Maglioncino Pirouette / Pull / Suèter
Dec 13, 2020 16:30 · 5011 words · 24 minute read
good to all in this new video tutorial I will show how to make this very colorful sweater that I decided to call the pirouette sweater and this is because the yarn I used is a bmc yarn which is called pirouette is a ball of 200 grams this is started because reality is what left me to make this shirt and you see it never advanced a lot I used at the end two balls of yarn to be able to make this shirt which is a size s is spectacular and soft despite being one hundred percent acrylic but there I can assure you that it is very soft on you does not sting so it is really a perfect yarn I used this color that the number 847 as you can see in these colors which are mainly purple and blue but with small splashes of green and also a little red and amaranth and I found it really beautiful as a color also as a yarn as I told you to make this shirt I used two rubber bands toli of this that has advanced to me now that I will make us a hat with a small neck warmer or instead a nice neck warmer that we can combine with a baktus I still have to decide a bit but I already have in mind the point to use if I decide to make a baktus as always and inscriptions and I leave you the link to be able to buy my own yarn also in the other colors there are six more in another five available if I remember well one more beautiful than the other I recommend above all the shaded one to sell them really very nice but there is also another shade that has tones on the blue that are not bad so obviously you can indulge yourself with the colors you like most for a size m 2 balls of are enough because you see me a lot left over for a size l I tell you to go and get the 3 balls of yarn because surely another will be needed to be able to make it. I also remind you that on the site not centering with the trusted ones I leave you to in the descriptions The link to the site where besides this two other dmc yarns which are the sunrise yarn and the magnum yarn you can find them on offer at 10 percent finally December so do n’t miss this opportunity another thing I must tell you that I have worked with the crochet number 5 the processing is very simple starting from the bottom you go to work in the round and I have made a very simple summary to give more prominence to the yarn is that it is precisely at the processing however that the processing was kept ripe is obtained repeating five motifs I worked up to the scraps I divided the forward part from the back part working then in rounds and back and then I went to create the hands that I used the same point but I also made the cuffs on this side and at the end I also went to make the neck with what I did the same reason I only made one reason for the neck you can make it even higher or you can decide not to do the neck at all while below I decided not to make any border I like it here as it is so I do not need to make a border to hold the shirt or to create the pouf effect and I prefer it to go straight in this way so this time too a very simple creation though really in the end you will be satisfied with the result at least I am and if you decide to make it I recommend to send me your photos or if my facebook page hooking with elsa or on the facebook group the freedom to crochet and knit or if you have purchased the yarn at the haberdashery coelti or at the site hooking with yarns you can tag me on the facebook pages or on instagram where you will find both elaa do and how to crochet with the yarns and we as always see you at the next video tutorial to make our sweater and I decided to use it this ball nor of the bm sequel which is called pruett the color that I chose el 847 elbow is 200 grams and sees you that beautiful colors is a gradient above all blue and purple but a suez no wait if I see it here there is also some green so it is really a spectacular color and therefore it is a multicolor if we want to define it like this but above all there is this shade of blue and of the purple I will work with the crochet of the number 5 and I have mounted a hundred chains that seem few but I work with uncientto 5 so a hundred chains for me is fine the processing we are going to do is obtained on a multiple of four so I recommend you would cut or size l go to measure yourself or the circumference of the hips the circumference of the breast depending on what you have bigger and put many chains up to that circumference keeping in mind the multiple of 4 in my opinion if used my same work for a size m they can put about twenty more chains while if you are a size L you go and put about forty hands to the team more than a multiple of 4 then go mo to do is our first round which is very simple because it is about going to make 3 chain stitches that are double crochet then one two three separating chain takes a jump thread one chain entered the next and I’m going to make a double stitch separation chain and skip one stitch and start again going to do sorry I skip a chain I go to the second and go to make a double chain stitch separation chain and sato a chain within the following ones again to make a double stitch and repeat this for all my first round then double crochet and separation chain I’m about to finish the first round I recommend before going to close the round go and count the double crochets two by two you must have pairs of two double crochets if you are in this way then the working stub came out well and then we can continue and go to make a slip stitch inside the third chain stitch at this point we will make 3 chain stitches which are sa pri but my heart a separation chain we take the yarn we go and the next double crochet we go to make a double crochet 3 chain stitches 1 2 3 I take thread I go around my shirt that I made before so here I enter the hole and I go to make a double crochet not closed I take the yarn again I go around the double crochet and make a second double crochet not closed one last time I take the yarn I go around the sweater and I make a third double crochet not closed I close the three double crochets and start again I go to the subsequent double crochet never make high separation chainstitch take care of the next t-shirt make double crochet 3 chain stitches one two three I take the yarn go around the double crochet that I did before make a non-closed double crochet take the yarn of the new body around the double crochet and I make a second double crochet not closed one last time all around the be my heart I’m going to make a double crochet not closed for a total of 3 double crochets close and double crochet together and start again then I go the double crochet and lift a double crochet separating chain excuse me pulling a bit of yarn goes from a next double crochet and I make a double crochet 3 chain stitches one two three I take the yarn I go around the double crochet I make a never high not closed again takes the thread return second treble crochet not closed one last time I take the thread return third my heart not closed I close the tremors galliate together it started again I have to do this for my entire second round I’m finishing the second round I made the last 3 treble crochets closed together entered the third chain stitch I’m going to do the very slip stitch third round let’s go to make 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet separation chain I take and thread I go where I did the last chain stitch of the three or rather no we enter directly into the bow of 3 chains and we go to make a high chain stitch of separation and start again we go where we have the double crochet and make a separation chain shirt we have the 3 chain stitches and make a high separation chain stitch and again double crochet over the separation chain stitch we enter the 3 chain stitch headband we make a separation chain stitch and let’s start again let’s go do this for all our thick round I’m also finishing my third round I did the last double crochet and chain stitches I take the film sorry I go back to the third chain stitch and I’m going to make a very low stitch fourth round and I make 3 chain stitches that I was the first treble crochet a treble crochet inside the headband of a chain and start all over again a treble crochet where I have the treble crochet a treble crochet inside the chain stitch a treble crochet where either the shirt a shirt inside of the chain and I continue like this for the whole of my fourth round I am also finishing my fourth round I made the last pig to make a chain a m at the very low start my fourth round fifth and last round which is the same as the fourth because we are going to do chain stitches which are the first double crochet and a double crochet over each double crochet in this way then fifth round or equal to the fourth one double crochet over each double crochet well now I will also finish the fifth round I will make you can review the first round for a moment but these are the five rounds that we will always repeat for the entire length until you get to the scratched and then we will divide the forward part from the back part then I’m also finishing the fifth round I made the last stitch others I’m going to make a slip stitch inside the third chain stitch and now as I told you we start again from the first one so let’s go to make 3 chain stitches which are the first double stitch a separation chain let’s jump one stitch we go to the next one and we make a separating chain shirt we skip a stitch we go to the following ones we make a double crochet so as you can see we started over and these are the rounds that we will always repeat then I reached the height of the armholes I repeated my motif six times and the seventh motif repeated only the first round and I went to the markers and now I will do you see how I put them but I repeat from bottom to top repeated the reason six times to go and put my markers I still did the first round to be a little more to count better a little like me where to put the markers then to be able to put the markers or I went to count this I do not know how to call them and in any case groups of 3 double crochets closed together and I nor a total of 25 so that I did not put 12 back and 13 in front and allow the markers you see me I did my first round of the leader group seventh reason and I went to mind the markers where or the first jersey then where is mine the round starts and then either I went to count then my groups of 3 double crochets closed ins I put 13 together and went to put my marker where I have the t-shirt in correspondence with the double crochet after my last last group of three never acted so together so after the thirteenth you see a marker set when I go to work behind naturally I will start from the same base stitch so where I will finish on the front back I will start from the same base stitch so where I find myself the round of stitches suitable for it not already doing the second round that just the round with the treble stitches closed together and I show you then how to go to work but of course I that reason in odd more you put on the front of it as I know I prefer to put it on before because rai front we have the breast and then the mesh tightens less if the more reason that we I just put on the front of course where I put my marker beginning around is the high mesh before where I have my first group of three high mesh closed together you see here there is the treble stitch they went in correspondence should never have done mine before I put my marker and then we start to work and nemo to make then our usual 3 chain stitches that are never opened high separation chain we go to work at the moment our second round then we enter the second double crochet and do a double crochet 3 chain stitches one two three and then we make our 3 double crochets not closed around the double crochet then a two and three I close everything and go to the success jersey and face never high so now it continues to work normally my second round I’ll show you how to finish it is like going to do the third then I’m about to finish my second round and as you can see I have arrived where it is or the marker and I go to do the badly a high jersey so we finished the second round so we turn with the processing sorry every now and then I hit the camera and we go for our third round which is very simple let’s go always doing 3 3 chain stitches that are the first double chain stitch a separation chain we always enter we had to make the three stitches at the 3 chain stitches and we make a double chain stitch of separation we go we have the double stitch and we make a double chain stitch of separation we must 3 chain stitches and let’s go to make a double chain stitch separating chain let’s go we have the 3D stitch we don’t make a double stitch so we work normally on our third round I’ll show you how to start how to finish the third round and how to start then the fourth stop and also finish the third round I made the last stitch art the chain entered the third initial chain and I’m going to make a double crochet so I finished the third round as well now I turn again with the work and I’m going to make my fourth round which consists of make 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet or a double crochet in the ch of a chain stitch is again a double crochet where or the but or a treble crochet where the bow of a chain and we continue like this for our fourth round I will end the fourth round I will show you again how to start the fifth which of course as we know is the same as the fourth and then it will start again from the beginning and then these are the laps then it will start again from the round of my heart in chain in the double crochet are the rounds that we will always repeat until we reach shoulder height then stop and also finish my fourth round I made the double crochet over the jersey high I go to do the double crochet inside the small chain headband and I go to make my last double crochet inside the third chain that was equivalent to my first double crochet of the previous round so the four rounds have been done we must do the last one which is very simple because at the end the fourth round is repeated and consists in going to make 3 chain stitches which are our first double crochet then one two and three and a double crochet over each stitch high and then it will start all over again so really very simple the transition from the processing is all round to the processing instead of round trips at the end I will tell you so how many times I have repeated the reason to get shoulder height we are ancient behind and I remind you that when you go to work the back part you have to start from the same base stitch from which you made the forward part and you must finish rightly in the same base stitch so where we have a marker where you have the forward part so you have to start and end from the same base stitch from where we started and finished in the forward part and then once this is done I will tell you how much and times I did what I went to sew and we will go to make the sleeves then I made the forward part and the match of my shirt I repeated the two motif times, however, in the second reason I stopped at the first round of double crochets so I didn’t do two but just one same thing behind repeated the pattern twice and I only made a row of double crochets to go to sew the shoulders it came out from the outside inwards for 9 cm both on this side and on the other side and now I can go to make the sleeves to make our sleeves I will always work the number 5 with a trial and I hook under where I have the high shirt where I had made the other two shirts one for the front one further back I hook and I always go to make my 3 chains that my first double crochet is equivalent, also stopping the yarn then 2 and 3 and now you turn to us we will go to do the same motif of the sweater only that we invest the laps instead of starting from the first round we start from the fifth so we will go to make the first two civilian double crochet then the round of alternating treble crochet happening the food with the suitable stitches and the three stitches that are together and the new round with the chain of magnate with the chain therefore instead of fi from the first to the fifth we will do from the fifth to the first so now I’m going to do a treble crochet and a high treble crochet round to count remember that we must have a multiple of four so when we are going to work and depending on whether you have to widen or tighten to marius you have to do the same width of the hull managed a little to make this round of double crochets so now I go where the horizontal stitch I go to make a double crochet I go where or the small hole that separates the double crochets and horizontal I go to make a double crochet and continue in this way or a double crochet where by now a horizontal stitch a double crochet where or the hole of s the little one that separates the two stitches horizontal acts I against the double stitches and I will tell you the end of what I have done and I repeat that you can find yourself at the end of the round as a multiple of 4 is 4 then I am finishing the fifth round because he told you we will go from the fifth to the first and I have done a total of 36 double crochets so I go where a third chain that whoever wanted to my first double crochet and I’m going to make a very low crochet so now I’m going to do the fourth round that I remind you is 3 chain stitches and another add of double crochets then a double crochet over each double crochet in this way so now we have also resumed working round but as I said we do inverted start from the fifth to get the first lap so I continue to work in this way making a knitted high over all grid high so I’m going to even finish fourth round by always in the third chain and go make a slip stitch well now I have to go for the third round which were 3 chain stitches the separation and skip a double stitch goes from the next one and I go to make a shirt chains was of separation tailor one stitch enters the next one and I go to do a double crochet now I will not show you the laps anymore because as I told you they are always the only ones that we inverted after we should go and do the one with the double crochet and chain stitch high 3 chain stitches 3 stitches closed together and then we will finish with the first round that is the same as this one we are doing at the end I will tell you how many times I repeat the round and I also tell you that this time the hands I want to make a cuff so in the end I will tell you how many times I repeated the round and how bad I got that then I will show you how to go and do the cuff then or you fear I have finished doing the pattern so I have to do the course for my sleeve I repeated the pattern five times and I remind you that I am going from the fifth round to the first round after having done it five times repeated the fourth round again on the fifth and the sleeve is about 40 centimeters long now we have to go and do the wrist and I will show you how are we going to do it then I did the fifth and fourth round and now I’m going to make two chains that are the first shirt not closed I never go to the next high and make another shirt not ch iuse to close the highs together tomorrow and start over then go to the next double crochet and arizona not closed high jersey go to my heart next arizona not closed second high jersey close the highs together I repeat this for the whole round so an unclosed t-shirt I go the next t-shirt another we art not closed and I close your never acts together I proceed like this for the whole round always doing 2 double crochets closed together I’m finishing the round and I’m going to do after the last 2 double crochets closed together entered the first two T-shirts closed together I go to make a very low crochet very well now I go to do the round that I will always repeat for the entire length of my wrist and I go to make 3 chain stitches which are my first double crochet I take the thread I have to make a high stitch relief so I enter between the first and the second group of two and my heart that I enter together I leave the second and third group of your never acts work together and I go to make a m high and embossed aglia and start over again I go to the next two never others make a stitch art I take the thread within the peta where the double crochet is worked then here between the two groups 2 double crochets I go out between the following ones to make a knit for the hypo still normal treble over the two shirts that are together sorry but the next halt and relief then enter between the two groups I go out between the following groups and go to make a my heart and reread this continuously for all my first round this is the round that I will always repeat not only I will show you how to do it again and then I will tell you how many times I have repeated it then I am finishing the round and I finished with the embossed shirt entered the third chain which was equivalent to my first ever theme for make a slip stitch and as I told you now we will always repeat the same round so 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet one never high relief in the double crochet and relief of the g the previous row and then we continue to work always in this way double crochet over the double crochet but the others embossed above the next high crochet in the continuous so to repeat this round up to the desired length and of course I will let you know how many times I have repeated rounds. finished the cuff and I repeated the motif eight times and then I went to do the same thing also in the other hand repeated the motif five times then seeing the two laps then the fifth the heart and then I went to do my laps to create the cuff and therefore also the sleeves are finished in the end I also went to do a little the neck I realized however in the lap that I did not get my voice back you don’t hear it every now and then with this camera it happens to me so I will explain to you for a moment how I did always worked in the round as we did for the body of the shirt and then you remember that we finished with a round of double crochets so I went to and the second round of the t-shirts in the round being careful to respect you see here I have the double crochet in correspondence with the double crochet the times stitch correspondence of the double crochet in the circle in the chain headband the double crochet in correspondence of the double crochet here where I have the 3 chains in such a way as to respect in multiple when I went to do here where I have the seam I came out nine centimeters stopping after 3 after 33 meters groups of three but the others closed together I stopped in the shirt immediately after so what I did when I went around these treble crochets I also did here I have in my hand at the highs in correspondence with the shirt elsewhere or the 3 chain stitches a shirt in correspondence where I have the shirt in the headband and then I made a treble crochet above the seam that I take back and forth and back and so you see better and behind I went back to make a shirt where or the shirt in correspondence with that of the high top d el cie of the bow of a chain now high in correspondence with the shirt of the 3 chains and I did this both on this side and on this other side and then if you do not have to do the round normally but the high chains separation never high then knit high separation chain and the group of 3 treble crochets never high separation chain but iata ended with the row of treble crochets so we can say that I repeated the pattern but instead of ending with two treble stitches it ended with only one round of high sweaters and instead of starting instead here you see I find myself with the two gt but the alt and therefore this and for those who want to make the neck I decided in the end I realized that unfortunately when I went around the treble sweaters to see how to do is the recording did not come out I only realized it when he was editing the video and so off now I had to redo everything to explain to you at least verbally how I did it and of course I only did one reason but you can also make the neck higher then more motifs so that you can also turn it if you want a slightly higher neck and therefore I also have a bit warmer since it will still be pierced so you could also make them more than one more motifs or I will do a simple rounds is a simple collar that all rounds of treble crochets for the length you want having said that my stitch is finished .