Jan 24, 2020 09:13 · 1186 words · 6 minute read know remains fairly silent box

hi everyone i hope you keep fit with this cold, today I present a new machine straight from Banggood as you can see today we are here to take a quick look to this wonderful machine which is actually a very nice mini laser engraver with many different engraving choices you can have your name or your company logo that you name on an object. it’s a pretty exciting device to try and that’s exactly what we’re going to see today. to start, as usual, we have the packaging and the outside is as you can see it’s pretty much just a cardboard box and then on the back, or on the sides, there is no additional information apart from a few model numbers and the one we have today is actually the DK-8-KZ. so let’s open this box Unpacking and here is the machine and then we have another box here, I’m not sure what it is but we will find out you can see it’s a long USB a / b cable usually used for printers for good on the PC burner link and a cable for power which will be connected to a charger for example we have some examples of materials on which the engraver will engrave, what is this kind of plastic I will not open yet but I think it allows the attachment of the object on which we will burn. anyway we will find out together. We also have a felt, I think it will be used to draw a location for example for marking and engraving I think I saw this on other video from other recorders I think it’s protection from laser beams it is a kind of glass that will be put on the front of the engraver to protect you.

02:56 - it replaces the glasses that are supplied with this kind of engraver and of course a kind of little key Which of course allows you to screw some of the Laser Engraver and finally we have the manual for the engraving machine it seems to contain a lot of information you have the features and how to use it with your windows computers to log in step by step, so they tell you pretty much everything but I know we don’t need all this because what we are interested in is that Unpacking And finally here… unpacking the product on the top here we have a ventilation system to circulate the air so that the machine does not overheat and then here we have the USB a / b input and and the power supply location then the laser itself which is 1000 mw of course now you can get more advanced versions up to 1500 mw or even more the rest of the specifications i will mention them in the description so you can check them if you really want to know more and on an article like I do for each video, so as you can see now we’re all ready to go and that’s simple enough to do it, literally just plug it in and then you install the software the only thing i would like to mention is that the software is not supplied directly with the box, it must be downloaded from the site which is mentioned in the user guide now as you can see the software is pretty self explanatory, you can just drag and drop photos here or you can enter your text here and then you have to send the image and then center the position and you can even then make some minor adjustments before you start by default the system now turns off the only thing i’m not too sure is the burning time we also have a guide to see the different materials on which you can engrave… we have eight material and you can see the burn time for each one that you can program If you have any doubt so let’s try to enter a name to start we will try something very unique we’re going to enter this rather unusual name the name of your favorite YouTube channel and see how the machine will fare and here we are going to drag the name here we will first test on a random piece of cardboard and you can see here under the laser the piece of plastic we talked about earlier the resin is actually designed to hold the piece of cardboard or anything you are trying to burn, and keep it from moving so that it engraves correctly on the surface we can actually see the laser points ready to launch and above all don’t forget the laser glasses if you have them so we’re going to start this, I’m going to put Start the fan starts to operate going around from above and which remains fairly silent, you can just hear the engraving and the mechanism that moves the laser around which is actually super noisy very fast to burn for very small but you can clearly see exactly how it works, so what are we going to try now, a piece of wood I’m going to put that in there like that I have the picture on it now i’m just going to shrink it a little bit because now it seems to be fine… ok it’s really perfect work it’s a bit eccentric but don’t get me wrong it’s quite successful, now for the final demonstration, I will engrave a photo of myself on the case of this Smartphone Come on, let’s put my face on the case let’s go. so here is the result the recorder took longer but it is obviously there we use a 1000 mw burner you can just see it pretty well at the light level easily it may not be visible with the camera.

09:15 - just for you friends if you want me to test on a surface other than that let me know in comment and I would add it on social networks so here it was a quick demonstration of the mini laser engraver in action and it’s actually a pretty cool device I have to admit you will have to experience and see what you can get with but overall it does the job and if you have something you want to burn as long as it’s something small then it works, however as always if you have any questions or comments you would like to let me know or questions about this mini laser engraver from the brand NEJE so please you know what to do. put them in the comment below and I will answer you as quickly as possible as always, and of course, not to mention if you enjoyed this video and you like technology so please show your appreciation by giving this video a fantastic thumbs up and above all don’t forget to press this classic subscription button thanks again for watching me and see you soon for the next video from here are you doing well Ciao… .