord has laid on him we’re coming to number three now number three is the purpose of a full all-round redemption a redemption you have is not ethical of redemption it’s not a small literal redemption you know there are people that think i am saved my soul is saved my soul is redeemed but my body the devil is still in control never my feeling and my prospects everything concerning me all that is chilling the hand of the world to oppress to manipulate to destroy but i thank god even if my body is dragged with pain they are thinking about job and they are thinking about the time when christ had not paid the price but now he has paid the full price and because has paid the full price from the top of your head to the tip of your tool you are redeemed from your soul to your spirit your body you are redeemed from your mind to your thinking every system everything in you the full price has been paid and now we see the purpose of a full all-round redemption what do you do acts chapter three we’re reading from verse 19 repeat [ __ ] therefore what’s that what does that mean you’re being in the company of the ignorance the people about redemption they didn’t know about the price christ had paid and because of that they were living a powerless life the power of the redeemer is not in their lives they were living a purposeless life the purpose of the redeemer had not been revealed to them you are in their company repent means comment from among them your value your pressures and because your precious the heavenly father has given a great prize for you you are now a man a woman of purpose a man a woman or possession a man a woman of dynamic progress come out of them repenting their form and be converted that your sins may be blotted out calvary will have no meaning for those who have not repented calvary will have no impact on those who have not repented you want your sins to be blotted out and you want the power of sin to be broken and you want the purpose of redemption to be to take place in your life repenting repenting therefore and be converted that your sins may be bloated out when the time of refreshing the times of refreshing that time has come time of refreshing you don’t feel dry anymore and you don’t feel weary anymore you’re not finishing anymore and you are not like you are switching and there’s nothing to cool your system anymore the times of refreshing coming from the very presence of the lord the lord is watching anyone that repents anyone that is converted immediately all their sins are blurted out and then times of refreshing will start in their lives and then he tells us in verse 26 look at verse 26 it says unto you forced unto you false us having raised up his son god and er stop his son jesus god sent him to bless you with conversion comes blessing with redemption comes blessing with forgiveness comes blessing and then with freedom from sin comes blessing in turning every one of you if from me is inequalities it has happened look at hebrews hebrews chapter 2 and i’m reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 but will see jesus it was very little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crouch with glory and honor that he by the grace of god he by the grace of god should taste this tell me tell me for every man he has tasted your days yes courage your own death your suffrage your own punishment look at pastrana in verse 10 for it became him it defeated him it suited him for whom are all things and by kumar all things in bringing tell me out aloud in bringing say it now it’s there in your bible read it out in bringing many songs to glory many songs to glory when you are redeemed that was the act of god in bringing you out of gloom out of sorrow out of shame out of degradation and bringing you to glory so consult it from your prayer o lord i come to you i am no more than dust and ashes ah old covenant lord i come to you i am miserable before the cross oh lord i come to you what can i say i am worse than the wars to people that lived on the earth not after you’re saved because now it became human for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many songs unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering and then you see this in verse 11 as a result of that he says for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren because of the work of grace and because of redemption christ let me use a normal language that you should understand christ is happy and proud of you and is not ashamed of you before the angels it says ancient singers come look at a trophy for grace and look at what my death has done look at him look at her he is she is now a child of god is not ashamed to call you a brother his sister not ashamed to call us brethren all those evil things of the past our sins and the pollution and the power and the punishment and the very presence of sin he has canceled from your life by redemption and so you can come to the presence of the lord now as if you never seen that in your life look at verse 14 in verse 14 it says for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself himself himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that has the power of death that is the devil he might destroy him i thought if anyone already has died destroyed buried and after that a week emotes i thought you forget where there are people in every meeting in every prayer this chill must bite the devil the steel must bind satan the steel must be talking to satan i thought wayne was siege and we’re now in the family of god we’re talking to our father our talking to god our maker our redeemer our father who’s in heaven i thought that as now we’re redeemed we’re not talking to satan anymore but people they start their prayer you see in jesus name they say oh father we come before you now and we’re asking that you do this for your people and all the knees that are there you will meet and then he says satan and you will not have the upper hand satan i reject they’ve left god and god is waiting and now they are talking to satan and they talk and talk and talk and then you say oh god we thank you because of calvary and then you say satan you will not have victory over me what’s the matter with you you are in between two opinions you are talking to god you are talking to satan but look at this jesus christ through his death destroyed him that had the power of death that he is the devil if he’s dead if he’s destroyed forget him he has no patch in your life and he has no authority in your life the only authority he has is the authority you give him the only authority has is the authority you recognize satan you have not stopped all right i will fast for seven days you’re fasting for the devil you’re not fasting for any your fasting does not make the redemption of christ any fuller any stronger already jesus christ on the cross of calvary he destroyed him that has the power of death he will not have one percentage of the power he used to have he will not have the power over you he will not have the power over me look at verse 15 in verse 15 it says and deliver them and deliver them what does that mean it means something as beholding you and then somebody comes and it takes you out of his son if he only takes your spirit but your legs your feet your hands your eyes your ears your thoughts are still held by him you are not delivered yet when he delivers you thank god i am delivered thank god i am redeemed and when he has delivered you he takes you wholly completely it takes you out of the hand of the evil one you are no more under his bondage i am no more under his bondage and deliver them who through fear of death were in the past all their lifetime subjects to bondage your free let’s look at point number three now point number three is number three rather it’s the purpose the purpose of a full all-round redemption the purpose of our all-round redemption that purpose has been fulfilled for your life for my life for his church for everyone it is done in jesus name point number two god bless you point number two the purchase approaching through his pre-redemption the purchase and purging through his pre-redemption it tells us in hebrews chapter 9 reading from verse 12 hebrews chapter 9 reading from verse 12 is talking about what christ has done neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood by his own blood this one is greater than the blood of goats or sheep greater than the blood of any man on earth greater than the blood of angels if angels of blood greater than any other blood is seized by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place have been obtained what did he obtain eternal redemption for laws for me yes of change what kind of redemption eternal redemption for who for me is donated it shall be fulfilled in your life in jesus name look at verse 15 in verse 15 he tells us and for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament that by means of death is death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the false testimage they which are called might receive the promise of terminate allowed eternal inheritance three things we’re looking at number one the purchase of the redeemed for himself number two the purging of the residents in his household number three the preparation of the righteous for heaven we’re going there it’s preparing you now for that place and is preparing mansions for you a prepared person for a prepared place and when the time comes you’ll be there number one the purchase of the redeemed for himself for himself my brother my sister you need to understand that when you were purchased you were purchased for him and that’s why we see where workers yes redeemed us he has purchased us he brought us out of the hand of the old owner and he purchased us for himself and when no more parts for him and parched for the old owner you purchased a car and now you use that car all for yourself the one that at the car before your purchase teach cannot come and see i have niche of that canal i’ll use it for some days and then i’ll get back to you will be interchanging the use that’s how some people position their lives they serve the lord on sunday and then the rest of the week they’re serving the old owner but now when you are purchased he has you entirely and fully and completely for himself you will not serve any other power with your head with your skill with your life anymore in jesus name the purchase of the redeemed for himself acts chapter 20 verse 28 take each therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the witch the holy ghost has made you overseers to feed the church of god that’s what he has given you to do which he has purchased with his sworn blood he has purchased the church the redeemed the members of his body he has purchased everyone for himself and he tells you here is the work i give you to do now be careful be passionate be committed be purposeful and be zealous in feeding the church of god and you feed the church of god they’ll be stronger in jesus name isaiah chapter 43 we’re reading from verse 21 i say chapter 43 verse 21 these people have i formed for my sale for my sale your purchase your sage your rescued you are recovered you are restored for himself these people have i formed for myself they shall show forth my praise first peter chapter 2 verse 9 in first peter chapter 2 verse 9 but she is choosing generation a royal christian and holy nation a peculiar people look at this that he shall show force the princess of him was called you out of darkness into his mabel’s light no darkness in my life anymore he has chosen me he has selected me he has forgiven me he has redeemed me and now to show for the priests of the lord who has called me into his marvelous life number two number two is the porgina of the residents in his household we have now come into his household and he produces us he cleanses us john chapter 1 verse 7.
in first john chapter 1 verse 7 if we walk in the light he is as he is in the light where fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sea i’m sure you’ve seen some advertisements before they’re trying to sell a particular kind of detergent and then they show the picture they say this one will take away every state and you see is the best in town is the most effective ever in town without mentioning the names of other kinds of detergents so they don’t break the law of advertisement they still cleverly wisely tell you this is better than any of the cleansers detergents you ever used before and you switch over now the blood of jesus is the greatest cleanser that will make you clean and take every sport every sting every defilement all away at ego because now the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin if it has not happened it will happen totally completely complete cleansing in every life in jesus name hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 in hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 will be in the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of his person and upholding all things by the words of his power hold on christ opposed all things the stars the planets the galaxies all creation he upholds all seeds by the words of his power do you have any doubts then he will uphold the church by the word of his power there’s nothing now that defeated destroyed crushed satan with you that will weaken the hand of christ that shall not be able to approach his church he will uphold his church let no doubt ever cross your mind as to will the church stand in all that we see in the world today there’s no doubt he has the power to uphold the church by the words of his power and now yourself he’ll uphold you in that family it will uphold you i’m afraid i’m afraid what they are doing and what they are planning and what i’m hearing they say they will take me out of jesus and they will take jesus out of me are you listening to false story they cannot do that who can take jesus jesus says here is my residence here is my house here is the person i choose and i’m going to abide in him nobody can take jesus out of you and nobody can take you out of jesus he will not pull you you’ll come back next time and you’ll give testimony you said so you’re ready he has upheld me it will uphold you to the end in jesus name always remember satan does not have the final say in your life all those people they are threatening and bragging they do not have the final say in your life because he is the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself approach our seas and sat down on the right charge of majesty on high that’s a savior that’s your savior and he will continue to uphold you to the very end as he asperged you in jesus name number three now number three is the preparation of the righteous for heaven you know everything we do as we study the bible is preparation as we have called time is preparation as we go out and we’re witnessing its preparation as we’re coming here so that we can be refreshed and renewed and revived and restored and redeemed it is preparation every step we take everything we do every day is preparation of the righteous for heaven and all this preparation you are making will not be there you will rejoice when you wear your crown when you get your reward when the lord says well done you have been featuring a few things be a ruler over many things because of the preparation you have made you must get to heaven look at first peter chapter 1 we’re reading from verse 3 first peter chapter 1 verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy overflowing mercy inexhaustible mercies he has begotten us again onto a lively hope by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead look at verse 4 it says to an inheritance he has redeemed us to inheritance he has called us to an inheritance on the files that feed is not a way research in heaven for you research in heaven for you are you there let me hear if you are there you know when they are making a party a feast and invites people and they invite them by name by card and they have checked up their coming then they will put names on the seat and you’ll see reserved research and when you come you are coming and when you come you are not going about looking for where to sit your name is there and the resurrection is there wonderful god he knows your name he knows what you’re doing he knows your faithfulness and he’s told all of heaven and his said he mentioned your name what’s your name there i said what’s your name there okay that’s the name god has mentioned and you put your name there and then he puts your inheritance there and he says research an angel wants to sit there god says don’t sit there research somebody a child of god has gone before you and then he doesn’t know the order in heaven he wants to see that they say come on come up your place is over there this one is reserved for who i said for who you know the devil knowing that a good place wonderful place is reserved for you he wants to discourage you after all if even if the person who that thing is reset for even if he does not get there satan cannot sit there because it’s a place in heaven and you will not get to heaven but you will get to heaven and the hair returns it pray that naughty we researched in heaven for you you know some of the children their parents celebrate birthday and for them and their birthday is coming in a few days time and then something like sickness comes upon that child and the child is looking forward to the birthday because she knows all attention will be upon him upon her you know even children they have a way of rejecting that sickness they say no this coming day when every attention will be on me i will not allow any sickness to keep me away and i tell you they remain well they have the will to be well they remain well because of the day they’re looking forward to when sickness comes my brother you don’t have the chance to be sick sister you don’t have the chance to be sick you’re looking forward to that siege and to that place that is reserved for you you say i don’t have time to be sick all i can do now is serving god and working for god i am aiming at that day and that time nothing that is reserved for me nothing will take it away from me in jesus name actually look at verse 5 look at verse 5 who are catched by the power of god the power of god will keep you tomorrow the power of god will keep you for the rest of your life the power of god will keep you until you get to that recipes the power of god will keep you in jesus name who are catched by the power of god through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time look at point three now point three is the promise and pursuit of a final redemption the promise and the pursuit of a final redemption you’ve got the initial redemption and then you’re moving on now there’s a daily redemption and then until the final day you will not fade out you will not face on at the middle of the road you will get there i said you will get there don’t look at anything surrounding don’t look at what you left at home don’t look at the bragging of the devil of the enemy beyond them in spite of them gloriously triumphantly you will get there in jesus name the promise and the pursuit of a final redemption the third thing we’re looking at number one the path of the redeemed to the final redemption keep in the path stay on the road the path of the redeemed to the final redemption number two the performance of redemption by the faithful redeemer he will not fail you his promises will not fail in your life every day will be a glorious day of performance in jesus name number three the promise of restoration to full redemption let’s look at number one number one the past of the regime to the final redemption isaiah chapter 35 we’re looking at verse 8 isaiah 35 verse 8 and on highway shall be there on that highway you will not meet with accident on that highway there will be no heel you cannot climb on that highway the strangers who are like lions they will not be there to stop your onward journey in jesus name and i will shall be there anyway and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for those that we fear in men though fools shall not air therein what does that mean it says that we fear in men those are the pilgrims the people who are on that highway even though they are fools what does that mean they are fools in the wisdom of the world they do not have all the maneuvering and all the strategies of the worldly wise people they do not have all the cleverness of the worldly wise people but it’s not by your cleverness and it is not by your power it is not by your engine your ingenuity it is the power and the wisdom of the resident christ in you you will not air in the way of holiness you will not go astray in the way of holiness look at verse 9 it says in verse 9 no lioness shall be there i didn’t hear your aiming as you are walking on the way those beastly people and disrupt the nature of the lion and the pursuit of the lion and the roaring of the lion and the destructive power of the lion and they are watching for the people that are going on this highway and they say we will roar against them like a lion lo liona shall be there in the path of duty no lion shall be there in the past of active service and higher service no lion shall be there in the past you are walking on now this narrow way that leads to heaven before you get to that point the lord will clear all lions out of your way in jesus name no any ravenous peace shall go up thereon it shall not be found there but the redeemed shall walk there we have the past only known to ourselves we have that root all illume to ourselves and we have that neural path that leads to heaven only known by ourselves that trolling lion the devil will not stop your journey halfway in jesus name look at verse 10 in verse 10 it says and the ransoms of the lord shall return and come to zion or songs and everlasting joy upon their heads they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sign shall flee away and sorrow and sign shall flee away it will be fulfilled in jesus name what the lord has ordained and the path he has chosen we’re going to keep walking on that highway of holiness nothing will push you down nothing here will double cross your way and nothing will stop you on the way in jesus name the everlasting hands will be under you everlasting power will go before you everlasting protection will be behind you on top the cloudy pillar guide me o thou grace jehovah now great the great jehovah will keep on watching over your life in jesus name look at chapter 51 of isaiah isaiah chapter 51 and we’re reading from verse 11 therefore redeemed of the lord shall return and come with singing songs of victory songs of triumph songs of joy and songs of the overcomer and everlasting joy what kind of joy are you going to have i said what kind of joy are you going to have everlasting joy shall be upon their hedge and they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away from every one of us without exception in jesus name number two now number two is the performance of redemption by the faithful redeemer our redeemer is faithful and any sin that will contradict or stop your redemption a washer we blow away knock away out of your life in jesus name look at jeremiah 15 21 jeremiah chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hands of the wicked and i will redeem thee out of the hands of the terrible look at your amen he will deliver me he will deliver me out of the hands of the wicked and so i’m not afraid then you are not afraid then anything he has committed to your handshake dear you are not looking back as if there’s a power behind you that is going to knock you nothing like that will happen you’re not going to the seers and the missionaries and the false prophets and let me know if there is something ahead of me that is going to break my leg and it’s going to stop me nothing will break your leg i will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked and i will redeem thee out of the hands of the terrible look at chapter 3 1 chapter 3 1 we’re reading from verse 11 chapter 31 verse 11 for the lord as redeemed jacob and i surround some him from the hands of him that was stronger than he what’s your name i said what’s your name put it now in the place of jacob release yourself with that nehema for the lord as redeemed and ransomed him and somehow from the hands of him that was stronger than he it has happened as you believe it is unto you according to your face in jesus name therefore this is why you can praise the lord in psalm 103 i’m reading from verse 1 psalm 103 reading from verse 1 he says blessed by lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name lord bless you bless the lord o my soul and forget not all its benefits look at verse 3 who forgive us all thine inaccuracies are you forgiven how many of your niches are forgiven all the iniquities and healers all that diseases are you healed how many of your diseases are healed look at verse 4 it says who redeemeth thy life from destruction accidents will not kill you all the things that happened they were going on the road and this one fell on them nothing evil the heavy lords on the other side of the bridge will not fall on you who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crown us thee with loving kindness and tender messes look at verse 5 who satisfies thy mouth where are you you are satisfied in jesus name who satisfies by miles with good things so that the youth is renewed like the eagles there’ll be a performance in your life watch out watch out miracles are coming your way deliverances coming your way strength coming your way a performance coming your way in jesus name jeremiah chapter 1 verse 12 jeremiah chapter 1 we’re looking at verse 12 then said the lord unto me thou has seen a well i want his chin my word to perform it i will hurry up my word to perform it no more delays in your life i said no more delays in your life no more such bugs in your life no more wondering i have prayed where is the answer the answer will be right there at the right time in jesus name thou as well seen i will hasten my words to perform it let’s come to number three number three the promise of restoration to full redemption restoration to full redemption we’re looking at some 13 some 130 versus seven and eight some 130 were looking at verse seven let israel hope in the lord for the lord for what the lord there is mercy and then with him is plentious redemption look at verse h verse age and he shall redeem israel from all his inequities and that’s you that’s me that’s every one of us a worryman israel from all his iniquities look at psalm 1 30 each and we’re reading from verses one and two psalm 1 3 each was one i will preach thee with my whole heart before the gods when i sing praise unto thee look at verse two i will worship before thy holy and the holy temple praise the and praise thy name for thy loving kindness for that and for thy truth for thou as magnified by words over all thy name all this word has spoken to you it will magnify that word it will perform that word there will be a performance in your life in jesus name look at verse 8 in verse 8 it says in the day the lord will perfect that which concerns me where are you the lord or perfect that which concerns you that mercy o lord endure it forever forsake knowledge the works of thy own hand your redemption is available your redemption is all inclusive your redemption is all encompassing your redemption is all around your redemption is for today and for the rest of your life and the performance of the promise of redemption in fullness the lord will perfect your life and everything that concerns you your spirit your soul your body your ministry your work your soul winning your family the lord will perfect that which concerns you are you there where are you i saw a pan with joy with assurance and with confidence knowing that the lord will perfect everything that concerns your redemption everything that concerns you that the lord will perform and perfect everything raise your voice to the lord and say lord i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you the promise is mine the promise is mine open your mouth and tell the lord.