[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 캐럿들에게 추천하는 2021 새해 첫 곡 추천 리스트 🎼 (Recommended the first playlist opening 2021)
Dec 31, 2020 11:59 · 1954 words · 10 minute read
00:07 - - Do you all know? - Know what? Apparently, the first song you hear on the New Year decides how your year is going to go.
00:15 - We don’t know what song to recommend - but you are saying we need to choose well for our CARAT, yes? - Right.
00:25 - [#S. COUPS_pick SEVENTEEN - Light A Flame] I choose Light A Flame.
00:28 - - So you can light a flame on the first day of 2021? - Exactly.
00:31 - Because it’s the coldest during the new year.
00:34 - But if you have a flame within you, it’ll be really hot in the summer.
00:38 - - It must be really hot then. - No, it’s different from having a flame within your heart and being hot.
00:42 - - Alright. - Right, it’s very different. I recommended this song to myself too.
00:49 - - You want to light a flame? - Yeah, I chose it because I wanted to light a flame in CARAT’s heart in 2021 - I hope all CARATs listen to this song and have a very heartwarming year. - Very nice.
01:00 - [#WONWOO_pick Super Junior - Happiness] - How about you, WONWOO? - I chose Super Junior’s Happiness.
01:05 - It’s a very bright song and I wanted everyone’s 2021 to be filled with happiness.
01:13 - - It sounds easy but it’s very hard to do. - Right.
01:16 - - I just hope the year goes as the song goes. - How about you, MINGYU? I recently listened to this song a lot on YouTube.
01:24 - [#MINGYU_pick Roland Faunte - Happy Life] It’s called Happy Life.
01:27 - - Happy Life? - Happy Life. - Who is it by? Well, YouTube. .
01:33 - [Roland Faunte] Don’t worry, it’s going to be in the subtitles.
01:36 - I listen to this song a lot in my room alone.
01:42 - I listened to this song during many of my happiest moments so this song reminds me of my greatest memories.
01:48 - I hope you can all listen to this song and cherish the happiest moments of 2021.
01:56 - - I think I probably heard this song from your room. - Probably. .
01:59 - Your recommendation kind of overlaps with mine in terms of wishing them happiness.
02:02 - - Because being happy is the most important. - Right.
02:04 - How about you, VERNON? [#VERNON_pick SEVENTEEN - Do Re Mi] I recommend Do Re Mi.
02:08 - - Do Re Mi~ - Why? The lyrics go like, ‘difficult thoughts always make it difficult. ’ ‘You can just think about it easily Like Do Re Mi. ’ - I thought it had a good positive message. - You wanted everyone to have a positive year~ - Very nice~ - Nice.
02:27 - This made me think about ‘what song should be my first song of 2021’ - Right - You can’t listen to all these songs because it has to be your first song.
02:35 - - Right~ - You can’t have two first songs. Anyway, it feels like we just did our greetings of 2020 - but it’s already 2021. - Exactly.
02:46 - I hope you have a great 2021 with SEVENTEEN.
02:52 - Please take care of yourselves and we hope your days are filled with happiness.
02:59 - We hope we can see your smiling faces and hear your voices on stage in 2021.
03:08 - This has been SEVENTEEN hip hop team and we wish you a happy new year.
03:13 - - Bye~ - Happy New Year~ Happy New Year~ Say The Name! SEVENTEEN! Hello, we are SEVENTEEN performance team! This is ‘INSIDE SEVENTEEN’ and it’s going to be uploaded on December 31st~ I thought about my first song of 2020 - and I can’t quite remember. - Exactly.
03:39 - I think we probably listened to ‘HIT’ in 2020.
03:43 - - HIT! - We did HIT as son as the bell rang. - Right~ - We were working on that song back then. - Right.
03:47 - - That’s probably why our ‘HOME;RUN’ was such a ‘HIT’. - Right~ So that’s how the first song. .
03:55 - - decides your year. - Right, I see. - So [#HOSHI_pick Vibe - For the Last Time] - I choose Vibe’s For the Last Time. - There’s a song with that title? [HOSHI found a song with a message he wanted to share with CARAT] - Seriously? - I just looked it up.
04:12 - Meet who for the last time? CARAT? - Oh like, meet them in person next year? - Yes, so Vibe’s For the Last Time.
04:19 - How about you all? I chose my own song.
04:23 - [#THE 8_pick THE 8 - Dreams Come True] I recommend Dreams Come True hoping this song will make everyone’s dream come true.
04:32 - Great song~ - It was awesome. - Thank you.
04:36 - How about you, JUN? My song also has the word dream in the lyrics.
04:42 - My vocal trainer taught me this song during my vocal lessons.
04:46 - [#JUN_pick Jungyup - Nothing Better] - It’s Nothing Better by Jungyup. - Nothing Better~ Amazing song.
04:51 - I hope we can share our dreams with CARAT in 2021.
04:54 - So you two talked about dreams and you talked about meeting CARAT so I’m going to talk about space.
05:01 - What’s the title of your song? [#DINO_pick BOL4 - Galaxy] I chose BOL4’s Galaxy.
05:06 - - So you are going to give your galaxy to CARAT? - Exactly~ Not just my galaxy, but the galaxy of all 13 of us.
05:16 - - Time flew by this year. - It really did. We are currently wrapping up the last of 2020 and I hope you all have a happy new year in 2021.
05:26 - This has been SEVENTEEN performance team, thank you~ Bye~ Happy New Year~ Say the name! SEVENTEEN! Hello, we are SEVENTEEN vocal team! We planned on not being in sync.
05:40 - You know us. - We are just rolling with it. - No, we don’t plan things~ - It’s hard being out of sync on purpose.
05:45 - We are going to give our song recommendations so our CARATs can have an amazing 2021.
05:53 - DK was having such a hard time for the past couple of days Don’t worry~ - just brainstorming. - Yes.
06:03 - Well, this song can affect an entire year for CARATs so I wanted the song to be meaningful.
06:10 - So I ended up with, drum roll please. [#DK_pick SEVENTEEN - Come to Me] It’s SEVENTEEN’s Come to Me~ The lyrics make me tear up but also they cheer up when I am having a hard time.
06:24 - Right. So that’s why I ended up choosing Come to Me.
06:29 - Please sing us a verse that cheered you up.
06:32 - - Come to me~ - It’s already cheering me up~ Come to me if you’re having a hard time~ I heard SEUNGKWAN chose his own song.
06:42 - - What did you choose? - His own song? It’s one of my solo songs [#SEUNGKWAN_pick SEUNGKWAN-Go] - It’s called Go. - Go? - It just means to go. Go.
06:52 - ‘Anywhere can be your stage’ The song tells you that anywhere can be your stage.
06:59 - This song is very hopeful and a definite confidence booster.
07:02 - We were told that we didn’t have to choose our own songs - but a lot of us chose our own songs. - It’s because our songs are really good.
07:08 - We have a lot of good songs. [#JOSHUA_pick SEVENTEEN - Thanks] I chose Thanks - because we tried to capture positive messages within this song. - Right.
07:20 - Sing us a verse. Thank you~ Go and Thanks.
07:29 - I feel a lot of special love and affection for ‘Thanks’ - Right. - so I hope CARATs listen to this song and enjoy that energy.
07:37 - - I also chose our own song. - Our songs are good~ [#WOOZI_pick SEVENTEEN - Together] I chose Together.
07:43 - The first message that popped up in my head was - ‘CARATs! Let’s be all healthy together in 2021!’ - Right.
07:50 - We sang this song a lot since it’s been released but we never sang this in front of CARATs.
07:59 - - So I really hope I get to sing this song when we meet CARATs. - Hopefully, we can sing this together next year.
08:05 - - Sing us a verse. - Is this a thing for today? Together~ Lastly, JEONGHAN.
08:21 - - Well - He hasn’t gone yet? - I haven’t. - I think he’s going to talk about his own song. - Well! My song fits - very well with myself - What is it? [#JEONGHAN_pick SEVENTEEN - Lucky] I chose Lucky because I wanted everyone to be lucky in 2021 - and have a great year. - Of course, Lucky JEONGHAN.
08:45 - If not, too bad~ [???????] If not~ - Too bad~ - DK is in a really good mood today. - Didn’t I do it like this? If not, too bad~ Anyway, I hope you all have a year - where you can march your way. - It’s very important to take rests. - But also take a break in times of hardships.
09:08 - - Very nice. - If you’re lucky on the way, good for you.
09:10 - I hope you all have a lucky year coming. So are you recommending ‘Just Do It’ or ‘Lucky’? Why do you keep going back and forth? No, there’s a lyric in Lucky that goes ‘Just do it’~ I see.
09:23 - - He knows what’s up. - A song with both messages.
09:26 - Nice. Well, we are curious about your first songs of the new year, so please let us know.
09:33 - Happy New Year and please stay healthy. Please listen to ‘Go’! - Go! - Go! And Joshua’s Thanks.
09:42 - This has been SEVENTEEN vocal team. Thank you.
09:48 - - We’re not done yet. - Let’s do that thing.
09:51 - Let’s do that. I KWAN you~ - Okay. - We’ll wrap up with our own I love you’s I BOO you~ No, it’s I KWAN you. That’s better! I KWAN you~ I WOO you~ I SHUA you~ I HAN you~ I DK you~ Bye~ Go! [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] [NG #1: You did so well!] Say the name! SEVENTEEN! Hello, we are SEVENTEEN~ [NG #1: You did so well!] Do you all know! Wh. . what? [NG #1: You did so well!] The first song you listen to [NG #1: You did so well!] - Should we go again? - Why? [NG #1: You did so well!] - You did so well! - Should we rehearse? - No, we can do it.
10:34 - [NG #2: Slate by the performance team] One two three! [NG #3: Unit salutes are awkward] Say the name! SEVENTEEN! Hello we are SEVENTEEN~ [NG #3: Unit salutes are awkward] - SEVENTEEN performance team. - Sorry, sorry.
10:42 - [NG #3: Unit salutes are awkward] SEVENTEEN performance team.
10:44 - [NG #4: Unit salutes are awkward 2] - Say the name! SEVENTEEN! - Let’s go again.
10:48 - [NG #4: Unit salutes are awkward 2] - WOOZI, you do it. Let’s go again. - No, you do it. .