Geocaching in Quebec for an EC in the St. Lawrence River!
Oct 24, 2020 21:59 · 940 words · 5 minute read
It’s a great day, and a fabulous day to go Geocaching. -Of course any day is a great day to go Geocaching, even if it’s raining. We’re going to go off to an island right back here in the St Lawrence River. -Better still we’ve got our friends with us today. Not just our friends. they’re also Cache Canada patrons we’ve got CalmJan and Skyye53. Awesome of you guys to join us today. -Thank you. -You’re welcome. -That’s so unusual to have two patrons at one time.
And actually go out Geocaching with some of our patrons this is awesome. -Let’s get going on the water. Gotta go out 1.23 kilometers to the first cache. -I just saw a fish jump. -It was this big, it jumped all the way out of the water. -How big was it? -It was this big. -This big? -Yeah. -We’re approaching Dowker Island in Lac St-Louis, and we’re here mainly to get an Earth Cache, but there’s also a Multi and a handful of Traditionals on the island. So we’ll see if we can get those. But it’s the Earth Cache that we’re after as the main target. -We’re on the island to get the Earth Cache Lac(Lake) St-Louis, but there is a significance to this Earth Cache.
-The significance is that this is a 01:34 - 1-5, Earth Cache. -Well how many are there? -There are only 62, 1-5 Earth Caches worldwide. -Oh. -And there are only 16, 1-5 Earth Caches in Canada, and 16 1-5 Earth Caches in the United States. -And this is the closest one to where we live. -Thank goodness. -So uh, we’re here to get it. The next closest one to us is actually in Kentucky. -Oh yeah. -So right now we can’t get into the States because of the Covid, so here we are on Lac St-Louis to get an Earth Cache. Not much left of the ruins, but a corner, one wall, and a window. That’s pretty neat. Besides coming to get the Earth Cache the CO says to make sure you check out the ruins. They’re pretty neat. So what makes a 1-5 Earth Cache so interesting to us, besides the fact that there are only 16 in Canada, or 62 worldwide, we don’t have a 1-5 Earth Cache yet. If you’ve been watching our channel for a while you’ll know that we’re trying to fill an Earth Cache Fizzy completely.
02:45 - by just doing it with Earth Caches and you can see from the grid that we’re missing a 1-5 Earth Cache. We’ve already got 71 squares filled towards a full Fizzy Grid based on just Earth Caches and with this one Earth Cache will be up to 72 Earth Caches to fill a Fizzy Grid on our way to 81. So we’ve attempted to look for the Multi that’s here but we’re pretty sure that it’s missing. There’s about six uh, DNF [Did Not Find] logs going back over a year. If you compare this picture of me standing at this tree to one that was posted in 2014 that six years ago, you can see how the tree split uh, right up, there’s one going up by her head, and one going to the side, is split wide open.
So you can see how a Ground Zero can change over the years. First physical cache we’ve encountered we’re gonna have to post as a DNF. LONDONWESTY: Got it. -Got it. [ding] -She’s not fooling around. She went right to the cache, found it, signed herself in. One down. We got one traditional. That’s awesome. Log signed. [ding] LONDONWESTY: Yep, I’m seeing it. I got it. [ding] Quite the bushwhack to that one. Some farm animals. -That was a total bushwhack.
There is no trail, 05:02 - lots of spiders, and now there’s some bugs. Where, the bugs weren’t there earlier on. So. [sigh] 20 August 22nd. -Okay, we’ve got uh, how many caches did we get? Three. LYRICLASS: Four. -Two. Three, three caches on the island. LYRICLASS: Four. -Okay. Okay, so we’ve got three caches on the island, plus the Earth Cache, so that makes four caches done. Now we’re back in the canoe, and on our way for some more. [ding] Got it. [ding] She went in and she got it. [ding] We’re sitting out here uh, battling waves.
I’m getting beat up on the rocks, and that’s just the way it is. Okay, Wahoo! [ding] LYRICLASS: Say that again please. CALMJAN: It’s up there, and I’m too short. [ding] Do you see it? -On my way to this last cache there is this amazing fireplace. SKYYE53: I see it in the sun -Found it. [ding] -CalmJan what do you think? Oh it’s fantastic. -Yeah. -Yeah, except for tipping in the water and getting all wet. That, but that’s par for the coarse. -Now you have a fun story to tell. -Yeah I know. LONDONWESTY: Unfortunately we didn’t have the camera running. CALMJAN: I know thank goodness. -So it was fun except for that. -Except for that was fantastic. All the caches. -It’s fantastic, yep. It was very good. LONDONWESTY: Cool. -Thank you so much for coming. -Oh you’re more than welcome. I thank you guys for inviting me. -Awesome. Our other guest today Skyye53. -Yahoo! -Another patron. What did you think of the outing today? -Well do you like going through pond weed, algae, mosquitoes… -She volunteered. -log rolling and limboing, keeping in shape, but being with Cache Canada, who wouldn’t go! -Keep watching there’s more caches to be found. -And [in unison] where will Geocaching take you? .