This weight loss videos weird flex (reaction)
Nov 6, 2020 22:15 · 1450 words · 7 minute read
hey i’m nathan and some of my favorite videos to watch on youtube are reaction videos i’m sure you know what reaction videos are but in case you don’t it’s just somebody on youtube watching a video and just responding to it, making commentary, whatever and so i thought i’d make one of my own… i see there’s a vlog here that i haven’t seen anybody’s reaction to and so i thought i’d just make my own reaction to it now one caveat is i don’t know how to do the picture-in-picture thing that you normally see in reaction videos so i’m just gonna be jumping back and forth but it should be fine i’m sure you’ll figure out what’s going on so yeah we’ll just start with the video and then jump back to me for my responses and hopefully i don’t get like a copyright strike for this so let’s just give it a shot “hey i’m nathan and today i’ve been counting calories for 1 000 days and weighing myself almost every single day on top of that” okay first off great opening i love it’s just pithy it just lets you know who this guy – i’m guessing it’s a guy – is and just jumping right into the topic of the video as far as the topic of the video: weird flex but cool… alright– “it’s a date and a goal that’s basically meaningless because we don’t really count things in thousands…especially days “but it still feels momentous while at the same time i haven’t achieved any particular goals this day “so it’s kind of also pointless… so why did i do it?” hmm i wonder if he knows why he did it? can you imagine doing something for a thousand days and not knowing why? okay buddy, i don’t think that’s how foreshadowing works “i think the main reason i started counting calories is it seemed like a way to latch on to the idea that i needed to lose weight “and i needed to get off of these stupid cholesterol pills because i’m drug free and proud man” drugs are really expensive “so as soon as i started counting calories i immediately dropped a lot of weight” oh that’s cool that he dropped the weight it kind of reminds me of the time i dropped 50 pounds in three weeks i wonder if his story is the same “well immediate is kind of a misnomer because i was actually steadily losing weight “which is probably the right way to do it you always see these commercials “of somebody that dropped 50 pounds in three weeks and it’s like, ‘okay but what happened to week four?’ “for me i dropped 50 pounds but it took 11 months to do it there wasn’t really a diet plan behind it or any sort of strategy “other than two rules: weigh myself daily and count my calories “something about that balance of awareness and internal shame, i guess helped me to make better choices about when i was actually eating food “because i knew as i was eating the food i was gonna have to write it down” mmm, a shame-based life change sounds healthy “so did i stay 50 pounds lower? no!after i dropped that 50 pounds in the next nine months “i prayed– i prayed? i prayed! please waffle do not fall into my mouth!” please video may he not share any more bland statistics about his weight fluctuations! “so for the next nine months i saw my weight slowly inch up a couple pounds but then i knocked it down–” oof! sammy did not like that! “i knocked it down again and really stayed solid and firm…
for three more months 03:39 - “over the next seven months i gained 20 pounds… so how did i gain 20 pounds if i’m counting calories?” ooh this is getting juicy do you think he cheated? do you think he did it with popcorn? i love popcorn! “well basically i would fudge it every single day i just eat a little more “every single day because i was very, very dedicated to not having a cheat day “for some reason i felt like if i did a cheat day well that makes me – i guess that just makes me a bad person “cheaters! i hate them so much! no cheating! “so i found myself just slowly gaining weight every single day because i was actually still cheating “i just wasn’t doing it in that, like, a cheat day way i was just eating too much every single day” okay i don’t know if he’s cheating he’s just not being honest about what he’s actually doing wait is that cheating? okay he’s cheating “and then i found inspiration in the best of all places: wrestling “i suddenly noticed that my favorite wrestlers all had cheat days “then i realized that if the best looking people on the planet have a cheat day “maybe that’s the way to go because maybe that cheat day allows diligence the rest of the week “it just so happened that i had that revelation in march did anything else happen in march of 2020?” okay march in america? “oddly enough throughout the pandemic i haven’t knocked down any other weight “but i haven’t gained weight either so i’ve been pretty steady at that 30 pounds below my original weight mark “so where do i go from here now that i’ve been doing this for a thousand days “am i gonna keep going?” give up! give up! “or is it time to change it up since i haven’t made any progress “or is the fact that i haven’t lost ground proof that this paying attention thing is still working?” give up!!! give up!!! “people ask me when i first lost all the weight what my strategy was “and i would just say my strategy was paying attention to me that’s all that counting calories “and weighing myself almost every day was so since my original goal was to get rid of the cholesterol meds–” he’s gonna get red on his cholesterol meds? like were they green before? wait, i hope he mixes them! imagine having christmas cholesterol meds! i love christmas! [to the tune of “deck the halls”] cholesterol with boughs of holly! okay, but what is holly? holly’s like, like a a vine right? like is it a– does it have branches? because like a bough… isn’t like the baby’s on the bough when the bough breaks and the baby done fall? hey honey, i’ve got a giant tree trunk of holly here i’m gonna put– i gotta deck the halls these halls ain’t gonna deck themselves my point is this is a really weird video about weight loss “and my doctor told me when i first lost the weight that i was able to do that “and my goal here is to pay attention i think my next step is to call my doctor” hey buddy when you’re calling your doctor can you ask him why your shelf has a shakespeare on it? obviously the buddies shelf should only have buddies and the shakespeare should be hanging out up there “so i guess i’m going to do that and we’ll just see what wise council takes me to “who knows it might be a whole new plan it might be to keep things going “it might be to just add something extra onto this like exercise ew!” okay i’m with him there exercise is the worst who wants to exercise but just skinny nerds please don’t tell the exercise people i said that they will beat me up! i will be dead! they will pummel me to death with boughs of holly! “but i know what your next step is, dear viewer it’s to like this video and subscribe to this channel!” dear viewer? okay i’m done okay, so what was the point of that? i mean he tried to shoehorn in a lesson there at the end but i don’t know i guess i do need to start paying more attention to my weight and i guess the video was mildly entertaining i mean nowhere near the ranks of my videos but you know that’s fine all right i’m convinced i could see myself being this guy’s friend so i’ma smash that like button and if you want to be my friend like this video and subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and i’ll see you next week your– what is going on? [off camera] “your daughter just texted, ‘i’m on the bus’” oh she’s being brave ugh! .