A little help before the Super Bowl
Jan 28, 2020 11:00 · 190 words · 1 minute read
Every Super Bowl America asks the same questions Hey Google What time does the Super Bowl start? The Super Bowl starts at 6:30pm Eastern How many points is a touchdown? Six points. Holding. Who won the Super Bowl last year? Not us. how to make guacamole Guacamole So exciting Cilantro and Avocado where is the superb owl who sang the national anthem who is the fastest player in the NFL greatest NFL player ever inaudible speech greatest catch of all time greatest catch of all time Touchdown! Hm. You know, I was just thinking about that the other day. In the end zone. Caught! Hey Google. Where was the first Super Bowl? Right here 1967 rookie of the year I am.
01:03 - who has the most super bowl rings Tom Brady What should I wear to a Super Bowl party? Whatever you want. how many is LIV Fifty-four! Ha ha ha. best touchdown dance Who’s gonna win? Mm-mm We are! We are! Uh. I think we know who’s gonna win. Some questions only the game can answer answer the rest with a little help from Google Google g.co/superbowl .