#EarthDayAtHome with Jessica Meir on the Space Station
Apr 16, 2020 17:23 · 206 words · 1 minute read
From the International Space Station, I am NASA astronaut Jessica Meir, observing with all of you the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. During my stay here on the ISS, one of my favorite activities was to look out of the window and admire our beautiful home planet, taking a moment to appreciate the extraordinary diversity of ecosystems and life in Earth’s cradle. This year marks 50 years of a concerted effort to protect our fragile environment and conserve the natural balance of Earth’s interconnected systems. Using that knowledge to live sustainably on our home planet, protect life around the world and adapt to natural and human-caused changes. NASA’s space exploration continues to inspire us to be better stewards of our planet the iconic 1969 Apollo 8 Earthrise photo of Earth appearing over the Moon’s horizon helped unite a generation into appreciating the fragility of Earth.
Ss 01:00 - NASA returns humans to the moon and eventually beyond, views of our home planet from these space explorers will continue to amaze and inspire the world. We must maintain our efforts to go forth sustainably as responsible stewards. Congratulations and thank you to all those supporting and protecting our Earth on this 50th anniversary of Earth Day. .