THE MANDALORIAN Rescatando el legado STAR WARS

Nov 25, 2020 14:58 · 1314 words · 7 minute read areas liked mandalorian character lousy

Hello people, how are you? Today I am going to talk to you about the star wars spin-off The Mandalorian, which is already the first Disney plus success, but first don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to receive notifications of new videos and leave me a big like here in this video that is much appreciated to continue uploading more content so let’s start and point ah The Mandalorian leaves some questions in casual viewers such as how it fits into the existing story explores a part of the fictional timeline that until now had not had much treatment also the protagonist has a culture of his own that has not stopped to explain until episodes such as the third that tells us about the Mandalorians. Officially the series takes place five years after the 1983 return of the jedi in which the empire was defeated and the new republic was taken, this places the series in a period of intense transition and adaptation for the galaxy although the revised ending of the return of the jedi it featured celebrations across the galaxy. The Mandalorian explores how the consequences have more fabric to cut, jon favreau, its screenwriter explained in his own words, it is like after the fall of the roman empire or when you don’t have a centralized chocolate in japan and of course in the old west when there was no government In the areas that had not yet been established in addition according to him the series also explore the mysterious origins of the first order during that era taking into account these The Mandalorian takes place about 25 years before the events of star wars, the awakening of the force back in 2015, which means the series has a whole quarter- century of leeway to show how the galaxy was coming back to see darkness and it may answer some burning star wars questions along the way that many casual viewers wonder what He is exactly a Mandalorian, basically the name that someone from the planet Mandalore receives in the galaxy, which is also where the hero comes from with a cas co a place of great amount of conflict and violence throughout the years mandalore is a planet of outer bearing that has been completely exposed by wars in order to its society is divided into houses and clans that frequently fought each other for power over the centuries its warmongering people also fought outside the limits of mandalore its fearsome fighters were not even afraid to face the jedi in ancient conflicts, centuries of battle transformed the surface of the planet into arid landscape at the time of wars clone the endless deserts were dotted with drowned cities with most of their population living politically within, warriors armed with mandalas were exiled to the moon of concord and presumed there they became extinct over the years, along with their historical role as warriors the most famous piece of Mandalorian culture is of course its unique armor bezkar is unusually durable pe Customized for each warrior and their different clan obligations and also highly coveted by bounty hunters across the galaxy boba fett in particular wears one of these breastplates despite not being a native of the planet episode 3 of the series delves a little deeper into these details of their culture and offers some more. the mandalorian is a series of cowboys but with ships instead of cows and blasters instead of revolvers a disney plus series whose genre would quietly be a space western a tavern in the middle of nowhere a group of violent drunks, a quiet man who enters Without attracting attention of course everything ends in a fight in which our hero shows his superhuman ability for all types of combat and although it is understood that the series wants to establish its tone and style it is not a great scene and is so full of cliches that almost seems like a parody, our protagonist named command turns out to be a reward case who captures his prey and leaves the tavern by hiring a good stagecoach, not a speeder like that flying car that Luke used in the first star wars, this is a star series wars full of the clichés of the western genre the mandalorian character is a variant of the bounty hunter bobba feet as he does not have human aspects to develop the series is dedicated to expanding his world by observing how the universe works in any other series that lack of humanity could feel like a lack but if you are going to set your story in the most popular science fiction universe it is 50 years, we are talking about star wars, yeahh, it feeds on the visual aesthetics of its source of inspiration but the most interesting thing is that it portrays a no man’s land in which there is political upheaval and lack of power, perfect panorama for an outlaw in a helmet and a metallic suit who does not follow the rules almost that he has nothing to lose part of an experience around the star wars brand does not generate that conflict that an unconditional fan suffers when he sees an unexpected turn in what he believes should be the next step in the story but the series does something interesting through his screenwriter jon favreau the same iron man director instead of keeping the mandalorian as an impossible to defeat warrior something quite boring forces him to demonstrate how he became a bounty hunter of this level that the Mandalorian fails screw up and fears for his life must improvise and negotiate and in the end he manages to communicate a masked character through his body language and a subtle but nuanced handling of his common voice kindhearted darth vader its director dave filoni narrates with the visual economy of a hollywood director of the 40s there are no sequence shots that attract attention and game of thrones-style visual flights that distract from what we are seeing the objective is to tell a story in the best possible way and the iconic images that are especially in the closing of two chapters feel organic the mandalorian is a very expensive series that does not need to brag about what it cost the soundtrack deserves a separate analysis, this is not a world of movie heroes and villains but a strange arid and dangerous out-of-the-way dump the oscar winner Ludwig Göransson is inspired by the music of the spaghetti western but filters it through the strangest instruments that can be found include carl weathers the famous apollo creed as the leader of the bounty hunter guild, the german director werner herzog plays the villain who hypnotizes with his monologues the mandalorian is not a particularly series ambitious but considering the prequels that disney made in recent years, perhaps it is something positive is a walk through the star wars universe narrated in a masterly way that has neither the tragic pomposity of roge one nor the obsession with binding the characters to history we know of the lousy han only. the mandalorian is aimed at the nostalgic public and although in those terms it is an absolute triumph for now it does not offer much more to those who are not interested in the genre or the proposal in my opinion the mandalorian is a series that has its mystique by itself rescuing the legacy that he had the obligation to lift his shoulders, although stumbling over many clichés, perhaps in an erroneous attempt to honor classical cinematography, especially in the now-forgotten western genre, if you liked the content, do not forget to subscribe, give it a like and click on the bell to don’t miss the next videos. until next time .